Blog: Just a story for you all; and a quick one.

I haven't been on AFF for almost, what - 3 months? My senior year has been quite a ride for me; both emotionally, and physically. My whole semester before the final was exhausting. There was no break in between, even during semester breaks. Therefore, no time for hobbies.

How are you? I've been less than fine lately. Not because of uni-life, but also because of my own commitments. Due to my cramped up schedule of uni-projects and the essential preparations before my final year performance, I had to give up a lot of things. Not only my time for AFF, but also my part-time job as a coach. I figured that being a coach takes up too much focus and energy which I could have used on something more significant to my life (​or future). Standing all day in the water; just teaching, turns out to be something not part of my importance. My aim to be a coach is to learn skills which I can apply to myself in the water. I have forgotten the fundamentals of being a swimmer after being a coach for almost two years. I won't do this to myself. So, in the end, I stopped coaching as a start, and freed myself from one burden.

Then again, that was because the joy of teaching had long vanished ever since I gave my full commitment towards studies.

Other than that, I got myself another part-time job - and that was vocal coaching. I started teaching students of my age, and sometimes younger, vocal basic techniques to those who would like to sing. To tell you the truth, it wasn't my favorite thing to do. It was the same as coaching, trying to outsmart everyone in the room, and being the one that has to deliver. It was fun at first, but things turned out nothing like what I'd expected.

Eventually, the students said that they wanted to stop class for studies, so I ended up having nothing to do this new year. Not that I'm complaining. No, because before this, all I ever did was going for rehearsals and rehearsals after practices and rehearsals, then performances and eventually sometimes teaching and coaching, then exams and the final show, it felt like my life was always on the go.

Now that I look back, I quite liked the feeling of being busy and cramped up with projects and performances like that. It felt refreshing, yet suffocating. But it was indeed some of the best moments in my life. Simply said, reality took over me and I had no time for fun and games. Maybe, I've reached that kind of age. Nobody knows.

Therefore, I'm here to tell you that I might not return anytime soon. Maybe for some challenges and contests and some blogs about my life, but no more requests. I'm sorry. It's just that, my life as a musician is getting tougher by the minute, and if I had half the mind the reach anywhere as near as where I'd want to be, I need to start catching up. No more delays. No more excuses. No more distractions.

So, tata... and to anyone who's interested in finding me outside of this circle. Follow me in Instagram: @jasjessnjs

Goodbye, and (maybe) see you soon.


With love and regards,



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Aaahhh it's gonna be so different without seeing you on here for a while! I'm not sure if you'll still see this but I wish you luck in your future endeavours! ♥

Also, I've followed you on IG btw! :)