ugh fck my life.

My homeroom teacher told me that I might go lower next year, but I can't do that.
You know those very strict asian parents who say that A is just Average and B is Bad. Those kind of parents that expect you to have A's/10s
Well I've got such parents.. and last year I got in a high niveau, klashflaksfh i don't know how to explain everything, but Dutch people will understand me lmao :)
so my teacher told me that I might go a few niveau's lower. I at least need to have 6'  on my rapport for all my subjects so that I at least keep the niveau I now have but all I have on my rapport are either a 3/4 or a 5.

Ugh. I want to die now. I keep on crying everytime I think about it. 
My parents are gonna get mad, sad & disappointed. 


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fhnipsahgpoasjopjfdsdksfgsp; ;A;
/huggles <333 ;~~~~~~;
I'm scared to tell them about it ;O
They're gonna get mad..
Well if you're at the top, there's only room to fall.
At least you have some room to grow and improve >.<
*hugs u* Cheer upppp :<