< supreme's cat-dog >
BIRTHNAME: franny kwon 권래니문
SEUNGKWANS ONE MAN HYPE SQUAD as boo seungkwan's number one fan and best friend and fangirl, she will cheer for him until the day she dies. every time seungkwan does something, even the simplest thing, she shouts "tHERE GOES MY BETS FRIEND LOOK AT HI m"
EVERYONE'S GIRLFRIEND franny is practically the universal girlfriend. she's constantly spurting cheesy lines and being affectionate with everyone.
CAN'T RAP QUEEN franny isn't an amazing rapping like the main rapper of supreme or even the lead rapper. in fact, she didn't plan on being a rapper at all. and as a result, netizens don't think she's very good at it.
HAIR QUEEN has the best hair in all of #supreme, and she looks super hot when she's pushing it back.
ULTIMATE F(R)ANGIRL franny is such a big idol fan and knows so many idol dances that it's ridiculous. she fangirls every time she meets a new idol. 
FOREIGN GIRL raised in norway, franny is labeled as the "foreigner" in almost every korean setting. all because of her "foreign" attitude, her inability to eat korean staple foods like kimchi and tofu, her ineptitude with chopsticks, her slightly accented korean, her preference for non-korean shows, just her in general. 
BIRTHDAY: 11301999
BIRTHPLACE + HOMETOWN: daegu, sk & stavanger, norway
ETHNICITY + NATIONALITY: east asian & korean-norwegian 
NOR fluent. having spent most of her life in norway, it's the language she speaks fluently if not natively
EN semi-fluent. her english is semi-fluent due to the emphasis on language education in norway.
KR advanced. she understands more korean than she speaks, and took lessons back in norway with her mom. despite the lessons teaching her standard korean, she speaks in a mixture of standard korean and daegu satoori. even though she may not be very good at it or make a lot of mistakes, she just speaks and lets herself be corrected later. 
FACECLAIM: ioi's doyeon ; twice's dahyun
HEIGHT + WEIGHT: 171 cm and 49 kg


eyes wide and inquisitive, she's a curious explorer who doesn't want to miss a thing around her. her eyes are dark and close-set, and a nice medium between large and small. with thick, low arched brows to frame her face, she looks beautiful. her lips are like two petals that she almost always paints red, and her face is heart shaped. she thinks her best feature is her hair, and everyone both agrees and disagrees. her hair is amazing, silky and shiny and thick and soft, but she has so many other charms.

she's tall, and seventy-five percent leg. her frame is gamine and boyish, thin with no real discernable curves. her hands are large from years of playing piano and she always has her nails done.

franny is completely loyal to mixxmix. she gets all her clothes from there and lives for their trendy styles.

affectionate, industrious, gregarious, daring, zany, playful, spunky, easygoing.
contemporary, silly, hyper, skilled, introverted, raconteur, needy, tsundere.
shameless, boisterous, impulsive, aloof, irresponsible, cringeworthy, airheaded, dependent.


DISSERTATION OF FRANNY KWON my dear franny, which walks of life have you danced with today? you sing the stories of tomorrow and live with the spontaneity of today. you are the embodiment of optimism cloaked in yesterday's ambition and tomorrow's hope.
     you look at her and though she is young, you can see tomorrow in her eyes. it's bright, it's welcoming, it's warm. her laughter rang out frequently, filled to the brim with cheerfulness and high-spiritedness. she always seemed to be moving and doing, you rarely ever saw her without someone else. she's adept at conversation and small talk, and looks at the world with an outword focus. she approached you first, an honest and happy girl who smiled and laughed easily. she helped you have fun without worrying about the judgement of others, she taught you to enjoy life. with her go-with-the-flow attitude, she enjoyed accomplishments when they happened but she also didn't worry about success. even though she took life lightly, she knew what she wanted and she knew how to work towards it. you can't recall the last time you'd seen someone with such stamina and endurance to see something through. it left you in awe. persistant and determined, she belived in herself and her abilities and you and the good of the people around her. she actively cut out bad habits she had just to be better at her job. in her eyes you saw jupiter and an itching for adventure. audaciously bold, franny kwon feared nothing. you recall the time you and her crashed somebody's wedding photos. or that time you snuck into your rich neighbor's yard on her insisting so you could go skinny dipping. the wild situations she'd get herself in made you laugh, without fail. she told you she loved to see you smile. she was sort of like the lead of a manhwa or a fanfiction, she liked to pull these cheesy lines on you but would only make you cringe and make herself blush. she wanted to hold and be held, and you loved the way she'd play with your fingers while insisting that she's only doing so because she's bored. she held a lot of jokes in her pretty little mind, only they were less jokes and more things you never expected her to say. like the time you dropped her pen and she looked you dead in the eyes and said, "once again you are put through my trials. once again, you fail my test. you do not atone for your sins and are therefore cursed to suffer agony in an endless loop. until you learn. until your greed is no longer. experience the torment you've brought upon me for centuries." she's enjoys humor that's unexpectedly academic and diminutive. you noticed that for as social as she was, she was more awkward than you expected. she loved having fun, and loved having fun with you. she'd turn random mundane objects into toys for her amusement and she loved making people laugh.

     unapologetically millennial, she was young and hopeful and trying to make something beautiful. unafraid to let the world know how much she loved her phone, unafraid to use literally when she meant metaphorically, she loved doing anything that would piss traditional and pretentious people off the most. she spoke rapidly with a lot of hand gestures. she was slightly impatient and tended to act without much thought. her dream in life was to experience everything she could. she always seemed to be bouncing around, and she wore you out quickly but the smile on her face as she was having fun and laughing re-energized you. one thing that caught you off guard was her various skills. art, variety, makeup, acting, she was always trying learning things about the areas she held interest. she enjoyed spending her time trying new tricks and techniques to increase her skill. despite how friendly and affectionate and extroverted she may have seemed, franny really needed a lot of time to herself in order to recharge. it caught you off guard at first, when she suddenly canceled your friday night date so she could bake and binge netflix. she grew irritated when you suggested you do that together. but at the same time, if you went out and did anything fun without her, she'd sulk and pout. if you didn't give her an endless stream of attention, she'd sulk and pout. you had imagined she grew up a very loved child. one of the things you loved most about her was her stories. she had so many to share and they were all equal parts wild and amusing and boy, she really knew how to tell them. one minute aloof and sassy, the next cheesy and affectionate. she wanted to keep a cool, chic air to her so she pretended she didn't care about what was ailing you while she took care of you in secret. she expected you to be able to read her well, to know when she wanted affection and when because she'd be embarrassed if she had to tell you herself.

     you were in awe at how little shame she had. but when you thought about it, in order to do half the thing she did, one needed to have virtually no shame. it was somewhat of a virtue in the sense that she was confident in who she was and had little care for the opinions of others, but it was moreso of a vice. she frequently acted in rather obnoxious ways, ways that left you and everyone around you cringing. everything was always about reaction to her. if someone popped out and scared her, she'd hit them without thinking. if she wanted to climb up onto a roof, she would. she would often do something and then express regret in the aftermath. she never realized how much her impulses endangered herself or others. on top of being shameless and impulsive, she was also noisy and rowdy. you realized that without somebody to remind her to do things, or someone to quite literally take care of her, franny would just forget. she'd forget relatively important things like her homework and to eat and less important things like people's names and the date. she'd constantly lose things if you weren't picking up after her including her phone, her keys, her backpack, her snacks, her makeup. sarcastic remarks would just fly over her head and her thoughts would skip from topic to topic.

     but either way, you liked her. and you were gonna confess.

     gathering up you courage and your strength, you were about to knock on her door when it opened in front of you. she was all bundled up with a big suitcase and a carry-on bag. you ask her where she's going.

     "oh! i'm going to korea!"

     "when will you be back?"

     "not for a while, why?"

     "no reason. just wanted to see you off."

remembering franny — written by

     franny is born to a korean father, kwon doyong, and a korean mother, who's name and face escape franny's memory. she doesn't remember much, but her mom leaves her dad and moves doyoung to norway where he meets a young and charming twenty year old aspiring painter with a unique view on life, annelie skjeggstad. they marry, and franny has a new mommy whom she absolutely adores!

     life in norway is good. she's happy. it's one of the happiest nations on earth. her mom and dad love her very much and she's getting a great education. the only thing that's wrong is that she doesn't think she's pretty. she sees so many pretty girls, all tall and blonde with high noses and big blue eyes, and even her mother has big eyes and full lips and beautiful brown skin, all franny is not. in order to show her that there are people in the world who look like her, and to prove to her that she's pretty, papa doyong takes her to korea to visit his family. 

     auntie and uncle and grandma and grandpa all pinch her cheeks and coo "how pretty" in a language she can only vaguely grasp and she stumbles over her pronunciation of "thank you". they for not being able to eat kimchi and tell her dad that's she too westernized already. her dad takes her to a nearby temple so they can do community service. she asks why, and he tells her because it's their offering to buddha. he says that whenever they're in korea they can do this together. dad shows her his old g.o.d and s.e.s albums and she sees 2ne1 and f(x) on music shows in grandma's living room.

     they go back to norway and she keeps updated with kpop groups. she becomes a hardcore fan of them, and while they don't directly make her want to become a kpop artists, they do get her into music. she starts taking vocal lessons so she can be a singer. it's only after someone tells her she might have better luck as a singer in korea that she actually considers going to korea to become an idol. 

     she and mama annelie decide to take korean lessons together. franny so she could have a better grasp on the language, and annelie so she could show support for her daughter and an embrace of her husband's culture.

     in 2015, she auditions for various entertainment labels and is accepted by mtm. her parents help her make arrangements by transferring her to seoul foreign school and setting up her stay in the trainee dorms. 

     her day starts at seven am when her alarm goes off and she needs to get ready for school. franny somehow manages to bounce out of bed immediately, making her bed before brushing her teeth and hopping in the shower. it's there that she wastes most of her time, just goofing off. and then she's running late and trying to dart out the door and the other members are trying to make sure she doesn't forget anything important, but she always does. manager scolds her for making everyone run late and she apologizes. franny never eats breakfast, but instead has a big lunch to prepare her for afternoon practice.

     afternoon practice for her starts at around 3 pm. she mostly has dance practice with the other members, but she also has rap lessons. after practice, from six to nine, franny has korean lessons as well as image and korean etiquette classes. she barely manages to get dinner from the company cafeteria because another member reminds her at 8:50. after nine, she heads back to the dorm where she recieves supplementary instruction via skype with her teachers to make sure that she's caught up with the rest of the students and understands the material.  
     LIKE likes HER MOMMY, HER ABI, idol groups, meat, people with distinct laughs, HER MOTHER, dad jokes and puns, her father, pinterest, arts and crafts, plants, HER BIRTHING UNIT, cheesy things, scented things, birthing unit no. 2, comfy beds and fluffy duvets, social media, HER EOMI, red lipstick, nail art, gudetama. and her mom. also her pops. AND CARLY RAE JEPSEN.
     UNLIKE dislikes people interrupting to correct her every time she makes a language mistake, type a people, being made to feel as if she isn't korean because she was raised in norway, kimchi, tofu.
     HABITS shoving things up people's noses and in their ears, saying incredibly cheesy things and feeling proud of herself, holding everyone's hands, grabbing her s when she's scared, cuddling everyone, forgetting to eat, forgetting to do her homework, grips hers chopsticks really close to the base, ruining food because using korean chopsticks is hard, always having her nails done, shooting finger hearts and going pyong pyong whenever someone says something cheesy to her. 
     HOBBIES doing dramatic readings of fanfics with character voices and everything, doing nails, collecting gudetama merch, communicating with fans, reading fanmail, doing pinterest projects, facetiming with her parents, planning piano, playing simulation games.
     FEARS growing old, burdening everyone, being unhappy with how she's spent her life, that her impulsivity will ruin her life, losing her friends, commitment, being stuck in the same old routine.
     SCHOOL attends seoul foreign school in yeonhui-dong, seoul. she can't attend SOPA like the rest of her school-aged members because the company was concerned about her grasp on the korean language, so they sent her to a school where the cirriculum is completely in english. her teachers are very understanding towards her situation, and don't mind giving her extentions on deadlines. franny hardly ever accepts them, though.
     RELIGION is a buddhist. her faith is very important to her, as her first real connection to her culture was via visiting korea with her father to do ulyeok, or community service work. she partakes in weekly ganhwanseon, a form of meditation that involves deep and sincere questioning into the nature of self and reality, as well as daily seon, simple meditation. she has a notebook in which she does sagyeong, the copying of sutras. and she visits temples for dharma service on buddha's birthday.
     FRANGIRL stans : seventeen ( hard. ), apollo, dante, got7, girlfriend, bts, bap, mamamoo ( hard), btob ( hard. ), #supreme ( hardest. ), beethoven. CARLY RAE JEPSEN ( emotions is the best album of 2015 and you cannot tell her otehrwise. )
     LIFE MOTTOS "i swim for brighter days through an absence of sun." and "don't die hesitating." her constant bright attitude and impulsivity to do even the most bold things stems from these two mottos of her, past on from her parents.
     STORIES some of her stories include the spinach in the closet story, the braces-in-zipper story, the snake in the kitchen story, the fever dream story, the man on subway who was convinced that she was hillary clinton and that her husband ruined america story, the thought it was a dog but it was actually a bear story, the i accidentally joined a minor cult story, the i was late for my class every day and at the end of the year i got my teacher a cake story, the dog-induced concussion story.
     PIANO she's been in piano for about ten years. beethoven is her favorite composer. when she's doing v-live's she closes with the notes of the first bar of beethoven 5th. and she's always humming für elise.
     TALENTS her specialty talents include piano, kkab dancing, fanfic reading, nail art, diy projects, and terrible aegyo.
     AESTHETICS OF FRANNY MOON audiobooks, clear nights, poetry recitations, first snow of the year, grass with frozen dew, playing barbies in the pool and on the porch and in the yard, elaborate cartoon battles drawn on biology notes, tie-dye shirts, catching fireflies, singing one direction loudly with the windows rolled down.
       QUOTES quotes from franny kwon :
          "i read that capyabras can briefly run as fast as horses and i can't get rid of the thought of the worlds largest rodent barreling at me like a horse. it's so sinister."
        "you come into my house, you disrespect my aesthetic—"
          "pyong pyong!"
          "a ouija board? this is a bee gees board!"
          "no brakes we die like lightning mcqueen."
          */points to a fat cat lazing about* "someone give him a theme song"
          "we're here because we love the thick stench of wood fibers and industrial cleaner."
       "i've collected some leaves and sticks for you as a snack."
          "the game is a foot"
         "i want nicki minaj to come save me. like, the ceiling opens up and she comes down from like, a heavenly cloud with my phone and she's rapping 'rrah, rrah like a dungeon dragon' and i just take my glasses like 'thanks yo! love you nicki xoxo gossip girl'."
        "oh woe is me! to be transformed, transmorgrified, shapeshifted, bewitched, and bemoaned! to be naught but a gourd!"
         "what does html stand for? like, what does she believe in?"
          */after she got her wisdom teeth removed* "you have to sit on some soft grass or... a mattress in the sun sometimes to give your shadow a soft place to rest. she's always on that pavement... cement... floorboards... it's not good for her."
          "what a loser! she hasn't deconstructed morality yet!"
          "come on guys, you know what 'tt' means! tt, as in like, too turnt."


( NOT ) BIRTHING UNIT ; EOMI / annelie skjeggstad fc nataly neri / 02061984 / artist & art workshop instructor / avant-garde, supportive, easygoing, compassionate / 
for as long as she can remember, franny has adored and admired her mom. not only is she beautiful and creative and supportive and wonderful, but she actively takes care of a child that isn't her, and gave up most of her youth for franny. to franny, annelie is her mother. even though they're not blood related, annelie was the one taking care of her like a mother. they're sometimes more like friends than mother and daughter. annelie has always been the "cool" kind of mom, the one who's chill with kids getting into a bit of trouble, the one who's up to date with what's hip. in fact, franny's friends would come over just to visit with annelie. every day she teaches franny to be proud of her individuality. annelie is franny's number one fan, and is always posting about #supreme on her twitter.

"eomi, you are literally the most beautiful person i know?? black really doesn't crack. i love you so much that words cannot even begin to describe how grateful i am towards you and how lucky i am to have you. there's no way i can properly thank you for pushing me to follow my dreams. you believed in me even when i didn't believe in myself. i feel bad because every other member buys their mom stuff, but you never let me buy you anything! please let me buy you at least one thing. we're far away and i miss you everyday, but i know that you're always proud of me. i know you worry about me, but my groupmates, managers, company seniors, and friends are all very kind to me and take good care of me. if i had to go through life again, i'd like it to be as your birth daughter."


BIRTHING UNIT NO. 2 ; ABI / doyong kwon fc daniel henney / 06301977 / college professor / warmhearted, scatterbrained, quiet, introverted / 
even though she's extremely vocal about her love for her mom, franny loves her dad just as much. she remembers him telling her all sorts of stories when she was little. it's almost as if their hearts are one because when franny hurts, doyong hurts. he can always sense what she needs, even if she herself isn't aware. he calls her all the time and always updates his students on her. he's franny's number 2 fan and always brags about his daughter to literally anyone who will listen.

"abi, thank you for letting me be your daughter. and thank you for loving me. and thank you for letting me have a wonderful mother. thanks to you, i know for a fact i am loved to the moon and back. its hard being away from you, but even harder when i can hear you crying on the phone. you don't need to worry about me, abi, i have nine nice older sisters watching over me. i hope i'm making you proud because i want to repay you for all you've done for me. when we're reincarnated, let's be father and daughter again, okay?"



BIG SIS I'VE NEVER WANTED ; CHAEWON-UNNIE / baek chaewon / 01031998 / #supreme member / tempermental, mature, kind /
of all the members, franny finds its easiest to communicate with chaewon. they're close in age and chaewon speaks pretty good english, so if franny doesn't know a word in korean she'll say it in english and chaewon will translate. chaewon takes care of her really well, making sure she's eaten and she's gotten her homework done. plus she teaches franny about all the things she didn't know about, from cooking to taxes and just about everything in between.

"heehee, i'll write about unnie later~!"

POSITION: vocal, rap  ( backup plotline ; #pink )
PERSONA: CAT-DOG franny is playful, hyper, loving, and daring like a puppy but she's also introverted, aloof, cool and needy for affection just like a cat is.
TALENT TWINS: KIM DAHYUN ( singing/rap, dance, piano  )
franny's trainee life was rather easy. everyone at the company was kind to her and very accomodating. the thing that really got her was the long training schedule and balancing training with school. she struggled a lot at first, but by the time the 2016 school year rolls around, she's got it down pretty well. her parents signed an agreement with the company to not allow franny to get plastic surgery until she's a legal adult and can decide for herself.

when she was surprised when she was jammed into the final lineup for #supreme, and even more surprised when she became a rapper instead of a singer like she intended.

PREDEBUT: franny doesn't have any notable predebut activities.
franny reads mean comments about the group from netizens and responds to them in a rather snarky manner.
netizen response !
[ +80, -10 ] okay, but you have to admit that her responses are still pretty funny.... like seriously "i'm ugly? that's not my problem, you're the one who has to look at me", "did your mother validate you enough as a child?"  ㅋㅋㅋ ...
[ +50, -80 ] what do yall expect when you're insulting a teenaged girl?? of course she's gonna get mad and snippy, that's just what girls do
[ +10, -10 ] i never liked her anyway........ she's too self-righteous.
[ +37, -6 ] its ironic how people who spout rude hate are upset over someone rudely respondin to hate. yall netizens are wild af.

franny states that she feels more comfortable around guys, and that she thinks she has more guy friends than girl friends. she says that she feels its easier to get along with guys then girls, and, in school, most of her friends are male.
netizen response !
[ +100, -10 ] um ur in a group with eight other girls..... are you saying your members aren't your friends?
[ +18, -64 ] guys and girls can't be friends. she's basically admitting that she's a sl*t.

frangirl kicks in at a music show once she turns around and realizes seventeen is standing right behind her. she jumps, startled out of her mind and immediately starts bowing and shaking their hands. after the show, the girls film a log and franny is crying becuase she shook "all 26 hands !!".
netizen response !
[ +221, -5 ] FRANNY IS LIVING ALL OUR FANGIRL DREAMS U GO GIRL !! lmao i lov her so much

franny posts a bunch of pictures on her instagram and twitter of her and seventeen's seungkwan, showing off their budding friendship.
netizen response !
[ +55, -25 ] she's seriously so cute......... i honestly wanna hear the conversations she and seungkwan have like.... they'd be so funny
[ +77, -12 ] stay away from our svt oppas !!!!!

franny introduces her parents to fans during a v-live app. many netizens respond negatively, insulting franny's mother, her "korean-ness", and her father for marrying a non-korean woman. franny responds with a very angry video on her social media where she's in tears and scolding everyone for the terrible things they've said.
netizen response !
[ +92, -6 ] "she may not be my birth mother but she's the only mother i've ever known and has raised me as her own, better than my own mother possibly could. she gave up her young adulthood to raise me because she loves my dad and i, and for you all to insult my parents for all they've done for me is..." franny ah....... ㅜ ㅜ
[ +60, -30 ] why the hell would you insult someone's mother? especially a young girl's mother?? like do yall not know how significant that bond is or......... and insulting her father for marrying a black woman like way to be so openly racist, guys.
she scratches her nose, the tips of her ears turning red at the compliment. 
"ah... i don't really think—i mean, it's obviously an honor to be part of #supreme but... i don't think i'm one of the most talented trainees. everyone else is, though! my unnies are great!"
her hands clasp together as she sways to and fro, 
"well, i wanted to be a singer, but there isn't really a lot of opprotunities for an asian to break into european charts, so someone suggested i become a singer in korea. and then i got put into the lineup for #supreme!"
"i auditioned." she says plainly.
she holds her own hands, interlocking her own fingers. 
"i can't wait! but then i think of how long my unnies trained and i feel even happier for them!"
"i feel like i haven't been doing this long enough to want to quit." she says, pushing her hair back out of her face with a smile. "but sometimes i'd wonder if i was really doing the right thing with my life, worrying if i'll truly be happy as an idol, worrying about not being able to get back my youth."
"if i wasn't an idol?" she grins as she imagines the possibilities. "well, i'd probably be just a daughter and a student. not as glamorous, but it'd still make me happy."
she fidgets, 
"i haven't been here as long as the other unnies, so my bond with the trainees and staff isn't as strong, but everyone's super nice to me! they all help me a lot, even when they don't have to. and for that, i'm very grateful towards everyone. when i get my first few paychecks, i wanna buy dinner for everyone!"
"chaewon-unnie!" she cheers, "and apollo-oppas. and dante's issang-oppa! and jungho-oppa and junkwang-oppa and jonghyun-oppa and seojun-oppa AND—" you cut her off before this interview gets too long.
her laughter chimes and you notice her ears turning pink. when you point it out, she denies it fervently. 
"haha.... my ideal type?" the blush only spreads and her eyes widen, a bright ring surrounding them. "i guess someone like me? only better. so someone fun and unpretentious but also capable and knows how to do a lot of things. someone who can teach me while still having fun."

LOVE INTEREST: boo seungkwan
OCCUPATION: seventeen's main vocalist
FRANNYS ONE MAN HYPE SQUAD as franny's best friend and fanboy, he knows franny is one of the slept on #supreme members. so whenever she does something he goes "GO BEST FRIEND THATS MY BEST FRIEND".
BIRTHDAY: 01161998

lively, sassy, centered, empathetic, insecure.

boo seungkwan is enthusiastic and exciting, waking up with energized and with a cheerful outlook. he's friendly and positive and spontaneous, always making suggestions for fun activities and comitting random acts of kindness. he can always bring up the mood but his bubbliness can be exhausting to those around him. he is the Sass Master™, shooting comebacks at everyone left and right. he knows where his priorities are, thinking before he acts and exhibiting good sense. he exudes confidence because he knows himself very well. despite his sass, he's also very sweet. he's a great listener who genuinely cares for people. he has a deep understanding of others' emotions. he isn't the most confident in his body, and part of that may have to do with netizens commenting about his weight.

part one !
her love for him started with seventeen's debut. those high notes? that cute face? that boppin' song? she loved it all. and for a while, she was just one fan out of a million.

before she officially started her training under mtm, abi doyong took her to a seventeen fanmeet as sort of a going-away present. she was on cloud nine. here were her boys, all thirteen of her boys!!! she thanked them for doing what they do, held their hands, gave them small gifts she prepared, and she almost started crying a few times. like when she saw woozi's cute body he's so small omg he's so precious—and then she reached seungkwan, her ultimate seventeen bias.

he looks up at her with those perfect fcu cking eyes and holds her hand!!!! her hand!!!!!!!!!! it takes her a moment to remember what she was going to say. 

"oppa! i'm fRANNY and i got accepted by an entertainment label! i'll be a trainee starting tomorrow!"

"oh really? which company?"

"mtm entertainment! let's meet again once i debut, alright? mtm supports seventeen!"

"and seventeen supports you, franny!"

and she let out a shriek.

part two !
their next meeting is music bank. both #supreme and seventeen happen to be promoting at the same time. the emcees are announcing the number one song and presenting them their trophy when franny turns her head just a fraction of an inch and notices all of seventeen is standing behind her. she grabs #pink's arm and whispers that seventeen is right. there. and they both start secretly freaking out.

seungkwan spots them and smiles at them, which almost causes franny to cry. as everyone's heading off the stage, she rushes ahead to shake the hands of every seventeen member. she shakes both of everyone's hands and barely manages to hold herself together.

"it's franny!" seungkwan says, "i never imagined you to debut so quickly. you were only at our fansign a year ago!"

she blabbers out some nonsensical response.

"i'm proud of you franny, let's meet again, alright?"

she cries as they walk away and buries her face in chaewon's chest because the world is great. the other members laugh and quickly record a short video of her crying. they ask why she's crying and franny responds with, "because now i can never wash my hands or eat again because i just shook all twenty six hands!!!!"

"who's twenty six hands?"

"seventeen's! their hands are so p-p-pretty!!!!!"

the video becomes a bit of a meme that fans of all ages and genders can relate to.

part three !
the video gets brought up on a radio show #supreme is on. the emcee asks who franny's favorite seventeen member is, and she says she loves all of them. the other members rat her out and say it seungkwan. the emcee asks her to leave a message for seungkwan.

"whw-what? no, i-i can't—pfft ah urm—seungkwan-oppa you remind me of a goldfish! because goldfish are gold and you're golden. a-and you're the softest metal like gold is. um, let's be friends. seventeen fighting!"

a few weeks later, he responds with a message of his own.

"franny—" "call out to her affectionately, she's your fan!" "franny-yah~, oppa has recieved your message well. not only am i golden like a goldfish, i'm also a great pet and most likely do not taste good as seafood. let oppa buy you coffee one day. #supreme fighting!"

and after fans swarm franny's social media telling her to listen to his message, #supreme posts a video on their instagram. franny's laying on her back, halfway off the couch with her hands covering her hot face. there's a member's voice from behind the camera.

"our franny... she's been like this for the past forty five minutes."

another member sits besides her, rubbing her tummy. "franny, seungkwan wants to buy you coffee one day. what's your response?"

franny wriggles about, sqealing and whining before shooting two finger hearts at the camera, "pyong pyong!"

"that's franny for 'yes, of course, thank you for being kind. i am humbled.'."

part four !
after a few months of exchanging messages, the fateful day finally comes when seungkwan buys franny a coffee. she's nervous, immensely so. but when they meet up, talking to him is so easy. he makes her laugh endlessly, and he likes how unpretentious she is.

they start hanging out more and more often, and become close friends. and if they become something more, it'll happen subtly. no major events that trigger their love, but simply noting how she looks when she's doing his nails will make him realize he loves her.

as seungkwan's "bestest friend ever", she hears so much gossip about the other seventeen members, and he's so dramatic in telling it all like "can you believe jeonghan stole mingyu's shampoo?" "soonyoung smacked me last night so i took screenshots and sent then to jeonghan". they never stop making each other laugh with a plethora of inside jokes that no one else can understand. like she'll just lean over and say "you're telling me, a man in a luigi mask" or he'll say "it all started in new jersey" and they'll loose it and no one will have any clue what to do. he's always so protective of her like anytime anyone says anything bad about her, he's ready to throw down and she's the exact same way. they're always videochatting together and he'll just like, leave his phone somehwere and then she'll scare the other seventeen members because they don't know she's watching. they're such a talkative pair, they chat about literally everything and it's so animated too like with wild hand gestures and everything.

they are always teasing each other because seungkwan is a sass master? like they roast each other and other people constantly. but when someone tries to roast one of them, they get very protective. "why are you here, beast?" "okay bye" "no wait come back !!""i think i'm amazing" "BET". when he compliments her, it ends up as like half a compliment because he gets flustered like "wow i knew you'd look like a classy dog in that". but her compliments mean the world to him, so much that he'll start blushing. whenever franny insists on paying for him, he flicks her forehead. they spend their time doing late-night karaoke sessions in the practice room and they're pretty much screaming tears and love battery

they are the biggest meme of couples like... how. she's always trying to either make him flustered or make him laugh but in reality she says cheesy things and tacks on something tsundere when he grins at her. she is like the biggest baby in the world and will pout if he's not showering her with affection ( which rarely happens either way bc he's always roasting her ). she'll send him 25 snapchat vids of her recording him and zooming in on his face or her reaction to him slaying her life. she loves narrating everything he does like... boo seungkwan is a star who needs everything narrated. she calls him when it's really late and she's sleep depraived and leaves cheesy voicemails on his phone like  "just remember that we're looking at the same sky and it's almost like we're together" and she won't remember it in the morning and he loves to blackmail her with them.

he teases her for all the things she doesn't know how to do, but he also helps her and teaches her. she lets him know he's handsome just the way he is.

fangirl-idol to friends to friends who end up dating.

DISCOURSE the public is split between insisting that they're just friends and insisting that they're dating because seungkwan and franny don't really do super romantic things and tease each other more than they hold hands. either way, the discourse prevents mtm and pledis from releasing an official statement on their relationship.
KARAOKE their karaoke songs of tears and love battery.
MAMA they both love their moms so much. that's one of their favorite things about each other.
JOKES inside jokes :
     "seungkwan and i went for a walk and saw a disposable camera"
     "i will stab you with the real knife"
     "it's all over from here"
     "it would never work, on account of me being buddhist and him being a giant robot"
     "dan's been dead for 20 years"
     *crying* "please, accept my crust"
     seungkwan handing out tangerines to reporters at 6 am
USERNAME + ALIAS: lambhorns + ivy
ACTIVITY RATE: ten out of ten
LAST WORDS: here is my second daughter i hope you like her !!
WISDOM franny getting her wisdom teeth removed.
BEST BIRTHDAY during #supreme's first concert, that just so happens to be on her birthday, franny has a solo stage playing the piano, and in the middle of it, her parents come up on stage to surprise her. the members wanted to make her truly happy for her birthday, so they arranged for her parents to come to korea to watch her perform. franny cries in the middle of playing piano and her parents hold her in their arms.
FAITH franny doing ulyeok in-between comebacks. franny visiting temples for dharma services on buddha's birthday. franny taking the members to the lotus lantern festival. franny being unapologetically buddhist.
PASSWORD: "chaewon-unnie is one of the reasons i'm okay with being so far from home. she takes care of me and watches out for me and i just... i feel bad for burdening her because she's so great and shouldn't have to put up with me. and that's why i'd like to become a better woman, so chaewon-unnie won't have to worry about me!"


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hello i love doyeon let me die
but ok anyways

i dont see any mistakes, and overall franny is just incredibly endearing and her relationship with seungkwan is cute as well. she's outspoken and spunky but doesn't press it too far, its relatable and cute!

good luck <3
franny is #gold /bows down/