《WELCOME HOME, jang in na
120 * 180 px
"At the end of the day, you can either focus on what's tearing you apart or what's holding you together." 

korean name : jang in na (창인나)
birthdate & age :
12/17/1995 | 22
ethnicity : korean chinese
languages :
korean (native)
- since she was born in korea, she had to learn the language 
chinese (conversational)
- since her mother is chinese, since young in na learned little phrases and words that allows her to converse in mandarin
university : konkuk university
MAJOR : psychology

MINOR : dance

- she earns her extra income by giving tuition to middle school students. Currently, she is tutoring a 13 year old female student maths and science. 
faceclaim : red velvet seulgi
Backup : red velvet irene ; black pink jennie 
height & weight : 55kg|165cm

appearance :
in na is known for her almond shaped monolids eyes and pouty lips. she is always changing her hair color every month so don't be surprise when you see her having crazy hair colors once in a while. but her natural hair is of a light brownish color. she likes to keep her hair long and wavy to which she loves flipping it.
she's the epitome of an R-b-f (resting bit*h face), but please, don't be afraid of her though, she is completely harmless. in na loves piercings which is why she has a belly button piercing, two ear piercings on her right ear, and three on the other. a little ironic but she hates tattoos so she doesn't have one. 
stylE :
she just needs to have a nice pair of comfy jeans and trendy shoes in her closet. (she don't really care about what she wears on top) 
prologue : jang in na is one of the most smartest girl you'll ever meet. her mind is always working and thinking. she loves to analyse things and is good at reading people. which is why she is majoring is psychology. anyway, she is one of the most beautiful girl on campus which makes her a little popular. but she usually ignores the attention and would always be minding her own business somewhere. in na is someone who prefers to seat on the sidelines and watch someone else gets the attention, because she is always minding her own business, she gives off a nonchalent and cold vibe. 
` let's pump up the music
(a) me, myself & i 
- taeyeon "i" ; "be strong girl you know you were born to fly"  
- tiffany "i just wanna dance" ; "i just wanna dance the night away" 
- jessica "fly" ; "just spread your wings, to the end, follow the sound of your beating heart" 
(b) story time
CHanyeol & punch "stay with me" ; "are you the line of my fate? are you the one I've been waiting for?" 
(c) in na's fave
- bts "butterfly" ; "if i let go of you hand, you'll fly away and break. I'm scared of that" 
- crush "beautiful" ; "its a beautiful life, i'll be by your side" 
unlike the snowflakes melting on your skin
personality :  
(+) - loyal ; observant ; protective 
(=) - determined ; neutral ; sarcastic 
(-) - blunt ; passive ; manipulative 
loyal ; she is extremely loyal to her friends and family as she knew that they are the only people whom are trustable and would never hurt her.
"You're my friend and I'm gonna stick by you." 
observant ; she is always observing people wherever she goes, even when she talks to people, her eyes will always be moving as she reads their body language. i mean, there's a reason why she is majoring in psychology right? 
"i notice you're sweating profusely and you keep fiddling with your hands.. you're lying aren't you? 
protective ; hurt her loved ones, she hurts you. very protective of the people she love because to her, they are number one in her life. 
"you.are.gonna.take.back.what.you.said.of.my.friend.before.something.bad.happens.to.you..and trust me you wouldn't wanna know what" 
determined ; when she sets her mind of doing something, she will never stop until she achieve it. she doesn't believe in giving up, she only believes that if you fall, get back up again until you reach the goal. 
"no, I am never gonna give up." 
neutral/passive ; she doesn't take sides. she prefer to be neutral and goes about minding her own business. sometimes this might seemed mean because if there are people fighting in front of her, or if she sees someone hitting someone, she prefers to walks away then to jump in and do something. 
"I hate taking sides, just let me mind my own business alright?" 
sarcastic ; mostly towards her close pals. she is good at making sarcastic remarks most of the time when she thinks something is stupid. 
"how smart, you just realized that." 
blunt ; she talks without thinking sometimes. usually she wouldn't know that her words might hurt someone and by the time she realized, it'd be too late sigh. 
"if I were you I'd rather lock myself in the room and never get out." 
manipulative ; the things she learned in psychology does come in handy sometimes. in na can be very persuasive at times, remember? she is good at fiddling with someone's mind. but she only does that when she needs something. and no, don't misunderstand manipulative and seductive. just like what she always say, "I don't need to show people my skin in order to get what i want, i just need to meddle with their minds." 
background : 
birth ; born in Seoul south korea to a korean father and a chinese mother. when she was a baby, she was introduced to two other boys whom dad and mom said that they were her brothers, or 오빠 as koreans call it. 
toddler ; she was an intellegent baby. she started walking when she was about 10 months old. her first words were "appa" and "mama" shortly after at about 8 months old. as a toddler, she loved to interact with people. whenever adults were talking, she will stare at their faces and would at times burst out laughing or crying, depends. oh, and it comes with a little drool as well. 
elementary ; her parents send her to different classes as they wanted to see what in na really liked and if she would have a passion for the arts, maths or sciences. it was at this age when she discovered dancing and fell in love with it. ever since then, she started dance classes. whatever she wanted, she gets. that is the perks of being born into a wealthy family. however, it was at the age of 7 years ild when in na started seeing her parents lesser and lesser. whenever she asked her older brothers where would omma and appa be, they would always reply "at work earning money for us o have a good life in na" this happened for another 6 years. 
middle school ; at 13 years old was when she heard the saddest news of her life. mom and dad are getting a divorce. in na didn't know why. she was taught not to meddle into other people's affairs.. but this was her parents, how can she not meddle? "You'll understand why when you grow up In Na" was what was given to her when she asked. 
high school ;the divorce of her parents affected her. she started distancing herself from her father (after her mother left) and was only close with her oppas. Her father started burying himself in work, day after day, night after night. Whenever she comes home from school, she goes straight into her room and never come out unless it's dinnertime. 
present ; whenever in na and her father see each other at home, she would make snarky remarks which would often resulted in the two fighting. her dislike for her father is very obvious, up till today, the two hardly talk. 
lifestyle :
in na, for most of her life, have never moved out of her home as much as she wanted to though. The reason why she has never moved out is because despite the problems she has with her father, she love her brothers very much. which is why she continued staying was so that her brothers would not be too worry about her. 
however, now that her brothers are busy with their careers, in na didn't want to stay in a home where she is often alone by herself, thus she intend to move out and find a place. like this, she does not need to see her father at home everyday. 
like it has been mentioned before, in na had learned to be independent since young, thus she has a part time job so that she could earn a little income. despite the problems in na and her father has, her father still give her pocket money, however, sh puts them into her bank account instead and not spending it as she wants to prove to her dad that she could survive without his help. Her brothers also once in a while slips a few bucks into her wallet when she's not looking. so in na is financially stable right now. 
here is a timeline of her usual day ;
0900 ; class
1200 ; lunch
1400 ; class
1600 ; dance practice
1800 ; dinner
1900 ; freetime (this is when in na usually hangs out with her friends, go shopping, movies, self revision, tuition etc)
her schedule usually varies, but this is what it looks like in a day of her life.
F A M I l y ; 
- Jang hyun shik ; father ; CEo of jang enterprises
" i am still your father in na ah, i will always love you my daughter."
- lee shi ya ; mother ; fashion designer
"I had to divorce your father.. i am sorry my sweetie."
- jang in ho ; oldest brother ; director of jang enterprises 
"hey monkey, you know I am always there for you right?" 
- jang in wook ; 2nd oldest brother ; policeman 
"yah.. if there's any guys who bully you, i'm gonna kidnapped him and no one will ever find his body the next day you got it?" 
P A L S ; in na prefers not to have a lot of friends as she feels that too many friends could be a burden sometimes. therefore, she prefers to stick with a few close friends.  
- jung soo jung ; best friend ; psychology major, music minor
"I'm your best friend, i'm gonna be behind your back always!"
- park ji min ; budding romance ; music major, dance minor
"you're.. really pretty today.."  
trivia : 
-likes ; chocolates. action movies. makeup. mystery novels. crime tv shows (criminal minds, ncis etc).
- dislikes ; insects. dolls. noisy environment. coconut.
- hobbies ; dancing. watching youtube. netlfix.
- favorite food ; sushi. bulgogi. pasta. bbq
-she loves pastel colors
- when she was younger, she already started to observe people and would sometimes unkowingly stare at them intensely.
- her mind is able to think quickly, for example, she could tell you what the answer is to any algebraic equation within 7 seconds
- she loves to analyze small details of a person 
- she is an expert in body language and micro expressions 
- she cannot act cute even when her life depends on it
quotes by in na ; 
- you're annoying
- quiet you
- you are fidgeting real bad, are you hiding something?
- your eyebrows twitched a little
- you have soil at the back of your shoes
- i am hungry
- netflix tonight?
- i'm just gonna dance it all out
- it's not my problem
- bye  
i'LL become a cherry blossom & fly to you
hello, in na. it makes me happy to see you here on this sunny saturday morning. would you like some tea?
"good morning Professor hwang.. no thank you.." in na mumbled as she sat accross the professor. it has been months since she last saw him around campus, he looked like he aged a little.. 

PLEASE PARDON MY NOSINESS, but what made you want to move into this house?
  "well.. I have been looking for an apartment for a few months now you see due to some circumstances at home.. and I came accross the poster at the entrance hall of the school so.." in na replied, a little nervous as to whether or not the professor would probe her more on what's happening at home.
i see... i hope you will FIND WHAT YOU'RE SEARCHING FOR IN THIS HOUSE, then.
"..." in na kept silent, 'what's this weird aura going around here..?' she wondered as her eyes wander around the professor, trying to read his body language and find out what was he thinking.
(mr. hwang sips his tea quietly, eyes staring at the curtains of the living room, dancing in the spring breeze. after a minute or two, in na calls out to him, startling him.) 
...oh, i am sorry, my child. WHERE DID I- ah, Would you mind describing a typical day in your life? 
"I major in psychology so i have classes in the mornings. after that.. i head to my second class which is dance.. because i minor in dance you see.. and then i usually have dance practice since i'm part of the dance team and during my freetime, i hang out with my friends or i'll head back home to study. Somedays, i give tuition to a 13 year old student at her house, it's like my part time job.." in na said as her sharp eyes continued taking in small details of the professor. 
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS HOUSE? I told you it was originally built for someone your age. now that you saw everything, do you think you'd like it here?
"Appearance is one thing.. experience is another, to be honest Professor. I don't know if i'll like it here.. but i'm willing to live here and hopefully, i'll like it." in na spoke frankly. she was a little curious as to who the house was for but then again, it's not her problem, so she should just mind her own business. 

after you have seen every room in this house, which room would you like to live in?
"it doesn't matter to me which room to be honest, but if I had to pick a room, it'd be 1b since it's connected to the bathroom which is very convenient." in na initially wanted room 1a since she could have some privacy but she figured a lot of people would want that room, so she'd rather not fight for it and let other people fight for the room themselves.
I see. we'll see how things will work out ONCE THE LIST OF TENANTS IS COMPLETED. before we finish this interview... do you have any questions or concerns regarding your possible future in the share house? 
"Pardon me professor.. but i've heard several rumors about the house.. i mean, i don't believe in ghosts but... i'd feel a little creeped out if there are other.. beings living with me.." in na felt a little anxious as she was afraid that she would offend the professor. 
she studied his expressions intently whle waiting for a reply. 
(he chuckles, emptying his cup of tea, an amused look on his face as he musters in na for a few seconds.)

WELL, we'll see what we can do about that. since our time together is over for now, you may go upstairs to the rooftop and tell the next person to come to the living room. thank you for the nice chat we had.
— in na was stunned for a moment as the professor did not answer her about the ghosts rumors. the professor is the very first person in na was unable to figure out what he was thinking. "thank you Professor.. hope to see you around campus soon.." in na stood up, wondering what the professor could potentially be hiding.
-patching up scene between in na and her father (sobs sobs!!)
-a family reunion for the jangs
-protective oppas with an embarassed in na
-lots of cute romance between jimin and in na  
comments : fighting!!
momentum : the attractive thinker


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