「 → ❝ CUPID'S LOVEHOLICS ❞ ┊lead dance + main rapper┊jang in na 」




( in na )

iheartswag | britz

History | Discography | Audition | Youtube


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FULL NAME: jang in na
NICKNAME(S): na na - just a short form of "in na", this has been called by only her family members and friends

AGE: 21 (int) ; 22 (korean)
BIRTHDAY: 17/12/96
BIRTHPLACE: los angeles, california
ETHNICITY: full korean
HOME TOWN: seoul, south korea
LANGUAGES: english [ very fluent ] ; korean [very fluent] 

TRAINEE LIFE:  when AM Entertainment held their annual auditions in Seoul, in na decided to try it out. back then under the influence of the older generation of kpop idols such as BoA, TVXQ, Shinhwa etc, she wanted to experience what it was like standing on stage. So she went ahead and auditioned for AM. 

She danced and sing for the judges. After going through a few more rounds of auditions, she was accepted as an official trainee at AM Entertainment. She was excited however her parents were not. Her parents was not happy with in na's decisions. They felt that she should study well and get a good career. Despite her parents objections, in na still went ahead and accept the offer to become a trainee at the age of 16 years old (still a highschooler). She then packed her bags and left home, into the dorms of where the other trainees will live. 

This is what her daily schedule as a trainee of AM Entertainment is like for 5 years:

5AM: Wake up, have breakfast and get ready for school.

7AM: School starts.

12PM: School ends + lunch

1PM: Vocal classes

4PM: Break

4:15PM: Dance classes

8PM: Dinner

8:30PM: Own time (usually she'd be practicing her dance, vocal and composition) 

12AM: Finish homework

1AM: Sleep

After graudating from high school, basically her entire day will then be filled with even more longer hours of vocal and dance classes. 

FACE CLAIM: red velvet seulgi ; O1 O2 O3 O4 O5
BACK UP FACE CLAIM: red velvet wendy ; O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 

HEIGHT: 166 cm
WEIGHT: 54 kg

APPEARANCE: a dove tatoo at her lower back


in na loves wearing lose t-shirts and crop tops. if it's too cold then she would wear over sized big tees. A fan of anything that is jeans, she loves both shorts and demin long jeans. Particularly skinny ones. When it comes to style, comfort is number one for her. Which is why she loves wearing jeans with anything as they are comfortable for her. She hardly wears a dress as dresses always make it very hard for her to dance in so she tries to avoid them unless needed. 

She loves a good pair of nike shoes. As a dancer, shoes are super important to her since they keep her  feet comfy. When she's not dancing, she either wear a pretty pair of flats or when she feels fancy, a pair of heels. 

In na loves accessorizing, she has to wear rings and bracelets on her if not she might feel weird. But she doesn't like necklaces though, she feels uncomfortable with things around her neck. 

O1; O2 ; O3

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(+) : kind ; fun-loving ; disciplined ; optimistic

(-) : blunt ; willful ; does what she thinks is right to her 


[kind] : she isn't an angel, however she does have a kind heart. she helps people whenever they need help, not just her friends but strangers as well. However, she isn't a pushover too, thus her kindness have a limit to a certain extend as well. 

[Fun-loving] : if you ever need someone to turn an awkward silence into a massive party mode, in na's your girl. She absolutely hates silence. She loves it when the atmosphere is loud and fun. An extreme extrovert person, she loves to have fun everywhere and anywhere. Definitely make a great party pal to bring along with if you're scared of strangers. 

[Disciplined] : don't be fooled by that fun loving personality. She has her serious sides as well. Especially when it comes to her career, she is very disciplined. In na always makes sure she wakes up on time for practice and makes sure she is never late for any schedule. When it comes to practice and rehearsal, she will be in super serious mode. Since she is a partly a perfectionist, she ensures that every thing is done right and perfect. 

[Optimistic] : Super positive, she always look on the bright side. If she ever encounter any problems or difficulty, she will stay calm and try to solve the problem. She believes that when one door closes, another will be opened. If not, she will just create a door then :) 

[Blunt] : Okay, so.. despite having a kind heart, sometimes, this girl speaks without filtering her words uninentionally. She is super frank with people and will always say what is on her mind without thinking it through. Most of the time she does in unknowingly which sometimes cause people to be a little annoyed with her. However, no matter how many times people tell her to think before she speak, she'll always forget and does the same thing again. Sigh. 

[Willful] : Remember how fun loving she is? And what an extrovert she is? Well, sometimes, she might be a little too exterovert-ish. When it comes to anything (except work), she is super wilful. She loves playing pranks especially towards her members. Well, which is why some people call her "Choding Na", cause, she might seemed a little too playful for her age. Again, sigh. 

[Does whatever she thinks is right] : Sometimes, she gets ahead of herself. She doesn't really like to do what other tells her to do. Don't get me wrong, she gets along well with the members, however, she is still learning how to be a team player. It is just that growing up as a single child, she has been independent since young. Well, in nicer terms you could say she's independent. But in uglier terms, she don't like people telling her what to do. But she is learning of course, since she is now placed in a girl group where she have to learn to be a team player. 



- chocolates 

- taking selfies (and then filtering them after)

- action movies (mission impossible, fast and furious, die hard etc)

- sashimi (tuna and salmon to be exact)

- Shinhwa (still a fan after all these years)

- netflix (no chill, just netflix..)

-pranking the maknae the most (cause her reaction is always the best)


- insects (pratically a phobia, hates big insects that makes buzzing sounds)

- anything that has to do with guava (she just doesn't like the taste)

- romance movies (cause they bore her to death)

- rude people 


- social media (updating her instagram) 

- watching k dramas (anything that has Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Jong Suk, Nam Joohyuk, Ji Chang Wook in it)

- karaoke (noraebang, the only place where she can sing off key)


- biting her lips (only when she is nervous)

- cracking her knuckles (when she is bored)

- stretching (before every performance)


- right handed

- able to cook a decent meal. (sometimes she cooks for the members as well)

- self composed several songs 

- has a mini studio corner in her room where it consists of her composition tools (keyboard, macbook etc) 

- gains weight very easily so she has to always watch her diet

- she has hidden snacks (chips, crackers etc) around her room 

- changes her hair color every month

- snores only when she is very tired

-usually goes to bed very late as she is always either practicing her dance or composing a song

- always the first few amongst the members to wake up early 

- initial dream was to be an actress 



Born in LA, California to Korean parents, she spend 6 years of her life in the states before moving to her parent's hometown, Seoul, South Korea, where she spent the rest of her life there. Growing up, she had doting parents. Her parents were very loving and caring which was expected since In Na was their only daughter. However, they were busy with their own careers. Each of them being renowned figures in their respective industry often leave In Na alone with her caretaker.  Since young, her parents had high expectations for her. Sending her to extra classes such as ballet class, piano classes, art classes etc. She was a very busy girl at such a young age. But it was only because of these classes where she found what she wanted to do - dance. 

She found her interest in dancing. No, not the ballet kind of dance. It was more of a modern/hip hop type of dance. At 10 years old, that was when she told her parents she wanted to learn this genre of dance. Her parents oblige and send her to the class, thinking that she will grew out of this interest one day. But she never did. In Na's interest for dance never faded away, in fact, it made her more interested in performing. She wanted to stand on stage and perform for people. She wanted to not only dance but sing as well. 

Then at 16 years old, the chance to live her dream came. She auditioned a few rounds before finally getting accepted as a trainee. However, her parents were not happy. They had high expectations of her. They wanted her to study hard, go to a University and get a degree or a doctorate. They wanted her to become a doctor, lawyer or career that gives good pay and good future. They did not want her to become an idol, what can an idol do? Despite several discussions (and arguments), they knew their beloved daughter was too stubborn. Too stubborn to forget about this dream of hers. So what could they do? As parents, they could only support her. So they let her go, even though they do not want her to have this career but they saw how happy it made her. So they chose to let her decide her own future while supporting her from behind. 

FAMILY: (name | relationship | age | living or diseased | few traits | extra?)

Jang Hyun Wook | father | 48 years old | living | disciplined ; dominating | CEO of Jang Enterprises

Im Woo Hee | mother | 45 years old | living | stubborn ; charismatic | fashion designer and founder of IWH designs


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LOVE INTEREST: park jimin

BACK UP LOVE INTEREST: kim "b.i" hanbin

RELATIONSHIP STATUS: budding romance
AGE: 22 (int) ; 23 (korean)


(+) : caring ; hardworking ; observant ; responsible 

(=) : chummy ; determined ; self consious ; shy 

(-) : careless ; timid ; disorganized


The two of them first met on a variety show that mainly showcases idol dancers choreographing and performing their own dance. The two had been paired up for a couple dance showcase in an episode which required them to choreograph a dance from scratch. Since it was sort of like a competition, the two grew closer with each other after several meetings and practices with each other. After the show, In Na and Jimin stayed in contact with each other and became close friends. 


The pair is always playfully flirting with each other whenever they see each other, be it backstage or at a event. They are also always looking out for each other though they do it seceretly when they are out in front of the public. Even though the both of them clearly have feelings for each other, but both are still so shy to admit. Thus, their romance so far is still at the budding stage. The pair also tries to refrain from any skinship with each other unless no one is around. Their friendship is also at a level where they are super comfortable with each other. 

Each of their respective band members also knew of their affection for each other. Whenever in na's band members sees jimin, they would always be teasing her "here comes your boyfriend~" which results in in na shyly refuting back "he's not my boyfriend!!" Likewise, it's the same for jimin and BTS. 


Jimin does not want to admit to In Na that he feels bothered and jealous of this concept. After all, he chooses to keep his feelinsg from her, though at times he wants to just yell straight in her face about his true feelings but he don't dare. 

However at times he'll bring up her partner and be sort of jokingly (but he's actually being serious) ask in na if him or her partner is better at certain stuff for example, dancing, singing etc. 


- the first time they met was when in na had just debuted not long

- when jimin first saw in na's dancing, he was awed and impressed

- dancing was what brought the two much closer 

- in na frequently visits jimin at BigHit ever since they became closer 

- jimin loves it when in na brings the food that she cook for him (mostly leftovers from the dorm) 

- jimin tried hinting to in na about his feelings for her but always ended up messing it up

- both of them are so clueless about each other's feelings when even the whole world knows (ok maybe just their friends) 



DANCE CLAIM: snsd hyoyeon

POSITION WITHIN GROUP/PLOTLINE: Loveholic's lead dancer and main rapper 


- you think by snsd

- pinnochio by f(x)

- huh by 4Minute

PERSONA: Hyper Dancing Queen

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- jimin and in na's first dance together (when they first met)

- in na meeting taehyuk for the first time in the company 

- in na cooking for both Loveholics and Cupid



- aoa like a cat

- black pink boombayah

- exid up and down 



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