Rounder ¦¦ Natsume Yuriko ¦¦ Fantagio ¦¦ Vocal


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BIRTHNAME : Natsume Yuriko

▸ Nam Yujin — it's her given Korean Name

▸Yuri/Riko — both are shorter versions of her name, but she uses Riko more often.

DATE OF BIRTH : December 13, 1997
BIRTHPLACE : Tokyo, Japan
ETHNICITY : Japanese

▸ Japanese — fluent. it's her mothertongue.

▸ Korean — fluent. despite being a foreigner, she studied Korean really hard in fear that she might say things incorrectly.

▸ English  — semi-fluent. she has huge crush on Chris Evans that's why she's studying it.

FACE CLAIM : Nana Komatsu
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 175cm and 45kg

▸ Inheriting her parents' genes, Yuriko is 175 cm tall and is as pale as snow. Her hair is long and black, though she did try cutting it once. One of the things that people first notice when they meet her is the mole on her chin and her nose. She just usually let her hair down and never styles her bangs (unless she is stated to) as she thinks that her forehead is big when it's really not. 



positive: fast learner, virtuoso, humble, inteligent, lovable

negative: lazy, quite awkward, has no sense of humor, clumsy, messy

PERSONALITY : Coming from an artistic family, it is no surprise that Yuriko grew up musically talented. She was even sent to one of Japan's best school in Arts/Music where she received singing and dancing lessons and got good grades until she finally left for Korea. Despite her family being well-off, she doesn't brag about it and only tell stories about her family members when she is asked to. She was taught how to play the piano when she was just 6 by her own mother, and at 11, she learned how to play the guitar all thanks to her brother.

However, Yuriko is also an introvert, that's why she's quite awkward around people and gets really nervous when she's around big crowds. Her unfunny and awkward jokes are what makes her lovable. She'd usually say cheesy pick up lines that doesn't even make her cringe. She'd also be that type of person who doesn't understand jokes, and when she does, she usually has a late reaction. She is also extremely lazy, hence why her professors/mentors usually scold her, but after how fast she learns and how good she is whatever she does, they just let her be herself.

BACKGROUND : Yuriko was born in 13th of December in 1997, the second child of an Art professor and a pianist. Her older brother Jun is two years older than her, and is a indie singer-songwriter. Even if they fight a lot, they're quite close. So close in fact that Jun even moved to Seoul with her, just so she could be permitted by their parents to train there. Scared of being laughed at, Yuriko studied Korean really hard before and after she got to Korea by listening to Kpop, watching K-Dramas, reading Korean books, etc... She even prohibited her brother to speak in Japanese. As a result of her hard work,  she is able to have conversations with Koreans after a few months, some of them even thinking that she's a native as she has mastered to hide her Japanese accent. She's very quiet to the people she doesn't know well, except when she's with her small circle of friends or with the people she's close with. She has actually a stage fright and gets panic attacks when she's about to perform. She does want to get over this though.

She doesn't know when exactly, or how she fell in love with music, but she does remember seeing her mother play the piano in awe when she was younger. Then her older brother started singing, and had slowly started to become interested in singing as well. The unexpected and sudden popularity of the Hallyu Wave in her home country also made her want to become an idol. She has no specific favorite amongst the idols, but if there was a girl group she wished she was a part of, it would be f(x). She loves everything about them - their songs, their concepts, their auras...

When she first arrived in Korea back in 2012, she went to Fantagio as their company was the closest to her apartment just to give it a try. Luckily, she got accepted when she sang Miley Cyrus' The Climb while playing the piano, much to her brother's surprise. At that time, she wasn't as fluent in Korean as she was now, so she was quite surprised as well. Her first job was not related to singing though, as she was in a company known for acting, she was put in various music videos, starred in some small roles in dramas and also had a modeling gig. She actually liked acting after her exposure in the camera, since she got to be someone who's not her usually awkward self.



- Horror and Super hero movies

- Animals (esp. cats)

- Art

- Pastel colors (she has no favorite color, it just have to be pastel)

- R&B, Classical, Indie, Electronic

- Smoothies (she loves them so much, she even drinks them on winter no matter what flavor it is)

- f(x)

- Travelling


- Exercising (jogging, working out... ironically, she enjoys dancing)

- Exposing her forehead (she thinks she has a huge forehead)

- Huge crowds

- House cleaning

- Getting mistakes (on exams, failing to hit a high note or forgetting a dance step)


- Talking/Mumbling to herself when nervous

- Chewing gum

- Combing her hair with her hands

- Saying random trivias/things

- Day dreaming most of the times

- Eating when she's either stressed or bored


- Studying Korean and English on her free time

- Singing

- Jamming/Singing/Playing the guitar with her brother

- Playing the piano & guitar

- Watching movies

- Try to improve her acting

- Reading a lot of books

- Her name 'Yuriko' means 'hundred-percent-child', hence why she always say that she will give her hundred percent (her own way of saying that she will work hard) in everything she does.

- Her favorite Korean actor was Lee Minho, but ever since she met Seo Kangjun in Fantagio, she says it's him now. (She may have a little crush on him)

- If she was given the chance to pick the character that she wants to act as, she wants to play the character of Jun Jihyun in My Sassy Girl.

- Her favorite painter is Van Gogh. (Her phone case is his painting of Starry Starry Night and she doesn't want to change it)

- She has been loving Chris Evans ever since he started as Captain America. He's the reason why she's studying English as well, because she thinks she's going to meet him someday.

- She can't easily gain weight.


Interview to view you more

Please introduce yourself : 

▸ Yes, uhm, hello. *bows* My name is Yuriko. *puts up a peace sign* You can call me Riko or Yuki or Yujin, which is my Korean name. *bows again* Please take care of me.

Why did you design to join this show? or while your company design to send you here? : 

▸Uhm, both actually. When I heard about the show, I thought that maybe I should go... When I went to the company, it turns out that they want me to go as well. *laughs awkwardly*

Why you think you will be in final line up?: 

▸ I really, really hope so. *awkward silence* Oh, should I say more? Uhm, I really give my hundred percent on everything I do, so I think... I think I deserve to be in the final line up- Oh my god, that sounded a little mean. *turns red* I'm sorry.

Please explain your inspiration and wish to become an artist : 

▸ This is really cheesy but... *grins* My inspiration is my family. My mom, my dad and my brother... They're all doing something related to music and arts, so I want to become one too. I wish I could become like the members of f(x), especially Krystal sunbaenim. They always have such good songs. I listen to them all the time. Oh, my brother's a singer too- I'm sorry, that was irrelevant. *bows again* 

Did you get any past experience in entertainment industries? :

▸ Actually, I have... Since my company is known for their actors, I also tried acting in a few music videos and dramas.  

Do you know from company that the final line up of this project will got 2 phases? 1st is for the final line up will all debuted as a group and doing activity for 1 year and for the 2nd phase is for the 2nd year to the final line up who company didn't set as their new girl group. What do you think? 
▸ *nods* They have. My company has told me. And I think it's a great idea. *claps her hands but she sees that the staff was silent so she stops immediately* 


Did Fantagio already plan something for Natsume Yuriko? Cause the programm staff already tell you that we got 2 phases for the final line up

▸ To be honest, we don't since we're still focusing on our newest and latest boy group Astro. But how she will do on this program will determine her future on the company.




replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

MAIN TALENT : Vocal/Singing


- Vocal twin - Yoo Yeonjung of WJSN
- Dance twin - Yoo Yeonjung
- Rap twin - 


▸Since she received singing lessons when she was younger, she  knows a lot of tecniques when it comes to singing and the fact that her brother is also a singer also helps.


▸ Despite also receiving dancing lessons, she's quite a lazy bum and usually the first one to get tired and rest. That, and the stage fright that she hopes to get over on the show. She wants to do that before she finally debuts.

diamond-breaker : thea

LAST WORDS : it's actually my first time doing this, so i'm sorry if i do something wrong! ^^ also, idk how to edit aplications like this since it is my first time so i'm sorry this looks so bland sfdhuosdad

PASSWORD: Sulli and Krystal :( (i know that this is a boy group song but wouldnt be so cool if more girl groups did a cover of this)


▸ Yuriko panicking before going to the stage, causing her voice to crack while hitting a high note. 


turn in : story : cheatsheet


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