Hectic day

With polite smile stuck on my face

Behaving like an obedient daughter

Helping my parents in household work

I spent my day very busy...

Because my cousins and some relatives have come to meet us....

Pretending that everything is fine 

Trying to control the situations with decent nature

Acting fake is just so hectic......

But I can't let anyone know my restrictions

And harsh treatment I am receiving inside this house

I don't have any choice

And I don't know i'll ever be able to share my painful experience with anyone

My parents don't allow me

To talk to anyone

To meet anyone

To make friends

To go outside

Just coz my cousins have come I feel slightly better 

I can roam around at least.. 


I am isolated and bound in my own room



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the time will flying away.. .your independent ages will be come soon.. Just wait patiently, eo? We're all with you sweetheart
Oh I read all of your post and well.. My eyes was tearing.. Whatever happen to you please stay strong and be happy... I pray that everything gonna be fine for you... You such a strong person because you not doing stupid things because of this misunderstand or problem, and you fight this problem well. Just keep strong and win their heart back.. I know ur parents love you... ♥♡♥♡♥♡ stay strong babe...
Is this about ur life??? Wow, I'm proud that u still can appear a smile on that face when you got treated like that.. Are you got abused???????