Xpression | I am Lieqin | Soulful Muse

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Jin Lieqin

remplace with face claim 120*120

birthname 今烈秦 [Jin Lieqin]
other names

— 금열진 [Geum Ryeoljin] : her Chinese name in Korean


— Haitun : it means dolphin in Chinese. Lieqin loves dolphins

— Bulkkoch : it means fireworks in Korean. Lieqin was actually afraid of fireworks when she was little, but later on she's not afraid anymore and grew to love fireworks
— Smilie : a combination of small and Lie. Lieqin loves to smile a lot

— Lielie : just a cute nickname / pet name of her name

birthday 24th December 1995 [21 internationally]
birthplace Qingdao, China
hometown Qingdao, China [1995-2000] | Taipei, Taiwan [2001-2005] | Hongkong [2006-2010] | Seoul, Korea [2011-present]
ethnicity Chinese
languages spoken

— Mandarin : fluent. Its her native tongue

— Cantonese : fluent. Lived in Hongkong when she was younger, whose main language was Cantonese. She communicates with her parents not only in Mandarin, but also Cantonese and Taiwanese, so she won't lose her ability to speak the language
— Taiwanese : advanced. Almost fluent, but a small part of her pronounciation is a little off. Also lived in Taiwan when she was younger
— Korean : semi-fluent. She's trying her hardest to learn the language. Lieqin has troubles in the pronounciation, and her accent has a foreign sound. Her hangul is okay though

face claim Seo Jisoo
back up face claim Kim Namjoo
height & weight 159 cm & 49 kg
appearance & style/fashion

— Lieqin has a round face and wide almond eyes which turns into rainbows whenever she smiles.. She also has a wide smile that sometimes shows her gums. Lieqin is an average girl, more to the chubby side (her cheeks >u<). She originally has long dark hair. Most people who see her did not expect for her to be the visual since she's more of a quiet underrated beauty. But if you look more closely, you find that she is indeed beautiful, both outside and inside.

— Lieqin doesn't really stick to one fashion style since these days there are a wide arrange of fashion. But her most favourite clothes are : denim, jeans, comfy sweaters, hoodies, silk blouses, blazers, turtlenecks, sweater vests, peter pan collar tops and converses. Lieqin mostly prefer clothes that are comfortable to her.


personality traits

positive ~ patient, kind, caring, wise, bubbly, energetic, creative, slightly 4D, observant, dorky

negative ~ emotional, temperamental, fragile, self-critical, blank, hesitant


— Patient. Lieqin is very patient in dealing with people, no matter how bad their personality is like. She will always try to befriend people, and even if they hurt her and push her away, she will still try to befriend them no matter what. Kind and caring. She's like your grandmother who will feed you cookies, tuck you to bed, bring extra water to pass around after practice, wiping fellow members' tears (and dabs away their sweat), fixing her members' blanket if it has fallen off in their sleep, etc. Wise. Whenever her members' are in need of advice, they'll go to her. Lieqin respects everyone's opinions and views from all perspective, that is why she usually comes up with a fair solution. Bubbly and energetic. She has tons of energy and smiles a lot. Creative. Lieqin is a fanatic of poetry, and she is an easily inspired person and gains ideas quickly.Slightly 4D. Like V of BTS except Lieqin is more toned down and not as 4D as Taehyung. Observant. Like an owl, she has sharp observational skills, able to pick up details and is the first person to notice things. Lieqin also has an unexpectedly dorky side to her.

— Emotional. Whenever their trainer scolds Xpression harshly, Lieqin would first hold her tears back and when no one's alone she'll start to cry (she doesn't want anyone to see her cry because she doesn't want to worry them or burden them)(isn't it strange how the wisest people are the most fragile?). Temperamental. Her moods change often (though she is slowly trying to control herself), she can go from a hyper bunny to a grim reaper. Slightly fragile. She's easily breakable. Self-critical. The type of person who compliments everyone but herself. She looks down on herself. Blank. Lieqin likes to space out sometimes, mostly daydreaming if not, looking back at her old memories. Or sometimes she doesn't think at all, and just have a blank look on her face. Hesitant. Ever since her twin sister's death, Lieqin is hesitant to do things, she doesn't want to cause any problems.


— Born in Qingdao, China. Lieqin was born 5 minutes before her fraternal twin, Jin Xifang, thus making her the older one despite being the same age as Xifang. Xifang was more of a lively and vibrant girl than Lieqin. Lieqin was more shy and an introvert when she was young. Lieqi and Xifang's parents were quite busy working, so Lieqin and Xifang's grandmother stayed with them. Their grandmother was the one who accompanies them when their parents are working. Their grandmother loves to spoil Lieqin and Xifang with food, so in her younger years Lieqin was a chubby little girl. Their grandmother loves to tell them stories of her own childhood and life, and her previous love life with Lieqin and Xifang's grandfather who has passed away. Lieqin and Xifang were equally energetic and playul, running around here and there, causing a headache to their parents and grandma (but they love Lieqin and Xifang nonetheless). At a young age, Lieqin and Xifang was taught to read, write and speak Mandarin. They weren't able to do so (since they were toddlers back then) but slowly they became good in Mandarin. At school, the both of them have friends but Xifang was more sociable than Lieqin. Their parents always come home late at night, and every time they arrived at home after work they would check on their fraternal twin daughters and Xifang & Lieqin's grandmother. Lieqin and Xifang also likes to sing. At home, Xifang and Lieqin always play with each other. Not only that, they also bicker 25/8 too. In short, Lieqin had a happy childhood in China. 6 years later, the Jin family moved to Taipei, Taiwan, due to Lieqin & Xifang's father's job, leaving grandmother behind (their grandmother later moved to Lieqin and Xifang's auntie's house). It was sad to leave their grandmother behind, but they promised to visit her whenever they have time.

— The family moved to Taipei, Taiwan. The twins had to adapt to their new surroundings and learn a new language. It took some time before the two finally became comfortable to the foreign environment. They went to a school in Taiwan and continued their education there. It was awkward and hard being the new students, but after becoming familiar to the Taiwan environment, they blend in at school and were able to make friends. Lieqin and Xifang's mother decided to quit her job since if she continued her job, no one would be able to look after Lieqin and Xifang. Lieqin was beyond happy that now she's able to spend time with her mother more. Around this time, Lieqin and Xifang's parents decided to enroll their daughters to do any kind of activity, since they wanted their daughters to find a hobby which they can positively invest their time. Their parents gave them a free choice to learn or receive lessons to anything they want. Thus the both of them chose singing, and where Lieqin decided that she wanted to learn the piano, Xifang wanted to learn to play the guitar instead. They were around 9 years old at that time. Lieqin enjoyed her singing lessons, and she loves to play the piano for her parents. Here in Taiwan, they had to learn to speak Taiwanese. It was hard att first, since Lieqin was a kid and she had to stuff her brain with another language. But eventually she got the hang of it. At home the twins still played with each other. At times they would hold a mini private concert (basically Lieqin and Xifang sang and played instruments for their parents) and their parents would clap their hands and laugh at how adorable their two daughters are. Fast forward to a few years later, after living for 5 years inTaiwan, the family moved again to Hongkong. Lieqin's father had a better job offering there, thus the whole family moved to Hongkong.

— Moving again means adapting to a whole new surrounding and learning a new language again. Having their brains filled with two languages, the twins had to squeeze in another one. They settled more quicker than before, since they have previously felt what's it like to move and make new friends and adapt to new suroundings, so they used their past experience to help them settle down faster. Cantonese was a hard language for them to learn. But nevertheless both Lieqin and Xifang tried to understand the language. In a span of a couple of months, they finally became fluent in Cantonese. At school, they were still able to make friends. At home, the twins usually play with each other or by themselves. If  they're bored they probably will try to prank their mother. One night, Lieqin was sleeping soundly while her sister sleeps beside her. Lieqin felt her sister getting restless in her sleep. Lieqin woke up and checked on her fraternal twin sister. Xifang was tossing and turning in her sleep. Moreover, sweat was evident on her face. Lieqin felt Xifang's forehead. It was burning. You can literally cook an egg on top. But the one that scares Lieqin is that Xifang was barely breathing, she seemed as if she has difficulty in breathing. Lieqin immediately went to her parents' bedroom and woke them up. Their parents immediately rushed to check on Xifang. By now, Xifang was softly crying out in pain, saying that she felt so dizzy and that there is a pounding on her chest. Their parents immediately took Xifang to the hospital. Lieqin sat in the backseat of the car. Everything was happening in so fast. Lieqin somehow felt as if something was wrong. Lieqin tried to think positively, but somehow she can't shake off the feeling. By the time they arrived in the hospital, Xifang was immediately rushed to the ER. Turns out she has high blood pressure and a high temperature. Lieqin and her parents waited outside, anxious for Xifang's fate. Lieqin went to the glass window and saw her sister unconscious on a bed, tubes around her as if they were thorns and Xifang was the sleeping beauty. Lieqin went back to where her parents are seated. Her parents told her not to worry and just sleep. Lieqin didn't want to, and instead she wanted to guard and stay up all night to take care of her sister. But her parents didn't allow her.They told her that Xifang just have a light flu (truthfully they didn't want Lieqin to worry, so they told her that Xifang will be alright and that she is in good hands and that her parents will watch over her). Lieqin didn't believe her parents, but fatigue washed over her and she fell asleep. When she woke up, it was dawn. She found her grandma beside her instead of her parents. Her grandmother had her head bent, so Lieqin wasn't able to see her grandma's face. But Lieqin have always been observant, and she knew that her grandma was crying. Her grandma stopped crying and was surprised to see Lieqin staring back at her. Lieqin asked her grandma why she was crying. Her answer though, Lieqin wasn't prepared to hear.

Your sister has passed away, Lielie.

Funny how happy things can be whisked away just like that, how fast your world crash down, how in just seconds one sentence can change your life. Lieqin didn't believe it. She immediately ran to where her sister was, and found the both of her parents crying, softly Xifang's hair. Lieqin slowly approached to where her parents where standing. She looked down at her sister. Lieqin hold her sister's cold hand, and cried. Lieqin didn't know how long she cried.

Xifang was 15 years old at that time. Lieqin was 15 years old at that time. She felt as if she lost half of her life. Now who is she going to play with at home? Who is she going to share secrets and bicker with? Regrets filled Lieqin. Lieqin shut her self down. It took a year for Lieqin to heal mentally. And even until now, she still misses Xifang dearly and would reminiscence old fond memories. All through out that one year, Lieqin became more introverted than before, and would always put on a fake smile. It hurts. Lieqin desperately needed something, anything, to relieve herself. Her parents were sad with how she is acting. Nonetheless they tried their best to cheer her up, eventhough deep down her parents herself are depressed too. It took around a year for Lieqin to finally realize that depressed Lieqin isn't going to make Xifang happy. Lieqin realized that instead of being depressed, she should accept her sister's death and move on. Lieqin used her sadness as a weapon, and she turned her sadness into inspiration for writing songs. That was the time when Lieqin suddenly found interest in song writing, and that is also where Lieqin slowly started to bounce back. It took quite some time. But slowly, Lieqin started to be happy again. She would show the songs that she wrote to her parents, usually when they're having dinner. Her parents were happy that Lieqin is starting to heal.

Lieqin made a decision to start somewhere fresh. So she told her parents that she would like to study abroad somewhere. Her parents offered her places to go, but only one interested her : Korea. Xifang was fond of Korea's music aka Kpop, and Lieqin had never heaard of Kpop before, and was curious. So the Jin family went to Korea for Lieqin to take the high school's entrance exam, and also for a holiday. They stayed in Korea for about a week before going back to Hongkong. Weeks later, Lieqin was accepted to the high school she wanted to enroll in. Lieqin got ready to move to Korea. Her mother is also going to go to Korea and accompany Lieqin there for about 2 months, just until she can be comfortably settled. The day has come, and Lieqin and her mother moved to Korea.


It was definitely difficult. This is the 3rd time Lieqin had to move, had to adapt all over again, had to learn a new language. But that is Lieqin's choice, so she accepted the hardships and tried her best to bounce back. Lieqin finally settled to her high school, and even made 1 or 2 friends. 2 months flew by, and it was time for her mother to go back to Hongkong and accompany her father. Her parents video called her every day, asking her how she's doing, has she taken enough rests, has she eaten, and so on. Lieqin from then on, lived alone. Her parents did send money every month, but she didn't want to bother her parents, so Lieqin went to look for a part time job. After finding a part time job, Lieqin finally settled down. One day, when Lieqin was walking around town not doing anything in particular, she got street casted by a Pledis represantive. The represantive told her to audition. Lieqin originally didn't want to but she lowkey wants to try auditioning. She called her parents, asking for their permission to audition. Her parents at first didn't want her to, and just wanted for her to focus on education. But then they thought that auditioning might be the chance for their daughter to find an interest and be happy, so they allowed her to audition, with Lieqin's happiness in mind. Lieqin finally auditioned at Pledis. She trained hard in Pledis, expanding her singing skills more and also her songwriting skills. Lieqin was still not too fluent in Korean back then, so she didn't have many friends. Her only friend are the Chinese trainees of Pledis, Jieqiong, Junhui and Minghao. Lieqin befriended them and the four of them stuck together during their trainee days. Lieqin was in Pledis for about 2 years until she left. It was due to her failing on her monthly evaluation test. Pledis had no choice but to let go of its trainees who won't be any use to them. Lieqin was one of the trainees. It shocked her that she was somehow kicked from Pledis. Lieqin became depressed again, thinking that she failed her parents and her sister. Lieqin called her parents, saying that she has left Pledis, and that she was feeling guilty for upsetting her parents because she failed. Her parents though encouraged her on and supported her, telling her to audition at another company.They assured her that she did not disappointed them, and they were very proud of how far Lieqin has come through. Lieqin gained hope back. She tried auditioning in Jellyfish, Cube, Fantagio but wasn't accepted to any. Still, Lieqin didn't lose hope. She tried one last time auditioning in Big Hit. And to her suprise, was accepted. In Big Hit, Lieqin was more careful in her monthly evaluation so she won't fail. She gave her best, always trying to improve, and won't try to quit easily. She developed farther, her skills expanding. That is what she has been doing until now.


— lemon ice cream
— dolphins
— lavenders (the flower)
— poetry
— scented candles
— people who are soft and gentle
— Chinese lanterns
— White tea
— fireworks
— reading novels
— chow mein (a Chinese dish)


— spiders
— people who are harsh
— people who talk in loud voices
— sharks
— scarecrows
— worms


— suddenly scrunching her nose if its itchy
— saying "wo hen xingfen!" (I am excited), "rang wo shuijiao" (let me sleep) "jingren" (amazing)
— muttering in mixed Mandarin Cantonese and Taiwanese in her sleep
— if she's pissed off at someone, she'll hold in her anger and instead will mumble incoherently in Mandarin/Cantonese/Taiwanese
— saying "han beon deo Lieqin-ah" in Korean to herself whenever she's tired of practicing (it means one more time Lieqin)
— stretching and do a small jog around her bedroom/the room everytime she wakes up


— reading novels
— playing the piano
— song writing
— reading and making her own poetry
— cooking Chinese food for her members


— can play the piano really well. has been playing for 12 years ongoing (she started learning to play the piano when she was 9). she is still learning until now. Big Hit also gave her lessons. she plays like those child prodigies, can play very fast and slow, according to however Lieqin wants to play. except she's not a prodigy, she just loves to play the piano. her piano skills : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
— communicates in Mandarin, Cantonese and Taiwanese to her parents so that she won't lose her ability to speak foreign languages
— currently attends Sungshin Woman's University in Korea (the same university as Sowon Gfriend) majoring in the Music department

— her fave quote : "even if those memories make me sad, I've got to go forward, believing in the future. even if I realize my loneliness, and am about to lose all hope, those memories make me stronger"
— she was a waitress in a cafe before as a part-time job
— Lieqin is average, but once she placed no 1 in her school in terms of academics
— was actually scared of fireworks before
— wanted to try learning to play the flute
— once when she was depressed, Lieqin spent an entire day playing the piano, pouring out her feelings about the loss of her twin
— she actually can't use chopsticks that well xD
— can only cook Chinese food
— is not fond of sweet and spicy food, prefer salty sour or bitter food better
— fave Korean food : tangsuyuk (sweet  and sour pork)
— she still pursues education and tries her best tha she won't fail (she made a promise to her parents that she will still continue eduation)
— was given a locket by her twin sister for her 13th birthday. that is one of her most cherished possession. to this day she still wears it. whenever Lieqin feels that she has doubts or about to lose hope, she'll look at the locket and be reminded of her sister, thus she gains strength again. if she misses Xifang, Lieqin will hold the locket in her hand and have flashbacks of Xifang
— for her debut congratulations present, her parents also gave her a locket that contains a family picture of the Jin family and her grandma. its also one of her precious possession
— Her favourite type of novels to read are : fantasy, thriller, mystery, sci-fi, adventure, slice of life, psychology, and omedy. horror and romance is not her cup of tea
— in Xpression's dorm, Lieqin's bed has a blanket that was hand knitted by her grandma

relationships (Family, friends, & rivals)

— Parents & Grandmother • Jin Dongkun,Jin Qianli & Jin Meixie / 45 / bank employee & ex travel agent / caring kind strict stern goofy loving wise / 10/10
Dongkun was a hardworking busy father. Even so, he still tries to spend some time with Lieqin. He has a secret goofy side to which Lieqin shares in her genes. Dongkun loves the two of his daughters dearly, and was crushed when Xifang died, He stayed strong for his family, to set a good example, eventhough on the inside he's crumbling. Dongkun works till night, even past midnight. He wants the best for his family. He and Lieqin likes to joke around here and there. And its actually from her father Lieqin learned how to cook Chinese food. Lieqin's father was originally against the idea of sending Lieqin to a foreign country by herself. And he was also against the idea of Lieqin auditioning. But after thinking that it might be a good chance for her to bounce back, he agreed.He's also concerned and is stern towards Lieqin's health. Qianli is Lieqin's mirror of herself. Gentle, kind, wise. Qianli quit her job so that she can spend more time with her daughters. Qianli supports in her daughters' hobbies. Both Dongkun & Qianli always come to their daughters recital, cheering the loudest for them. Qianli worries over Lieqin since she likes to push herself beyond her limit. Qianli calls Lieqin daily, nagging at her over 123456789 miles away, telling her to quit eating ramen everyday and start making healthy food for herself. Just like Lieqin's father, Qianli was initially against the idea of Lieqin auditioning. She later on thought that maybe, its Lieqin's dream, and she didn't want to stand in her daughter's dream, so she allowed her daughter to audition, encouraging and supporting her on, telling her not to give up.  They're the ones whose there,  encouraging Lieqin to keep going on.  Eventhough both of Lieqin's father is always working till late, Lieqin's parents always make sure to check on Lieqin and have some family quality time. Meanwhile, Lieqin's grandmother, along with Lieqin's parents, are her support system. Lieqin's parents tries their best to encourage Lieqin not to give up. They're loving, humorous parents whom Lieqin can joke around and ask for advice. In overall, Lieqin wouldn't have made it here if it weren't for her family


— Fraternal Twin Sister (deceased) • Jin Xifang / 15 / school student / caring kind friendly sociable goofy loving hyper funny / 10/10
Xifang was the other half of Lieqin. The twins have different personality to each other. Xifang was more vibrant and sociable, whereas Lieqin was more quiet and calm. But the two girls also have similar personality, such as their love for music, pranking their parents and grandma. They  also quarrel 24/7. At home, the two only had each other. When Xifang died, Lieqin felt that her world turned dark. She can't feel the sunlight eventhough the sun is shining brightly, she can't feel the cold rain on her fingertips. Its as if her senses turned off. Lieqin went a year of being depressed. She blamed herself continuously for her twin sister's death (this made her into a very caring person, always looking out and taking care of her fellow Xpression members). Xifang was probably the only friend Lieqin ever had. Her death changed Lieqin. Lieqin's family was sad to see Lieqin in her depressed mood. It took Lieqin about a year until she finally let go of Xifang. Lieqin realized that Xifang would be upset to see Lieqin this way. Lieqin started bouncing back on her feet. Xifang is Lieqin's moral and mental support. Whenever Lieqin feels like she's about to give up, she'll remember Xifang and Lieqin will gain hope again

— Pledis Chinese trainees • Zhou Jieqiong, Xu Minghao, Wen Junhui / previously trainees, now members of ioi & Pledis Girlz and Seventeen / caring kind hilarious loyal passionate hardworking / 6/10
Eventhough Lieqin's interactions with them were brief since she stayed at Pledis only for 2 years, they stuck together through thick and thin. Being foreigners in a foreign country, it was definitely hard for them to try and adapt to new surroundings. They practiced together, learn Korean together, journeyed back and forth from Pledis to a ramen shop when they're on break, etc. Eventhough now Jieqiong, Minghao and Junhui have debuted in their respective groups, they still contact each other once in a while. To Jieqiong, Minghao and Junhui, Lieqin was like the protective dorky jiejie and to Lieqin, the three are her precious dongsaengs


Stage Name Lieqin


— The Candle Light. Candle lights are known for their calming aroma, they also light up the dark. Lieqin is like a candle light, calming people with her soulful voice and with her energetic bubbly spirit, thus she lights up your world.


— Soulful Muse : Lead Vocal, Writer, Visual

Years as a Trainee

— 5 years [2 years in Pledis : 2012-2013] [3 years and ongoing in Big Hit : 2014-present]

Trainee Life

— Lieqin didn't expect to be casted. Yet she still tried to audition, thinking that she got nothing to lose. Lieqin was surprised when she got accepted to Pledis. Eventhough being an idol wasn't orignally her idea, Lieqin still trained and tried her best. It was hard being a trainee, having to balance school and training life. It was definitely hard. Not only is Lieqin a foreigner, but she has to learn and adapt to the Korean environment around her. Lieqin also has to go to high school (and later on) university every day and afterwards practice.  Wake up, go to school, go to Pledis, train until God knows what time, go home. Lieqin lived by herself and had to grow up and be mature & independent at an early age. In Pledis is where she got her basic training and learned Korean & improved her piano playing. Lieqin, unlike usual most female foreign trainees who excel in dancing, her dancing was horrible. Lieqin tried her hardest to keep up. And it turns out, Lieqin's passion had always been singing. In Pledis she also learned how to wrote and compose her own songs. Lieqin quitted Pledis after 2 years due to failing at her monthly evaluation test. After that Lieqin went to a depressing mode. She felt like she disappointed her family. Lieqin didn't know what to do. Her family was there to support her, encouraging her on and telling her not to quit and audition somewhere else instead. Lieqin gained hope. So she tried auditioning at other companies but was rejected multiple times. At last, she chose Big Hit to audition, and was accepted. Now in Big Hit, Lieqin tries her hardest and promised herself not to give up. She reminded herself that this is for her family. Lieqin has been training for years, it would be a waste to just give up now. She may be not that great yet, but someday she will. Her efforts will be payed off, all the sacrifices she made worth it


love interest here
back up love interest here


— here

love story & Interactions

— here


— here

remplace with love interest 120*120

last comment this is my first time applying as a visual >u< I'm highkey nervous...oh and for the sub group, my idea is to make a rap and a vocal subgroup where they each release a song all produced by each subgroup (so all the lyrics and melodies are made by all members of each subgroup) like BTS ^^ its just an idea though, I'm sorry if the idea is too mainstream. And also Soulful Muse's supposed to be at least half Korean but I put her as fully Chinese...is that alright? *nervous*

scene requets

— Maybe a BTS x Xpression collab/duet? :3 either its a practice or stage/performance
— Lieqin further learns how to compose and write songs from Yoongi or/and Namjoon
— Lieqin writes and composes a song for her parents on her birthday, and when she's alone she'd videocall them and sings the song to them and afterwards she'll cry and tell them how much she misses them badly (she misses them so much it hurts T-T)
— A scene where Lieqin breaks down and cries alone in the practice room. She's sitting down in a corner with her knees up to her chin and her face facing down or she lies flat on the practice room's floor, face facing the ceiling. She pulls down the hood of her jacket and starts to cry quietly. Any trainees who pass by her would think that she's sleeping so they didn't bother her and ask her what's wrong
— Xpression helping Lieqin to become confident on herself and be more tougher (hopefully in the future)
— Interactions between BTS and Xpression *starry eyes*
— Lieqin's parents coming to her debut showcase
— Lieqin meeting up with Pinky, The8 and Jun and the four of them went out to eat in a Chinese restaurant

ps : if you think Lieqin is not visual material, look at this picture (she slayed me ohmygooosh)

password I have a lot...so bear with me *bows*

- Lovelyz : Destiny, Good Night Like Yesterday,

- Twice : TT, Headphone Sseo, Next Page

- IOI/Produce 101 : Hold Up, Knock Knock Knock, When the Cherry Blossoms Fade, In The Same Place, Doo Wap, Fingertips

- Red Velvet : Sunny Afternoon, Fool, Some Love, My Dear

- Oh My Girl : Windy Day, Cupid, Closer

- Gfriend : Navillera, Mermaid, Sunshine, Compas, Click

- Apink : Only One, Boom Pow Love, Drummer Boy, Ding Dong, Catch Me, You're My Star

- CLC : Pepe, Open The Window, High Heels, Refresh, Yaya, Oppachingu, Eighteen, What Planet Are You From, No Oh Oh, Dear My Friend, Before

- Laboum : Shooting Love, Ding Dong, Sweetly, Like U Love U

- Sonamoo : I Like U Too Much, I Do Love You

- DIA : Mr Potter, The Love




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