Leeteuk's Best UFOreplies 2011 and Other



EEEEK!!!! Teukie I love you appa!!! 

It seriously is not normal to love a guy who's more than ten years older than you that much!

That just shows how I seriously have no life ~ ROFLMAO

But his tweets are no joke! They are really fatally cute!!!

Cue the parents to come in and yell at me for gushing over a guy.

Well, most likely my dad, considering he thinks it's whorish of a girl

to wear pants without a belt..

*AHEM* I say from experience.


But Teukie appa, are you trying to make us North Americans mad!?

T____T Texting all these girls such cute stuff!!

Not fair!!! It's not fair! ..KEKE


LOL but this is a blog so I should talk about other things apart from 

my extremely healthy obsession over kPOP!!!




Haha but there are a couple of projects for SS3 Malaysia

since I guess there under a lot of pressure from the success

of the previous shows.

I'll add link at the bottom for all you lucky ELFs!

Oh yeah, it's Super Show 3 Malaysia tomorrow,

I'm so excited for more pictures!!! :3

It's just sad that I can't go...

Since I'm on the other side of the planet >O<

Stupid Canada.




Most importantly right now is Teukie's UFO replies this year.

They're rare but seriously satisfying..or maybe not.

Haha, they just leave me wanting more!

I wanna send a UFO msg, but then that would cost me a lot..

I think.

Technically, I can send international texts for free from 7:00 PM to 4:30 Am

but I don't have the UFO app!!!



It's also funny how one person claimed they have Donghae's phone number

in a Tweet but it appeared to be a house number in Beijing.

Maybe it was the hotel SJ was living at?


Gotta go now.

Piano practice is so annoying =O=










BTW SJ will be arriving at KLIA at 4.50PM on 18th, staying at The Gardens, & leaving on Sunday the 20th at 11.30PM (Wawa Suju Kyuhyun)


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Miss-In-Color #1
18th at the gardens!! damn! i missed it..yesterday I was there!