HELP ME... TT someone

i just recieved my results for a very big exam and i am qualified to enter Form 6 which provides A Level examination (which every Form 6 student will be struggling to achieve from)

I want to take creative media after form 6 and i figured to be able take that, i have to take art & design for A level along with Computer also known as IT subject. But the thing is, I can also take Biology and Psyhology since I got pretty good grades for Bio and I am pretty interested to study Psychology. I can only choose three subjects. I don't know what to pick... ; ; plus, there is also another problem... I have not taken art subject before which is unfortunately is essential for me to be able take art and design in form 6 but i wonder if my art portfolio can help with that

i can only choose three subjects from four of my interests: 



Computer or IT

Art & Design


can someone tell me what to doo? TT


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think of what subjects you want to take 10000x times because there are no turning back. Choose the subject you really passionate into and of course, you have the basic. Because what you choose today will determine what you will be in the future.
I agree with SheirynFiya... I especially think you should take biology because it is fun. Science is really amazing when you know what science you like. It's super cool to learn about all the different animals so I think Biology is a good choice. And you said you have to take art anyway so you should just choose it now and get it out the way ^^ Good luck!
well after hearing from a lot of my friends who are currently taking A level. their number one tip is taht if you take maths and physics then that equals to death lmao.

anywhoooo. in my opinion, choose what you're really PASSIONATE about and think about what you want to be and not just about the payment of your job but about your happiness also cause lbr, there's no point of working when you hate what you're doing, right?

choose what you really really love and enjoy doing.

im planning to take computer science though for A level hahah. my friend said computer science A level is more-less like O level's but just with more things added of course.

good luck choosing!! which 6th form are you planning to go to?
All except conputer!!!! Dont take it its really dry