You Never Forget Your First Love

You know, I never once believed them when they said, you never forget your first love

I use to think it to be such silly logic. Because after you, others came and went. And as they left, nothing had stayed behind, not even a single drop of emotion. I use to think the same of you, you know? Because as I had crushes on other men after you, and slowly got over them as well, I couldn't spare them a single glance. Sometimes, I wouldn't spare you a glance as well, that's what I use to think. But somedays, love, I see you, and suddenly a feeling of nostalgia surges through me, as if I was being teleported back to the days I use to fawn an awful lot over you. Although the feelings aren't strong as before, and I don't know if I could even call them feelings. There's still something. I look at your smile, and I feel at ease.

And then I begin to wonder, what would it be like if you had loved me back? Now that we're more older, what do you think of me?

I've matured more, haven't I? I haven't gotten taller, but my make up got better, didn't it? My winged eyeliner? Sharper than ever. My highlight? Brighter than ever. My lipstick? Bolder than ever.

And my fashion? You best believe I slay it, love.

& I really do wonder why these thoughts may cross my mind on a random night at 3am, if you had ever thought of me that way-or if you think of me right now. 

I know it's silly, right? But as I lay awake one sudden winter night, while I let my mind go wander off to you, I realize now that, you really never forget your first love.

I maye not feel the same way for you anymore, love, but I always know that somewhere deep in the chambers of my heart, you'll always be there.

Sometimes, I love writing blogs, they're like little stories. Small tiny excerpts from a book I'll never write (; Has any of you ever fallen in love? Or rather had a large crush on someone? What was you experience like?

Let met know in the comments below :)



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I had like someone from my elementary school. I guess he is my first love bcos after 5 years, i still cannot forget about him. I even went to my elementary school reunion that i dont wanna go bcos i want to meet for the last time. I dont really like my elementary school experience bcos i dont have any real friends and i was bullied emotionally there. But i went bcos i want to meet him for the first time in 5 years bcos i know i wouldnt meet him after this. I dont wanna go to my elementary school reunion again. It reminds me of the past that i hate but i feel grateful bcos i get to love him since he is a nice, kind person. Somtimes i wonder if he ever like me or what does he thought about me.