-- thank you guys!

-- actually these days, i've been feeling a bit down, tired, and stuff. expectations from the people around me are killing me but everytime i read your comments, wall posts, and messages about you loving my stories etc make my day ; ; i actually just write for fun and to kill time but i didn't expect that people really anticipate for the next update ; ; i've started just like any amateurs -- wrong grammars, shifts in tenses, etc were present in my past works and i can say that i've made a big improvement in my writing style : ) anyway, this is just a short appreciation post for y'all because you guys keep me going. thank you for always motivating me to continue writing! i love y'all! i hope everyone's well! < 3


xoxo, ephie


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Blubber7 #1
Well, no need to feel sad, ur writing is da best!