
I was looking up Weekly Idol episodes and came upon one that I haven't seen before. It was with Infinite and Sungyeol doing IOI's "Pick Me Up". OMG! I was amazed at how well he did the dance. His legs are VERY long and he got everyone into the dance. Sungjong is my bias in Infinite, but slowly Sungyeol is starting to creep up there after watching "Pick Me Up". I think after this, I'll be adding Sungyeol as a bias in Infinite along with Sungjong. I think I've seen it at least 10 times and I kept repeating the dance. 

Here's the link if anyone hasn't seen it yet:




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Ohh, I love Sungyeol! :)
OMG! I love it when he covers dances. It's so funny, at times, ad other times, he blows me away. It's great. Thank you for letting me know♡.