character name : shim jaewon. 심재원
nickname(s) : 
원니 jaewon is a boyish name, something that's been pointed out to her many many times throughout her life. and when she was younger, she hated that, so she'd ask everyone to call her WONNI, because she felt it was cuter and more feminine. she doesn't anymore, but the nickname still sticks with her friends and coworkers.
원 the only person who calls her WON is her younger brother, jaehyun.
할머니 jaewon is a bit of an old lady. not just because of her age ( though that is one of the reasons ), she's just like..... everyone's lovely grandma. really, anybody who knows her calls her GRANDMA or granny, if they're feeling spicy.
곰 jaewon apparently looks like a bear? according to taejoon and gramps and the tessellate members. hence, they call her BEAR
birthdate : 09/01/93
birthplace : gimje, north jeolla, sk.
hometown : gimje, north jeolla, sk.
nationality : korean.
languages : 
KR native. jaewon speaks in a combination of jeolla satoori and standard korean. she's noted for sounding like a happy old man when she talks.
EN advanced. jaewon learned a lot of english in school, and took many high-level english courses in college.
face claim : red velvet's seulgi.
backup face claim : ioi chungha, f(x)'s krystal.
height & weight : 156 cm & 48 kg.
appearance : 
jaewon is attractive enough to be an idol but also different enough to stand out. her eyes are discreet and serious until you get a closer look. they're clear and reflect a lot of light, and they posses a very distinct shape. she's proud of her monolids. she's very dainty in the way of porcelain teacups and fluttery eyelashes. a youthful appearance, jaewon looks younger than she actually is. her face is oval shaped, not full but rather slim. her face has a lot of character. she has a short, pug nose and well-shaped, curvy lips. her hands are small and her fingers are slim. her body is nice. she's lithe, with apple hips.

gentle and graceful in movement, she carries herself quiet well.

she has a quiet beauty, one that you notice when you least expect it.
style : 
large sweaters, shawls, and turtlenecks. she wears things with more of an antique, autumn hole-in-the-wall bookstore feel if that makes sense. a mix between casual prep and vintage. detailed printed blouses in rich, deep colors with slim jeans. below the knee length plaid skirts with a white blouse, string tie, and thick cardigan, and t-strap shoes. cuffed jeans and vintage sweaters. long vintage-printed dresses with sweaters over it. gray checkered a-line skirt tucked into a sweater.

basically a lot of sweaters and either long skirts or jeans. very rarely a shorter skirt or a dress.
personality : 




잘 알지도 못하면 BY LIM KIM
a song of a lost, young girl
i've grown used to this fear.
and the silence is part of my body
as this loneliness just gets pointless.



"'dear god,' she prayed, 'let me be something every minute of every hour of my life.'" — betty smith, a tree grows in brooklyn.

she's a deep winter's night. she's the wisdom that comes with age.


background : 
she's part of a happy family. she has a mom, a dad, and a younger brother named jaehyun. they live in gimje, north jeolla. she's their pretty, precious daughter. they kiss her and hug her and always tell her how great a child she is.

dad's gone. mom says he died in an accident on his motorcycle. auntie says he killed himself to get away from his insufferable wife and terrible children. jaewon is seven.

she and jaehyun have to live with auntie and uncle. mom says it's only for a while, it ends up being nine years.

auntie's house is crowded. auntie has five kids. jaewon and jaehyun have to share a room with five other people. her oldest cousin is mean and snores too loudly. one makes fun of jaewon's monolids while another one never lets jaewon play with her toys. auntie herself isn't any better of a person. she's nice to jaehyun, speaks pretty words to him and tells him how great he's doing, but she's mean to jaewon. 

auntie swears at her, calls her an unloveable little witch. calls her a lying fox whenever jaewon tells her that her kids are being bad. tells jaewon to keep her little mouth shut because she's stupid and doesn't know anything. jaewon has to clean the house and do everyone's laundry and make breakfast, lunch, and dinner. her grades aren't that good, and auntie calls her stupid even more. calls her an embarrassment.

jaewon's in middle school now, her grades are much better. she becomes class president. she's the star of the choir class. her teachers tell her she's pretty and well behaved and so well spoken, but jaewon knows she stupid and ugly and unloveable because auntie says so, and whatever auntie says is true.

she's in her last year of middle school. she has a crush on this boy. he's handsome and kind and always smiles at her. he helps her carry big stacks of paper to the copy room. they walk to and from school together because "its dangerous for girls to walk by themselves". auntie's first daughter reads jaewon's journal, in which she writes how much she likes this boy, and tells auntie. 

jaewon and that boy are walking home from school. it's a lovely day. he shyly grabs her hand and doesn't let go of it until they reach her house. auntie's waiting for them and she grabs jaewon tightly by the arm and starts scolding her. for what? jaewon isn't exactly sure herself. and then auntie starts scolding the boy, telling him not be fooled by girls like jaewon, that jaewon is a naughty fox, that jaewon won't amount to anything in the future. jaewon cries and the boy runs home, not speaking to her for the rest of the year.

she's sixteen when she sees her mom again. she's just about to start her second year of high school when mom rescues her and jaehyun. jaewon is a wallflower, a quiet broken bird but she has hope. she hopes that she, mom, and jaehyun will be a happy family. that everything will be okay from here out. she runs out of the house and hugs mom tightly while jaehyun simply remains by jaewon's side. he was young, he doesn't quite remember what mom was like.

jaewon's hopes are broken. mom says she can't stay with them long, that she organized an apartment for the two of them to live in in seoul. she says that she already paid two years' rent, so they'll only have to worry about food. she gets them into a moving truck and gives them both sealed envelopes. jaehyun's is "all the things i remember about you that you may not remember about me." and jaewon's is "something to read when you think you can't hate me any more than you do".

jaewon and jaehyun move into their apartment, and it's cold. she's scarred. she's unconfident in who she is and her abilities. she wants to get back at auntie for everything she's done to jaewon. she wants to show that that she is something only she's too afraid. she's a broken bird with an open cage, only she's too afraid to leave the cage.

she starts high school. she gets a job at a family cafe. she joins the student council and forms a singing quartet with girls in her choir class. 

she makes friends. she's very popular in school. she's top of her class. she heals slowly. she regains confidence. she falls in love.

by the time she's graduated, the scars of her childhood have faded greatly, though they still reappear every once in a while.

she moves into the apartment above the cafe with gramps, taejoon, and jaehyun. she runs the cafe in taejoon's place while he's doing his service and is a full time college student, majoring in art history and music composition. the quartet is still together. they're popular locally. they perform at company events and old people homes. 

jaewon wants to be something great, something big. but at the same time she live a happy, modest life. its her friends that keep her on the pursuit of being something more, especially the quartet.

they audition for kpop star and make it to the top 10. jaewon works on solo albums. she's somewhat popular in the k-indie scene. jaehyun decides to go to the army straight out of high school. jaewon sobs as he leaves. she graduates college early, thanks to taking a ridiculous amount of credits.

her quartet performs at an event for a small company, and afterwards a man in a suit approaches jaewon and asks if she had any interest in being an idol. "i've watched you girls on kpop star."

jaewon doesn't want to disappoint the man so she tells him she'll think about it. he gives her his contact information.

she wonders what to do. she asks gramps, and he says she should go for it. she asks jaehyun, and he says she should. her friends say she should. she asks taejoon what she should do. he tells her she should. she says she's too old.

"you're only twenty two, dummy. if you don't, shim jaewon, then you're wasting your talent. it's what we'd all want for you."

with more encouragment, she auditions for a relatively small company, one that allows their artists to have artistic control over their work.

shim jaewon auditions for bighit.

trivia : 
LIKES going to bed at a reasonable hour, iced beverages, family dinners, plants, books, history, documentaries, cool socks, old tv shows, trot, oldies music, wordplay, dad jokes, stationery, game shows, tea, back scratching as a form of intimacy, plush toys, nail art, baking, slippers, wine, museums.

DISLIKES birds, cutesy and childish concepts, hate comments, group chats, sweets, slang ( pls help bc she can't keep up ), people who ask for advice and then don't follow her advice, picky people, discrimination.

HOBBIES journaling, reading, gardening, tea brewing, watching game shows, scratching people's backs, doing nails, baking, writing letters, collecting cool things from thrift stores, knitting, telling dad jokes.

HABITS forcing the members to eat together as a family, judging everyone ( which she keeps to herself ), going to bed early, waking up early, carrying mints and candy in her purse, making and drinking tea, always remembering important dates ( birthdays, anniversaries, historical events, etc ), worrying about everyone, asking everyone if they've eaten enough, bringing food for emcees and staff whenever the girls have a show, calling everyone younger than her "kid", complaining about "aches" in her body.

FEARS failing in life, ending up alone, being left behind, never being good enough, trying her best and never achieving what she thinks she deserves, people realizing she's not as great as they thought, not being perfect, people secretly hating her, being unloveable.

GRANDMA WON jaewon is such an old lady that it's almost not funny. she's always the first one to go to bed and is always the first one to wake up. she has anything anyone could possibly need in her bag. she's always worrying about her friends, gives great advice, and loves being frugal. she always remembers birthdays and anniversaries, actually writes letters, bakes and knits for everyone, has 0 clue about pop culture. jaewon is always a bit shocked when people tell them about their club and party experiences. she will go out on occasion, but the event has to be organized at least 24 hours in advanced, and whenever a friend hands her a shot she passes it off to a more adventurous friend. she does drink, but usually only a glass of wine to end the day. SHIM JAEWON IS HELPLESS WITH TECHNOLOGY. SHE WAS STILL USING A FLIP PHONE BEFORE HER BROTHER MADE HER GET A SMART PHONE.

IDEAL TYPE bewhy. bewhy. BEHWY. and also hyukoh. she likes people who are very good at what they do and who are cool and modest, instead of caring about looks. but she's also a er for handsome guys like simon dominic and gray.

SPEAKING jaewon's voice is soft yet attention-grabbing. she speaks like an old man ( think gugudan's sejeong ).

SPITE jaewon is the type to hold grudges. like, grudges for years and years. and even if she does forgive someone who's hurt her, she never forgets how they hurt her. pretty much everything she does is fueled by some underlying spite. in high school, she was a very internally bitter person.

FAMILY family is very, very important to jaewon. she considers her brother to be the only blood family she has left and she absolutely cherishes him. there are other people who she considers family, non-blood related people like taejoon and gramps and tessellate members.

ADULT STUFF jaewon graduated from korean national university of art and double majored in art history and music composition. she planned on working as a museum historian. she has her driver's lisence. she works with taejoon, gramps, and jaehyun at whole latte love cafe.

WHOLE LATTE LOVE she's been working at the cafe ever since her second year of high school and as such, taejoon and gramps have pretty much become her family. they genuinely consider her an impervious part of the cafe and their lives, and she has risen from a simple waiter to head manager. whole latte love is easily her pride. gramps and taejoon even allow jaewon and jaehyun to live with them in their house above the cafe. when taejoon had to leave for military service, he entrusted the key to whole latte love to jaewon until he returned. even after she debuts, she still frequents the cafe to pick up extra shifts.

LEADER jaewon has always been a sort of leader-figure in whatever she's done throughout her life. in school, she was class president seven consecutive years, she was student body president her second and third year of high school, she was president of the clubs she was in, she was the leader of her singing quartet in high school. authority figures love her because she's trustworthy, practical, hardworking, and tells them what they like to hear. her peers like her because she gives great advice, is always willing to help, and does her best to make sure everyone is happy.

MUSIC jaewon has been singing since she was 10, and always took choir classes in school. she started training herself in dancing at the age of 14 through youtube videos. in high school, she and her 3 best friends were part of a quartet that always performed at school events. they'd sing classic songs a la immortal songs. the group, called 4young girls also competed on a season of kpop star but were eliminated during the top 10.

4YOUNG GIRLS jaewon's position is 4young girls is lead vocal, lead dance, and choreographer. 

GIRLFRIEND jaewon is the type of girlfriend who is lowkey concerned about her partner at all times. is always worried when they do something dangerous ( physically or otherwise ). she's very soft and loves baking and knitting for her partner and gives a lot of back scratches. she giggles a lot and gives the cutest little nicknames. she'll kick her partners in mario kart. she likes patting her partners head, being comforted, showering them in kisses, and strange dance moves. she's a bit of a tease and enjoys secret flirtation.

SENSITIVE jaewon is very sensitive to harsh criticisms and hate comments because of the mistreatment her aunt subjected her to growing up. she stries to please everyone so they won't say cruel things about her. she's reserved and modest so she won't get bashed for being too rambunctious. shim jaewon is very conscious of her image and how others percieve her and she takes great caution to be on everyone's good side.

AESTHETICS OF SHIM JAEWON earth tones, a motherly instinct, homemade lunch, doe eyes, grudges that last months at a time, sleeping on a dorm room floor, wood cabins in the mountains, fresh cold apple cider, fresh made tea, journals and notebooks, withering ivy on brick buildings, a jazz song in the winter.
connections : 

gramps has always been encouraging and supportive of every decision jaewon's made. he's immensely proud of her, having watched her grow from a scared little girl to a reliable young woman. he refers to her as his granddaughter and once she debuts, puts up a  bunch of tessellate merch all over the cafe.

jaehyun is jaewon's younger brother, and the only blood family she has left. they cherish one another very very much. jaewon wants to take care of him because he's younger and also her only family while jaehyun wants to be the one to care for her in return for all the things she's done for him. with jaehyun, everything is jaewon's fault. everything. he's prone to exaggerating any fights with her and he's like always going through different phases. he has a great sense of humor and loves teasing jaewon but he does take her for granted. jaewon makes fun of him as much as possible and comments on everything. she gives him advice even if he doesn't ask for it. she cooks him really good food. always has the dirt on him and also encourages him to adventure and live his life.

jaewon's best friends since high school. though they are all getting their own lives started, they still meet up and spend a girl's night in drinking and watching cheesy dramas. the quartet frequently hangs out as a group, or used to before they all became extremely busy with life. they mostly talk through kakao talk and face time. their kkt chats are filled with shouting and gif spams and links to ridiculously gross viral videos. they blow up each others' sns profiles and occasionally have roast sessions that ara always loses because she compliments them instead. they can all rely on each other, often facetiming or calling each other when life gets a bit too hard. in their little group, ara is the mom friend who supports them and tries to tell them not to do dumb things but letting them do it and then comforting them. mina is the sister friend who's always joking and laughing really loudly and lowkey embarrassing everyone in public. haru is the dad friend because she's not that great with comforting people but will tell lame jokes. and jaewon is the grandma who is lost and exasperated by today's Youth. 

mina is warm and affectionate with a tendency to pamper and spoil her friends. she's a social butterfly but still enjoys drinking tea and talking about a good book. she is extremely helpful and will always offer sympathy and empathy in times of need. she isn't the type to hold grudges either. mina is the one who contacts jaewon most frequently. a love more powerful than star-crossed lovers, jaewon and mina have a very deep connection. they are two girls that compliment each other well with mina being the emotion to jaewon's logic. their relationship is very close and very balanced, with a good amount of joking around and groping and sentimental stuff like calling each other up while sobbing and staying up all night talking about the entire universe. jaewon always come to mina's defense and vice versa. mina is always watching out for jaewon, always telling her that she's doing a great job and working so hard and reminding her to eat well and take care of herself. their friendship is vaguely romantic, with a lot of hugs and kisses, professions of love, and a never ending stream of support. they talk about everything within their universe, from what keeps them up at night, what certain things mean to them, simply profound and intimate subjects.  

ara is very balanced, respectful, and charming. she's very affectionate and very observant like jaewon is. she treats everyone as equals and even though she may not agree with an opinion, she still respects it. she's peaceful and loves making people happy. ara and jaewon mesh well together and are comfortable with each other.

haru is passionate and competetive. she isn't the first to show affection, and evenw hen she does it's in the form of an insult. but despite that she's comforting and warm and protective. jaewon and haru bicker often over small things, which distresses ara. their arguments often escalate to the point where jaewon will refuse to talk to haru and mina has to fix things.

since bangtan and tessellate are label mates, it makes sense for them to interact and be relatively close. out of the members, she gets along with yoongi, jungkook, and taehyung the best.

yoongi he and jaewon are dubbed by the members of bangtan and tessellate as "grandma and grandpa in a loveless marriage". they're both old people who love peace and quiet. she really admires his composition skill and she enjoys watching him work. he allows it because she's quiet enough and she listens very well.

jungkook he reminds jaewon of jaehyun, and as a result she really wants to look out for him and make sure he's alright. she's always asking if he's been eating well, if he's been getting enough sleep, and she knits for him all the time like please jaewon, chill with the knitting.

taehyung as bangtan's resident social butterfly, it's only natural that he reach out to jaewon. she enjoys watching him be himself but at the same time she's always worried he's doing something stupid. he's constantly sending her ugly selfies of him on kkt.

the two met while hosting music bank during tessellate's tenth month active. jaewon and another member are temporary emcees, hosting with jinyoung. they exchange contact information after they get into a long conversation about the antics of their groupmates, and they start off their relationship as friends. they started dating after tessellate's one year anniversary, where jinyoung ( and jackson and rapmons for inconspicousness ) treated the girls to dinner ( and soju ). he asked her if she'd like to go out with him and she said yes because he really is a wonderful person.

they are like a stack of novels. they are admired for their simple, humble beauty. the quietness of them, and the soft sensitivity they are made of, is their best and worst quality. they are perfectly imperfect. — calastrology ( tumblr ).

jinyoung is the boyfriend who listens to what you say and remember it. he shows his love through practical things like cleaning or buying things you need. he's a devoted and loyal boyfriend.

jinyoung confides in her about the got7 members like, she knows all their dirty laundry and the way jinyoung describes it all is so humorous that she can't help but giggle. he definitely isn't trying to spoil her but he gets her little thoughtful gifts that she absolutely loves like some cool stationery from his trip to japan??? she's in love. he's constantly trolling her for s and giggles ( and acting practice ).  

she always helps him run his lines because she loves all his actor faces. she BAKES for the boys how nice is that???????? like she'll stop by got7's practice room with baked goods just because? she's always lending jinyoung books to read and then they talk about them in depth. because their relationship is public, the two of them go on dates pretty freely when they have time? just simple dates like goin out for bbq or going shopping for yarn or somethin. 

from the start of their relationship, there have many hate comments directed towards jaewon. one because their relationship was announced while tessellate were still considered rookies, and she was criticized for not focusing on her career. then it was because she was a rookie nugu who wasn't popular enough to be with jinyoung. then it was because he could find someone much prettier than her. 

at first he constantly told her not to worry about that stuff, to not read any mean comments about them. he assures her that people who know nothing about her don't get to decide that she's not good enough for him. but eventually it became too much for her.

they break up after a little less than a year of dating. she's the one who suggests it, because the backlash is too much for her to handle. jinyoung understands, tells her he cares about her, and tells her to take care of herself.


love interest : kim taejoon. 김태준
backup : got7 jinyoung, seventeen's seungcheol.
fc : got7's jaebum ( backup : seventeen's woozi ).
personality : 



"i would always rather be happy than dignified." — charlotte brontë, jane eyre.

he is a dry autumn evening. he is the turmoil that comes along with middle age.


love story : 

know that love songs are a red card,
don't even talk.
this city is too sentimental.
whatever, let's just run away.

they are like a cabin, tucked away out of sight. they are all-seeing and all-knowing, hopelessly devoted beings. they are chaotic, simple, elegant, together. the bond between them is for life, whether the relationship lasts or not. they are endlessly falling into each other's cool embrace. — calastrology ( tumblr ).

thinking back, jaewon wonders how she ever thought of loving anyone besides taejoon. he's been the one by her side for years and years, healing her wounds and being the one she relied on. they met the very first day of second year in high school. she was on her way to school and she saw the niche little cafe atop the hill on the path to school, and she noticed just how lovely the view from the top of that hill was. she snuck around back to get a better glimpse at her new city, when taejoon emerged from the backdoor with trash to throw out.  later, it turned out they were in the same class.

they hated each other from their first encounter. she thought he was a rude, pretentious jerk, and he thought she was a blabbermouth airhead. she got a job at whole latte love and he was adament on not hiring her, convinced she was no different than the other girls at his school who only wanted to admire and pester him. but she was different.

shim jaewon was the girl who respond to his snide comments with sarcasm. she was the girl who brought him down when he was getting too full of himself. she was the girl who stood up for him. the girl who liked him for who he actually was, for the cranky and sarcastic and stubborn kim taejoon. she was a hard worker who never complained, except for when he . she was a beautiful soul who let herself be hurt in exchange for the happiness of her friends. she was the girl who thought herself unloveable.

she thought he was full of himself. and rude. and irritating. but then he was so much more. he was loyal to his family and his duties. he had a surprisingly fun side and enjoyed poking fun at people. he was quick and witty and made her laugh until she cried with all his puns. he was the guy who read cheesy romance novels in secret and pretend as if he didn't whenever she would catch him.  he was the one to brew her tea just how she liked it. iced, with a bunch of honey and sugar. he was always there to listen to her. always there to comfort her. always there to tell her she did a good job. always there to tell her that she should be more selfish. 

as soon as they graduate, he decides to do his military service, leaving whole latte love in her hands until he returned. before he got on the train to head to the military base, he placed the key in her hand as she cried and wrapped her fingers around it. and when he did come back, just as he promised, she cried and held him.

taejoon is jaewon's rock and encouragement as she faces the idol world. always a supporter, yet not an extremely rabid tessellate fan, he comes to important performances and some occasional fanmeets. they text and call often, with he and gramps telling her they miss her, and how the cafe is getting busier so she better hurry up and have a day off so she can work.

he gets jealous when she collabs with male idols, and lets her know in a lighthearted way. yah jaewon, how come you won't pounce on me the way you pounce on u-kwon??? and SHIM JAEWON DONT FALL IN LOVE WITH HYUKOH. he, gramps, and jaehyun get to appear on an episode of we are siblings that show off jaewon and jaehyun's close relationship. 

their friendship becomes a hot topic after netizens find out the two live together ( granted with gramps and her younger brother ), but there are many speculations about the two. when questioned about it, jaewon speaks truthfully. "we're good friends, and have known each other since high school. if we're both single by the time we're 35, we'll get married.". she's very open about her friendship with him, and often mentions him in v-lives and showcases. and occasionally, when she's spending a day off at the cafe, she'll stream with him. she writes a dedication to him, gramps, and jaehyun in ever tessellate album and every solo album of hers.

one day, after her most recent relationships falls through, she asks him something.

"taejoon, in all the years i've known you, i've never seen you with a girlfriend. or a boyfriend, if that's what you prefer."

"i've never had much interest in dating anyone. or, rather, not much interest in dating anyone but you."

"wH AT?"

and then they end up dating. their relationship is announced to the public almost immediately, something of jaewon's own doing.

they seem like an odd match. demure and diligent jaewon and the aloof, smouldering taejoon. but look closer and find a devotion to one another that is rarely seen. a need for calm and quiet, a delicate nature to them, the softest whispers of romance that one has ever heard. there's an eternal thread connecting them together. when they're at peace with one another, things are soaring. but they are both very sensitive creatures who struggle to manage chaos, so when stress hits things hit the fan.

the two are friends so close that it's surprising. they know everything about each other from their traumas, to the insecurities, to their dreams. are they actually friends or do they ing hate each other? it's honestly a mystery to most people looking in on their dynamic. every time they speak, nay every time they even breathe in each other's direction the air is filled with "i hate you"s and "you're disgusting"s and "never speak to me again"s. they're always flaming each other and teasing one another, calling each other ugly and losers. it's how they build each other up. their conversations are 60% bickering 20% bad jokes and 20% actual sentimental things. they fight over the dumbest things too like who's gonna eat the last fry or the correct pronunciation of various words only to find that neither of them were saying it correctly.

they play mario kart and then literally try to box each other, they threaten to never speak to each other again over trivia games, they get into shouting matches while apologizing. they entertain themselves by making scenes and fake arguing over things that don't even make sense. they'll be grocery shopping and she'll tell taejoon that he grabbed the wrong thing and he'll just throw it down and say, "SORRY. I'M SORRY. WE CAN'T ALL BE AS PERFECT AS YOU JAEWON" or he'll for sounding like an old man and she'll start shouting, "NOTHING I EVER DO IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU, IS IT? IS THAT WHY YOU'RE SEEING ANOTHER WOMAN? YAH, ANSWER ME!". they always chop each other on the head??? more like taejoon always does and then jaewon tries and fails to. they enjoy giving each other a hard time, fighting like thugs and a married couple all in one. 

they definitely have a more intimate side too. not like kissing or sensuous hugs, but simply talking to each other at three in the morning about their greatest fears in life. the way they can openly talk about what they are to each other, the way they both understand the struggles of being an idol. they send each other sleep depraved texts about the weirdest stuff. taejoon lets jaewon know that she can always rely on him because he's a certified man among men. even though they give each other a hard time, they value each other greatly because who else can you call a microwaved piece of booty soap and have them not get upset? they text pretty much all the time when they're not together and they're both the type to like octuple text if they don't get a reply right away. despite their fighting, they still talk about profound and serious things. existential things like their purposes in life and what they would do if the world was ending in that very moment. they know each other very well, to the point where they don't have to say anything for the other to tell that something is wrong.

they rely on each other immensely. no excuses, distance, or events could keep these two from helping each other out in times of need. they remind each other that everywhere they want to go and everything they want to do is possible and achievable. whenever taejoon needs advice, he goes to jaewon because she's grandma?? and gives the best advice?? they don't judge each other and have seen the grossest parts of each other. taejoon sends her pictures of his poops. he's seen jaewon shaving her leg in a bathroom sink. hell, he was sitting in the bathtub and watching bill nye on his phone while she was doing it.

the old ladies who frequent whole latte love always ask them if they plan on getting married. when they were younger they feverently protested the idea but now they say, "when the time is right, we will."

there is an elegance between them, almost like a waltz between two souls, that enamours and endears always. — calastrology.

end game : MARRIED WITH TWO KIDS okay maybe not right away but like datin'.
love statement : 
to shim jaewon, love is something that is tumulnous and a bit scary. she's had one first love, who she then gave up for the sake of a friend. she's open to dating people, but love is something she's much more reserved about. she will never be the first one to say "i love you", and when her partner says it, she'll simply change the subject as quickly as possible. she isn't against premarital as long as both parties consent.
stage name : jaewon.
introduction : "hello, i am tessellate's jaewon in charge of dance and vocals! pleased to meet you!"
position : lead dancer, lead vocalist.
backup : lead vocalist.
vocal twin : lim kim / f(x) krystal ( mamamoo wheein ).
dance twin : oh my girl yooa / mamamoo wheein.
rap twin : mamamoo wheein.
trainee years : one year ( jan. 06 2015 - feb 06 2016 ).
trainee background : 
jaewon was scouted when 4young girls performed at a company event for a small, up-and-coming fashion company. a bighit representative asked all four members, but three of them said no. jaewon decided to take the representative up on his offer, and then auditioned with her own songs and freestyle dances. she was accepted into the company and her training started on the sixth of january.
trainee lifestyle : 
though jaewon's training period was short, she left a strong impression on bighit staff and instructors. she had already had years of vocal instruction, already had on stage experience, already knew how to compose music and write lyrics. jaewon had self-trained herself in dance. not only that, but she was very kind and often brought coffee for her instructors and would always invite them to the cafe. she was essentially sure to debut.

jaewon requested accomodations so she could work and be a trainee at the same time, as well as stay in her own apartment instead of the trainee dorms. and even though she had a lot of her plate, she still managed to do well in trainee evaluations. among trainees, she was well-liked and was sort of a "mother figure" to the younger trainees. she'd help them when they needed help. she would listen to them when they were feeling down. she would give advice and words of encouragement when they'd need it.
predebut : 
4YOUNG GIRLS 4young girls is a cover quartet that gives a new life to classic and beloved songs. they've been performing ever since 2009. they don't have any albums but have performed many, many songs and have even competed on kpop star. they've covered you, in my fading memory; wonderful confession; passion flower; road to sampo; backwoods and more. ( think : mamamoo on immortal songs 2 ).
SOLO jaewon released 2 mini-albums predebut. they're both almost entirely self-produced. and they were somewhat almost popular?? ( think : lim kim's 'a voice' and 'her voice' ).
scandals : 
TESSELLATE'S JAEWON LIVING WITH AN UNRELATED MAN ! this emerges after the episode of we are siblings she's on with her brother. taejoon and gramps are on there briefly and mention how they can't wait for jaewon to move back in again. netizens criticize the fact that she lives with men who aren't related to her. jaewon's statement in response is, "yeah, i am an immoral woman for living with my brother, an old man, and my closest friend."

more tba.
comments : hi i finished this
suggestions : 
jaewon gets to collaborate with one of her celebrity crushes??? aka hyukoh in a remix of gondry?? ( basically the hyukoh x lim kim collab )
password : "in ten years, i'll be married with children of my own hopefully. i'll be a museum historian who enjoys life and keeps in touch with friends".


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lowkey do i apply to this or
uhm okay but what is this it sounds interesting