New Friends


Good night/morning (it's 4.37am here so early morning I guess) 

I don't usually post on the blog here (I posted once). I don't have a reason why I don't besides that I use Skyrock blog. I basically just rant in my posts. And when I  say rant I mean long mean rant and no one there knows who I am, it's the only platform in where I use a username different than HalryLona. I've had that account even since before facebook started (I'm 23 and I've been using it since I was 13 or less). It's the only place where I speak freely to be honest. 

IRL I don't talk much, I don't have close friends in work, I work as a elementary school math teacher so you can imagine I'm the least liked teacher by kids around the age of 12,and those younger think of me as the cool teacher who tells us stories in recess if we behave. And on fb, twt (SNS in general) I have the image of the cheerful cool mother (I think I have 20 online daughters, whom are all of course younger than me). So I basically only rant in Skyrock. But as I said, no one there knows me, and if you are familiar with Skyrock, you basically only receive attention from gross people looking for hookups or Webcam sessions. So yeah I decided to say bye bye to Skyrock and come here instead. 

I can't use facebook since most people I rant about are my friends, and just because they annoy me sometimes and I feel the need to express my annoyance doesn't mean I want to damage my friendship with them. 

I'll also be posting story ideas for you to vote if I should make them into stories, in hopes of writing more liked stories. 

I also do fanarts, so I might occasionally drop a pic or two, since I rarely draw nowadays. 

Also if you are curious about anything feel free to ask me in a comment, either about me, my stories, or random . I'm really good at giving objective advices and I love to listen and help people, so don't shy at dropping a message whenever you need someone to listen to your complains no matter how silly they sound. 

I originally named this post New Friends because I planned only to ask people to send me friend requests so we can talk, but I ended up talking nonsense from the start ! This is what happens when I don't get my beauty sleep. It's 5am now so too late to sleep or I'll end up sleeping til evening and wasting the whole day, which I don't want to do since I want to make the most from this vacation !! (I have 15days off work )

Anyway ! Leave your kkt, twt (anything but fb)  name, age and any info about you if you want to talk ! 


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