ㅤㅤ ❝ THE BOOM ❞ㅤㅤAGENTㅤㅤ:ㅤㅤ1b15 click the characters of her name for her playlist ! AKA A 10.1K WORD DRAMA FEST

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birth name  JIANg luli
code name  1b15 ( ibis ) a name with many meanings, ibis is the name of a bird, an egyptian god, a camera, and some sort of research. stylized as 1b15 ( because she is, after all, a coder ), her codename can be pronounced as 'ibis' or 'one-b-one-five'.

birthday  07291996
age twenty

birthplace yeomni-dong, mapo-gu, seoul
hometown  shanghai yeomni-dong

ethnicity  chinese-korean
nationality  chinese-korean

co-host of a weekly children's television show about girls in the stem field. they only film once a week, on sundays, but they film 3-4 episodes at a time so she's on set from 9am until 10pm. the show actually airs on saturdays at 11am.

CHn native.
kr native.
html she's a coder.
en advanced.


100 x 100 100 x 100 100 x 100
"don't hate me because i'm beautiful, hate me because i'm better than you in every conceivable way."
faceclaim ioi/dia's chaeyeon
back up faceclaim ioi's jieqiong


looking at her, she looks like she's been pulled straight out of a manhwa. tall and thin with a proportionate body and symmetrical face, she was made to be on magazines. her skin is fair and clear, void of any scars, blemishes, or other marks. her eyebrows are always neatly plucked and impeccably groomed. her hair is either a strawberry pink or black and flows down to the small of her back.

height & weight  166 cm & 47 kg
eye colour & hair colour black eyes and black hair.
blood type AB-

vision  luli wears contacts most of the time, but when she's working on codes she'll wear her glasses, oversized and thick-rimmed, so as not to dry her eyes out too much.

style she's half-chic, half-elegant in the way she dresses. she follows the trends very closely and is currently in love with plaid and long coats. she's in love with fall colors. however, when she's coding for a mission, she's clad in big sweaters, her oversized glasses, and a knitted grandma shawl.


personality traits

persuasive, private, kittenish, straightforward, curious.
"or perhaps in slytherin you'll make your real friends. those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends."


deception and perfection are wonderful traits
one will breed love, the other hate.
you'll find me in the lonely hearts
under 'i'm after a brand new start'.

you hate her.

you hate her for what she's done. you despise her.

she says she's simply straightforward, but she speaks too bluntly. so bluntly that any intention of being nice ( which you suspect she actually has none ) gets overshadowed by the strength of her words. she pushes topics of conversation that she knows irritates you. she pushes people too far with jokes and teasing—how can she have not learned not to do that after what happened? she sees the sour look on your face and laughs, "what?" she asks, "thinking about how much you love me?". no, quite the opposite. you're thinking about how much she loves herself. she's got too much pride in her accomplishments, you think as she shows you some advanced code she created. she steals the spotlight from others, and she says it's an accident but you don't believe her. whenever she does something, you notice, she tends to work on the fringes like she's trying to avoid being noticed. she'll pretend to believe in one thing so she can get access to someone's power and influence, saying one thing to someone and saying something else to somebody different. she plays with the emotions of others, she's charming to disarm others, she surrounds herself with people she can control. she rarely speaks about her personal life for someone who loves to talk about herself, you notice. when you ask her about high school, she avoids the question. you suspect she keeps her true opinions to herself, probably because they're too mean to be spoken to the public. she tells half-truths instead of straight lies. she's hard to get ahold of unless she wants to interact with people.

the one thing she probably loves as much as herself, you sneer, is gossip. "and carly rae jepsen!" she adds on. you roll your eyes. she always needs to be in the know, even with things that don't concern her. she's determined to ferret out secrets. she revels in causing inconvenice, embarrassment, and minor chaos with her impish jokes. she comes up with crazy ideas and talks people into going along with them, getting everyone involved in trouble. she doesn't know when to stop and takes her jokes too far, and she makes them at the expense of others. she's fascinated with rules and boundaries and just how far she can push past them. she engages in petty activities just to inconveniece someone like the time she pulled the fire alarm at the base and forced you to evacuate your room just because she wanted to see what you looked like. she posseses zero tact, which makes her delivery of sensitive subjects absolutely botched. regardless of who's around, she speaks the whole truth, her opinions are straight and unfiltered. her observations are always spot on, something that makes them even more hurtful. you shouldn't even have to tell anyone that she's vain, because it's obvious that she cares greatly about her looks. taking care of one's appearance is okay in your book, but because it's her it infuriates you. she wants to be seen, to be the center of attention. she's always fussing with her hair and checking her makeup. she'll outright lock herself in her room if she's ill, bloated, or breaking out.

half of you wonders how she could possibly have so many people wrapped around her finger, but then you remember she's a compelling fox. as much as you hate to admit it, she instinctively knows what to say, it's just that she choses to go against her instinct for the sake of being a . because she loves gossip, she knows just about everything. she can read others well and knows exactly how to sway people. you know she remembers you, she just has to. but whenever you ask her about where she went to high school, she doesn't divulge that information. not only with you, either. she deflects questions and steers conversations to a less personal topic. she only keeps things light and fun in social situations. you wonder if she gets anxious at the thought of letting people get too close. she's honest and direct, so if you're imposing on her privacy, she'll tell you to back off. it'd be admirable, you think, if only she wasn't so blunt with people who are sensitive. she has an inquiring mind and strong observation skills. she uses past failures as a way to improve and create better processes. she's drawn to problems and inconvenieces that others would choose to avoid, even you. and before you can express admiration for her curious mind, she makes a suggestive comment and you take all of it back. the way she looks you in the eye and smiles makes you break out in a cold sweat—no, you're not attracted to her—well, she is pretty but—you've never had a girlfriend, let alone a friend who is a girl. n-not that you're friends with her! she enjoys how flustered you get, you can see it in her eyes. and because she enjoys it, she keeps flirting with you. but you know you're nothing special to her, because she flirts with everyone regardless of age, gender, or status. maybe she's desperate to find love.

if you had to say anything nice about her, you'd say that she's magnetic. to other people, not to you. her voice is just laced in warmth and energy, and it's all the little things she does that really wins people over. like the way she uses your name in coversation, the way she's hospitable, the light touches she gives while talking. your eyes follow her spine, noting her excellent posture. and she does have a bit of worldly knowledge, which makes conversations with her interesting. and she's so confident. she knows who she is and what she's capable of, and that's admirable to you though you'd never admit it to her face. she's used to people feeling threatened by her confidence, especially those who are insecure. she knows how to deal with those people and not let them get to her. she thrives off an outwards focus, unlike you. she never seems to be alone and is always out meeting people and trying new things. "socially adept" is what the others call her. she's rather spontaneous and open-minded. and even so, she knows how to balance work and her personal life. you'd never expect it from her, but she's dependable and hardworking, pouring all her energy into whatever task she's working on. when a job needs to be done, luli steps up and pulls her weight. she makes even the most boring and uninspiring jobs fun, and focuses on the positives. though, the "positives" are usually "being stuck in a room with you". she's sensual in a way that leaves you in awe. with very keen sense, she can describe tastes and smells like no one else. she loves deeply and seeks bliss in every moment.

you hated her.

you hated her because she made you like her.

but you notice something about her, behind her flowery smile. it's faint, it's virtually non-existent, but it's there. after struggling to put your finger on it, it hits you when you're alone in your workshop because you feel it too. it's self-loathing. the difference between her and you is that she can hide it with a smile better than you can.

"at least i have a positive attitude about my destructive tendencies"
"i have a and you have a pair of hands, what a coincidence."
"don't lose so much weight."
"have you imagined going past first base with me?"
"give me your heart, then."
"raise your hand if you're having naughty thoughts!"
"you say i'm a like it's a bad thing!"
"i'm a ? well, i do have a shirt that says as much."

tw! bullying and suicide ahead.


LITTLE YET-TO-BE-NAMED JIANG luli had different plans. she was so eager to greet the world that she broke her mother's water on the 31st week. having been born in south korea to a chinese nationalist parent, she ended up aquiring dual citizenship for both countries, but not after she had to spend months being nursed in a hospital. lee suhyun was always there, besides her little incubator, even when her mother couldn't be. he was annointed as her godfather, something he didn't seem to mind. once she was healthy enough to be on a plane, she and her mother went back to shanghai. for the first few years of her schooling, all the way up towards middle school, she spent in shanghai. during breaks and holidays, she and her mother would visit suhyun in seoul. then, when she entered middle school, the opposite happened.

because she was born so early, she suffered from breathing problems and fatigue. as a result, she couldn't be as robust as other children. suhyun introduced her to technology and her mother introduced her to arts, specifically playing the pipa. however, what she lacked in constitution, she made up in beauty, charm, and brains. because of her skill in coding, lee suhyun, her godfather, told her that her skills were needed by a group called pledis.s. he gave her the location of the supposed branch, and told her she had to find it on her own. she did using her coding and computer skills, breaking the moderate-security firewall to pinpoin it's exact location. and at age 14, she joined pledis.s.

she's spent her entire life being fawned over by adults and peers alike for being beautiful and top of her class. and admittedly, it did go to her head. luli was rather popular in school, considered to be her school's "idol". many people would blindly follow her actions and mannerisms just to try and get her to notice them. she would openly belittle and look down upon those whoweren't as lucky as her, disguising her insults as concern and a desire to motivate.

when she was 16, there was a third year girl in one of her advanced classes in high school, a class that mixed students of all grade levels for higher-level education. her name was kim yoomi and she was frumpy and awwkard and bland and quiet and just a tad bit odd. yoomi and luli were often paired up for partner work, where luli would comment on something all the time.

"yoomi, you're rather bland, you know that?"
"o-oh, am i? s-sorry, i suppose."
"everyone might forget that you're here!"

"yoomi! did you put your uniform on in the dark?"
"here, let me fix you up."

luli found herself fascinated with yoomi's reactions. other people would get flustered and try to justify themselves, but kim yoomi simply took it. she wanted to see how much yoomi would take. luli and her girl posse ( who she far less considered as friends and saw them more as needy lap-dogs ) would hide yoomi's inside shoes and her notebooks and pens. the girls would titter and giggle watching yoomi's confused expressions. but luli would always return them before too long.

when the rest of the class saw luli treating yoomi in such a way, they began following along. they would outright ignore her, people would write insults about her on the blackboard. some of the more extreme delinquents would draw on yoomi and put their cigarettes out on her.

there was only one person who would stand up for yoomi, a second year by the name of jihoon. every time he saw luli giggle and gesture in yoomi's direction, he asked her to stop. when he saw the class ignoring her, he went out of his way to talk with her. rumors began to spread that yoomi and jihoon were in a relationship. he confronted luli after class one day.

"stop spreading rumors."
"hm? what rumors?"
"rumors about yoomi. and i."
"i'm slightly offended you assume that i care about you and her so much that i must make up rumors about the two of you."
"if its not you, then who?"
"there are approximately 27 other people in our class. and i could see why one of those twenty seven people would think that the two of you have a thing. you go out of your way to be nice to her, to talk with her. are you saying that you're not interested in her?"
"no, i'm not interested in her! i just want to be nice to her so she doesn't off herself."
"stuff like that only happens in dramas. and besides... i think i'd better break this news to yoomi. seems like she has a bit of a crush on you."
"you only wanna do that so you can make her feel bad."
"it's better to handle any misunderstanding immediately rather than play with a young girl's heart. i'm being merciful."

someone started a rumor that yoomi was ually active with a teacher. and, practically to her face, luli said, "these rumors are getting a little far-fetched, aren't they? it'd be hard for her to find someone to sleep with her." yoomi glanced over at jihoon, hoping he'd help her. all he could do was pretend he didn't see her desperate eyes. jihoon spent weeks tense, wondering if luli had told yoomi that he didn't like her. he couldn't exactly explain why the thought made him so anxious, but he felt like something terrible would happen if she did.

and eventually, that cataclysmic day came. it was valentine's day, a sacred day for guys to recieve chocolate from the girls who liked them. jihoon never expected to get any chocolate from anyone, let alone both yoomi and luli, who handed him the treat at the same time. yoomi flinched as she saw luli standing besides her, hands trembling.

"h-happy valentines day, jihoon."
"yeah, jihoon, happy valentine's day." before jihoon can accept yoomi's chocolate, luli stops him. "wow, is that homemade chocolate? it's way prettier than mine, yoomi! you definitely have me beat. isn't there something you should say to her, jihoon?"
"thanks for the chocolate yoomi."
"really? 'thanks'? that's all? not the fact that you were only being nice to her so she didn't 'off herself'?"
yoomi gasped and jihoon could feel his clench in fear. "stop lying!" she yelled, shoving luli back slightly, an action that earned the attention of everyone in the room. "jihoon is my friend! he's--he's the nicest person in this class! he's the only one here who cares about me! he--"
"he doesn't like you." luli told her, voice filled with steel. "he thought i was the one spreading rumors about the two of you dating, so after class one day he confronted me and told me to stop because he didn't like you and he was only being nice to you because he didn't want you to kill yourself."
"you're a liar!"
"i'm only trying to protect you from getting played! he's the one trying to string you—"
"shut up!" yoomi turned towards jihoon, fat and angry tears in her eyes. "she's lying, isn't she jihoon?"
jihoon couldn't answer.

no one saw yoomi for the next week. until one morning before class, where luli was the first person to arrive before class. she had no clue why she arrived so early, it felt like something imperative she had to do. as she opened up the sliding doors and stepped into the classroom, bathed in a warm sort of pale light from the rising sun and bright blue sky, she saw yoomi. her feet were dangling off the floor, and luli's eyes followed them up and up and up until she spotted the rope wrapped around her neck and her pale, cold, bloated face. she screamed, and the last thing she remembered before passing out was jihoon and a couple of other male students rushing into the room.

she was 16 when she saw the dead body of a classmate. and she had just finished her spy training, but due to her emotional state, suhyun recommended that pledis.s suspend her momentarily for her to recover. the remaining two years in high school she spent back in shanghai, trying to repress all those memories of yoomi. she felt responsible. she was responsible, but surely she shouldn't be taking all the blame? she never spread rumors about yoomi, she never put out cigarettes on her skin, all she did was—set an example for others to follow.

jihoon dropped out of school after that, while luli remained on the downlow. she mellowed out, made an active attempt to not talk to others, she kept to herself and threw herself into her studies to avoid another yoomi incident. it was hard, incredibly hard. she could hardly sleep, she could hardly concentrate, she felt hopeless constantly, she hardly ate, she felt more fatigued than usual, and her thoughts were overwhelmingly negative. she wondered if she should even be alive. she was depressed and her mother tried therapy but luli refused to open up. instead, she put luli on anti-depressants. the rest of high school passed without incident, though she did skip her second year completely and she graduated early at the age of 18. rather than immediately going to college, she took some time off. and in that time off, luli returned to korea upon suhyun's request, where she re-did her spy training at pledis.s while resting and attending college.
TOO FAB likes anything trendy, stem field, online shopping, parties, iced beverages, well-manicured nails, pretty lights, fake plants, lame jokes, documentaries, vaporwave & futurefunk, chinese oldies, computers, carly rae jepsen.
TOO DRAB dislikes hot beverages, dirty nails, birds, fatty foods, people trying to invade her privacy, people who discredit her academic and intellectual prowress simply because she's a young and pretty girl, hates people who don't have the proper skills to be included in something but are included nonetheless.
TOO HAB-Its habits are her hair and rubbing her arm, leaning towards people when they talk to her, biting her lips and biting on straws, remember names and dates, eating very little, sleeping poorly, dissing the photographer, smiling through the pain, visiting yoomi.
TOO RAD hobbies are keeping updated on celebrity gossip, collecting gudetama merchandise, makeup and skincare, coding, playing the pipa
TOO BAD fears not being good enough, not being liked, failure, growing old, everyone she cares about despising her, people she cares about not trusting her, ending up alone, being judged.
EXTRA-CURRICULAR is the vice-president of the university's Chinese student association.
MY BABY created her own computer that she uses for coding. the case is tea rose and is large enough to fit an eatx ( atx12v v2.4 ) motherboard and she has a heatsink attatched to it in order to keep her computer from overheating. her power supply unit has a 120mm fan at the bottom, making it run quietly. it also has a stenotype keyboard allowing for her to type very quickly with very high accuracy.
QUEEN OF BEING SMART her iq is 160 and she's always been the top of her class in school. she managed to skip her second year of high school, causing her to graduate early at the age of 18. even in college, she's in the top 3 of her graduating class. she currently has straight a's and has participated and won many programming and engineering competitions.
MY ILLNESS IS NOT AN ACCESORY suffers from chronic fatigue and depression. if she doesn't take her antidepressants, even small tasks like walking to the bathroom are exhausting and take longer than usual to complete. not to mention she's more irritable, she has trouble concentrating, and she gets unexplained aches and pains. 
DESTRUCTIVE while she doesn't self-harm, luli is notorious for getting involved with married men and causing all sorts of drama. not only that, her love life in general is rather toxic and unfulfilling, what with how frequently she breaks up and gets together with people.
MY TYPE types at a speed of 310 words per minute.
READER'S DIGEST has a weak stomach and can't eat very fatty or greasy foods without getting sick. she also has a tendency to forget to eat, especially if she's coding or working on school assignments so she always has healthy little snacks on her so she won't forget to eat.
YOOMI her greatest fear is people discovering what happened to yoomi and despising her for it because, as much as she takes responsibility for it, she feels that she's changed and isn't the same person she was then. 
AESTHETICS OF JIANG luli frozen wet hair, driving with all the windows down, breathing on cold hands to warm them up, extra outfits kept in the back of cars, grandiouse statements with no hopes of coming true, group selfies, loud laughs.


THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THE WORLD & MY FATHER WHO IS MORE LIKE AN UNCLE : jiang lanying & hwang suhyun : news anxhor & pledis recruitment agent :  luli loves her mother, absolutely loves her. mama is the person luli trusts most in life. mama was always there to comfort her when she was sad, was there to show her pipa, was the one to encourage her to chase her dreams. mama always comes first to jiang luli, ready to drop anything for the woman. if mama says jump, she jumps. all luli wants to do is keep her mama safe and alive forever because mama is the one of the people luli needs in her life.

if there was one person singlehandedly responsible for crafting luli into the woman she is today, it would be suhyun, even if his talks about having to be twice as better than the rest of her peers and that failure was never an option were a bit too real for a sixteen year old. suhyun has always been a supporter of hus goddaughter since day one, never discouraging luli from pursuing her interests, only discouraging failure.


"and what is a mean girl without her posse of es?"
"surprisingly, i don't have many people i consider friends. only people around for my convience. i have a feeling my pets don't really like me and are only using me for my resources, but that's fine. i like their blind trust in me."


contact name : LAP DOG. CONTACT NAME : PURSE DOG. CONTACT NAME : MAIN : meng meiqi, cao lu, wang yibo : 18, unknown, 19 : students.

meet jiang luli's posse of es. meiqi is the new girl, naive but dedicated to impressing luli. cao lu is the very pretty, but sadly not-so-smart one who refuses to tell anyone her age, and yibo is the devoted right hand man. they usually spend their time partying and shopping and talking about boys.


MEAN : the photographer
introducing the most useless member in luli's eyes, something she quite openly expresses. she and the photographer are always, and i mean always fighting. they can barely say two nice things to each other before the claws come out. she probably thinks luli is no better than a high-school bully, and that's fine with luli, because at least she's doing something useful. luli feels like photography is a position that can easily be filled by the scouts, and is in no way important enough to merit its own full-fledged position with actual training.



kim junmyeon, kim namjoon, jackson wang. 25, 22, 22.
jm ; owner of a pharmaceutical company & luli's "sponsor".
nj ; computer engineer & musician.
js ; professional fencer.

each of them has their own purpose in luli's life. they're not quite boyfriends, something she's made abundantly clear, but they're also not friends. instead, they have a semi-mutual relationship based around fulfilling needs ( only semi because she can tell jackson wants more ).

junmyeon is generous, caring, and a bit silly with killer dad jokes. he's engaged to, from what he's told her, a cold and bland prude who aspires to be nothing but a rich housewife. it's only a marriage of convenience, he's told her. he enjoys luli's company greatly, a nice change of pace from the suffocating silence he deals with at home, and he especially likes her mind and her playfulness. she gives him the affection and novelty he's looking for in exchange for gifts and money. and he's able to give her money without suspicion as her "sponsor", someone who funds her educational pursuits in exchange for her talents.

kim namjoon is highbrow, philosophical, and surprisingly clumsy. he's perhaps the only person that luli acknowledges as smarter than her. she was his junior in the engineering department back when he still attended college before graduating early and from what she's heard, he had a bit of a crush on her. he wants someone to have intelligent, interesting conversations with, someone he can teach and learn from. they provide each other with the satiation of their inquisitive minds. if there's something luli can't do with a computer, she asks namjoon to help her.

jackson wang is passionate, loving, enthusiastic, and always wants to please people. he doesn't quite understand the whole "no strings attached" and alwaystries to attach some damn strings. he's the perfect guy, so she should be fine with it, but she always ends up pulling away from him before he can latch on too tightly. all he wants is to be around her, and to do that he'll give her his body and his time and his support and the world.



CO-HOST. contact name, insufferable hot sob : kim seokjin : 24 : cohost of girl's stem show.
on camera, they're very polite and cordial, with playful banter. off camera, they can't ing stand each other. they're almost always arguing over something or another.



BIGGEST REGRET : kim yoomi : 17.
to some people, it seems like luli doesn't care whatsoever about the tragic kim yoomi. to jihoon, that's what it seems like with the way she avoids questions about high school and the flippant way she brushes off yoomi's existence. but really, kim yoomi always occupies her thoughts, is always in the back of her mind. luli often visits yoomi's grave when she has free time, bringing offerings of flowers and fruits and solemn words. actually, she goes to her grave and asks her for advice.

 100 x 100 100 x 100 100 x 100 
"at least i'm my own  and not someone else's."
the coder ( assists as watcher and conclusion )
regular driver's license. she can only drive standard cars. she's fairly good at driving but still a bit apprehensive since she's only recently gotten her license.

specialist fields
keeping the codes in safe hands, creating codes, monitoring the status of missions, breaking codes, and hacking.

spy years 
less than a year. luli first finished her training at age sixteen and only did a handful of missions before she was forced into hiatus. the second time around, she finished her training just as the two pledis' merged.

trainee years 
four years. luli had to go through her training twice. the first was ages fourteen through sixteen. however, due to the incident and her affected mental and emotional state, she was forced to take time to recover. the next time she went through the training was ages eighteen through twenty.

tRainee life
because her godfather suhyun is a higher up in pledis, her introduced her to coding specifically so she could become a spy. luli had to go through her training twice. the first was ages fourteen through sixteen. however, due to the incident and her affected mental and emotional state, she was forced to take time to recover. the next time she went through the training was ages eighteen through twenty. most of the pledis trainees at the time thought she would never return, that one day she just suffered from a mental breakdown and simply dissappeared.

either way, it wasn't as if they liked her that much. and when she came back, most of the girls who had heard what happened were shocked to see her once again, re-doing her training. normally, pledis didn't let people who left return to the spy life and many rumors circled around. others said it was thanks to her sleeping with a higher up, others said it was thanks to her godfather. in truth, before she left she signed a contract swearing she wouldn't divulge and pledis secrets and was survellianced closely 24/7 to make sure she kept that promise until she recovered.


COmputer engineering ; a field that mostly involves the design and control of computing devices. major specialties include software engineering, hardware engineering, and network engineering.

second year. she tested out of pretty much all of her gen ed. requirements and is taking more advanced, specialized classes related to her major.

jiang luli's life is basically an entire drama. she hates her coworker, her friends aren't really her friends, she's constantly fighting with the photographer, drama may as well be her middle name.

"how do you feel about being a new combined agency with pledis.k?"
"i'll be closer to uncle suhyun, which makes me happy." she sits up straight and alert, voice laced with polite language. "other than that, i'm neutral. it doesn't affect me much, does it?"

"what are your opinions on the boys?"
her face is upturned and she hums softly before speaking, "they're handsome, what else is there to say? they're not the brightest, but all a man needs to be is handsome and connected."
"the boom was a significant part of spy history, what are your thoughts?"
her hands are folded in her lap, her stance unmoving.  she hesitates, as if weighing her words. "i kinda hate it." there's a grim twist to . "not because i lost anyone in the boom but because the others use it against me quietly. i can tell." she laughs, but it's forced and insincere. "they all think that because of my training circumstances, because i didn't experience the force of the boom, because of who i am as a person, that i shouldn't be here."
"who do you think is the most vital member of the team?"
she smiles politely and nods before shrugging half-heartedly. "half of me wants to nominate myself just to make everyone else mad. but if i had to choose... i'd say field scouts. and if i had to choose between everyone, i'd say s.coups and seungkwan." her smile grows wider, "either way, it isn't me and certainly isn't the photographer."
"do you believe in one man for themselves, or are you willing to risk your life for your teammates?"
she squares her shoulders without any real strength behind them. her head tips back and she looks skyward for a moment before leaning forward and resting her elbow on her knee. "depends." she says, "i'm sure if the other girls gave a damn about me i'd be willing to risk my life for them. but currently i can't say i would." she straightens up, correcting her posture and smiling. "either way, it's inapplicable. i don't go out on the field, remember?"

"why don't you go out on the field?" 
"my physician doesn't recommend it." she says. she sees the looks you give her and she gasps, "what? is that lame? sorry i suffer from chronic fatigue and a generally weak constitution."
100 x 100 100 x 100 100 x 100
"am i a despicable person?"
circle  y/n
love interest
lee jihoon aka chihoon
back up love interest
wen junhui


dependable, savvy, droll, cool, humble
inhibited, callous, snarky, pedant, cynical

"or yet in wise old ravenclaw if you've a ready mind, where those of wit and learning will always find their kind."


one track mind, one track heart
if i fail, i'll fail apart
maybe it is all a test
'cause i feel like i'm the worst
so i always act like i'm the best.

in your opinion, lee jihoon is a hidden gem, a modern day heartthrob full of sense, dependability, wit, and humility. totally your dream man wrapped up in about 167 centimeters. everyone always goes to him when the chips are down. they trust him and he works hard to provide what's needed. he never makes promises he can't keep, and he watches out for the people close to him. it's cool and charming, the way he hides his soft side beneath a thick layer of snark and all-around savagery. you love how he takes the lead whenever he can. super sensible, he's well-spoken—when he's not talking to girls ( but that's okay, you find that cute too )—and pauses to think before he acts. he's the voice of cynical reason whenever emotions flare, and he's prevented the photographer from socking you in the face at least six times this week. nothing can get past him, his perception is top notch, and maybe even better than yours. he somehow always manages to get the last laugh, delivering totally killer lines with a deadpan expression. but what you really adore about him? not matter how great he is, no matter how cool he is, no matter how much praise you lavish him in, he's humble. you have the creeping suspicion he's uncomfortable being praised by people, but it's fun to watch him get all flustered.

he doesn't tell you a lot of things, but you don't need him to in order to have him all figured out. he enjoys being untouchable, being cold to the touch. he's impersonal, cold in a way that burns. he's unfriendly and shuts down nearly every attempt you make at having meaningful conversations with him, but when he doesn't that makes it all the more rewarding. you suspect he pushes people away because emotions are a complex thing he'd rather not experience. he's a straight cynic, thinking the world is a disgusting place with awful people, and so he hides his emotions because he can't trust others not to take advantage of him. you noticed the suppressed surprise and disappointment when things work out well, probably because he can't say "i told you so". he hates spontaneity, you learned, with how he shoots down every suggestion you have for a date.

he may hate everyone, but you have a strong feeling he hates himself too. call it a woman's intuition. his standards for the world are impossibly high, and he lets himself down because of that. you speculate the only reason he's so humble is because he can't live up to his own standards, and that he gets pissed when people compliment him because he feels he doesn't deserve it. you're determined to make him see otherwise. but he has to do everything himself otherwise it won't even come close to his standards. even if you type up a super long, complex code he has to go over it himself. he told you it's to "make himself feel certain" and that it's not your skills, but his own paranoia. he's constantly trying to force a state of emotiona numbness, probably so he doesn't have to feel his own self-loathing.

he's a martyr of his own invention, you note with somewhat of an unpleasant hum, drowning in himself.

jihoon is a cool and dry autumn dusk. he is the sky changing from pink to purple to a darker, more saturated purple. he is the changing of purple to navy blue, and navy blue to black. he is the the dead leaves falling from the trees and fluttering in the wind, crunching crisply beneath feet. like middle-aged adulthood, he is the contemplating conscience that makes the rough choices in life. only a few pegs short of a misanthrope, he protects his dead leaf heart with barbs and walls.

love story

since at least, even in our dreams, it's okay.
let's meet again, one of these nights.
let's meet again, one of these nights.

they meet in high school. exchanging only a few words before their lives are changed forever.

pledis merges together. she only hears rumors of him. she half expects him to be some urban legend that the guys talk about to pull their legs. she sets off on a journey to find the mysterious woozi.

feeling a bit bold, and wanting to tempt fate, luli pulls a fire alarm nearby the rumored woozi's dormitory habitat. and sure enough, there's a scramble to exit the building, and for the first time, she lays eyes on him. and call her dramatic, but she feels like it's love at first sight.

contact has been made. she knows where to find him. she begins lurking around his lair, and then comes the first mission where they need to work together. she's excited for a chance to formally charm his pants off.

but woozi is much more difficult than she expected. 

"i'm luli, nice to meet you!" he doesn't respond. "and your name is?" she frowns, "you kinda look like a baby bird, shall i call you birdie?"
"we have a job to do."
"being cordial with one another will help us do our job better!" he doesn't acknowledge that statement.

he can't believe it's her. jiang luli from high school. jiang luli who—yoomi fills his thoughts and he stops tinkering with the developing weapon in his hands. does she not recognize him? does she think he's stupid? 

he decides to go along with her games, for now. at least until he can get revenge for yoomi.

he's close with the photographer, who isn't even a girl in his eyes. she tells him to stay away from luli, that luli's a right ( among milder things ) and he tells her his plan. how he's pretty sure she's the same luli who caused a girl to commit suicide. the photographer is intruiged and interested, and wants jihoon to keep her updated.

he approaches her first this time.

"luli, is it?"
she beams at him, "you remebered?"
"i'm jihoon. where'd you go to high school? i want to know how you're so smart."
she gasps and preens, "chihoon! are you flirting with me?"
his face turns red as spicy braised chicken, "n-no! and it's jihoon."
"i went to a specialized school in shanghai."

he can't believe she didn't recognize him. he can't believe that she lied like that. well, techincally it was only a half truth. he figures getting close to her should be his main goal but why does he get all sweaty when she looks at him like that?

he decides to avenge yoomi by hitting luli where it hurts, her heart.

they get to know each other more and more. they talk, she brings him snacks periodically and checks up on him while he's working. 

"i was engaged once."
"engaged? you're like, what? 20?"
"it certainly wasn't a long-lasting affair. he suddenly popped the question when we were in chuncheon at one of the festivals. and, as would expect, that kind of sudden proposal is used only to pressure the woman into saying yes to avoid being vilified. and then i figured marrying him would make my life easier, and that i'd be able to make my mom happier."
"a-are you still...?"
"no, chihoon! god, you're silly."
"it's jihoon."

he gets to see more of the good things about jiang luli. she still flirts with him in a way that makes him dizzy.

"chihoon~! you're so mean! that's okay, i like mean guys."
"who gave you eyes like that and said you could keep them?"

she becomes prettier in his eyes. he wants to repay her for putting up with his isolation and his obsessive code-checking. he starts taking care of her in subtle ways, making sure she's focused, organizing her stuff, telling her to not slack off.

it's not a date, jihoon. he tells himself. it's not a date, it's not a date, it's not a date. it's just two people hanging out with each other. for an extended period of time. outside of a work setting.

it's around christmas time, warm enough to walk around outside, but cold enough to need to be bundled up.

she knocks on his door, infectious peppiness lacing her voice.
"ready for our date, chihoon?"
"it's not a date, dummy."
"a girl can dream, can't she?"
he rolls his eyes but his heart beats faster.

"is that your guitar?" she points to the guitar case on his back.
"no, it's a dead body."
"chihoon~!" she whines, before her pout turns into a grin, "are you gonna serenade me?"
he was. sort of. his whole face turns red. "shut up, dummy."

their first stop is the art museum, where they look at all the artwork and come up with the most pretentious, abstract interpretations they can. she looks pretty next to all the classical art. he takes a candid photo of her on his phone, and she grins.

"is that so you can always have a reminder of our date?"
"i-it was just a nice photo op."
"am i pretty as a picture?"

that catches her offguard. her heart flutters.

the sky is gray and clear, and they spend their time walking through the near empty streets, exploring every nook and cranny and taking pictures along the way. they wind up on a little christmas village-esque street, filled with christmas lights and decorations strung up everywhere. it's been hours since they left. he notices the tip of her nose turning red.

"couldn't you have worn a warmer outfit?"
"it's only polite to look nice on a date."

he stops on the sidewalk, and she follows his lead. he removes his scarf and wraps it around her, making sure to tie it neatly in the front. she asks if it's really okay for her to wear it, he tells her not to worry about it. it smells clean like him. it's soft. it's warm. the christmas lights turn on, illuminating the street with red, green, and white. her eyes light up as if she's looking at shooting stars and he's looking at her as if she's his shooting star.

they stop inside a little european-styled cafe to eat. they get coffee and sweets, sitting together.
"can you play the guitar for me? doesn't this place totally fit the mood?"

he can't help but blush at how intently she's looking at him and he can't help but oblige. he plays her sweet songs on his guitar and she looks at him with adoration in her eyes. her gaze, for some reason makes him nervous, makes him miss a few chords.

they walk home together in the cold, hands entwined and for the first time in a long time, each of them felt special.

the photographer isn't pleased with what's been blossoming between the two resident nerds. and by that, she isn't happy that jihoon actually seems to be enjoying the 's company and siding with her. jihoon stammers and tells her that it isn't the case, he's just doing all this so he can get closer to her and really, really make it hurt.

another day, another fight with luli. this time, in front of everyone else too. luli and the photographer are hurling words back and forth at one another, and everyone is growing uncomfortable as the tension grows palpable. luli says something, presses that one button that she knows will always always always piss off the photographer. jihoon sits down with some milk, unprepared for the next thing to fly from the photographer's mouth.

"well at least i never drove a girl to kill herself!"

everyone stops. no one blinks, no one breathes, no one moves a muscles. except jihoon who begins to choke on his milk.

"what—what did you just say?"

jihoon tries to stop the photographer, to no avail. "oh? was it not something everyone knew? did you all not know that our beautiful, wonderful, computer whiz killed a girl?"

luli reaches across the table and grabs the photographer by her shirt, eyes boiling with a cold, steely sort of unadulterated rage.
"i didn't ing kill her, you lying, low-down, no good, scummy ! i didn't—"

"oh that's right, i forgot. you only bullied her and she just so happened to kill herself, isn't that right?"

"how did you...?"

"jihoon told me. did you really think he liked you? he was only pretending to get back at you for what you did to kim yoomi. remember her? remember the girl you killed? remember how you've been lying to us all? anything else you wanna get off your chest?"

"yes." luli smiles, and everyone can only stare at her in shock, gross awe, and trepidation.

"yes, okay?" she has a shocked smile on her face, her eyes growing glossier by the nanosecond. "yes, i have been lying to you all about my past. yes, i did remember who you were jihoon, but only recently. yes, a girl is dead because of my actions and yes, it is something i will always have to live with and will never be able to forget. yes, i date around and flirt with anything that moves because i hate myself and want to hate myself a little less via the validation of others. yes, i know you all despise me and yes, i know i'm a wicked woman and yes, i know that no one will ever love me because of how despicable i am.

"yes, i know that i will never have true friends and that i'm probably better off dead. but am i a despicable person? for wanting to change? for having changed? for not wanting you guys to look at me the way your are now? like i'm some sort of monster? am i despicable for wanting to have friends? am i a despicable person for trusting you, jihoon? for having the gall, the audacity, to like you after driving the last girl who did to her death? i guess i am." tears are pouring down her face, her cheeks are red, and her eyes are misty and swollen. yet, she still has the composure to say all this before everyone. "pardon me." she pushes past them, walking as quickly as she can to get away from it all.

her words echo through his mind as he stares up at the dark ceiling. 
"am i a despicable person?". it pounds and echoes against his skull, flashing in his mind again and again, along with the image of her breaking down like that. am i a despicable person?

"am i?" it flows off his lips like a leaf flowing off a tree, being carried onwards and upwards by the breeze.

they don't see her for a few days, everyone uneasy and worried about her. jihoon is especially worried, flashbacks of yoomi in his mind. he goes to find her, mind racing trying to assure himself that she isn't dead she isn't dead she isn't dead she isn't—

she's standing in the middle of her room, the normally warm and nicely-decorated place now barren, with two suitcases behind her.
"wh-what are you...?"

"i'm going back. to china." she says, gripping the handle of her suitcase tightly. "i'm gonna hand in my resignation letter and get on a plane to china and just live a monstary life in a temple or some ."

"luli," he chokes, "if you hand in that resignation letter you—you won't be able to come back."

"i know."

"what would suhyun say?"

"this isn't about suhyun, jihoon. it's about me. it's about me not being wanted here because i'm a goddamn unlikable monster."

"what about your show?"

"they can find another girl who likes science." he looks down at the ground. "is it true? is what the photographer said true?"

"i mean... it was. at first. but then... y-you're the first girl to ever show interest in me. and you're fun and wonderful and smart and admirable. and then it wasn't."

"were you ever gonna tell me that you only wanted to hurt me?"

"no!" he clears his throat, "i mean, why would i? why would i want to hurt you like that?"

"why are you here? what do you want by being here?"

"i want... i want you to stay!"

"i can't do that jihoon."

"please luli. i need you."

"you don't need me. none of you need me."

he kisses her hard. he kisses her sloppy. he kisses her desperately. he kisses her with his hands over her ears and him standing on the tips of his toes. he kisses her with her eyes open. he pulls away and silently begs her to stay.

"i'm not gonna stay here, jihoon. you only want me to stay so i can simper at your feet and you can coolly refute my advances and feel like you've won another for yoomi. so i'm leaving."

and he watches her back as she exits her dorm, and there's nothing he can do to stop her.

he mopes for a few hours, until he gets a hurried call from seungcheol, "we've got an emergency. someone's hijacked a plane to china, and has taken hostages."

", , !"

"jihoon, calm down! get luli and head—"

"luli's on that goddamn plane!"

they work well on missions, doing things quickly and efficiently and synergisticly. it's half because they're both hardworking people and half because jihoon bans almost all non-mission related talk during a mission.

EPS 3-6
at first their relationship is nothing more than luli talking to a wall, trying and failing to get to know jihoon. then the more she persists and opens up to him, the closer to her he feels and the easier he finds it to talk to her.

they talk, and he slowly finds himself admiring her, like how she always offers to help people and how well she can put up with his sassiness like it was nothing. lee jihoon has a soft spot for jiang luli, something that doesn't go unnoticed by the obnoxious guys he called his friends. they teas him about it relentlessly because finally the vicious and sassy jihoon is tamed by a cute girl. he admires her.

but of course he can't just tell her that, so he masks his admiration and soft spot for her by being extra sassy and a bit cold. if she'd look at him, he'd look away. she would ask him for feedback on her work, and he'd say everything so bluntly that it bothered her, but she'd realize that his criticism was constructive and actually very helpful. she'd furrow her brows as she listened to him, examining each area he pointed out. maybe it's that, he wondered, she does the same thing when someone accuses her of stealing the last fry or slice of pizza. maybe it was her smile.

EPS 6-9
he gets frustrated with her, wondering why she can't realize that maybe he was interested in her. "you have to tell her in order for her to know." like that'd ever happen. instead, he pokes fun at her with calloused words. and she amuses him when she laughs. they spend a lot of time together, something that just happened naturally because they're both tech people.

sometimes she wouldn't see him for days as he locks himself away to work on stuff, and she doesn't mind that. occasionally she checks up on him and makes sure he's still alive. she'd bring whatever sweet she baked, cookies or brownies or cupcakes, for him. she was so nice, why was she so dense? did he have to wear a giant neon sign on his forehead that said attention jiang luli : i may or may not have a itsy bitsy crush on you? he already took as much care of her as he could without seeming suspicious, organizing her stuff, telling her to focus when she started daydreaming, telling her to not pick at her nails, what more could she want?

EPS 10-12
luli isn't sure what they are. she thinks they're friends but then again she doesn't want to assume anything and be wrong. jihoon approaches her and talks to her, but he's also pretty cold. she's blissfully unaware of the emotion turmoil he's going over because he just can't spit it out.

she likes him, she thinks. maybe it's because she likes mean and snarky guys deep down. maybe it's because he looks so cute but his personality is such a stark contrast to his image that it intrigues her. luli doesn't think about it much, she doesn't know how to process the information in her mind and she always ends up getting distracted when she tries to think about it.

he's mad at her. it's four am, he needs to build this thing for seungcheol, but he keeps thinking about her. he can't remember his own name or the last time he took a shower or eaten in the past twenty-four hours but he can remember everything about her. about every letter of the code she showed him, about how her hands look on a keyboard, about how cute she looks in her stupid cute glasses. he just wishes she was there so he can... he's not exactly sure. he just wants to be with luli because she has a soothing presence and will most likely save him from the brink of madness.

"chihoon?" holy , was he actually going mad? "chihoon, are you in there?"
"uh yeah."
holy , now she's actually inside his work space. is this a dream?
"i didn't know if you'd be up still but i wanted to check up on you. and i brought you food just in case you were."
she's looking around his work space, trying to avoid his face, and he's staring at his screen trying to avoid her face.
"hey chihoon?"
"what is it?"
"can you play the guitar for me?"
"it's four am, go to sleep." he wants to play the guitar for her, he wants an excuse for her to stay longer, is she hoping for the same thing?
"oh... alright then—"
"geez, you're so persistent. if you insist."

he can't help but get jealous when she's nice to the other members. like when jun acts greasy towards her and she lets out a robotic laugh, or when when dk takes random candid photos of her. jihoon gets cold, prickly, gives luli the cold shoulder but literally cannot admit to himself or the other members that he likes her, so they keep on talking to her. they about it all the time and he always gets so flustered.

around the others, the two get teased relentlessly, and jihoon always fervently denies any sort of anything between the two of them, even though everyone knows they're practically a thing.

relationship status
strangers to why is this girl flirting with me to one sided rivalry, one sided infatuation to crushing but can't spit it out to kinda something to holy you ed up

its up to you but keeping them apart hurts a lot more.
the personalities of jihoon and luli are told through the eyes of each other, respectively. like, jihoon is describing luli while luli is describing jihoon.

also everything i write must be extra and dramatic like.......... y am i like this?

i wrote the love story section in a way that allows you to really fill in the blanks on your own. because tbh the real important things about their love story is that : jihoon is trying to get justice for yoomi by breaking luli's heart but then he realizes that he actually likes her, but his plan gets exposed and hits the fan, and then he realizes that he's just as despicable as she was.


scene request
MISSIONS theres a really good espionage mission generator that includes a free ( pay-what-you-like ) pdf with all sorts of possibilities ! xx
OPERATIONS HERMITS OUT OF SHELL but i think having a mission where jihoon and luli have to go out of the field in order to do their specialties would be very interesting. i'd imagine it'd be a mission that requires stealth and minimal spies, but also heavy emphasis on the tech stuff. perhpas breaking into a military base? something that uses luli's skills as a hacker and coder and also jihoon's skills as a techie and conclusion. but like they get caught and are held captive by the enemies? and then the rest of them have to kick into rescue mission mode.
OPERATION FA MULAN SAVES CHINA a mission in china where china line is most useful ( including luli and any of the chinese girls ).
PLOT TWIST realizing that pledis is directly linked to the boom?? like they've been covering it up and everyone has to chose whether to stay with the hq that killed their loved ones or leave the spy life.

seventeen times jihoon has wanted to smack luli for calling him chihoon. 
seventeen times leader seungcheol has saved everyone's .



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1.5 months, 10.1k words, 4 name changes, and 3 fc changes later............ jiang luli is finished