HALF & HALF ⋮ HYBRID  ⋮  柳耀漢

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  • #D7FCEB 
  • #C5E9F9
  • #FFC2EB
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liu yaohan

BIRTHNAME : Liu, Yaohan [柳耀漢]

류요한   — Koreans? & its the direct translation of his Chinese name to Korean. Pronounced Ryu Yohan

▸ Pabo — his close friends & Yaohan is a total dumb klutz

DATE OF BIRTH : December 5th, 1996
BIRTHPLACE : Changsha, China

FACE CLAIM : Qian Kun (any era. for me he doesn't have any era yet because freaking SM won't let him out of the dungeon)
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Yoo Youngjae (i feel so good & skydive)

▸ soft straight dark brown hair, creamy skin, small dark eyes, a small face. stands around 160 cm, weighs around 55 kg. Soft flower boy apperance.


▸ his hair turns more lighter in colour, a reddish-white colour
▸ grows fluffy white triangle ears. the middle part of the ears are black in colour

▸ grows whiskers
▸ teeth becomes more sharper

▸ his tail is fluffy and soft, orange in colour. there are dark round circles encircling his tail
▸ becomes nocturnal, crepuscular, and has the instinct/behaviour, sight, smell, and hearing of his hybrid form (don't worry he still has his human side)


▸ Yaohan doesn't really have any style preference. He usually wears clothes that are comfortable and snuggly to him. Honestly, Yaohan has a horrible taste in fashion. He dresses like a grandpa



positive : kind caring generous thoughtful protective
neutral : weird 4D
negative : gullible push-over sensitive clumsy dumb


Kind. Yaohan is kind to everyone, no matter how mean they are to him. He wouldn't treat a person who was harsh to him in an equally harsh way. Instead, he'll treat them back kindly. A caring person. He truly cares for the people he holds dear in his heart, constantly worried about their well being. His caring personality sometimes can be annoying. He's like a grandpa. Generous. He wouldn't hesitate to give his food even when he's hungry himself. As long as the person he cares for is happy, then Yaohan is happy. He's that type of grandpa who gives bread crumbs to pigeons and swans, share half of his food to stray cats and dogs. Thoughtful. He puts others first, despite not all of the people he puts first might do the same to him. Protective. Despite his flower boy appearance, Yaohan is protective of the people he treasures. He doesn't like seeing them getting hurt. If they ever got hurt on his behalf, Yaohan would never forgive himself. In short, he's a literal angel.

Deep down, Yaohan is a funny person He would sometimes make corny cringey grandpa jokes, which Hybrid members gets embarrassed whenever he jokes. Yaohan is hopeless when it comes to jokes. Weird. Yaohan likes to blurt out random facts or ask strange questions out of nowhere, leading Sicheng and hybrid squad members to think whether he's mentally alright or not. Weird and humorous. A 4D type of person with corny cringey wtf jokes. You'll either want to laugh, smack or put on a straight plain face at Yaohan for his jokes.

Not all angels are perfect though. Yaohan is gullible. He believes anything easily. Tell him that the whole hybrid squad comitted mass murder and he'll believe you. He the easiest one to fall for pranks. Pushover. He is a soft gentle person, willing to do anything if someone asks him to. He's defenceless and vulnerable, its easy to sway and fool Yaohan. Sensitive. Yaohan's not only heat sensitive, but he's sensitive in feelings too. It might be a huge turn-off for girls to see a man this weak, this fragile. But really, Yaohan is like a smol child that needs to be protected at all costs. He feels hurt whenever he was told that he's not strong to protect his friends, he's too weak, stupid. Clumsy. Bumping into walls, colliding into things, dropping food, not looking where he's going, etc. There's never a day that goes by without Yaohan creating an incident due to his clumsiness. Dumb. Literally. He doesn't understand simple things, let alone complicated things. He also doesn't understand jokes of today. Whenever people laugh at him due to him being the of the joke, he's the sole person to look cofused and not understand the joke, not understand that he's the one they're laughing at. He's like an innocent kid you either want to protect or smack. No in between.


In Zootopia, Yaohan was a good citizen. He never caused troubles. He has a warm loving family, and he lived a happy life back then. When he was into the human world, he felt lost, confused. It was a dangerous, unfamiliar environment for him. He found a place to stay, and decided to have a part-time job, in a pet shop. Eventhough they're different to each other, Yaohan still finds comfort in the pet shop he worked at. At least, the animals remind him that he's not alone. The strange thing is that Yaohan cannot remember much about his life back in Zootopia. Maybe its been a while. He does though, remember the warmth of his family, the steaming delicious bamboo his mother cooked for him, etc. Small forgetable details, yet Yaohan treasures every small memory he remembers. The pet shop he worked at didn't support him much, but at least it was enough to live by. Deciding to find another job,  Yaohan landed himself a job at a local library. Yaohan is not a genius, but he has a knack for biology--anything involving social, health and animals, humans. He understands life, the way living things work. So he decided to go to university, improving his education. That is when he met his friend for life, Sicheng. Sicheng knew that Yaohan lived with the hybrids, and that he himself barely has enough money to pay for his tuitition, even when Yaohan has 2 jobs. So Sicheng lets Yaohan stay at his apartment whenever he feels like it. He also offered to help Yaohan in paying for his university fees. Of course Yaohan immediately refused. He felt that Sicheng was insulting him for being financially unstable, and he also felt like a terrible friend when he realized that all this time, he made himself too comfortable in Sicheng's apartment that he thought that he unintentionally took advantage of his friendship with Sicheng. Of course, both are not true. Sicheng has no intentions of insulting him, he genuinely cares for Yaohan and wants to help him, but was misunderstood by Yaohan. And, Sicheng doesn't feel bothered at all that Yaohan is often crashing at his place. He's more grateful that Yaohan stays the same loyal, friendly person who was willing to receive his cold attitude yet still act nice towards him. So as of now, Yaohan is a university student struggling in this human world and has 2 part-time jobs. Yaohan doesn't want Sicheng to pay for his fees and other needs, but if he's truly in an emergency and only as a last resort, turns to Sicheng for help. If he's not doing any of those things, then he's mostly sleeping and being a lazy bum.


▸ he is a red panda hybrid
▸ heat sensitive (cannot tolerate temperature over 25 degrees)
▸ mostly eat bamboo, flowers, leaves and berries (he wouldn't mind meat though)

▸ just like Stella and pandas in general, he's a couch potato
▸ currently, only Sicheng and the hybrid squad knows that Yaohan is a hybrid
▸ real good in baking (not cooking) like baking cookies etc
▸ he sometimes goes to Sicheng's apartment, where he turns into his hybrid form freely, since Sicheng lives alone and the other people living at the apartment are old grannies and grandpas (at first Sicheng wasn't used to Yaohan being a hybrid, but later on he got used to it)

▸ Yaohan usually changes into his hybrid form whenever he's alone, with Sicheng or the squad. its usually because he wants to relief himself and be lazy in his natural form. in simple, its like going home after a tiring day of work and getting change or taking a warm shower
▸ he only changes to his hybrid form around Sicheng or the hybrid squad. but mostly when he's alone
▸ he doesn't really change into his hybrid form suddenly. things don't really trigger him. well, maybe the sight of high quality and full of rich nutrition bamboo, when he feels extremely sleep-deprived (note that Yaohan, despite being a lazy energy-conservative person, he does human activities such as going to university and part-time jobs in the day, and in the night, he still continue his activity because he is nocturnal. for a normal person, being active from day to night is very tiring, but for Yaohan, he doesn't feel a thing. when he changes into his hybrid form, all the tiredness from his day activities sort of slowly wash away because when he's in his hybrid form I guarantee you that he's probably going to be lazy all day and keep his energy. so its rare for Yaohan to get easily tired and sleep-deprived)  and other things. although, if certain things do trigger him, he will try to suppress the urge to transform if he's at a bad situation, but that will cause his body to shake slightly and his skin itchy

▸ has a sweet tooth
▸ very proud that his species are used as the symbol of Mozilla Firefox and a cartoon character (Shifu in Kungfu Panda) (ps : he likes to brag about it)
loves trees
▸ has a bamboo plant in his bedroom, to give his room a cosy warm feeling of his habitat. also a small reminder of his family in Zootopia (the bamboos are 100% real)(he never eats it though)
▸ wants to build a treehouse because he likes climbing trees, anything in general
▸ receives daily self-defense lessons from Sicheng (according to Sicheng, Yaohan's future seems hopeless...because the hardest punch Yaohan can do feels like a soft pat to Sicheng. nevertheless, Sicheng believes that Yaohan's self-defence abilities will improve)

▸ his fave human food are mushrooms, eggs, salad and fried chicken
▸ has a part-time job in a pet shop (ironically) and library
▸ is currently in university, majoring in Biology, minoring in Nursing and Social Science



best buddy — Dong Sicheng (20) / coworkers, fellow students / loyal brooding distant considerate sarcastic carefree / 11/10
They first met in university. Sicheng was a foreign exchange student from China, who is in one of Yaohan's classes. Yaohan was delighted to know that there's a fellow Mandarin speaker. He was the first person to greet the seemingly quiet Chinese boy. In Sicheng's view, Yaohan is an overly optimistic sunshine flower boy, so he tried his best to avoid Yaohan, even if they're both Chinese. That time, Sicheng was alone if a forein country, and wanted to focus solely on his education, so he had no time for friends. Yaohan though, knows no boundaries when it comes to making friends. He annoyed greeted and was always friendly to Sicheng, despite the latter not replying to Yaohan's friendly talks. They kind of have a one sided friendship, Yaohan being friendly to him and Sicheng ignoring Yaohan's kind intentions. The two of them were thrown into forming a neutral mutual relationship when Yaohan accidentally revealed his true form to Sicheng. It was after college hours. Yaohan was in his university's library, in an old dusty corner on the 2nd floor (yep the library has floors) no one ever bothered to visit, except one. It was more of a secluded area where you have to climb over (its like a hidden attic), a place where Yaohan claimed as his own (he almost urinated the area to prove that that's his territory, but decided not to since it could come off as an insult to the poor librarian who works there). Sicheng was wondering around aimlessly, not knowing the university building's directions (despite the months he has studied there), and was lost. Stumbling upon a library, he entered and looked around. Hearing the sound of rustling, he moved forward to the source. An old unreachable corner stood in front of his view. Doing his best and climbing over the railings, he soon was faced with an attic. Gathering his strength, he barged inside like it was nobody's business and was soon face to face with Yaohan, in his hybrid form. For a moment, both parties were silent. Too shocked to process what is going on. No sound came out. And then comes the girlish scream. How Sicheng was able to come out and climb over back down in lightning speed, is a mystery. The following weeks was an agony for Yaohan. He was fearing for his life, he was scared Sicheng might spill the beans. Yaohan didn't see Sicheng anymore. He thought that the latter is avoiding him. Yaohan became more quiet and rarely goes out, preferring to stay in one place (mostly in his university) before going back home past midnight. Late at night, Yaohan was in his university's library (no not at the sacred corner, he's too scared to even set foot on his self-proclaimed area) studying. It was late, and he was starving. He ran out of flowers to eat, and his bamboo stock was finished days ago. He was starving to the point where he didn't want to move from his seat to go and grab some food. He  laid his head down on the book he was studying about, and decided to go to sleep. That is, until an uninvited guest came in and pulled the chair opposite of Yaohan. The sudden smell of bamboo perked Yaohan. He looked up, to find Sicheng, holding what seems to be bamboo shoots neatly packed in a kids' lunchbox, in fine quality.  It was at that moment where no exchanging of words are needed. One look at Sicheng's eyes, and Yaohan understood what he was saying. Go on, eat. I won't judge you. From there, a silent understanding passed between them. Sicheng never revealed Yaohan's secret, and Yaohan understands that Sicheng didn't mean to ignore him, he was a foreign student who didn't try to make friends due to wanting to focus on his education only, a promise he made to his parents. But a friend wouldn't hurt, right?

Sicheng, despite his wealth and intelligence, works a part-time job in a video game shop and in a library along with Yaohan, because he's constantly worried for Yaohan and doesn't trust Yaohan when he's by himself. He's moody and distant, giving off a stay-away-from-me vibe. He's a pro at blending in and being lost in the sea of people. He doesn't like to stand out. He's mean at times too, scolding and making fun out of Yaohan using cruel words, only because he cares for Yaohan, his only true friend. Back in China, he didn't have many friends. He was the top of his wushu class, and is a genius. He came from a typical rich family. Its not that his parents neglected him, they do shower him with love from time to time but they're busy with work so..yeah. He was an introvert, didn't like making social interactions with human beings. So he's pretty confused on how to treat Yaohan like a friend. He treats Yaohan just like how he normally would act around him, insulting him on his clumsy lazy nature. Sicheng reveals his true colours too Yaohan. He's the opposite, sharp and harsh. A sassy sarcastic prince. Yet he's fiercely loyal, and deeply cares for Yaohan. Often, Sicheng was the one to make sure to keep Yaohan in check. He even planted bamboos and berries in his apartment just so Yaohan would not starve himself again like that incident. Whenever Yaohan starts to show signs of transforming, Sicheng will be the first person alert and help his friend to hide, etc. He's like Yaohan's mother, nagging at him and always asking his whereabouts 24/7. He's like a father, scolding Yaohan with cruel harsh words, and is protective of Yaohan. How Sicheng was able to accept the fact that Yaohan is no normal human who comes from a place not called earth without losing his insanity, remains a mystery. Maybe Sicheng was lonely his entire life that to finally have a friend, even if he's not human, is already a dream come true for him. Who knows. He's the one scolding Yaohan, telling him that he's stupid and all and should be careful next time whenever an incident happens to Yaohan's clumsy nature. Despite all that, Yaohan is grateful for Sicheng, and vice versa.

▸ Stella ft le hybrid squad — various / um...idk? / various / idk yet
Besides Sicheng, Stella and the hybrid squad are also the people he treasured the most. Being a fellow long-lost sort of cousin of Stella (the both being pandas), Yaohan shares Stella's couch potato nature. Stella is his fellow bamboo-eating buddy, the one he looks up to. He genuinely cares for Stella like how a friend cares for a friend. He wishes for the squad to stay together, even if some members of the hybrid squad do not plan to have deep interactions with each other. He trusts his fellow hybrids, and hopes that they trust him too.

replace with face claim 80*80  replace with face claim 80*80  replace with face claim 80*80


LOVE INTEREST : last name, first name
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : last name, first name


▸ start here


▸ start here.

TRIVIA  trivia about the love interest and couple trivia

▸ start here.

PREFERRED ENDING you can leave this up to me if you want.

▸ start here.

guisukigwi : ayiev

LAST WORDS : woohoo I am exciteeeed. half & half's title reminds me of a dark fantasy thriller tv show called halfworlds in hbo which is horror-like and I am glad that half & half won't be scary (I hope??) but I don't mind heart dropping moments ehehe. anyways Yaohan's character is a little like luhan aka the manly girl. and a little bit of yixing's eccentric personality. I literally did a research on a red panda xD anyways hope you enjoy little Yaohanniee~


▸ one of the hybrids (preferably Yaohan *wiggles eyebrows suggestively*) gets lost and the whole hybrid squad went looking for him
▸ hybrid squad bonding moments
▸ pls turn him into a manly man, a man who's able to defend his beloved ones (but still has his flower boy personality & appearance)


turn in : story : cheatsheet


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