Gentlemen for hire {GFL} :: 'jang in na' would like to hire 'gentleman'


replace with fc 120*172

  Jang in na  

birthname. jang in na

– na na :: short form for in na, this nickname is given to her by her family when she was younger. only called by her friends and family. 

date of birth. 12/17/93
birthplace. seoul, south korea
ethnicity. korean 
language spoken. 

korean :: she is able to speak fluent korean as she was born and bred in korea. 
english :: she is able to speak conversational english as she was taught a little of the language by her mother who was a korean born in america. 


   my lady, who are you?

personality traits.  
(+) ; determined. fun-loving. kind. 
(-) ; blunt. wilful. fickle 


in na is very determined whenever she does something. she has a "never say die" attitude and would always do whatever she can do achieve her goals. she is not the type to give up halfway and will make sure she does something successfully. she is also fun loving. this meant that she loves having fun everywhere, she is practically the life of the party, she hates being in a gloomy atmosphere and would do everything to get the party started. however, her YOLO attitude sometimes gets her into trouble as she is also wilful at times. she love pranking people sometimes when she gets bored as she love watching people's reactions.  

however, despite her playfulness, she is actually a kind hearted girl. she doesn't like seeing people who are less fortunate as it will always make her cry, so she tries her best to help those who are in need whenever she can. her kindness is also shown towards her friends as well if they need any help. in na sometimes can be a bit blunt whenever she talks. she mostly talks without thinking and would not realize how her words could hurt someone's feelings and by the time she realized it it'd be too late. she gets a little sarcastic as well when she's annoyed at something. in na is also very fickle minded as she finds it hard to stick to a decision. for example, one moment she would want to eat ramen, but the next minute, she will change her mind and order other food instead. 


in na was one of those fortunate girl who was born with a silver spoon. born to wealthy parents, as a baby she was introduced to a older girl whom was her sister, or 언니 as the koreans calls it. Growing up as a child, her parents had sent in na to various classes such as maths olympiad, ballet classes, violin lessons etc. as a child, she wondered why she had to go through this many classes, her parents told her that it was so that she could be an all rounded child, and that this way she could find what area she could excel in and what she likes. as a child, she was also taught by her parents how to sit and walk appropriately, she went through varioud etiquette classes on her to be like a proper socialite. 

being born to parents who were experts and famous is their respective field of business meant that in na had less time with them. because her parents were so busy with their work, in na only had her older sister with her most of the time. therefore, in na had learned to be independent as a child because she knew that her parents do not have the time to be with her and her sister. as she grows up, in na and her parents slowly grew apart as she hardly see them unless there are special occasions such as a business gala dinner where the entire family is required to attend. other than that, the house was empty apart from in na and her sister. up until today, in na is much more closer to her older sister then her parents and she hardly talks to them as she feels that her parents do not care about the family much. 

height.  165 cm

weight.  55 kg

face claim.  gallery ; rv irene 

back-up face claim.  gallery ;  twice sana


in na has brown almond shape eyes and pouty lips, she has a long light brown wavy hairs though sometimes she would switch up her hair color. she is an advid fan of piercings so she has 3 piercings on her right ear and 2 on her left ear. she also has a belly button piercing.

she has a small tatoo next to her belly button which says "HS". it is her ex boyfriend's initials and she had tattooed it when they were together but after they broke up, she couldn't bear to remove it as she still miss him.  



   what does my lady like? who do you know?


likes ; chocolates. makeup. high heels. social media. selfies. r&b music. rainy days. action movies. 
dislikes ; coconut. dolls. durians. romance movies. 
hobbies ; dancing. instagramming. shopping. netflix. 
habits ; biting her lips. cracking her knuckles. rolling her eyes. 
– she cannot ride a bycicle 
– she loves pastel colors
– favorite food are sushi, kimchi fried rice, pasta and steaks
– she is allergic to animal furs
– she wanted to enrol into a dance academy after high school but her parents did not allow
– her first love was her ex boyfriend
– she is currently in her last year of university
– her blood type is B+



– father :: jang hyun wook (53) / CEO of Jang Corps / strict. disciplined. strong willed. / "I expect you to help your sister at the company after you graduate understand?"

hyun wook is a very strict father towards his daughters even though he love them alot, but he just do not know how to express his love. he has high expectations of them and expects them to excel in everything they do be it in their work, studies or even love life. he wants in na to help out at the company after she graduate even though she doesn't want to. no matter how many times she argued with her father, he is insistent on her joining the company and would find ways to ensure she help her sister at the company after she graduate from university. 


– mother :: choi ji woo (50) / Founder and fashion designer of fashion label "JW INC" / charismatic. classy. dominating. / "Only a man who has the same social status of ours is worthy to be your husband." 

ji woo is a very classy woman. she does everything with style and gracefulness and she expects her girls to be the same. she has high hopes for both of them especially in na, she wants in na to obey hyun wook's wishes and to also find a good husband who is also wealthy and in the same social class as them. 

– older sister :: jang in hae (27) / Managing Director of Jang Corps/ caring. stubborn. hardworking. / "I'm always here for you little sis." 

In hae is the exact opposite of In na, she is gentle and caring, very mother like. A wife and a mother of one, she is the MD of Jang Corps and is very dedicated to making sure she runs the company well to lighten her father's burden. She is the one who has been caring for in na since young and in na always goes to her whenever she has problems. in hae basically plays the role of both dad and mom in the absence of their parents who were too busy with their work. 

– ex boyfriend :: park hyun shik (26) / Director & heir of PARK International Group / charming. narcissistic. sarcastic. / "I'm sorry for hurting you.." 

Hyun shik is the current director and heir apparent toone of the world's top renowned multibillion company, PARK Internation. hyun shik and in na met each other when they were younger at one of those family gala dinners but it wasn't until high school (when in na was a freshmen and hyun shik a senior) where they started dating due to their mutual feelings for one another. their parents were really happy when they got together as this could meant that both companies could help each other if hyun shik and in na ever get married.

sadly their love lasted until when in na was in her second year of university where hyun shik broke up with her without a reason and left for america the next day. he left in na crying for days as she wanted to know the reason why he decided to leave. her parents were disappointed as they blamed in na for her failed relationship citing that she probably did something that hyun shi didn't like. now two years later, hyun shik is back and now, he wants in na back too. 

   can my lady tell me what she does?

occupation.  student

lifestyle.  how do they function on a normal day and on a friday night for example?

in na is currently a student at Seoul University, majoring in business and minoring in dance. (major in business as it was a course her parents told her to pick and she knew that her parents will disapprove if she major in dance so she decide to minor in dance instead)

She has classes only on mondays, wednesdays and thursdays. When she has classes, she will wake up at around 8AM to 9AM as her classes are mostly in the afternoon. By the time she gets home it'd be around 6 to 7PM in the evening. She'll use the rest of the time to either chill at home (netflix, k dramas) or go shopping. 

On days that she does not have classes (tuesdays and fridays), she'll use the days to go out and have fun (shopping, clubs etc) or even visit her sister (who's married and living with her husband and child elsewhere). 

On weekends is when she sees her parents at home (unless they are overseas) and family dinner on every saturday night. And on sunday night is where there are occasional company events where in na is required to attend (since it's a family event). 


   can i ask my lady a few questions?

how did you find my business, the gfl? 
one of my friend introduce me to your business, said something about how women who are looking to feel love could hire a guy or something like that. 
what was your first impression of what we do? 
to be honest, i thought this business is for old ladies who are looking to have "fun time"with younger men twice their age. 

why do you want to hire a gentleman? 
I.. well.. I wanna get over a heartbreak. I want someone to help me forget about the guy that broke my heart. I want someone who can make me feel like the happiest girl ever. 
what services would you like to get from our gentlemen? 
I want him to.. make me feel what's like to be loved by a man again.. I want him to make me feel protected and cherished, I want him to cuddle with me, to cook with me, go on dates.. you get the idea.. 

what role do you want the gentleman to have when your with them? a boyfriend, husband or just a friend? 
A boyfriend. 
would you reccomend our services to a friend? 
If I'm satisfied with it, then yes. 

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replace with love int 120*172

  min yoon gi  

back up. park ji min

my lady 

– na na (나나)
– gong ju nim (공주) which means "princess"


min yoongi may have the looks of a cold hearted guy but he actually has a warm heart. When it comes to strangers and people whom he is not close to, he may appear cold and heartless. He hardly smiles and always has this tough guy look. However, once you get to know him well, he will evenually warm up to you. 

He is actually a kind and caring guy, he's almost similiar to in na as he always want to help those who are in need of help and the less fortunate. yoongi is secretly like a carebear as well, he may not seem like a hugger but believe it or not, he'll hug you when you most need a hug. However, he does have a aggressive side of him. He gets protective and aggressive when he sees the people he love getting hurt, he'll do all he can to ensure that his loved ones are safe. 

love story. 

– first meeting ; when in na first saw yoongi's picture, she was drawn to him. she didn't know why, but she felt attracted to the cold looking guy. when yoongi first saw in na, he didn't think much of anything, he just saw her as another girl who paid for the services. though he was curious how a rich girl like her would need to hire someone to show her love. 

– interactions ; it was awkward at first after in na hired yoongi as her gentlemen. she didn't know what to expect. should she inititate and tell him what to do or does he already know what should happen? yoongi didn't talk much to in na at first, all he did was just treated her like how a gentlemen should treat a lady (opening doors for her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, holding her hand when she walk in high heels etc). 

they had very few conversations in the beginning. in na then decided to confide in yoongi one day when he randomly asked her why she needed the gfl services. it was after that day where the two started to talk more to each other and they both began to lighten up and interact more like how a normal couple would. 

"hey gong ju nim.. whatcha wanna do today?" (yoongi wraps his arms around in na's shoulders)
"hmm.. since I do not have class tomorrow.. let's go clubbing!!!" (in na jumped up and down as she wraps her arms around yoongi) 

"I'll never let him hurt you again you hear me?" (yoongi pulled in na into his chest) 
"..." (in na hugged yoongi tightly as she could) 

"You know.. can we.. be friends.. even after this thing ends?" (in na quietly asked)
".. maybe.." 

in na and yoongi eventually parted ways as a worker and buyer relationship though the two decide to become friends in the end. this is because in na knew that because of social status, she can never be with yoongi at all and even if they could, he'll only suffer under the hands of her parents. so she decided that she should keep whatever feelings she had for him to herself and let him go. 

   iheartswag : britz

last words.  it's up to you, author nim, for whatever reason in na's ex (hyunshik) went to america for and why he broke up with her in the first place! and also I was thinking that in na will go back to hyun shik in the end (since he came back to get in na back) because not all endings would be happy and that since she decided to let yoongi go so he wouldn't be tortured by her parents.

scenes requests.

– lots of dates for in na and yoongi!!! <33
– hyun shik and in na's encounter after he comes back from america
– family dinner for the Jangs

password.  in the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.



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