One sided crush

I'm not a person who posts her problems on the internet, but a piece of advice from a stranger would help a lot xD

So, two days ago I texted my crush with an excuse and it went really well, we even talked the next day from face to face, because we drive by bus to our destiation and it was basically small talk. When I had to get up he lokked at me kinda strange and I smiled at him and waved shyly and he smiled back and told me bye (adorable isn't it?^^). Since then we texted a little and I expected him to tell me sooner or later that he doesn't want to talk/text with me, but he hasn't (which makes me really glad!). It's just that my self-confidence isn't the best and I personally think he is very hard to read as a person. Usually I don't have a problem with reading people, but with him it is diffrent.



I'm that kind of person who always thinks I annoy people too much or talk too much etc. and I have no idea how to tell if I annoy him or not...

Thanks for reading!




(current mood)


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if you would think it's too much, then it's probably too much for him. if you're not sure about that, i think that 2-3 a day should be more than enough if he doesn't reply. if he does, then keep talking. personally i wouldn't send more than three consecutive messages if you aren't currently conversing. ultimately though, it's up to what he's like as a person. he doesn't seem to get impatient (or maybe he's good at controlling it) so if you overdo it one day, maybe cut back the next day to give him some room.