I neEd yOuR hElp (please read this is you're a graphics designer)

anyone willing to do a request for me? just for a dp? or maybe suggest a good shop for me that is opening rn? bc all the graphic shops i know are closed or busy atm. T^T i dont exactly have that much karma but yeah.. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP MEEE XD 

you will be rewarded with the unmeasurable respect from me. and maybe i'll throw in a free unicorn? lol sorry that's all i got now. XD 

but if you want maybe lend your services or suggest a shop, please comment down! 

*maybe some cutie minghao will make you wanna help me


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Oh man. I would have done it for you totally free but two things
1. I've never made dps before so I'm positive it'll look like .
2. I'd have to do it tmrw cuz I'm about to sleep and I'm not sure when I could do it tmrw.

Good luck Momo~ Hope you find one!
Okay, I'll list a few shops, just make sure to check them out, portfolios and stuff because I am too busy to look at that~

1) http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/995294/c-l-u-b-r-e-b-i-r-t-h-graphics-request-hiring-posters-postershop-graphicshop
2) http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1008399/mystic-multi-shop-advertising-and-graphics-open-hiring-free-ads-in-chapters-1-and-100-graphics-advertise-hiring-graphicshop-advertisement-advertisementshop-advertising
3) http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1058333/graphic-shop-graphic-graphics-poster-posters-postershop-graphicshop (mizusora's got specific opening hours, I think.)
4) http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1125113/bangtan-aff-poster-shop-open-poster-postershop-bts-bangtanboys-namjin (this one does BTS only, but I don't know what you need)
5) http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/545624/neverland-republic-airline-edition-open-graphic-graphics-posters-requestshop-graphicshop
6) I wanted to put CatchXiao, but the both of us work there xD
7) http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1219719/fossa-a-graphic-shop-2-spots-available-graphic-graphics-request-postershop-graphicshop-redvelvet
8) http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1138038/empty-gold-back-read-announcement-graphics-open-postershop-requestshop-graphicshop
9) http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1098367/asianfanfics-anonymous-agency-comeback-january-2017-graphics-request-reviews-graphicshop-trailers-reviewshop-multishop
10) http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1156608/multi-shop-revamped-open-graphics-review-reviews-graphicshop-trailers

If I put shops where you work, just skip them xD Hopefully you'll find a shop you like xD
CLUB X is open too you can try request there
How bout L.D Graphics?? It's open now and I just realize you're on of the staff lmao XD