Feeling cold

Soft pitter patter of rain broke my deep slumber

I am feeling cold..

want to snuggle inside a thick blanket

want to drink a hot cup of coffee

But my door is locked from outside

Have already knocked it 

Still waiting for someone to open it 

May be everyone is busy or just ignoring my voice

I miss those happy days when everything was fine 

Earlier, mom used to give me coffee on bed

We shared sweet smiles each morning and

Ate breakfast together 

Then she would go to work

And I went to school

But after that dreadful incident

Everything changed instantly in a blink of an eye

My mom hates me now

My dad hates me now

I hate myself

I should die



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Bleedingheart-loves #1
Thanks a lot for motivating me. And I am feeling better by sharing my thoughts with you all. My parents don't talk to me as if I am a stranger for them. They are angry from me.
Bleedingheart-loves #2
I am still not comfortable to reveal the incident of that night. But I'll write it in my blog sooner or later.
No you shouldn't hate yourself . You should accept , love , and believe in yourself even more when others don't . Life is a series of test . It's unending . There will always be problem , sadness , and etc ... The difference is how well you can cope it. Try fixed the problem if you want things to be better . If you can't fixed now then you should focus on improving yourself have better future of your own then maybe you can try again. In life every parents love their own child just that maybe they have their own share of problems as well. As a child all we can do is to be as understanding as possible to our parents. Adults can make mistakes too. Try have a heart to heart talk with your parents. Listen to what they have to tell you about their situation and you tell them about yours. Communication is important . You need talk things out to understand each other better. Let the adults settle their own problem and you do your part by helping around the house , study hard , take good care of yourself and don't give or bring any trouble to them. Have faith in God . Pray and seek comfort in Him. Don't give up hope and most important thing is you shouldn't give up on yourself. If you can raise above this imagine how strong and great if person you will be in future . It hurts but sometimes in life we need to grow from it. Think positive. Live well and when you grow up you learn from this mistake and be a much better parents to your kids . You can make a difference. Your experience are meant for a purposed. You can share your experience and encourage those people with same painful experience and give your support to others as well. Don't let your circumstances to bring you down. You are not weak all you need is some support and love :) Don't give up be a fighter . Inspire other with good deeds be an example to your siblings if you have any. Cheer up and go fight for your dreams ! Believe in yourself . God loves You !
What exactly is wrong?