Fallout: Renegade's Resistance; Amunet

Amunet: "Beware, for I am fearless, therefore I am powerful."




Faceclaim: Chloe Bennet
Amunet has long, wavy, brown hair that reaches the bottom of her ; however, the underside of her hair is distinctively white. Her hair is surprisingly soft, and very luxurious - resembling fur more than human hair - as is all stoat-humanoids. It grows fast and she is dilligent about keeping it at a manageble length. With blue eyes set against an olive skin-tone, Amunet garners quite a bit of attention during the day. Other than their color, there isn't anything worth mentioning about her eyes; they are no better than the average human's. She has a slight build, rather petite to some, but every inch of her is covered in lean muscle. She only stands at 163 cm and weighs 56 kg.Though, she is still discernably female with curves in all the right places, they just aren't as pronounced as others in her village due to her lacking large quantities of fat. Amunet is very active and she stays fit due to these activities.

Differing from humans, Amunet doesn't possess human ears. Where human ears would be, there is nothing. Instead, she has small, rounded ears, much like the stoat, on top of her head. They can't move to the extent a dog's can, but it's still noticeble to others. They are highly sensitive and she pick up on the faintest of sounds. Amunet's nose is also very sensitive, and can recognize scents from miles away. She has two white streaks marring her face, one just below each eye, seemingly riding along her zygomatic arch. All stoat-humanoids have similar facial markings, though they differ from individual. Amunet's canines are exceedingly sharp and pointed, but the rest of her teeth look no different than humans. She has claws instead of nails on both her hands and feet that are excellent for climbing and scratching. The last defining stoat feature would be Amunet's tail. The majority of it is the same color as her hair, but the end is a few shades darker - like she dipped her tail into chocolate.

Amunet may appear frail and fragile, but she is anything but. She is strong and determined. She will stand up for what she believes in even if it means standing alone. The opinions of others never seem to bother her and she's confident in what she does. It's hard to miss Amunet in a room, unless she's trying to hide, because she seems to radiate. She walks with her head held high with all the poise and confidence of a queen. However, she can easily withdraw herself and blend into her surroundings when it suits her. When she opens , Amunet becomes a charming young lady and is able to worm her way in and out of any situation. She is cunning and crafty and knows how to turn a situation in her favor. Even though she isn't frail, Amunet has no problem of playing that up. She doesn't mind using someone's assumptions against them to get what she wants. Amunet is fiercly protective of what is hers - whether it be an object, or a person she is close to. She can be vicious and persistent in her attack and won't back down, even if it kills her. She's relentless in her pursuit of her target or anything in her life. It's undeniable that Amunet is brave and couragous and will face any foe. However, she doesn't know when enough is enough or when to step back. Amunet may be fearless, but she is also reckless.

Amunet isn't an inherently honest individual. Far from it, actually. She lies and tricks people in order to help herself. Sometimes, she doesn't care who she hurts in her selfish pursuits. She has always believed that she can only rely on herself and no one else. Growing up as a stoat, you learn that people will lie, cheat, and steal, because that's what your own family will do. It takes a lot to earn Amunet's trust. It's easy to be her friend, however, but friends don't necessarily have her trust. It is only those who have her trust that are the recipients of her fierce loyalty; otherwise, she has no problem throwing you under the bus if it will benefit her. Using her charms and her assumed fraility, Amunet can manipulate others into helping her through a situation. She may promise them a cut - which they'll never see - or the individual never knows he's a part of her plans. Amunet is cautious of others and questions their motives. She knows she's not the most trustworthy of individuals, so Amunet assumes everyone has some hidden motive. However, Amunet doesn't let her lack of trust hinder her. She is capable of being friends and friendly and manage relationships. Her charms are good for more than tricking people. Stoats are very passionate and are eager to show it. Amunet is very alluring, but she is obviously not the girl-next-door type... Typically. If that's what you want, Amunet can be that for a night.     

Hunter: Amunet hunts the woods for whatever game she can. Typically, she winds up with rabbits, squrirels, or other small game, but she's not afraid to take on something bigger - even bigger than her. She's not nearly as successful, but she'll try. However, Amunet never hunts weasels or stoats, for obvious reasons. Her parents taught her how to skin animals as well as fillet them. She has traded some meats with bakers and has traded skins with seamstresses and tailors. Though she can skin an animal, she doesn't know how to style a pelt so it's usable and functional.
Forager: Amunet is an opportunistic eater. Whatever she can get her hands on, she'll eat, just like her family. She knows what herbs will kill you and which are safe to eat. Amunet doesn't concern herself with what might be turned into medicine, but does know simple fixes. For example, she knows that chewing - but not swallowing - on a leaf from a prickly ash tree will relieve toothaches. Amunet is quite adept at climbing and getting to places few others can. 
Observant/Intuitive: Though her eye-sight might be no better than the average human's, Amunet makes the most of it. She's very observant and can pick up on subtle things people do. She can tell if someone favors a certain footing due to a previous injury, or if they're swings are just a bit too slow due to some illness. She's quick to point out these weaknesses for her own benefit.
Stealthy: Amunet is very sneaky. She knows how to mask her presence and appear unseen. Whether it be actually hiding or simply blending in with the crowd, Amunet knows how to disappear.
Climber: Thanks to her claws, Amunet is fairly adept at climbing. She can hoist herself into the very tops of trees and either hide out or scope out the area.
Underestimated: Due to her petite size, people have a tendency to underestimate her. This works out to Amunet's benefit because she can typically catch people off guard. Or, if she doesn't catch them off guard, she can use their assumptions to help her out.
High metabolism: Stoat-humanoids have a high metabolism which allows Amunet to be comfortable in the cold. 

Klepto: Stoat-humanoids and weasel-humanoids have garnered a reputation for having sticky fingers. If Amunet sees something she wants, and has no other means of acquiring it, she has no problem with relieving the owner of the possession. Even members of her own race, she doesn't discriminate in this aspect.
Long-range: Outside of hiding and being stealthy, Amunet has no defense for long-range attacks. She's quick and agile, and that does help, but if she's hit, her armor wouldn't stop a speeding projectile. To combat this major issue, Amunet sticks to the shadows and tries to avoid wide, open fields if she can. 
Being a stoat: Though Amunet is proud of her heritage, there are still times that she hates it. A stoat-humanoid's hair is a highly sought-after commodity. Their hair grows exceedingly fast and is some of the softest and silkest material around. People can use their hair, since it's so similar to fur, and make clothes and garments out of it. Some individuals in this trade, instead of paying a stoat-humanoid for their hair, will kidnap stoats and keep them in captivity as they profit off their hair. It's essentially a fur farm. Amunet has avoided these individuals up to now, but she's no stranger to the possibility of this occurring.
Fearless: Amunet is fearless, that's for certain. If her opponent is twice her size, it doesn't matter, she'll still attack. However, there is a fine line between fearless and reckless and Amunet dances over that line on a daily basis. Being a stoat-humanoid means not being afraid to attack and not backing down, even if you really should. If Amunet is able to surprise someone, no matter the size, she can typically take them down, but there have been a number of instances where she's ended up with a broken bone or two. She doesn't know when she shouldn't attack. 
Not technologically savy: If you need someone to go out hunting, or picking berries, or anything of that nature, Amunet is your girl. You need someone to hack a robot? Find someone else, quickly. Amunet couldn't tell you if the thing was on or off, for the most part - unless of course it's flying at her face. When someone starts talking about electronics and circuit boards, Amunet's eyes gloss over and suddenly, she's off in her own little world. It might as well be another language. She never took the time to learn - and really doesn't want to - and she believes that she handle most anything with her own body.
Manipulitive/Scheming: Amunet is a fairly petite woman and can't always get a job done on her own. She has no problem tricking people into assisting her. Sometimes she lets them believe they're going to get a fair cut and sometimes the other individual doesn't even know they're helping her with a job.
Overheat: Due to Amunet's high metabolism, it's easy during the summer for her to overheat if she's in direct sunlight without any means to cool herself off.

Sweets: Amunet has a huge sweet tooth. She loves chocolate. Since it isn't something she can scavenge, she will trade either meats or herbs for sweets when she can.
Stories: Amunet loves listening to elders tell stories from their youth, or even folklore and myths. She's always loved a good story where she can lose herself in it.
Shiny objects: Whether it be gold and jewelry or beautiful knives, Amunet definitely keeps an eye out for them. She may not wear jewelry on a regular basis, but she does enjoy having it.
Winter/Spring: Due to her high metabolism, Amunet prefers this time of year because she maintains a comfortable body temperature and isn't too hot.
Lightning storms: She loves watching as the lightning rips the darkened skies. It's also a useful cover due to the limited vision and obstructed hearing due to the thunder.
Meats: Even though she is an opportunistic eater and hunter, Amunet enjoys meat and would choose to eat it over anything else - followed shortly by sweets.
Literature: Whether it be books on history or stories of times long ago, Amunet does enjoy reading. It extends past books, and she also enjoys reading poems and other works. 

Amunet's mother only had one litter that consisted of eight kits. Amunet was the third kit to be born, but was the second oldest of the five that survive the first month. As tragic as it was for her mother to lose three of her children, it wasn't unheard of and fairly common. Five kits was a managable number for her parents and the children recieved adequate care and love. Their family lived on the edge of town, practically in the woods. This was because they hunted for their own food. Though they weren't large, they were still predators. Amunet's parents taught her how to distract her prey as well as how to take on larger prey if necessary. Even though her parents taught her much, Amunet and her siblings still attended school with the rest of the village's kids. She made friends easily and could charm her way in and out of trouble rather easily.

By the time she was sixteen, Amunet, as well as her siblings, were expected to leave home. Stoats, though fierce protective of their kits, weren't necessarily family units. They only came together for breeding and rearing a family. Once they were old enough to live on their own, the kits were suppose to find their own way and family. Many of Amunet's siblings quickly found a suitable mate, but not her. She wasn't blind to all the potential mates available, Amunet simply believed it wasn't her time. Instead, she had some friends and workers from the village help construct for her a simple lodging for herself. It was nothing fancy or special, but it was hers and a place to call home. Her home, though not close to her parent's, also bordered the village and the woods. Amunet became a major supplier of small game and herbs to the village as she would go out foraging everyday. Amunet rarely had any money, but villagers worked with her on a bartering system. Because of her ability to obtain items others couldn't she would trade them for services and other items. But, others didn't particularlly like her barter system and they wanted cash. At first, Amunet had no idea how to earn actual money unless she simply sold her findings from the forest. She didn't want to do that because many of the villagers anticapted not having to pay. She had to find another way.

When she was in town one day, Amunet heard talk of becoming a mercenary. As she listened, she decided maybe she could be that. Many dismissed her due to her small size, especially when she was compared to the other burly men who were interested. No one wanted to hire "a little girl" to do the dirty work. Amunet tried to convince them and prove to them she was capable, but no one would hear her out. Except one man. His name was Khepri and he was definitely a man who had seen the world. His hair was graying at this point, and wrinkles began to set in. He gave Amunet a chance. He gave her a job and told her if she succeeded, there would be more. She was given a target, a man who had skipped out of town before he could be tried. The court no longer wanted him alive. The target was a sick man who had butchered a little boy and was going to be given the death penality; however, they were having a tough time finding him. Amunet agreed and began searching for the man. It took some time, but using her skills in tracking, Amunet was able to find the man hiding out in the forest. She slowly approached the man from behind, being very careful as to not spook him before she took a knife and shoved it in his throat. After she was sure he was dead, Amunet set about relieving the man of his head - and anything of value. She brought the head back to Kherpi as proof the man was dead. Kherpi, and everyone else, were impressed and began trusting her with more cases.

Amunet was twenty-three at the time and has been taking cases every now and then ever since.

Will update later.

Race: Stoat -humanoid


Fighter Type:
Brute force: Amunet's only hope in fighting is sheerly brute force. She's not technologically-savy nor is she magically adept. She relies on her own body and her abilities at hiding and squeezing in and out of spaces. Again, she's not the strongest person and a fist-fight would end badly for her. Amunet relies on getting in quickly, surprising and over-powering her opponent in a flurry of attacks, and then getting out just as quickly. Of course, this isn't always the case and when her opponent is aware of her, she must rely on distracting them long enough to do what she needs to. 

Fighter Style: 
One on one, close range, but occasionally will take on a couple of opponents and possibly at mid-range, however, it's very rare. 

Endurance: Amunet may not be the fastest one out there, but she can definitely go for a long- time. She has unimaginable amounts of stored energy. She just keeps going, and going, and going. In her mind, she doesn't need to outrun someone, she just needs to outlast them. Amunet can tire people out just by them watching her. This is all due to her stoat heritage. Even with very little sleep, she can just bound around like it's no one's business. Amunet doesn't tire out easily which is good for her if she's trying to escape, or simply attacking.  
Nimble/Flexible: Being a stoat-humanoid has it's advantages. She has a lean body and can move easily. Amunet can slip in and out of tight spaces with ease. She can weasel (pun intended) in and out of nock and crannies and make herself right at home. As long as Amunet's head can fit into an opening, she can wiggle and writhe to force the rest of her body inside. Some people believe she can dislocate her shoulders and hips and that's how she fits, but that's not true. She has very loose ligaments allowing for her joints to become hypermobile. If she wanted to, she could place herself in an 18in x 18in x 18in box. There's no reason for this... Well, if she wants to hide, maybe. Also, due to her being so nimble, if someone succeeds in catching her, Amunet can twirl herself around that point. For example, if someone catches her wrist, she can rotate her arm at her shoulder nearly 360 degrees and can even rotate her wrist, just not to the same extent. 
Of the people: Due to Amunet's ability to obtain skins, meats, and herbs, she has made many connections in the village. She makes a point to make conversation with all the traders and vendors. She learns about their lives and their families and Amunet will even ask about their days. She makes all these connections and this grants her inside knowledge. Amunet picks up on all of the gossip, rumors, and latest news from these vendors. Not only is she given insider knowledge, but she's granted protection. If, for whatever reason, people were looking for her, the villagers will keep her whereabouts either hidden or mislead them. Amunet has earned the trust of the common people and they will be her sanctuary.


Back stab: Amunet's primary attack is to come up behind someone and finish the job quickly with a well-placed blade to the throat.
Dancing blades: If Amunet is somehow forced to mid-range, she'll use her dual swords. Due to her quick and agile nature, she can spin and twirl, causing her swords to appear as flashes of light until they hit their target

Flip and roll: Amunet is truly an acrobat. She can leap and twirl and contort her body in unimaginable ways. She can simply dodge someone's attack due to her being able to bend her body and being able to bound out of an area.
Throwing knives: Amunet occasionally uses her knives to disarm traps from a safe distance.  

Climbing: She prefers wooded areas, or cliff faces because she easily start climbing to get out of a situtation, or to have an advantage and see incoming troops or warriors.
Of the forest: Even though Amunet can slip into little nock and crannies, she can also hide in plain sight. She grew up in the woods and know their secrets. She uses mud and herbs to mask her scent from others who might try to sniff her out. Amunet sticks to the shadows and makes slow movements in order to escape detection.  

Mesmerizing: Amunet utilizes something very unique to stoats and weasel-humanoids, something known as the "Weasel War Dance". If she's been spotted at a distance, Amunet knows she needs to get in close to finish off her target, but if they're threatened, they might attack or flee. Her dance is basicalyl her just performing acrobatic feats. She'll tuck and roll, leap and flip, and do amazing things that practically mesmerize her target. They can be so intrigued with what she's doing that they never notice that she's getting closer and clsoer until she strikes.


Knives (includes original owner in picture): Since Amunet is primarily a close-range fighter, knives are her primary weapon. She enjoys getting up close and personal, but she prefers her target not knowing she's even there. More often than not, she attacks from behind.
Dual swords (possibly acquires these later on): Amunet has these for a "just-in-case" type situation. If her opponent has spotted her and she questions her ability to get in and out quickly, these will help keep the opponent at bay as she thinks of something. 
Teeth and claws: Amunet is never defenseless. If she's up creek without a paddle, she can always resort to her natural weapons.

No armor: She doesn't wear anything around her head or neck for fear that it might get caught when she's trying to escape. Amunet doesn't even wear hoods or cloaks.

Leather bracers: These braces are made from a light leather that is fairly durable. It's mainly in place to protect her lower arms from her own knives - when she runs with her knives, her wrists are bent so the knife is flush with her arm - or when someone else is slashing at her. 

Leather chest plate (without spaulder): Though still light, the leather is heavier than the leather used for her bracers and greaves. Amunet figured a heavier, thicker leather would be better to protect her internal organs. She doesn't know what reptile the scales were obtained from, but they are there to help deflect slashes at her sides. For example, if someone swings a sword at her midsection, in theory, the sword should hit the scales and slide down, hitting her hip and not her abdomen. This is the heaviest type of material Amunet will wear. She neads to stay mobile and flexible and other materials such as metals, plates, and chainmail would hinder that. Also, the leather is quiet. She needs to be quiet.
Form-fitting tunic: Underneath her armor, Amunet wears a form-fitting, cloth tunic. It's made out of a light material, since she's typically never cold but can overheat easily. It's soft against her skin, which she loves, and is typically in a dark color - blue, purple, black, dark green. 

Leather chest plate (without spaulder): Refer to above section.
Sheaths for swords: Amunet has enough things strapped to her hips and waist and figured the most logical location for the sheaths for her swords was her back.  

Form-fitting, leather riding pants: Amunet's pants appear to be very similar to riding pants. They are a mix of a very light leather and a cloth that allows for them to be breathable and allows for Amunet to move freely in them.
Sheaths for knives: The sheathes for her knives are strapped around her upper thighs.
Pouches: She has two medium sized pouches strapped around her hips. One typically contains some sort of food, while the other contains just about anything else. 

Custom shoes: Her shoes are made from a synthetic material that allows them to be very durable as well as stretchy. They zip up the side and reach her upper calf. The ball of the foot, the toes, as well as the heel of the foot are all exposed. The skin on the ball and heel of Amunet's foot is very calloused so it doesn't bother her and it allows her to have a better feel of the ground. Also, leaving her toes exposed allows for her to climb easily.

Hmm, my favorite song, currently, is "I will show you" by Ailee, but I'm also digging "Cave it in" by Gallant, Tablo, and Eric Nam.
Also, I wasn't sure if I gave too much in Amunet's background. You can cut out the mercenary bit if you'd like and just keep her as a hunter/forager for now.


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Awesome application! I'll be adding her!