Guess the titles2

I'm bored so,Let's play a game guys,it's just easy all you need to do is to guess all 11 Apink songs in the poem,the first one to guess it all receive a price:11 kp!..Easy right?


The Letter

April 19th,the day we first met

I got a good feeling that I never felt

Those beautiful face of yours,my heart yelled

I never thought this feeling would be so weird


My first goal is to know your name

But I don't have confidence,I'm ashame

It's really hard to experience this love game

Maybe I should share my gags to you but it's a lame


Now that you often be with her

I can't find a way to tell you my secret treasure

I thought it's easy to be with you

But it's really hard to be your Mrs. Chu


Now,it's February,I thought I'll be your valentine

But expectedly,it's your only one

I thought I can experience a love like fairytale

But I think it's impossible to happen


I shouldn't have been attracted to you

Maybe all of those are just a dejavu

But my heart is sad,I need you

Oh I don't know what to do

But remember,I promise you,someday I will tell you this short phrase

"I Love You".



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April 19th
Mr. Chu
love like a fairytale
I need you
I don't know
promise U
only one
attracted to you

I haven't listened to some of these songs... took me some time to search on youtube~ Are these correct? ^^