replace with fc


xander thorne


Rose - For any special occasion in their marriage, Xander's father would gift his mother a rose to commemorate whatever it was. After his birth, his parent's would refer to him as their living "Rose", which then lead to the nickname sticking to him later on in life.


╳ English - Native language.
╳ Korean - Fluentish - Xander began learning Korean little by little growing up, but never truly put it to use until his family moved to Incheon. His linguistic skills have gotten better with time, although there are moments where he'll stumble on his words and need a helping hand 


╳ Tall and slender, Xander's stature gives him away from a far distance. He has a slight build despite being mostly scrawny, the build being particularly noticeable in his arms when he wears short sleeved tops. Xander's natural hair color is a 


╳ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam dictum massa vitae est laoreet ultricies. Donec venenatis neque ac sapien eleifend, vel efficitur dolor gravida. Vivamus efficitur nulla id lorem feugiat laoreet at in lacus.


BIRTHDATE: January 20th, 1995 (22 Y.O.)
BIRTHPLACE: Melbourne, Australia
ETHNICITY: Korean-Australian

FACE CLAIM: Monsta X's Minhyuk
BACK UP: NCT's Taeyong
HEIGHT: 180 cm
WEIGHT: 68 kg

The Individual

I am who I am


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. Cras finibus massa varius diam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est. Sed scelerisque ligula vitae erat pharetra, vitae tempor turpis commodo. Vestibulum posuere ligula at dolor placerat, id bibendum nulla laoreet. Fusce molestie leo urna, eu sagittis nisi semper aliquet. Phasellus maximus eu mi non semper. Mauris malesuada diam elit, id dignissim lorem rhoncus sed. Fusce nisl diam, aliquam in tellus vitae, vulputate luctus nisl. Nunc ipsum lorem, rutrum malesuada euismod et, convallis eu enim. Mauris hendrerit turpis velit, ac fermentum enim facilisis sit amet. Phasellus quis massa orci. Maecenas molestie massa ac mauris consectetur sodales. Sed eget est et est blandit volutpat. Vestibulum scelerisque justo non maximus sollicitudin. Nam ut sollicitudin dolor. Suspendisse suscipit dignissim justo, a pretium nisi feugiat eget. Nunc interdum id mauris et accumsan.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. Cras finibus massa varius diam faucibus gravida. Vivamus at arcu est. Sed scelerisque ligula vitae erat pharetra, vitae tempor turpis commodo. Vestibulum posuere ligula at dolor placerat, id bibendum nulla laoreet. Fusce molestie leo urna, eu sagittis nisi semper aliquet. Phasellus maximus eu mi non semper. Mauris malesuada diam elit, id dignissim lorem rhoncus sed. Fusce nisl diam, aliquam in tellus vitae, vulputate luctus nisl. Nunc ipsum lorem, rutrum malesuada euismod et, convallis eu enim. Mauris hendrerit turpis velit, ac fermentum enim facilisis sit amet. Phasellus quis massa orci. Maecenas molestie massa ac mauris consectetur sodales. Sed eget est et est blandit volutpat. Vestibulum scelerisque justo non maximus sollicitudin. Nam ut sollicitudin dolor. Suspendisse suscipit dignissim justo, a pretium nisi feugiat eget. Nunc interdum id mauris et accumsan.


╳ Ironically, Xander has bad pollen allergies despite his nickname revolving around a flower.
╳ Even though he's able to speak perfectly clear Korean, he chooses to show the slightest bit of his accent when he's speaking as he finds it oddly charming.
╳ He had named every single animal in the pet shop he worked at before working under JYP. Xander also did the same for all of the cats at the cat cafe he worked at.
╳ Whenever he's excessively frustrated with someone, his accent thickens and he'll begin to drop more Australian slang than usual. 
╳ He'll also drop slang because he finds amusement in the confusion of his other English-speaking trainees.                                                                                                                         ╳ Without his morning cup of coffee, Xander is a snippy little monster who should be avoided at all costs.
╳ Plays both the guitar and piano, and is currently looking into learning the violin.
╳ Xander is biual, having had both girlfriends and boyfriends back in Australia before his family made the official move to Incheon. He hasn't told anyone within the company yet nor does he actually plan to for the sake of his potential career.
╳ Before becoming a trainee, Xander had plans to move back to Australia and open a fusion restaurant with both local foods as well as Korean dishes.
╳ Crying is one of the most painful things for Xander to actually do; he tries to avoid it at all costs, especially so whenever any of the other trainees are around, but once they start to flow they can't be stopped.                                                                                                       ╳ His grandmother is both his biggest supporter and most important role model.
╳ He claims that he would be completely fine if any members of the Wonder Girls, Miss A, or TWICE were to show up during any of his practices, but in reality he'd more than likely geek out/faint because he's a hardcore fanboy of the JYP ladies!
╳ Xander eats ice cream cones with a spoon and he always eats the bottom of the cone before all of the ice cream is actually gone.
╳ Stray animals, while avoided by most, are always pursued by Xander. Even if he knows it's an animal that should be naturally out in the wild (EX: Racoon) he'll still try to feed it, show it affection, etc.
╳ He hates the color orange and would never wear it no matter what the circumstance was.



How does your character feel about the situation?


Introduce yourself:

✩ G'Day everyone! I'm the boy from down under, Xander Thorne. *He shoots a cheesy grin and throws in a small wave before bowing* I'll take good care of you if you take good care of me, yah?

how long have you been under jyp Entertainment And How was your trainee life?: 

✩ My year mark with JYP just passed about a month or two ago, so I've been a trainee for a solid year now. Can't complain really, I've met some nice people, done some cool things, it's been just a very nice experience overall. *Xander nods his head in agreement with his own statement before raising a finger* But don't think that just because I've enjoyed training that it's all amazing. There have been times where I wanted to quit, times where jealousy tore friendships apart, and even times where my body physically couldn't handle it and I'd need to be taken to a doctor. *He sighs for a moment, shaking his head at the memories before recomposing himself and turning back to the camera.* Training hasn't been easy for me, but being given this opportunity was a blessing. Despite the obstacles I've had to cross, I still love every second of being under JYP and would not change any of it if I had the chance.

Why should we pick you for sixteen 2?:

✩ *The smallest of smiles tugs at his lips before he answers.* Do you have any reason to not pick me? Hmm? If not, then that's the answer to your question. If I have nothing wrong with me, then that obviously means I'm good enough to be a part of the show. *Xander looks at the ground for a moment, almost looking shy in a way, before peeking back up at the camera.* Plus, having an aussie in the mix is always a recipe for something special - whether that something is good or bad, I'll let you all decide.

Do you have what it takes?: 

✩ Like I said before, if nothing is wrong with me, then I guess that means I do have what it takes. Do I feel like I'm ready to take on a survival program? Sure. *He adds in a lazy shrug before continuing.* And if I think I'm ready to be on the program, shouldn't that mean I feel like I have what it takes to go all the way? I certainly think so, and if I do make it on to Sixteen season two, it'd be my goal to make sure the viewers at home see this as well.

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with FC

My Talents




╳ RAPPING/VOCAL - AKMU's Chanhyuk 

╳ DANCE - BTS' Rap Monster (X)

╳ VARIETY - SHINee's Onew


╳ His charisma on stage truly shines whenever he is simply rapping/singing rather than performing. Xander's charm lies not in how big of a stage performance he can muster up, but rather in intimate showcases where it's just himself, his guiter, and his skills.

╳ Xander is able to play several instruments, so he's very comfortable with offering a hand in the instrumental aspect of a song if it's ever needed.


╳ While he is able to give solid performances all on his own, when in the midst of a group number it's easy for him to almost get lost in all of it. Xander isn't the type to really shine on stage when there are better overall performers there with him; this doesn't mean he can't perform on stage in groups, it just means he isn't the best when he does.



britboowuvshinee ╳ loulou



╳ At least one scene of just angry Aussie slang yelling from Xander and all of the other contestants being so confused by every word he says xD.

╳ There needs to also be at least one really bad rivalry between a few of the boys that could escalate into something a little serious. Probably up to pushing one another before everyone breaks it up and then punishments for everyone from Papa JYP himself!

╳ I'm hoping for at least one or two emotional moments from the boys, if not all of them in kind of like a backstage-type segment where they all have heart-to-hearts and it's just beautiful! oh my feels OTL

PASSWORD: ohai this is a password!




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