Webtoon request entry

I have entered my story" A song of a love killed in its bud" in a webtoon challenge. It is not my best story but it is one of the best oneshots and it was the first time I tried writing action. Plus, it is inspired from real things as well. But the ending is just bittersweet. 

I am curious which story would my readers and friends like to see webtoon-ized. I personally would like Midnight Father as well but that is a 3-shot and it is ty a little and it didn't qualify because of the length. 

Whether I get to see it happening or not, I have tried. ^^ If not, it means I should be a better writer to begin with. Haha. Oppa should somehow know that he was the one who saved me so many times. XD. 

Proof that I entered it : https://www.tfaforms.com/forms/intermission

-for  the artist 

http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1225767/webtoon-art-shop-graphic-oneshot-romance-snsd-exo-webtoon-bts please check Mizusora's art shop as well!!


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