Author Q and A~ [Stolen from a bunch of people~]

Cr : Users on AFF that I stalk know!


  1. What was your first story? When was it published? What was it about?


-Ever Loving Deer Luhan~ I wrote it when I was ten? or 11 I think~ It was for my sis (Love ya doe~) Al of my old fics were written for her~~ I read it recently and it was just... what WAS LITTLE ME THINKING?! But I must say, I was quite hilarious~ ;")

-Was never published

-Just some wacky events that happened through the course of a few months and how her amazing sister helped her meet Lulu and le boys~ 

-Also, me fwriend Lyn made the poster for me some time back~ 


  1. What's your favorite story you've written? And what's the plotline?


None, I don't like any. They're all sh!t ☯﹏☯༽


  1. Have you ever written for a holiday/special occasion? 


Yep! I wrote for my sister's birthday last year as a surprise gift for her~ I wrote a one-shot , and yep I didn't even finish that~ Classic Hyo Pyo Style~


  1. What username did you publish your first story under?




  1. How many stories do you have (published) on AFF? How many are complete?


I've published three but deleted one (Meh, just for the heck of it) and other one's in draft~ and HoBH : EDIaO is still in progress~


  1. How many aren't published? 


Quite a few~ I've written many for the fun of it n boi I'm not letting any of you see it! Shoo~ (≖ᴗ≖✿)


  1. What helps you think or inspires you when writing fanfiction/stories?


-Helps me think : My brain just like everybody else doe

-Inspires me : It just randomly comes from so many unexpected places, that sometimes it's even exciting. I'm always thrilled when I listen or do something new because who knows, an idea might just ding in my head~


  1. What date did you join AFF?


Mar 15, 2015.

-yikes, I thought I was kinda new till I realized. 2015. I keep forgetting it's no longer 2016. //r.i.p 2016~


  1. What was the first tag you looked up when you joined AFF?


Damn, almost two years back! I'm sorry, I know I'm amazing and all (Oh pwease~ You know it too u adorbz sheepling) but my memory isn't that great~ Probably Fluff or Exo~


  1. Who are your top three favorite authors, and why?


  • Hands down it's Solasta I love this story of hers, check it out mew!

  • Midnightwillow23210 (I might be slightly biased here cuz I wuv her [Ye, she be my sis] ) BUT I honestly love dis mew

  • That's all that comes to mind rn~ I'll add another later~ (Suggest a few names below to get my memory running if you want~ (ノ≧ڡ≦))


  1. What is your opinion of kaistal?


At first , I was like "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" then I was like "daaaaaaaaaaamnnnn!" and then I was like "nononononono!" but after a few days I was like 'yasyaysyasyasyasyas"

You see, sheepling, Jonginnie was my first ever bias~


  1. What type of story are you most in your element writing? Is it something you write often?


I personally think that my comfort and small amount of talent lies in fluffy, angst writing so all my stories are based on those genres but these days I'm trying my hand at fantasy au. Click mew


  1. What type of story are you least in your element writing?


Definitely ! //shudders// I don't even have to explain this one. If you know me, you know why. //hides in a corner in jeonshook//


  1. What is one thing you hate seeing in comments?


I don't write or update as often and MDD (My oldest and most updated fic) is beginning to be covered in dust in my drafts so comments are a rare sight these days~ BUT I do still get co-author comments~ So I'm still kinda fresh... you know what I mean!  *pouts*

Hate seeing in comments? Hate. I don't mind criticism , mind you but I despise it when people are just down-right rude when giving it.. Please know that many authors love constructive criticism but rememeber to type it down nicely. Please remember that author's are humans. Most of us are amateurs at writing but that's okay. Us, readers should be supportive and help them improve.Don't bash.That won't help. Just be nice, dammit. If you can't say anything nicely, please just don't say anything at all. Before you try to find others flaws, fix your own. I'm trying to say everything positive when I comment and if I have something to criticize over, I'll try my best to put it nicely so they won't take it wrongly. Please do the same.


  1. What sort of author's notes do you make? 


Um normal ones~? (ㆁᴗㆁ) I try to keep them short and sweet~ I do them in Hyo style~


  1. Name three things you love doing when you write/update:


  • I adore making my readers agonize over the latest update by putting a huge cliff-hanger~ And the fact that I don't update quite often just doubles their reactiong~ Whoopie~ (i am not a sadist! Come back!!!)
  • Tease my readers with a few hints here and there about some big secret but reveal about five chapters later~
  • Adding puns or jokes. My close friends here would know how hard I try to be funny but I'm failing hugely. I'm as hilarious as a whale yawning. BUT my lack of talent with comedy doesn't stop me from putting my jokes in my updates! I'm amazed everyday when I still see that all my subscribers are still there. Alive and reading.


  1. What are you most insecure about in your writing?


Everything. I never think it's good enough but I finally upload it when I can't keep re-writing it and just pray that it's decent. I'm ever so grateful that all my readers are just lovely and haven't pointed out the fact that I lack talent in this area. That's why I don't update often, I think I should just stick with graphics. ʕ→ᴥ← ʔ


  1. What is your favorite band/pairing/whatever to write about? Why?


  • Jikook- It used be Vkook but after reading Sol-chan's "I Don't Like Skater Boys"  I've began to stray away from Vkook and devote my attention to Jikook instead~ Aren't I so loyal~
  • Luhan x OC - Because whenever I write about this, it means my sister inspired me to do it~
  • Kinda like Namjin too~ - Why? Cuz namjoon's philosophical and Jin's adorableness makes my day.


  1. And your second favorite? Why?


Whoopsie! I've kinda...stated them above~ //scrolls away//


  1. Name something you see in comments rather often.


"Update soon" I suppose~ I got that a lot for MDD :") Sometimes makes me think that I should continue that~


  1. Name a story you've (probably) neglected


Um... there's a lot of them I suppose. I think all of my stories were neglected believe me, nothing I'm proud of! ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ But name one? Here's a list!

  • My Dearest Deer
  • Keep Me Safe
  • Ever Loving Deer Luhan
  • Forbidden Whispers
  • That one fluffy fic I wrote a long time ago
  • That other fluffy fic that also has no name



  1. Are you happy with your stories?


No :)



If you have any other questions let me know in the comments~


Hyo Pyo iz rolling away!



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I am your favourite author , you say ? I'm touched TT ... and you got into jikook because of me ? /evil smirk/ *yeah baby !* So, you're the sort of author who leaves cliffhangers. I don't blame you tho, when I read Rick Riordan's Mark of Athena ( Percy Jackson, y'all know ?) I agony for a year because his next book wasn't out yet. Sighs. See, I have taken a lot . Lol, I can't write either... I .like I sound like a 40 year old who reads women magazine in the bathroom while taking a ... ahm,sorry for inducing that ugly picture. Hey I'm curious about your previous username, what exactly does it mean ? I'll tell you mine... I'm thinking I'll do the same Q&A.. hmm, since I don't usually make blogs . Yeah.. I have been finally inspired to do this , thanks Hyo-chan ^_^ and this was pretty fun and interesting!
Wow...I've never done one of these but for YOU I just might give 'er a go! ;)