
Hello everybody~

As you all know, Taemin is my bias. He has been from the start, and there has never really been any doubt there - even if there has been many other, uh.. sub-biases. He's my angel; my ultimate bias among biases.


After him comes the rest of SHINee. Another thing there has never really been any doubt about. I'm pretty predictable when it comes to that, haha. I don't love any of the four less than the other, not at all.


That being said, my biases out of SHINee keeps changing as if it's on it's period.


So.. just for the lols, I will put all my current out-of-SHINee biases here, and then later update it in another blog and see how much it has changed. Sounds fun? No? ... You don't care, you say? How rude.


Biases for 31th of January, 2012:
















My newest bias..


Lu Han




My roomie is an .


Not even a good one like Kevin's. 

Highlight for a nag rant that won't do anything but bring you in a bad mood. So in fact, don't highlight.

She's such a big, saggy and self-centered that treats people like .  All she has in her head is herself and her new girlfriend. Seeing as there's a virus going around on my school, I got sick. I feel like I'm ing pregnant. Yet, when I'm trying to sleep, she waddles into the room and has a long and loud conversation over Skype with her lover. When it's lunch time, she's too much of a selfish to come with the food before she has eaten herself, because she's too lazy to walk to the cafeteria, then to our room that's not even far away, and back to the cafeteria again to eat herself. While I do this ALL THE TIME when she's sick. I even ask her what the hell she wants. She totally takes this for granted though. And along with this, I get cold lunch. Again - all she has in her head is herself.


Boarding school life is starting to get on my nerves. Everybody say that it's the best year of a person's life. no. This feels like a cage to me. I can't see my real friends back at home, I'm forced to be among people I might not like, I'm a misfit and ignored for the most part, i got molested, and I miss being.. you know.. just home. Home where I really live. Where they care for me. But over here it all just feels like.. my first school all over again, before I left for a better class. Just that I live in it. I can't get out. I hate it


Summer, Juliet, summer. Once it's summer, things will get better. Much, much better.


Because Summer is the end of the school year.



Somebody take me away.


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/skriver på dansk

Jeg finder din biasliste yderst herlig <3

og ang. din roomie, så synes jeg at det er virkelig uretfærdigt, og jeg er enig med de andre, når de skriver, at du ikke bør gøre alle de ting for hende når hun bliver syg, for hun lyder ærlig talt ikke til at have fortjent det.

og lad os sammen tælle ned til sommeren, og skoleårets ning, og glæde os til at starte på OG, for jeg vil også bare have at skoleåret ter...

STAY STRONG! og skriv hvis det er okay? ;~; <3

... jeg er vist lidt sent på den med at kommentere >_<;;;
You shouldn't treat unkindness with unkindness, like what everybody is saying down there. Love your enemy as you love yourself. I know it's difficult. But being cruel to someone who's cruel to you is not right.

It may feel unfair, and you may simply ignore be because I'm being weird. But I do feel that you should continue to be kind to her. And talk to her one day about all your problems. Even if she ignores you, I'm sure she'll think about it.

It's more difficult to do something than to say it. I'll take my hat off to you if you can continue to treat her kindly. Not many can do that.

Don't take your anger out on her... you can do that with your teddy bear.

I'm sorry if I'm sounding boss. ;_;
What is andarant?

Don't worry. Your roommate will regret treating you so horribly in time, unless she's REALLY that poopish which is impossible.

When she's older, she'll wish she'd had been better to you. Because you're better than her and she'll wish she was your friend etc etc.
v Chant that summer Simmer grimmer thing in your head.
In summer you'll meet Simmer and with Simmer you won't be grimmer.
Who molested you?
I hope you'll feel better soon and get a chance to get away from dorm life like that, it's rough for some people and perfect for others. Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. Just forget about your roommate, you don't even have to be friends if you really don't like her. I'm sorry your a misfit, but we all are and we fit in right here haha. So just be online more ^^ I'm glad your love for Taemin is so immense, I don't have to share Key or Jjong with you haha. I love all five of them basically equally. I also have Luhan, Kevin, Thunder and GD as biases XD I wish I could take you to Korea with me next week T.T
Juliet you are much too nice for your own good.
You should follow the motto that my old school used to say:
'Treat people how you want to be treated.'
If your roomie is going to repay your kindness in half then you should stop giving it all at once.
Roommates are supposed to be your mate. Because here in NZ mate means like friend or brother/sister way like bro.
She should at least be more considerate especially when you're sick.
Also if I could take you away I'd FedEx you to NZ and hide you in the mountains and forests.
Also how did TOP become a part of your bias? His boss like eyebrows? Deep voice? ^^
Shindong is a giant teddy bear. :3
Lullabye #8

Junric ;~~; I wanna rescue you from the boarding school and take joo home with mee. /notcreepingatall/ Your roomate sounds like a stinker-Mc-stink-face. >:C Maybe you should tell her how you feel? ;A;
omg Taemin's y hairfliiiip
I just noticed you really had to high light... >w> I'm a derp. Sorry


You should just... stop bringing food for your roommate. You're being way too nice for her and she doesn't do anything good for you back. She doesn't deserve your niceness.
And.. Maybe you should talk about it with your parents. Don't keep it for yourself if you don't feel well in the school you're now. That's not good, you'll only feel worse.
Stay strong Juliet.
I love you.
*takes you away* .w.

I still haven't seen the EXO mv ._. I just hope Jino is in there somewhere
Your roomie is evil. STAY STRONG JULIANA. I wish I could save you T-T
firstly, I like your bias list. secondly, stay strong- okay? I'm routing for you~ summer is almost here! ^^ <3
p.s. the next time roomie-jerk is sick, I say show her the same respect. you shouldn't have to go out of your way for her when she isn't willing to try and be nice to you in the least. (probably not the best advice, but people like that annoy me... ><)
I can't highlight because I'm on my phone ;-; But I love you, okay? Don't be sad! Or sad I too will be.