Help me learn about Seventeen

I'm lonely with so few kpop friends to talk to so I've set up a Chatzy virtual chat room to talk with other kpop fans (specifically Carats because I'm highkey into them lately and need to talk about it!!!)

Here is the link:

Password: ajunice (all one word, just copy/paste)

If you haven't used it before Chatzy is completely free (no ads either. Yay!) and only people with the link+password will be able to enter the room. Getting involved is super easy so please come and give it a look. I may also create ones for other groups if people are into it.

I'm going to hang about there so drop by and say hi even if you're not a Carat. All fandoms welcome so long as no one causes trouble.

Please don't leave me all on my lonesome :( Let's hang out.



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