BOYS FOUND FOOTAGE : 송순수한. tw! abuse, misogyny, and toxic relationships.

TAPE 842
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 sunsuhan celestin dusseau de lacroix-song.
CELESTIN DUSSEAU DE LACROIX the most wonderful-sounding name to his ears. it's so beautiful to him, holds so much to it. he uses it as his penname when he writes. his creole name.
SUNSUHAN SONG beautiful because it's his, though not as exotic as his other name. his korean name.
SUNSU a nickname that he destests. it's diminutive and unsophisticated and meaningless unlike his beautiful, symbolic, and poetic name. the people he will tolerate it from are his dear friend kim iseul and his muse kwon eunha.
VIOLET his name when he was a member of flowers. linked to hamlet's tragic ophelia.
AGE nineteen years old.
DOB november tenth.
BIRTHPLACE seoul, sk.
HOMETOWN seoul, sk.
ETHNICITY korean-creole
FACECLAIM ONE bts taehyung.
FACECLAIM TWO seventeen jeonghan.
smoky, narrow eyes. thick brows. square jaw with high cheekbones. petal lips with an m-shaped cupids bow, plush from being kissed. his skin is clean and glowing. his hair is clean and neat, not a strand out of place. with long, soft, dexterous fingers, his hands are his favorite feature. catch him in neat, sharp, soft clothing. soft sweaters and houndstooth or checkered trousers.
MEASUREMENTS 177 cm & 60 kg.
THE DRAMATURG & THE TRAGEDIAN. he raises his pen, black ink wet and bubbling at the tip, and brings it to his creamy white paper. he writes about the pain that is around him, that he has both caused and sought after. the interconnected desolate allicholy that ties them all together tastes divine against his tongue. he broods. he muses. he analyzes every word and punctuation he placed on the page and their symbolic meaning in the cosmos of his universe and after he's agonized over every aspect of his character and plot and wants and dreams, he acts it out. and, o'! gaze upon his hauntingly captivating figure as he controls and revels in the sadness and pain.

VICTOR FRANKENSTEIN from frankenstein by mary shelley. THE TRAGEDY OF HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK by william shakespeare. MISTER ROCHESTER & SAINT JOHN from jane eyre by jane austin. 120 DAYS OF SODOM by marquis de sade. FRENCH GOTHIC. ROMANTICISM.


brilliant, introverted, pensive, perceptive, sophisticated, sensible, just, soft.
cunning, sadistic, vain, self-critical, morbid, infallible, dogmatic, mercurial.

"isn't he just... a brooding pretentious douche with a god complex?"

"those writer types are always introverted. introverted and goddamn smart. he pushes himself to improve, a perfectionist with a strong work ethic. he thinks quickly and solves problems efficiently. the way he focuses blocks everyone else out. he never fails to be precise or ask for precise instructions from his higher ups. if you'd just sit and talk to him for an hour, you'd return to your dwelling with a higher iq. he's self-sufficient and deep-thinking. you should see how fast this kid burns through books. after all his business is done, he locks himself in his room to simply be alone and you should leave him be, because you definitely do not want to see an irritated sunsu. oh, and don't let him hear you call him 'sunsu'. irks him to no end.

"brooding? oh yeah, you can definitely say he broods. but that isn't too bad a hobby, is it? he'll stare off into space or he'll wander off on his own for a bit. sure, all the questions he asks can be a bit of a pain in the sometime, but he's almost always well-informed in his opinions. and if you think because he's always in his head he has no clue what's goin' on down here, you're seriously wrong. he sees everything. he sees things that sometimes even we don't see. he can observe everything and assess it so well that he can even see what's comin' next. do you know how helpful that is to the godlings? the elite gang that keeps order around here? the guy exudes elegance, like even his name is elegant. sunsuhan celestin song. he carries himself with confidence, and he has such good manners and he'll show them to you even if you're his worst enemy. every movement he makes is graceful and he has a vocabulary like a dictionary. he's just so... polished and neat, and even though he hates it, he's the master at small talk. he's sort of like an anchor, y'know? he makes good decisions even under pressure and you can always trust him to be the voice of reason. he can see things comin' a mile away, he really can, and he just anticipates things and adapts in order to avoid unwelcome surprises.

"and he always wants to do the right thing by you, even if he doesn't like ya. he shows respect to all of us, even newbies like you. he'll call out any injustices or dishonesties, even if it's within his own gang. he's just... soft and wonderful.

"and as for a god complex, it's befitting of someone in godlings, innit? he's a devious little bastard. he likes to draw attention away from himself and he uses concern and attentiveness to get others to let their guards down. he's always thinkin' ahead, and he always has an inkling on whether or not you're useful to him. and if not, well, he'll still treat you with respect but he'll still keep you at an arms length. he's established. like, in the world outside of us. he has poetry books and plays and novels that sell great. teenaged girls and sensitive guys eat his up. he got accepted into all three sky universities. he has an actual future. and apparently everyone kisses his so, its no surprise that he's in love with himself.

"he thinks he can do no wrong and that he can do no good. he's so critical on every little thing he does. if he's in a bad mood and speaks to someone like a snippy , he'll beat himself up over it. you should see his room. covered in crumbled up paper because he couldn't find just the right word for his poem. and sunsu's... weird. not normal. he's obsessed with pain and tragedy and death and... i remember one time, back when he was still in flowers, one of my guys was dying and sunsu was the first one we saw and sunsu just... stared into the guys eyes as he was dyin'. he touched the dude's forehead, askin' him all the questions like if he could feel and . and in the moment we all thought he was comfortin' the guy but lookin' back... it's just weird, okay. and he... i guess he just really find beauty in suffering or somethin'. it's kinda creepy. you definitely wouldn't wanna get in a fight with him.

"and don't get me wrong, he definitely does have a god complex. he thinks he's never wrong, that he never can be wrong. like it's hardwired in his dna to never be wrong and he really knows how to work an argument to make you feel in the wrong. and he tries to force his ideas on how we should all work down our throats because he's smart and brilliant and wise and perceptive. he doesn't usually get ticked off but when he does.... it isn't pretty. he has some pretty extreme moodswings, especially if he's irritated or people are telling him he's wrong. but sunsu's a good guy, honest."

— resistance member kim iseul to new resistance member on sunsuhan song.



HEAVENS. a tragedy in five acts.
by celestin dusseau de lacroix
( tw! domestic abuse & murder )



he's born. his mother gives him the name celestin because he's heavenly. his father gives him the name sunsuhan because he's pure.

sunsuhan was born to be a handsome little boy. great, filial, kind, smart. he recieved praises from all walks of life. from parents and teachers to old ladies out in public. mother is proud of him, kisses him sweetly and holds his hand. father tousles his hair and presses their foreheads together.

they're the picture of a loving family.

mother loves him so much, is willing to do anything and everything for him.

mother and father start arguing when they think their prince is asleep, when they think he wouldn't hear. but how could he not hear when they shouted at such a volume?

he vaguely recalls something about father having an affair, and mother refusing to stand for it. she threatens to get a divorce and threatens to take her celestin with her. father says he'd rather kill her than let her take his sunsuhan away from him.

it's his fault they're fighting. 

he needs to be better.



he wins a writing contest. he gets to go to a ceremony where he gets to accept a prize on stage. both mother and father go and, for the first time in months, don't fight the whole night.

his little story that he wrote gets published into a children's book, and they've never been more proud.

mother thinks the royalty money should go into a fund for celestin while father thinks they should use the money to get a new place.

father has mother by the hair. she's screaming hysterically, begging celestin for help.

father tells sunsuhan not to move a ing muscle. 

father throws mother down the stairs of their apartment before walking away after making sure she's hit every single one of them. celestin runs to check on her. she's bleeding from a spot on her head.

they go to the hospital.

"celestin, if anything ever happens to me—"


"nothing, my dear."

that's it. mother has her and celestin's stuff all packed up into suitcases. father was having an affair. not only that, he was living a double life in which mother was the homewrecking mistress and not the beautiful wife.

she's leaving. they're leaving. celestin holds the handle of his rolling suitcase as mother and father argue in the kitchen. he grabs her neck and squeezes, but she manages to break free.

she's dragging celestin out the door by the arm, practically shoving him into the car. father comes out and watches them as they pull out of the driveway, and the last thing sunsuhan sees him doing is kicking a nearby pillar shouting, "i'll kill you, you !"



he and mother are driving somewhere. he's not exactly sure where. away from father.

it's late at night, and the expressway is nearly empty. mother's hands are trembling.

it all happens so quickly.

there's car headlights in their rear-view mirror. whoever's driving is going too fast and is swerving recklessly.

mother tries getting away, switching lanes, but the reckless driver stays on her tail.

they're speeding up. the driver gets into the lane beside them, and all celestin hears is, "oh god, it's your father!" before they're skidding into the bridge's barrier.

he lurches forward in his seat, constrained by the seatbelts mother put him in. he hits his head against the back of the passenger's seat, but his fate is much kinder than that of his mother.

he wonders how long they've been there, in the ed-up car. he's drifting in and out of consciousness, but he knows mother isn't moving. he doesn't see her chest rise and fall. or maybe he does. everything's blurry.

he's dizzy. there's this inexplicable pressure in his head. he feels something wet rolling down his face.

everything's fuzzy. 

he wakes up in the emergency room. nurses, police officers, and his father all by his bedside.

"sunsuhan, darling, are you okay?"

"where's mother?"

"she's in critical condition, sunsu."

an officer approaches him, "your mother tried to kidnap you. your father called us because he was worried she'd try and leave the country with you. that's when we found her car, and the both of you in it."

"mother didn't try to kidnap me, and you know it."

all father does is smirk in response.

"why are you smiling? you killed her."

"do you really think the officers will believe that, sunsu? it's not kind to make things up."

"i'm not making it up."

"oh dear, the drugs are making you delirious. i should really talk to a nurse."



for a while, a long, long while, he doesn't think it's real. he just thinks his mother was killed by a reckless driver.

people pity him and dote on him because he watched his mother die right before his eyes at the ripe and tender age of eight.

the image of her follows him. what her body looked like pressed against the dashboard. he wonders what she felt. was it instantaneous or was it drawn out? did she try to stay alive long enough to say something to him?

he's in high school now, living with his father.

it only comes back to him when he finds his father's journals. he figures it's a way to learn more about his father, to figure out how he feels about things.

father writes a lot, it's probably where sunsuhan got his passion for it from.

sunsuhan spends an entire day while father's out reading his journals.

it's about the tenth journal where he reads it.

that ing will die for taking my sunsuhan away from me.

he flips the page.

i did it. i killed the .

"i'm leaving father."

"what are you talking about?"

"i'm leaving. moving out. being on my own."

"what's brought this about?"

"you killed her. you killed my mother."

"again with these accusations?"

"i have proof. if you don't want me to expose you for the liar you are and have you arrested, you'll pay for an apartment for me to stay in and whatever else i need and then you will never, ever talk to me again."

"you're blackmailing your father?"

"you killed my mother. i watched her die. i have every right to do so."



sunsuhan gets what he wants. an apartment all his own that his father pays for. it's in this time that he writes and writes non-stop, producing five plays, three novels, and two poetry books. he lives off his royalties alone.

he's well-liked in school, especially by his teachers. they're always asking him to attend some event or speak on behalf of the school or represent the school at some fancy event. and he does.

he's on the path of getting accepted into all three SKY universities. his life is great, but he's lonely.

he catches the eye of the prince, who becks and calls for him. the prince teases sunsuhan, speaking a sea of pretty words to him. sunsuhan smirks.

he's never tried to forbidden fruit of the same gender. and he is in need of a new muse. someone beautiful and delicate and tragic. someone to fuel his writing, and the prince is promising him many, many beautiful muses.

he becomes known as violet, after hamlet's tragic ophelia. he becomes one of the prince's favorite, probably because he writes beautiful and flowly stanzas deducated to the prince.

he isn't quite sure he fits in with the rest of the flowers. yes, he does enjoy strolling through the rooftop garden, and he enjoys soaking in all the petty drama that explodes and ends in tragedy but something feels off.

his muses are all filled with an empty, shallow kind of beauty. there's hardly any suffering to them. they all want him to write about them, but they lack substance to write about. they are generally uninspiring.

he's different from the rest of them. he doesn't indulge in the sin of skin as often as the rest of them. he doesn't care much for food management or medicine. he hates the skewed sense of justice they have. he's above all of them, he feels.

he tells this to the prince, and the prince introduces him to the godlings.

sunsuhan has over 20 works published under his creole name. his most favorite genres to write are tragedy, gothic, and cosmic horror / lovecraftian horror, though he has written some young adult and romance. most of his works include an incredibly beautiful, incredibly damaged heroine as the sort of central focus. themes of death, family secrets, helplessness, hopelessness, detachment, and the fragility of sanity are very frequently explored in his works. and he writes in iambic pentameter, what a nerd.

he uses everything in his power to strike his readers right in their feelings. is a master of plot-twists and cliffhangers. character deaths are to be expected, but they still manage to surprise people.

although he got into all 3 SKY unis, he simply plans on making a living off his writing.

looks down on women, and feels like they're made to serve him. not exactly men in general, but specifically him. part of it stems from his doting mother and part of it stems from him being able to make his female characters do anything.

has acted in many productions of shakespeare, and takes a lot of his inspiration from the works of shakespeare.

does drugs with t-25 when he needs some inspiration.

overall prefers to avoid physical fights but can hold his own fairly well if he does get in one. he may not be the strongest, but he's quick on his mind and feet and has a decent bit of stamina.

his apartment and his dwelling at the base is filled with books. in between both spaces, he'd estimate hes has about 1000 books. they're simply just stacked up on the floor and on his desk and are just... everywhere. there's also a bunch of crumpled up paper thrown about.


THE LITTLE PRINCE by antoine de saint-exupéry.
the only person sunsuhan considers a friend, and maybe something more.

"sunsu? do you care about me? am i... your friend?"
"oh! iseul, you beautiful little fool. you are more than my friend, you are my soulmate."

sunsuhan is fascinated with him, and seeks out the rumored flower of resistance himself. what he finds is a delicate, blooming, lovely, rose-colored young man by the name of iseul. something swells in his chest as he studies iseul's eyes smile, as his eyes follow the suppleness of his thighs and the fullness of his backside. there's something so attractive about iseul, maybe its his visual vulnerability, maybe its the sharp dichotomy between his looks and personality and how violent he can be. whatever it is, sunsuhan wants to make iseul his muse.

he's diffident, humble, charming, and simpering. he doesn't look like he belongs in resistance but damn can that boy pack a punch.

as kim iseul's best friend, sunsuhan gets to hear about everything going on within resistance. even though he may not seem like it, sunsuhan enjoys a good laugh and iseul never fails to deliver. he's very protective over iseul, even though iseul can handle himself more than well. if you're within earshot, prepare to hear their almost constant banter. like, they essentially drag each other through the dirt and back. but all those insults make compliments from the other mean so much more.

"you know iseul, my good lad, i never really properly thanked you."
"thanked me for what, sunsu?"
"for being by my side."

they rely on each other immensely. no excuse, distance, or event could prevent these two from being there for one another. sunsuhan considers iseul to be his other half, considers himself complete with iseul, considers himself a better person when iseul is by his side. iseul is his rock, encouraging him and comforting him and supporting him in whatever he does.

120 DAYS OF SODOM by marquis de sade.
she's beautiful. she's tragic. she's pure. she's ed up. she's ophelia. she's his muse.

"you're a misogynistic nihilist, you know that? i hate misogynistic nihilists."
"then why do you let me do these things to you?"
i'm a misogynistic nihilist."

he meets her by chance. he's writing at a cafe, sitting outside under the veranda as rain pours from the sky. and the he sees her, clad in a thin white dress, now soaked with rain. he can see her small and supple s through the wet fabric—an image which is etched in his mind and he later brings himself to with. she's simply wandering around in the rain aimlessly, barefoot, not seeming to care about a thing in the world. an older man rushes towards her, ushering her under the veranda. he goes to get her a towel and some tea. she simply stands there and looks at the rain, right besides sunsuhan.

"you there, girl." he bekons, "what is your name?"
"what is yours?"
"sunsuhan. that's a lovely name."
"you never told me yours."
"my what?"
"your name."
"that? it isn't important. say, sunsu? lets meet here again. tomorrow. okay?"

she's strange, not quite right. she's a pathologic liar, she's impulsive, she needs constant stimulation. she's devil-may-care, coldhearted, and in emotional poverty, but she's also damned curious and spirited and bright and vaguely childlike. she's been a victim of all sorts of abuse from a young age, and has a seemingly endless amount of horrible stories that she'd be more than happy to divulge in the most detail she can.

their relationship is toxic and exploitative. she allows herself to be controlled by him, and he uses her personal experiences as fuel for his creative mind. they both know it, and yet it doesn't stop them. she serves him as if he's her superior, as if she's beneath him sitting at his feet and in return he kisses her and calls her beautiful. he knows every part of her body and when they're making love, whenever and wherever he wants to, she simply lays there. she says it feels good, especially once he starts choking her. especially once she comes within an inch of death, and that's the only way he can .

he tells her he loves her, and she doesn't quite believe him. she never says it back.

"if you don't love me, then why do you let me abuse you?"
"because it's my place to be abused. it turns me on when you're cruel to me."
"you play me like a fool, woman. you do love me, don't you?"
"the gentleman doth protest too much, methinks."

and when she doesn't return his love, he gets so angry that he hits her and bites her and s her. she's a release for him, a sponge that soaks up his every frustration. a ragdoll for him to play god with. he controls many things about her life, from what she eats to what she wears to making her sleep with other men while he watches and god, does he enjoy it.

sunsuhan is rather well-liked among the other boys. they think he takes himself too seriously, but they respect how well he treats others. he's only on the side of justice. many of the boys enjoy reading his work and watching him act, and sunsuhan actually takes the time to organize little plays for them to put on. they see him as the brilliant sunsuhan that most people see him as, and most boys are polite to him. some even admire him for his grace and his writing.

in flowers, he's know as a sort of black sheep. the members are generally torn between liking him and thinking he was undeserving of the prince's attention.

the members of t-25 enjoy sunsuhan's company because he actually quite enjoys his fair share of drugs, particularly acid, alcohol, xanax, and weed.

resistance and sunsuhan have had a pretty positive relationship since the start of it all. he really enjoys the structure and morals behind the group, and how the members are constantly looking to improve themselves. they know they can trust sunsuhan if they need help with any issues they're having.

sears members hardly care about sunsuhan, and as such sunsuhan hardly cares about sears. surprisingly, sunsuhan clashes with sears members the most, almost always in a battle of smarts and wits. they see him as a pretentious .
sunsuhan is a pretty good boy. he's much happier as part of the godlings than of flowers. he does his job meticulously. he asks many questions of his superiors, looking the tiniest detail in order to make a fully-informed decision. he'll ask them to be more and more specific with their orders so he can do things correctly. but, he refuses to falsely punish people and refuses to stand idly by when some other godling is trying to abuse their power.

out of the godlings, he's one of the weakest, but he serves as more of an intelligence-collector. he watches over the other groups and since members of those groups generally trust him, they come to him if they have problems.

being in godlings gives sunsuhan enough distance from the rest of the boys for him to have breathing room, whereas the constant gregariousness of flowers only choked him. while he drifts from territory to territory, he always seems to find himself back in flowers' rooftop garden. outside of flowers, the other boys are comfortable with sunsuhan, but also approach him with deference and trepidation. so while he does occasionally disagree with some of the inner godlings, they can't argue with his positive consensus as well as his ability to plan ahead and act fast.
transcription of tape 842.
he holds a skull in his hands, studying
it intently. he speaks, voice projecting
out into dark emptiness. his voice drips
with morose familiarity of the words
coming from his mouth.

"To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause."

he stops mid-monologue, looking out
into the darkness of the empty theater.
dropping the skull, he walks off stage.
ivy / lambhorns / always


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NOTES ON SUNSUHAN ( read replies! )
Ok Ivy
Kill me Once Kill me AGAIN