Brain Overworked!


Well, same old story, trying to get the creative juices flowing.

At least I can say that two of my stories are almost complete. The other one......yeah, not enough creative juice.

I've got two fics, that've been on my mind for a long time. And I'm thinking of starting another fic, got inspired by the Lotto mv recently. Already got a basic story line & a good idea of the characters. Just gotta get the juices flowing and my fingers typing.

But my house is being remodeled, and the noise....UHHHH!! Well, at least the house will look better =)

Hmm? Which fic should I do next? My new inspiration? The sequels of my almost complete fic? Or my old Suju fics? So many fics, so little creative juices.....need inspiration....trying to find it. But in the meantime I'm making the posters for the fics I haven't even i'm so disorganized.

Oh well, this is a new year and maybe new fics will pop up.   


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MemoryLaneGal #1
Oh my gosh, I totally get that!! Same problem here... >.<
I can relate a little lol. I'll start one story and then get another idea and then another.....I haven't finished any of them, though I'm close to finally finishing one lol good luck!