❛  THRICE  ♬  张涛 (revamping li section)

basic info.
FULL NAME: Connor Tao Zhang
 Dumpling  The name dumpling came to Bogeun's mind when he thought about cute foods. He almost called him muffin. Thank god that didn't pass. To this day, Connor's closest member will call him by the nickname Dumpling. This later passes down to his fans.
—   Face   The entertainment calls him face because even before Connor was famous, he always had an attractive face. Not better than the visual of course, but he was. High nose, pale skin, and pink&plump lips make him stand out as attractive. His looks are ideal and even other trainees, members of Thrice, and fans will address him as Face. The curses of being naturally handsome.
BIRTHDATE: july seventh, nineteen ninety-five
BIRTHPLACE: London, England, United Kingdom
HOMETOWN: London, England, United Kingdom
ETHNICITY: British, Chinese
British English  /   Fluent   Connor's native language. British English is slightly different then the regular English.
Chinese  /   Fluent  Mother and Father constantly teach Connor his background, culture, and the language of Chinese.
 Korean   /   Fluent  Learned during his trainning. Some days he still struggles.
DESCRIPTION: Even though Connor looks like the sweet little dumpling everyone calls him, he also has his more masculine side. This side is mostly released with Thrice. Whenever it's time to get serious or ually appealing, Connor has it down! A mixed personality dumpling that can get a little spicy if he wants. 
FACECLAIM: luhan soloist
BACK-UP FACECLAIM: suwoong boys republic
  height   172 cm
  weight   56 kg

Connor was actually a short kid until he hit seventeen. He used to be only five foot six. He rised up to be six feet tall. The same thing happened to his father and mother. They both grew late. Anyways, Connor's mom and dad are both fully Chinese, but his mother is from London. So, Connor's appearance is completely chinese. Like most kids, Connor battles with acne. He uses Proactiv and face masks to keep his skin clean. Luhan had stitches when he was in the sixth grade on his chin after he fell off of his broken razor. He still has a scar from it. His dental record, like his mother, has always been superior. The one problem he has is with his eyes. He wears thick perscriptions. He hates wearing glasses (even though we all know our Connor looks so cute), so he wears contacts instead. Connor was born with dark brown hair. He dyed it when he was sixteen years old as a birthday present. Ever since then, his hair has been this bright beige color. His roots are even coming out this awkward blonde because he's always in the sun. His fashion since is about as cool as Phineas and Ferb's fashion. Never. Changes. Not. Ever. Connor is very simplistic when it comes to fashion. He thinks if he wear hoodies and sweatpants, he can never go out of fashion. The colors he wears are dull and plain. t-shirts, jeans, sweatpants, hoodies, v-necks, and turtle necks are his favorite pieces of clothing to wear. Connor is highly obsessed with shoes though. Whatever shoes are out, he has them, Well, that's when he can afford them that is. Every Christmas just give him a new pair of shoes and he will be happy. Connor has no piercing or tattoos anywhere on his body since both of his parents forbid it. If you ever catch Connor with any piercings or tattoos, they are fake or temporary (and his parents most likely don't know about them whatsoever). Long hair was always Connor's thing too. His parents never found going to the barbor shop to be a priority so they let his hair grow out all through out his life. He finally got it cut when he moved out. He goes for the classic long on top and short on the sides. He keeps his hair so long on top that he can put his hair in pony tails most of the time. He's known for this between the Thrice members. They call him a ninja, Saiyan, and sometimes even Goku even though they are all Japanese (Rude! Haha!). Awkwardly though, Connor is a huge fan of anything anime. What a nerd.

Not only am I afraid to show you what I can do, but I'm terrified to show you who I am.

( + ): confident, humorous, caring, easy-going
( - ): erted, sneaky, cocky, dramatic
At first glance, Connor seems to be a very shy guy. In his school days that's how it always worked out. Even now people guess that Connor is a shy and unapproachable person. That's only because he doesn't know you. Even with fans and this is a huge problem of his that he wants to fix.[FUN FACT! Connor was presenting in front of his class one time and threw up chunks in front of everyone]. After you actually meet Connor, you will come to find out that he is actually one of the most confident and fun loving person you will ever meet. He can always make you smile even when you are down. You can call him a mood maker so say. Connor's zodiac sign is a Cancer and Cancers are very well known for understanding others feelings even if the other person doesn't tell them directly. The humorous side of Connor is to die for. He has this awkward humor. You know when you slip up and people find it funny? That's his humor. He cracks jokes with sarcasm and embarrassment. Two things Connor is so ing skilled at! All around, he's an easy going young man that has never had a girlfriend before in his life [FUN FACT! That was a lie lel. Connor has had three girlfriends in his past]. Connor would never openly admit to dating anyone unless he's taken to court.

There's a bad side to Connor too that I some what find funny. Isn't everyone's failure funny? Anyways, Connor is probably the biggest definition of a out there. Like, he's so open about the fact he's erted it's crazy. Connor isn't stalker level erted or lifting up your skirt erted, but he does take his glimpses, watches things, and makes nasty jokes purposely. Connor's mind is so negative and corrupt. Poor thing. This leads in to him being very cocky. His past girlfriends will tell yout that Connor's cocky rate is through the roof. There's a difference between cocky and confident, which Connor is both, but cocky is his downfall. Connor knows he's attractive and that's probably not a good thing [FUN FACT! Connor once bragged about how "big" his gentials were with fellow friends]. Connor is a sneaky man. He doesn't take trouble in a good way. He would make a damn good criminal [FUN FACT! During his trainee days he caught the kitchen on fire and blamed it on his roommate. Yes, he got away with it]. Along with all that jazz, comes him being so overly dramatic. Connor is totally a cry baby and no one can say he isn't!
— Connor's favorite color is white. His second favorite is black, then grey, then beige, then royal blue, and lastly perrywinkle.
— Anything nerdy was always Connor's thing. Video games and anime were his entire childhood.
— Connor played basketball in his school days and still plays it for fun.
— His IQ is "Fair" he so calls it. He won't give away the score.
— Connor was in the gymnastics ever since he was three years old. He's so freaking flexable, it's insane.
— He used to do ballet. Connor is still highly embarrassed.
— Favorite food is any sort of sandwich. He loves sandmiches! Yum!
— His go to drink is water. He only drinks water with the occassional sweet tea time to time.
— During training, it took Connor the longest to catch on to the Korean language.
— He would describe himself in one word and that word just so happens to be very dumb.. "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."
— His favorite childhood show was Teenage Ninja Turtles.
— Connor has an inside joke with Jaedeok and it goes a little something like: "DJ y Flesh." Connor says, "It slipped."
— Back in London, Connor cursed like a sailor. He's trying to get over his bad habit day by day. 
— Connor has a "Ha-Ha-Ha" laugh. He actually makes out the Ha's.
— When Connor was sixteen, he thought this whole K-POP thing was a phase. Lmao?
— He has a mom, a dad, and one little sister. 
— If Connor could be anyone else, he says he would be BTS's Taehyung for a day because he's jealous. His words.
— He was also asked if he could make any friends, he said Taehyung. His role model much? Even though he's months older, how cute.
— Openly roots for homouals and all races. He loves everyone. Even though he isn't gay himself.
— Labeled himself bi-curious in middle school. He wants to go back and punch himself.
— Connor speaks with a British accent when he speaks English.

To my family, I was weird for wanting to sing and dance for people.
Growing up was a sour and confusing life for Connor. Outside of all the laughs and giggles, he actually did have stuggles. Struggles that he didn't and still doesn't want anyone to know about. It didn't start out of the blue, it didn't begin just because he wanted some fame. It began when he sang in his bedroom when he was home alone. All of the American Pop that was coming over to the UK like Rihanna's S.O.S danced in Connor's ears. He enjoyed the beat backing up the talented singer. Whenever he heard an artist flow over an instrumental the way they did, things changed. He started writing his own songs and they weren't so good, but he still sung them aloud and praciticed his voice. He showed off to his parents what he was in to and they didn't like it very much. His father suggested he continue to focus on sports instead of being so  "feminine" and singing along with pop stars. Yeah, in Connor's house hold, for the oldest boy to crave becoming a preppy singer, wasn't considerable. His parents would tell them, "That's something your sister would do." He felt humiliated and he stopped sharing his music with his parents. Until one day he was searching online through Chinese pop to get himself into that, but it wasn't so catchy. He ended up clicking on a group called Super Junior, thinking they were Chinese, but they were not. The way they song and the way the carried their feet through a beat, Connor wanted that! He wondered what language he was listening to. He found out it was Korean. Maybe Korea would give him a freaking chance. But his parents wouldn't even let him do Britian's Got Talent, so why would they allow him to fly to Korea? Connor left with his friend's family and they were more than happy to fly him all the way out to Korea and support him. He did admit, it was kind of bazaar that of all the things he could have done or could have went he chose Korea. But something called to him. He joined a competition show even though he could barely comprehend what anyone was saying. That didn't matter. He had his translater and his goals beside him. He ended up being eliminated in the second episode because he was too airheaded as to understanding. An entertainment named untd music took him in. At the time there was a boygroup called Treble that was there. Boy group? He wouldn't be working alone! He was actually so glad to hear about that part of the news. When he audtioned, he was nearly skipped over, but one of the judges just needed to see more of this British-Chinese young man who wants to be a Korean Pop singer! From that day forward, Connor trained and trained, working his off to be where he is now.

  mother dear   Zhang Bao Yu, Cheif, 48
The road hasn't been perfect between these two, but Connor will do anything for this mom. She's raised him, fed him, and put him on his feet. He can't complain. He truly can not complain.
 my father   Zhang Chen, Judge, 51
Connor and his father stick together like paper to a fridge. Did you get it? They don't stick. Connor has been accused of being gay plently of times by his dad and it's unforgiving. Either way, he can't replace him.
 little sis   Sunny Changying Zhang, College, 18
Connor and Sunny were always close. They participated in almost everything together including gymnastics, basketball, and ballet. If Connor were to miss anyone the most, it ould be his sister.

— Connor's relationship with New Member #2 is exactly how you see it. They're one of two things and nothing else. Those things are: One yerning to be with the other, or one wanting too much attention from the other when the other doesn't really wanna be around them. This switches. Sometimes Connor can be the yerning one and sometimes New Member #2 can be. The same goes fro the second one. It's a love hate thing, but they do get jealous easily when they spot one with someone else. Conner isn't usually the one to be jealous since he finds himself loving and playing with all the members. He doesn't see New Member #2 as anything really special. He's the same as the others. He loves them all equally. It's New Member #2 who gets aggrivated and jealous whenevr Connor is messing around with someone else. They're like a married couple dang it. It's not only New Member #2 though because Connor, in his rarest moments will feel hurt when he sees New Member #2 bonding too cloesly with New Member #3.

— Connor's relationship with New Member #3 is quite different compared to New Member #2 and Connor's cute married relationship. Connor and New Member #3 are literal rapists to each other. The best relationship ever! They can't go a day without slipping a stupid dirty joke about one another. New Member #3 loves ripping at Connor's clothes for fun, but at the end of the day Connor likes it. Oh my god! Fans would freak for reading that. It was a joke. Anyways, Connor will slap New Member #3's and New Member #3 will his ear. Not only that, but they play pranks on each other too. The relationship between the two can get very handsy of course and that will never change.


— Bae Jonghoon, Thrice Member, Age Here
Putting the two of them together is about as good as pressing the big red button on a bomb. Connor is always wild with Jonghoon. The two behave like childern with each other. Depending on the age of Jonghoon, here is how they work. If Jonghoon is younger than Connor, then Connor behaves like a big baby with him. Always pretending to fight and making Dragon Ball references. While on the other hand, if Jonghoon is older, Connor loves messing with him and bothering him 24/7, but Jonghoon enjoys the party and participates with his stupid doings anyways.

— Im Jaedeok, Thrice Member, Twenty
Connor cares for Jaedeok like a big brother. They usually kid with each other, but Connor mainly looks to Jaedeok to help him with his problems. Connor helps Jaedeok whenever he has a conflict. When Jaedeok feels like he could shed a tear on stage, Connor comes up to him as quickly as possible to comfort him. Jaedeok was one of the first members he got used to as a brother. It's a very special friendship.
— Connor has friends that have been left behind in London. Some of his friends being, Max, Daren, Steven, Jada, and Bella. They were known as the squad and were always together. They made Connor's teenage years a bit brighter and a lot more fun.

— Sidney Jacobson, Ex Girlfriend, Twenty-One
In the story, she will play Connor's rival almost. She leaks old photos with her and Connor and it ends up all over the internet. Sidney is jealous that Connor has fond fame and broke up with her for that fame. To go in to depth, they broke up because Connor was leaving for Korea which was far from the United Kingdom. Sidney lied and said she understood, but always held a burden to it. She feels she needs revenge and an apology.
thrice's lead vocal.

Would I ever read a fanfiction about me? If it's dirty, yes.
PLOTLINE: New Member #1
PERSONA: Royal Happiness
FANCLUB: Princess(es) #ffccff
In 2013, Connor was eighteen years old. He finally had an entertainment that wanted him. UNTD Music felt like he could do so much more and that Connor was capable of it all. When he gets there, he stands out a lot, but there are other Chinese trainees. He feels awkward though because he's the only Chinese who lived in the United Kingdom. It took Connor a lot of time to catch on to a hand full of things. Dancing was easier, singing easier, but learning Korean was so difficult. To this day he still stumbles, but at least he understands it. His training days consisted of work five days a week and sometimes he got the weekend free. Whenever he even had chance to go on break though he would be studying extra hard on his Korean. Either way, Connor made a lot of friends while he was there and wouldn't take back his experiences for the world. Sadly, Connor had only one predebut experience and that was his first challenge when he was on k-pop star. He was told to perfrom with SM artists and not be outshined. Here's the link. Here. As you can see, he was outshined. But today, fans will go to that video and comment how amazing Connor did and it makes him so happy. He couldn't wish for better fans.
my love.

You're mine understand? Mine. Nobody else's.
last words.
COMMENTS: The first layout was being an to me ;-; Thank you so much for letting me get a different one because I SERIOUSLY needed to apply for this story. Connor is a fresh character made just for you!!
Ugh, there's so much, but I mainly want to see lots of shipments going on. Like please I would love Connor to do some couple stuff with a member. Ooh! Maybe him reading a fanficiton out loud hahah that would be too good. He's vlogging and accidentally catches a half member in the back. Or the opposite. A member catching him half in the back. LMAO, I live for stuff it's insane. Connor is the perfect guy for it to.
PASSWORD: PIKACHU! Yeah, I . I dunno any freaking Pokemon. I'm depressed.


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but like - bogeun's helping connor with his korean and decides to "punish" connor every time he makes a mistake then connor starts making mistakes on purpose
i applied for this as nm#3 and reciprocated the handsy erted relationship you gave them >3> http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1185686