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 shin seoyeon

BIRTHNAME : 양서연 — shin seoyeon

→ honestly, seoyeon dislikes nicknames and prefers when you call her just by her name, so she will mostly not respond if you call her by any nickname- unless you are seungjun *see l/i section* that ocasionally calls her kitty cat just because she reminded him of his sister's cat, but no, seoyeon hates it, a lot, so please don't call her like this.

DATE OF BIRTH : 12th september 1996
BIRTHPLACE : seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY : korean


FACE CLAIM : kim "seola" hyunjung (secret & i wish era)
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : bae "irene" joohyun  (russian roulette era)

→ black hair with bangs, milky white skin, 163cm/5'3 tall, really dark green eyes that in her human..


→ a pair of fluffy black cat ears with just a dot of white of both ends. her tail is completly black and quite fluffy. apart from her eyes becoming a lighter shade of green and her pupils turning more cat-like, there is no other physical change.


→ honestly, seoyeon couldn't care less about her clothes, so that don't expect anything fancy coming from her, a pair of jeans and a shirt will do, and if necessary a nice cozy hoodie will definitely do the job.




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POSITIVE clever, independent, loyal, graceful, neat
 stubborn, sarcastic, outspoken 
lazy, argumentative, jealous, ruthless, intolerant NEGATIVE

seoyeon is that type of cat that looks like is always plotting something against you, but out of nowhere they are being all cuddly and cute —probably because they are hungry—, it is just that she mostly shows the part where she is plotting, and not that much the needy one. seoyeon is a really clever individual, she has no real dificulty when it comes to thinking about something, whatever it is, a plan or and advice- but most probably don't even know this about her because honestly, she just doesn't care how things go, she is not someone who puts her ideas to work, and most of the time, no matter how brilliant they are, she leaves them hanging there. but, the big but, whenever she says and actually tries to acomplish one of her ideas, she will want things her way, so most probably she won't listen to any advice, if she is doing something she is doing it her way or not doing it at all.

she is lazy, yes; most of the time you will see her sleeping, yes; and if she is not sleeping she is eating; again, yes, but no matter how freaking lazy she is, she still always manages to have a perfectly clean and organized room. she is not exactly a neat freak, but she does like sleeping in a clean enviroment while being as comfortable as she can. she is kind of fast at doing it, so it doesn't consume too much time of her life , so it is a win-win situation, isn't it?.

seoyeon is not exactly tactful, nor is she tactless, she just really likes to say whatever she is thinking straight from her brain and not exactly passing through a filter- so if she has something to say she will say it, not matter what situations she is- well, maybe a in a funeral she will think twice, but most of the time she doesn't, so she tends to say whatever she is thinking, whether it is a compliment or an insult. if it is not because of this reason that she is saying compliments it is probably because she is being sarcastic, there is no real difference though since her tone of voice is exactly the same.  

in all honesty, soeyeon is not really someone you would want to befriend, because most of the time she is being a complete jerk and sassing everyone. but i asure you that once you make good friends with her she is extremely loyal, she will not leave your side if you really need her, and is most probably going to get into a fight if someone insults you- because no one can insult her friends if it's not her.

since she is such a brilliant individual, one would think she would get a decent enough job at a nice place, with a nice pay check- but no! she went for a ty dishwasher job, at least it is a nice place that she works at- after all it is a pretty well known restaurant, but still, being a dishwasher is not exactly the best job. but still she pay check is decent enough to pay for some take out and a pair of nice blankets she can comfortably sleep with. and yes, most of the time she is at home she spends it sleeping, reading or just whining around the house about food. 
so basically, right now she is leaving out of being a dishwasher, take out and asking people for food, and sleeping. that is a short resume of seoyeon's life in the human world- which in my opinion, is realy really bad.

01.  despite the common belief that cats and dogs don't get along, seoyeon doesn't really mind them. in fact she may stop here and there to pet a cute dog she sees at the streets. she doesn't really get why people would think she hates dogs.
02.  if you are still wondering: yes, seoyeon is a cat hybrid, probably one of the most common type of hybrids in the world honestly. we could say that she is a tuxedo cat.
03.  seoyeon is indeed affected by catnip thanks to her cat part, but wouldn't dare to smell some in public because it kind of like a drug and that would be awkward as f—
04.  as many cats do, seoyeon has this weird habit of trying to fit in places she clearly doesn't. so don't worry if you see her walking around with a box stuck in her , she was probably just trying to fit in there. 
05.  even though she is an extreamly lazy person her room is pretty much spotless. it is always looking as neat as it possibly could. but don't even bother asking her to clean your room because she won't do it. 
06. she rarely ever changes to her hybrid form here in the human world, and if she ever does it is at her room when she is alone, that is toavoid anyone trying to touch her tail/ears because she hates it, a lot.
07.  in fact the only time she would change it abruptly is when she recives a really extream scratching session, because that ignites the cat inside of her.  a long enough exposure to catnip will have the same effect on her.
08.  despite hating when people touch her cat parts, seoyeon actually doesn't deslike when someone pets her, as long as you don't touch anything else, petting her hair is okay, 
09.  there is also this common belief that cats deslike bathing/ water in general, and well, seoyeon kind of applys for that. don't get me wrong, she showers everyday, but she hates swimming... no, she doesn't even know how to swim. 
10.  her favourite food is sushi, but she rarely has money to pay for a good and well prepared one, so she would go around begging for someone to buy or if they dare, even make some for her. 
11.  she doesn't cook, just overall don't let her lay a foot in the kitchen, it will probably burn it down or something. 
12.  seoyeon hates loud noises, and fireworks are her worst nightmare, every christmas and new years you will most probably find her under either the table or her bed., because they will obviously protect her. 
13.  she doesn't really mind telling anyone that she is an hybrid, which is probably bad, but no one really believes her anyway. 




so their first meeting was kind of like "hello- so... you are the new dishwasher" said sojung, and seoyeon just answered with a simple nod. but, even if their meeting was painfully awkward their relationship actually scalated pretty quickly,  or at least so much more quickly than half of the kitchen staff expected. after just one week, if you ignored the random little arguments they had over whose plate was cleaner or whatever, they seemed like two friends that started working at the same time and in the same place becuse they needed some money for a concert tickets or smth, yes, that especific— not that seoyeon would ever go to a concert, because she hates loud noises and she doen't know what a heck a concert is besides noisy.
anyways, so now they are both friends and everything, seoyeon even sometimes goes to sojung's house before gong to work so sojung can take her in her car . but sojung still dosn't know that seoyeon is an hybird because seoyeon doesn't really care that much about it to tell her, she will find out in a way or another anyways.



even if seoyeon is kinda cold and selfish, she still considers the hybrids like her family- even if she has arguments with most of them, especially with stella who in seoyeon's opinion should consider learning how to listen- but, they are still a family, sort of, so soeyeon, no matter how ruthless and cold she is to practically everyone, she has their backs whenever they need her; not that she would say that anyways.

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LOVE INTEREST : 박승준 — park seungjun                                                        [ KNK ]
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : 김석우 — kim seokwoo                                       [ SF9 ]



 seungjun is technically a baby in a the body of a giant adult. he is a cocky bastard that knows that has the looks to get whatever he wants, and uses it in his adventage.  he is pretty much the opposite of seoyeon, and has what seoyeon would say that she hates in a person: he is kinda dumb and clumsy, always tripping on his own feet and making a mess out of something that is practicaly imposible to ruin. but besides that, he is a quite easy-going guy, a good person in general, he is just...you know kinda stupid, and seoyeon makes sure to remind him of it as much as she can. 


[ PART I ] YEP I DEFINITELY HATE YOU || seungjun was the one in charge of explaining seoyeon her job and her schedule, he is the chef assistant after all, but they didn't have a good start to be honest, because seoyeon as soon as he saw him walking between all the people to get to her, as soon as she saw that bright simle that was on his face, she knew, she definitely knew that she would hate him. and when seoyeon has something in mind is technically impossible for her to let go of that thought, so no, there was no way no one was convincing her that guy wasn't bad at all, for her he was already a freaking jerk. 
in the other hand, seungjun's first reaction to seoyeon was something along the lines of "oh, look, the new dishwasher is kinda cute.", the total opossite of her's. he didn't really mind the fact that the only thing she did was send death glares his way and nod everytime he pointed out something important, if he did even notice it, he was probably way to focused on explaining everything correctly to notice it. 

[ PART II ] MAYBE YOUR VOICE WASN'T THE THING THAT MADE MY EARS BLEED || if you work with the guy you hate, and more so if you are a dishwasher and he is the chef assistant, you will sure hear him talk all the time, and he will most likely talk to you too. seoyeon doesn't know when it happend, but halfway through the month she got used to the guy being around her, and even trying to strike conversations with her here and there. she stopped thinking about him as a bother, not that she would say anything about it. he definitely wasn't saying a word to anyone about how she got used to the voice of the guy she definitely hated so much. 
meanwhile, seungjun finally noticed the death glares, that in his opinion where cute, that where always being send his way. and keep in mind he is stupid, so what did he do? this boy went to seoyeon and said "your eyes remind me of my sister's cat eyes", he did not add the fact that cat practicaly hated him, he probably didn't even know the poor animals didn't want anything with him. 

[ PART III ] YOU KNOW, I ALSO HAVE TO CLEAN UP THE YOU MESS WITH, SO- WOULD YOU LEAVE ME ALONE? || if you thought it was going to stop after that random comment he made, you were completly wrong. he didn't stop, at all, and seoyeon soon found herself dealing with the man-child that was somehow supossed to be kind of like her boss, everyday, talking to her, without stop, unless he had something to do, like important work or something. in one of this random conversations she found out something that probably saved seungjun's from being kicked to the moon: he was the owners son. seoyeon was fckd, maybe this was this guy plan all long, to make her angry at him so he can kick her out. but then again, would his seemingly tiny brain think such a good plan?, and why would he kick her out anyways? does he have a reason?, maybe the coutless of death stares seoyeon sent his way, but, again, he didn't seem to notice them. anyways, while seoyeon was having that huge dilemma with herself the guy just kept talking because he honestly just wanted to befriend her- (meanwhile, sojung was right next to them trying not to burst out laughing because, poor boy, he doesn't know what he is getting into. ) 

[ PART IV ] NICE, YOU COMPLETLY LOST YOUR MIND || in one of this random converation that seungjun managed to strike with seoyeon —probably about food— he found out that the girl liked sushi, like, good quality sushi, so he somehow thought of the plan to take her out to eat with him, because why not?, they are friends, aren't they?. but honestly, seoyeon wouldn't turn down freaking sushi, like- it is sushi, and nice fcking quality sushi, so she went, with the condition that he would pay, and he is rich as f— so he didn't really mind that at all, and that somehow bothered her a little, but sushi was waiting for her so everything else could wait.  that same weekend they met up and, though seoyeon ate most of the night away, they had some nice conversations, nice, good move seungjun, he learned how to tame a rude cat. 
now they are officially stuck on this stage where, they are friend, i guess, sungjun feeds her, seoyeon is happy, he is happy because she is happy, and everyone is happy so they meet to eat together regulary, and go to different restaurants so seoyeon they can try out every single one of them, and you know what, it was one big freaking step from seoyeon trying not to kick his to going to "dates" with him. this is a fine example of how easy it is to make seoyeon fall to your feets and call you master; just feed her some nice food.

[ BONUS ] HOW DID SEOYEON TELL SEUNGJUN SHE WAS A FREAKING CAT HYBRID?? || this is not a really fancy story, is not even that long anyways. it all happend after a few of their "dates", they were talking about each others, how would you say this...."interesting features" i guess, well, seoyeon smoothly and very carelessly mentioned the fact that he was half cat; his reaction? well, he just laughed it off and said something like "i guess after eating that much fish you could become half cat" and continued to laugh. seoyeon was kind of offended by this and scoffed, because like- how dare him not treat the fact that she was special seriosuly, but she didn't make a big deal out of it cause remember: this boy is stupid as f— and most likely never going to believe her..... unless she showed him his hybrid form for some strange reason, but that is very unlikely to happen.


01.  if you didn't get it: seungjun is seoyeon's boss son, so that is technically why he got the job as a chef assistant, but in fact, he is not that bad at cooking nor dealing with messes and people complaining. overall, he is not that bad at his job as long as he doesn't decide to ruin something in the last minute. 
02.so seoyeon doesn't insult him that much after finding out that he is the boss's son, even if she knwos seungjun wouldn't report her it is not worth it. but she still sometimes points out some stupid mistakes he makes. 
03.seoyeon's contact name for him is "annoying guy", while he has her as "cute dishwasher". seoyeon hates that name, but seungjun won't change it.
04.she still hates him. but she lowkey admires how he deals with that annoying persons who complain about everything. 
06.lol he is huge —not in the ert way pls—. he stands at 190cm and towers over practially anyone, plus he is handsome, what else do you want? ( intelligence, seoyeon would say)
07. he is a sweet kid who is actually 3  years older than seoyeon,, but shh, that 3 years don't count. 
08.of all the restaurants they have gone to, soeyeon's favourite still remains being the frist one- *awkward cough* who knows why.
09.to clear some things up, seoyeon is kind of confused about her feelings about this guy, because honestly, she is not one to fall in love that fast, no, scratch that, she has never experienced love before, so she doesn't really know how it feels and if she feels something else than "friendship" for him.

 i will leave this to you, i mean, if you want to-

enternal : justine

LAST WORDS : i have learned that i should save things just in case— oh lord i'm so tired after rewriting all this crap, luckily i rememberd most of the things i wrote before, but with way less quality than before lol. i hope this is ok tho ;;; i shamelessly inspired this character from my cat, you get now why she is a cat? im so original. oh... and, even though i have seen worse english than mine- just a quick disclaimer, i hate my english classes i sleep in most of them so i learned it all by myself basically by reading books lol...so, sorry if i fckd up something lmao.


▸ god i'm tired, maybe later lol 


turn in : story : cheatsheet


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