Come and read, if you are looking for some laughs.

Hello! Uhhh, well on my previous post I was a little sad at that time. But, I'm okay now and I'm happy to spread a little warmth around Asianfanfics for those who are down.

Joke no. 1: wHy couldn't the pony sIng the lullaby to himself? ... CUZ HE WAS A LITTLE HOARSE. AHAHAHA *jumps off the balcony*

Pick up line no. 1: u know the letters of the alphabet...? It's U-R-A-Q-T... Oops, LOL, forgot the other 21 letters... *SQUEALS*

Joke no. 2: ayy... i just realised harry potter did some drugs back den... how? ... BECAUSE HE ATE THE GILLYweed. *getting rocks thrown at*

Pun no. 1: i'd tell you a chemistry joke but i knew i wouldn't get a REACTION... *sighs*

Pun no. 2: what's the worst thing about throwing a party in space...? U HAVE TO PLANET *laughs in an inhuman way*

Pick up line no. 2: r u a MAGICIAN...? cuz when i look at you every one else disappears. *falls down to the ground*

Pick up line no. 3: ur eyes r blu like di ocean, baby im lost at sea... *ahahahahahahahahahaha*

Pick up line no. 4: can i follow u? cuz my mom told me to follow my dreams...

Joke no. 3: where do animals go when their tails fall off? ... THE RETAIL STORE *runs away*


ANNDD that's it! I hope this made ur day... BYE~





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It did make my day XD