I feel your pain

It's okay Kauaikoala, I feel your pain...Mostly because we share the same pain o0 Lolz...

I was depressed when I couldn't room with her and E52-Kimiko(idk if that's her full username) for our chorus trip in Oahu.  It didn't help that my three roommates were mostly annoying and the people who were rooming with kauaikoala and Kimiko were annoying too...

At the beach, kauaikoala and I were talking like old men which was pretty funny but it ain't so funny now since our voices sound horrible.  It's hoarse, dries up fast, can't sing, rap, or even talk loud.  I got sunburn too but not as bad as her...Ouchie.

Had a sleepover at her house with our other friends but one of them was kinda bumming us out by not talking with us that much.  The next day we went to go watch movies and kauaikoala couldn't go because her parents are VERY unfair.

Suppose to have filming this week but we need to practice a little more, buy our clothes even though we're broke, and one of our members is off island so no can.

One of our friends is bringing drama again which is UGH.  I got a bruise/lump on my left foot from Tuesday.  It hurts when I just touch it and sometimes when I walk.  If someone steps on it then I'm totally screwed.  Most likely I got it from soccer <.<

Oh and I have FOUR soccer games on Saturday...It doesn't help when their all in a row too...I finally got to upload one of my fanfics which took a couple weeks(I think) and I'm trying to work on my other fanfic but I'm in like an 'UGH I don't want to do this right now' kind of mood. 

I gained weight which is FREAKIN HORRIBLE!!!  I'm sure to burn it off in the next couple days but I'm still very unsatisfied with my weight and...thighs...

A lot of pain to go around ~_~ It's okay kauaikoala...You're not alone


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Oo and thighs... I love how that word ish small
kamsahamnida maknae... life is bleh this week (de ja vu much?)