Is it the writing or the writer?

My friend and I are debating about stories and their protagonist. I personally believe that there's a reason why we authors choose certain pairings/characters for our stories. We take into account many details and characteristics of our characters for each separate story. Writers don't write about someone or somethings we don't know. Nonetheless, I do acknowledge that this isn't always true, that sometimes it's not about the characters but how well an author can portray them.

Her side is all about authors. Her belief is that it's not about the characters but the storytelling. She thinks that you can write the same story but if you're not good at then you're simply that. Not good.

So here I brought you the exact, same story with only names and pronouns changed. The version is well received and many people that have read it tend to praise a lot as a very well written story. My questions are the following.

  • If you read both versions:

Do you feel the same way about the story even when written in another way or do you feel like the story is without context? 

  • If you read one of the versions:

Did you receive the context of the story well or does it feel flat to you? 

Please let me know in the comments your thoughts. 

For You ver. 1 Boy x Boy [Jimin x Yoongi of BTS]

For You ver. 2 Fem OC x Kris Wu


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Daintyloubear #1
Hmmm both arguments are valid, however, i would say that its more the writing than the writer bc of tbe characters. To make a story interesting to a person, it would have to contain the characters that they are attracted to. Its because of the characters that readers would read it. If the authors a great author and wrote other works, i probably wouldnt read it because of the fact that im not familiar with the characters. But it can also change bc some people dont have a fixed fandom, so they would be more open to the writer and the stories that they write as opposed to the plotline and character. For example, people on wattpad would be more likely to read other works by the author but on specific fanfic sites, it depends on the characters that the reader wants to read about.
virtual-ink #2
I'm not sure if what I'm about to say is going to help at all, but eh.

So I couldn't read the second version - it made me feel... uncomfortable (?), I'll explain why below (or try to). And I really need to sleep so I won't read the original fic, I'm subbed tho so I've probably read it before. But I can give you my perspective on this blog post - character vs. writing ability. If you're not interested, just stop reading. xD

I think both you and your friend have valid arguments. You need to have a strong understanding for the character and their characteristics, habits, achievements, emotional state etc. Because if you don't the plot won't properly develop or take shape, your character's personality influences their decisions, like any real person, and if you don't factor in their personality when creating the plot then the two won't match up and your story will become one big giant hot mess (like me.) HOWEVER, I cannot bear to read a fic, story (whatever) where the writer doesn't have good foundational skills, and I probs sound hypocritical saying that since I have no skills but still. My fics that are up on aff are so fetus. Back on topic, if the writer isn't able to completely and totally submerge the reader into their world where the fic is taking place, whether it's based before or after a weekly idol episode or in hogwarts or in a coffee shop in San Francisco. So you really need these to enigmas (can I call them that? I don't think so) to intertwine at some point of the planning process; otherwise the story will fall flat.