' 100424 ' SONG JIHOON.

Full Name: song jihoon 송지훈 
Other Aliases:
song moonwon his original birthname, before his mother changed it to jihoon.
gomyun's treasure star student, handsome, athletic, artistic, kind, funny. he's brought a lot of positive attention to the school through his accomplishments and in some ways, song jihoon is gomyun's pride.
Birthday + Age: september sixteenth ; sixteen years old.
Birthplace: gomyun, seoul, sk
Hometown: gomyun, seoul, sk
Ethnicity: korean.
korean his native language, the language which shaped his world.
english advanced. jihoon is a naturally bright kid, and he excelled in english on top of his other studies.
Face Claim: kim taehyung / bts
Backup: woozi / seventeen

"faire le buzz, that's how i'd describe him." — kwon haebitna to carolyn kwon on song jihoon.
to feel validated once one’s peers recognize one’s hard work, along with admitting that a great part of success comes from chance.

rei II by shiro sagisu

oh my perfect little jihoon, you are not only their pride and joy, but mine as well. look at all the things you've accomplished in your wake. awards, ribbons, student body president. all these things make me proud to call you my son. you are accountable for you obligations and actions. you always keep the promises you make. you look out for others and pick up the slack when they can't. you care deeply about others, don't you? you have everyone's best interests in mind. you're rather vigilant, making sure no harm comes to others. in a world where softness is frowned upon, you make it your own. and for that, you are wonderful.

but it's not good enough for you, isn't it? you don't think you're good enough. and you're not. you're not jihoon. you'll never be jihoon. you'll never be as good as your brother jihoon. does taking care of everyone burden you? do you hate it? jihoon would never hate it. you're an ingrate. you're . you're useless. you play the role i laid out for you well. you're no longer yourself. you'll follow jihoon's path and actually be worth something. 

brilliant, soft, dependable, protective, self-critical, conformist, burdened.



"it's a bit... je te suis fait biter." — kwon haebitna to song jihoon, on his life.
feeling helpless and powerless in a situation you feel cheated upon.

tranquilite by shiro sagisu

chapter one.
he's born song moonwon. he has a mother and an older brother named jihoon. his beginnings are modest, but filled with joy and potential. jihoon welcomes him with open arms and a wide grin, dressed up in his fanciest sunday clothes because he wanted to make a good impression even though he's only three years old.

moonwon was important to him. he was important to moonwon.

chapter two.
jihoon is perfect. smart, handsome, kind, funny, sweet, thoughtful. he looks out for others. mother always tells moonwon that he should strive to be like jihoon. and he does. he does strive to be like his brother. mother gets pregant again, this time with twins. now moonwon has younger siblings to take care of.

chapter three.
class president. track. baseball. piano. dance. jihoon has a lot on his plate. he tells moonwon that he isn't happy, and moonwon can only scratch his head. jihoon gets all the praise and adoration from mother, why wouldn't he be happy?

"it's just a lot of pressure."

"don't you like doing those things?"

"nevermind, won."

the twins need a snack. jihoon asks moonwon to get it for them, he needs to study. moonwon obliges.

chapter four.
moonwon wonders what it's like to be jihoon. to have mother constantly doting on him. to be able to wriggle out of responsibilities under the pretense of 'studying' or 'needing to rest up before a match'. he wonders what it's like to have mother's love.

when jihoon has the slightest fever, mother lets him stay home. when moonwon is puking his guts up with a stomach flu, he's forced to attend school.

moonwon gets punished more harshly than jihoon. when mother is out working, jihoon's in charge. he's the oldest after all, but he keeps himself locked in his ( and moonwon's ) room, leaving moonwon to watch after the twins. and when anything happens, it's always moonwon who gets reprimanded for jihoon, and the punishment is always amplified. timeout for jihoon turns into a spanking for moonwon. a spanking for jihoon turns into being forced to kneel on rice for moonwon.

moonwon was always punished for even the smallest things. if mother felt like moonwon was being too noisy and distracting jihoon from his studies, he'd be punished. if the twins were crying and jihoon complained, moonwon would be punished. if jihoon wanted more food, it was always moonwon's dish from which he took.

jihoon didn't look at moonwon like he used to. moonwon was no longer special to him. moonwon was just a punching bag to him.

and punching he did. "stress" was the excuse. jihoon needed to let go of his "stress" and would straddle moonwon and punch him in the stomach until moonwon would vomit. it's just brothers being brothers. boys being boys. jihoon would always make moonwon do his chores. jihoon makes moonwon do what he doesn't want to.

but it's okay because jihoon is brilliant.

moonwon is brilliant too, you know. top of his class despite all this and yet he forever lives in jihoon's shadow.

chapter five.
it's unfortunate. jihoon was a beautiful, talented, wonderful child. everyone gives their condolences. his entire school showed up at his wake. 

moonwon can't help but feel relieved. he wouldn't have to put up with jihoon's bullying anymore. and he feels awful for feeling that way because jihoon's brilliant, he should be in mourning.

he died in a bus crash. a freak accident. the press says he was shielding a little girl who's mother was attending to a baby. heroics and all.

mother is drinking an awful lot. his school cuts him an insane amount of slack because losing a brother that great must have left moonwon wracked with distress and anguish, but even so he strived to excell. now that jihoon was gone, maybe he'd get mother's love and attention. maybe he'd get that warm and elegant hand coming down upon his head and tousling his hair.

but jihoon wasn't gone. mother would drink herself into a stupor and come into moonwon's room and yell at him, scream at him, tell him it should have been him instead of jihoon. she'd grab him by the hair and throw him down the stairs of their apartment building. she'd drink and hurt him.

she'd drink during the day time, too, leaving moonwon to care for his siblings full time.

she stopped calling him moonwon and started calling him jihoon. she'd talk to him lovingly, as if he was her pride and joy, as if he was jihoon. when she'd speak to him as moonwon, her voice was laced with disgust and her words were violent. she changed his name to jihoon when he was 13. she enrolled him in the same activities as his brother.

he could no longer be himself, he had to be jihoon.

chapter six.
he can't remember who he used to be. all he knows is who he is currently, jihoon. he's in high school now, he goes to gomyun like his brother. he's popular with the students for his looks and his kindness and his willingness to help them. he's popular with staff for his grades and eloquence and even temper.

his friends, who weren't really true friends and only hung around him to be associated with song jihoon, called him crazy for how much he seemed to care about others, especially that freak heo saehyun.

"you barely know the guy." one says as he cleans out his ear with his fat finger. "'sides, he's really weird."

"i heard he try to kill himself." another says as she preens and bats her long lashes at jihoon, hoping to attract him.

"i heard he had with a teacher. a male teacher." another adds, pushing up his glasses.

jihoon rubs the nape of his neck, "i'm a big brother guys, it's hardwired in my nature to worry about people."

chapter seven.
"hey saehyun!" he says as he sits down at the same table the delicate, leaf-like boy. saehyun looks up at him, pupils wide and trembling. "can i eat with you?"

"w-why...?" his voice shakes.

"i've never really had a conversation with you before, and i'd like to change that." jihoon smiles, "you seem like a nice guy. and you can never have too many friends."


people whisper at the sight of the two of them together. he's forced to leave by the protective mijoo, who thinks jihoon is playing a prank on saehyun. that's the opposite of his intentions.

chapter eight.
do jiyong is a bastard. a monster. a worthless lowlife  who deserves to die

he doesn't know what he did to saehyun, but he knows it was something. because do jiyong is the one saehyun trusted with intimate parts of himself. do jiyong is nothing more than a bully. he's like jihoon's brother only worse. only alive.

he doesn't know what possesses him. what makes him break away from his group of friends to make his way through the halls to find do jiyong.

and when he finds him, he's with a girl. a small, earnest girl with an air of gentle warmth and hospitality. he can't make out what they're saying, but jiyong takes her sketchbook from her hands and holds it above her head, making her hop and reach for it.

"do jiyong."

he stops and looks at jihoon. "it's gomyun's treasure!" contempt drips from his voice. "to what do i owe this pleasure?"

"you're an ."

"as the sky is blue." the girl inches closer to jiyong, a look of confusion and trepidation on her face. "but let's not swear in front of the youngun'."

jihoon leaves, fuming.

he wants to protect them. he wants to protect saehyun, and he wants to protect that girl.

chapter nine.
he couldn't protect saehyun.

is a member of the baseball team, is a dancer, plays the piano, and is class president. his extracurricular life is very hectic and busy with conflicting schedules and micromanaging. he actually isn't that big a fan of any of his activities.

he often tutors other students, though most of his wards are girls who find him attractive.

is planning on running for student council president in his third year.

has an aversion to mirrors because he can't see himself. he can only see his brother.

helps the elderly, children, and animals on a regular basis. he is beloved by many, many people.

tends to project his ideals of a "good older brother" onto others, which is why he's so protective over people and is gentle and kind to most everyone he meets. he wants to be what his brother couldn't be.
song jihoon.
"how do you feel about your brother?" carolyn asks, ready to record his answer.
"jihoon was amazing. i'm lucky i had an older brother like him."
"you don't sound too enthused."

any semblance of adoration moonwon held for his brother dissipated as his brother abused him. and yet at the same time, everyone tells him he's lucky to have a brother like jihoon, and that he's in good hands and part of moonwon feels guilt that he doesn't mourn his brother's death. he feels terrible that he cares more about the death of a kid he's only had one, maybe two conversations with than the death of his brother. but that kid was helpless, whereas jihoon was not.

heo saehyun.
"what was saehyun to you?"
"someone who didn't deserve all this."

jihoon always felt bad for gomyun's resident punching bag. maybe because he knew how it felt to be treated like . he tried a few times to get to know saehyun more, to be friendly and reassuring to him, to be his friend, but each time was thwarted by saehyun's friends who didn't appreicate one of the most popular guys trying to play saehyun like a fool.

do jiyong.
he grins bitterly, "do you even need to ask?"

jihoon despises him. thinks he's the scum of the earth.

kwon haebitna.
"do you know haebitna?" 
carolyn asks, "first year? art club? hung around jiyong?"
"yes... i suppose i do."

there's something about her that draws him to her. maybe it's her purity, maybe it's the air of sadness that surrounds her, maybe it's the way she smiles through it all. he wants to protect her, to keep her away from that bastard jiyong and keep her safe because she's young and vulnerable. he spends his time watching her from afar, wondering about her.
Grade Year: second year.
Life in Gomyun:
he's top of his class, active in various school activities, and his teachers absolutely adore him. it's to the point that he gets special treatment compared to other students, especially the more outcasted ones like saehyun. any time the school needs to be represented, he's the one to do so. he's almost worshipped by his peers, in a way. he has girls constantly fawning over him and confessing their love to him, and he has guys wanting to be his friend.

What was your reaction to the massacre?
he fidgets. it's difficult to keep still. he's obviously concerned, but can't afford to look too desperate. he fixes his hair and his uniform before clearing his throat. "it's really hard to put into words..." he says as he crosses one leg over his knee. "i'm heartbroken that something like this could happen in... in our school. it's truly a shame, a tragedy. and i give my condolences to the families of the deceased." his response almost sounds rehearsed, he knew he'd probably have to speak at their wake.
What was the first thing that came to your mind when the blackout came about?
"it was a sinking kind of helplessness, i suppose." he says as he absently rubs at his arms. "like just the creeping feeling that something bad had happened, that this wasn't a typical blackout."
Do you have a feeling you know who's responsible?
"do jiyong." the name escapes his lips immediately, leaving a sour taste in his mouth. "who else could it be besides him?"
Did you know any of the five personally, most likely Saehyun?
"saehyun didn't deserve this." he says, "he didn't deserve any of this."
If you could uncover the truth, where would you start looking first?
"i wish i knew." he sighs, shoulders slumping as every single odd and end races through his mind. "there are too many possible starting points, how can i choose just one?"


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goodbye i am so tired
i bet none of this app makes sense
its like one and im so tired
read replies thread for some odds and ends on him