✩Kang Seolbi is the guardian of Aries ✩

the zodiac warriors
BIRTHNAME:      Kang, Seolbi
NICKNAMES:      Seol, its a shorter version of her name.
BIRTHDATE:      June 8th 1997 - 06/08/97
ZODIAC SIGN:    gemini
BIRTHPLACE:     Los Angeles, California
HOMETOWN:       Seoul, South Korea
ETHNICITY:      Korean
NATIONALITY:    Korean-American
English(fluent) - it's her mother tongue.
Korean(fluent) - after moving she learned it.
FACECLAIM:      Krystal (Jung Soojung) - F(x)
BACKUP:         Song Dahye  - Bestie
HEIGHT:         162 cm
WEIGHT:         43kg
Seol tends to dye her hair often whether it be her full head or just a few strands her hair tends to differ in color monthly. She also has a 6 tattoos: the first one is located on her back: link, the next four located on her left hand fingers: link, and lastly on her side: link. She has long slender legs but a shorter torso making her a little smaller than she'd like to be. She also has 3 piercings on her right here, one of which being on her cartilage.
Cute and comfortable yet simplistic. If there is anything Jen somewhat cares about it's gotta be her clothes. She always likes to be comfortable but never look like she's trying too hard, that being said her closet mostly consists of cardigans, leggings, and tanks. She tends to go for the more neutral and darker shades. Oh and did I mention she likes black? She has a TON of black. 5.
+ : Affectionate, curious, compassionate, adaptable.
- : Nervous, indecisive , inconsistent
Affectionate + Loving + Compassionate: Thankfully upon being raised by a very loving and kind-hearted grandmother, Seol had managed to pickup said traits and is a rather caring and warm hearted girl. She's constantly worrying for the sake of others and is very much into things such as skin-ship. She's also rather open and forward when it comes to showing other's her affectionate side, always cuddling and adoring them as well as constantly showing fondness towards others.

Adaptable + Curious + Intelligent: Seol is someone who can turn any situation around to something feasible or even beneficial for herself. She's smart and cunning often using whatever resources are provided to help get through any type of condition. She constantly finds ways to modify items for different use and purposes. Her curiosity allows her to extend her knowledge and adaptablity by forcing her to think through and solve problems in a quick and efficient way.

Gentle: Just like her element: air, she's as gentle as a subtle breeze passing through the air. She can be calm and collected and almost never brash. That being said she has a very mild temperment and is incredibly tender hearted, never severe or merciless Seol is constantly the one to pacify any ill-tempered peers or strangers that approach her.

Indecisve + Inconsistent: Possibly her biggest weakness is indecisiveness, Seol has more often than not angered people due to her lack of partcipation/voicing her own opinions. Though yes sometimes she can answer immdeiately she's constantly weighing the chances of options given to her which in turn leads to her being unable to decide anything within a reasonable amount of time. Not only that but sometimes her answers are chosen rather impulsively leading to her having rather inconsistent results. Also her curiosity just adds onto her inconsistency as she's always wondering what the outcomes would be had she chosen a different answer.

Nervous: Unlike her calm exterior Seol is actually someone who has a lot of pent up nerves inside of her that she refuses to show. She's always very nervous and hates being pressured, when put into a difficult situation though she can usually get out of it she can't help but be anxious or easily agitated. Seol tends to get tense when put into a tough spot and sometimes shows signs of neuroticism. 
Seolbi grew up in Los Angeles, California with both her mother and father. Her childhood was okay she had been well off and had many friends however her life at home was somewhat of a mess. Her parents were constantly fighting with one another paying little to no attention to her, however, they did manage to provide her with whatever she'd wanted so it somewhat kept her satisfied. When she was eight Seol's parents had gotten a divorce which lead to her being forced to live with her dad as he was the one who wanted to take her, eventually he became overwhelmed with work and stress so he had given the young girl to his mother to take into her care as he continued on with his life. Her grandmother gladly took her in and raised her like the mother she'd never had, see she was a former astrology professor hence she was very much fascinated by and enthusiastic about such topics.

As a child Seol had always been interested in Astrology and the universe in general, having been raised by her grandmother her whole life it was no surprise that she had eventually found an interest in them. She shared all sorts of stories with Seol, she told her about horoscopes, the different signs, and at one point she'd even spoken to her about these legendary warriors called "the zodiac warriors" . She'd tell all sorts of tales involving the warriors, ones about the evil witch and a how they became jewelry and much more.

Unfortunately after some time, years later she had forgotten all about the zodiac warriors and all the other myths she had been told as a child, Seol eventually disreguarded them thinking that they were just childish fairytales that her grandmother would tell her for entertainment purposes. She had still kept her interest in astronomy and horoscopes but aside from those everything else just seemed like some old wives tales, false and fiction. It wasn't until she met Xiumin that she was convinced everything she was told as a child were true. 

Currently she is a college student who is enrolled in Seoul National University and her major is so far undecided, she also works at a small cafe located near her home. She's waiting to transfer schools after then end of her sophomore year and will move back to LA for a better education. Her life is rather normal at the moment aside from her grandmother being hospitalized she's living okay. Her daily routine consists of going to school, hanging out with friends, heading to work, visiting her grandmother, and going home.
- Has a fear of insects
- Has a low pain tolerance
- Has a rabbit named cat
- Prefers fruity tasting sweets over chocolate
- Had plans of returning to America for school, wanted to attend school at UCLA
- Is currently attending college
- Her major is undecided
- Hard core star wars fan
- Loves to read esp. fantasy novels
- Nerdy af
- Her grandma calls her her "Seolar System" and "Seolshine"

- Food
- Animals
- Aesthetic things
- Shopping
- Netflix
- Sailor moon
- Buzzfeed videos

- Pickles
- Bugs  
- Lightening
- Splinters

- Piano
- Photography
- Drawing
Kang Miyoung // grandmother // former astronomer professor // The two are as close as can be, Miyoung was the one who raised her and Seolbi always turns to her about her whenever she has problems. She's the woman Seol respects most and she loves her unconditionally. 

Song Eunha // friend // The two first met in that odd little shop that sold the necklaces, seeing that they were both drawn to them and ended up purchasing one each the two quickly became friends and usually converse with one another.
LOVE INT:Kim Minseok (Xiumin)
NICKNAMES:Umin - Seol calls him this cuz it's 'cuter'
WEAPON/POWER:The abiltiy to wield/control fire.
+ : Courageous, honest, confident, determinded.
- : Impatient, moody, impulsive, aggressive
Courageous + Confident: Xiumin is a natural born leader, he's independent, straight-forward, and incredibly brave. Though sometimes he may come off as egotistical and blunt he at most times is incredibly heroic and leader-like. He's usually the first one to hop in to help someone in need and is very dependable.

Friendly: Though at first he may seem rather harsh and blunt, Xiumin is also incredibly friendly and can get along with others rather well as long as he's not angered of course.

Impatient + Impulsive: Like Most people Xiumin tends to get rather impatient and likes to rush things, he likes to leap head onto things and is impulsive, he's the type who'd rather act first and speak later. He was never one to follow the saying: think before you speak. He does whatever he wants whenever he wants and often doesn't think off the outcomes beforehand leading him to be rather reckless.

Aggressive + Moody: If confronted, Xiumin can turn quite childish and will fight back with his agressive nature. He's easily angered and is incredibly brash. Since he's an Aries he's known to have temper tantrums in the case that he doesn't his way of things. He's also rather moody and sometimes acts like a hormonal teen on her period. Surprisingly enough he can also act rather tsundere. 
The day Seol had bought her necklace was after passing by a peculiar looking store that she had passed while out with friends, curious, she left them and made her way into the shop, feeling a sort of prescence/attraction to the necklace she couldn't help herself and purchased it. One day when her grandmother fell sick she made a wish to her bracelet, putting a little faith into it and turning to it as some sort of prayer to a god she kissed it and was shocked to see him pop out in front of her. Like those typical cliche scenes in the movie she threatened to call the cops on him unless he got out of the house, he stayed. Their first meeting was one full of annoyance and confusion. Xiumin didn't know what was going on and quickly got annoyed by her whereas Seol was rather nervous and confused by him being there. 
Seeing as he had no place to go Seol decided to allow him to live with them, since her grandmother was in the hospital and they had spare rooms anyways. Unable to turn him down due to her kind personality she agreed to letting him stay. At first they didn't talk much but as time went on Seol couldn't help her curiosity and proceeded to learn more about him and his kind. They eventually get closer and start to form mutual feelings of affection towards one another. 
At first it was rather awkward and due to some differences in their personalities they didn't get along the greatest. After some time however the two ended up bonding. She'd ask him questions about himself and his people and he'd answer. He'd always end up cooking for her and she'd always teach him things about her planet. They have a very close relationship as time goes on, one that has a newly weds sort of feel. Although Xiumin acts more like the wife as he's the one who stays home, cooks, and cleans.
- Has a fear of pigeons
- Can't eat spicy food very well
- Has Napolean's complex 
- Sleeptalks
- Has the biggest soft spot for kids
USERNAME: red-starlight 
ALIAS:    Nik
Hope you like her, I apologize if anything's unclear :)
Towards the end she decides to stay with Xiumin in Korea and eventually decides that her major will be in Astronomy like her grandmothers.
PASSWORD: gemini



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