02. 05.1996
189 CM
73 KG
WOON-E  plank wood
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Woonie  — since Kim Woon is popular with his bright side, he was called "woonie" by most of his friends. He somehow didn't find it cute but cool. Woon loved this nickname the most as it sounded as if he were accepted by his friends. He loved to accept the fact that he was accepted. It's not like he tried so hard to be accepted but he's just very pleased to know that he was, accepted. Every members of SEAing calls him by this name and sometimes those pals from Lemon Entertaiment calls him by this name too. Basically, only the people in this entertaiment calls him that. 

 Ugly — he gets this name given by one of the members of SEAing which he is fond of. He at first felt a bit annoyed with the name but somehow he knew that "that person" doesn't mean it that way and that is what made him even more flustered with it. He loved how "that person" is the only one calls him that name and that made it special. Since "that person" happens to be the visual of the group, he thought that maybe she has the rights to call him that and he too, never thinks himself as a handsome person. 

BIRTHPLACE : Yoseodo Island, South Korea

HOMETOWN : Yoseodo Island, South Korea

ETHNICITY : Full-Korean


 Korean Language — Woon proudly graduated from School Of Performing Arts High School before he joined as a trainee in Lemon Entertaiment. In there, he excel Korean Language as he passed every test with flying colours. Not just talents in entertaiment but also intelligence is very much important to him. He does well in poetry and knows almost every Korean sayings that made him was 100% loved by the ahjummas and all. He's completely fluent in Korean language although he always speaks broken korean language just like every ordinary korean people, aye? 

 Japanese Language — Just like every other students in South Korea, learning Japanese has been a must to everyone, right? However, although Woon did well in Korean, he has a bit problem with Japanese Language since he didn't show much interest in them. He seemed like he can't keep it up with Japanese characters as in Katakana and Hiragana and was very much confused with how the characters shows a tid bit of similarities. Although he suffered in that kind of problem, he still can speak a bit although it's a bit rusty. He still tried anyway and it'll somehow sounded a bit weird. But nevermind, at least he gets to interact with the fans a bit more than the others, right?

FACE CLAIM : SF9's Kim Rowoon 

BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Pentagon's Yanan

Woon is very sensitive about fashion. He's a bit picky about clothes he's about to wear. He has a bundle of different kind of clothes in his wardrobe but still claim that he doesn't have a particular clothes where he had on his mind but not on his wardrobe. It annoys most of the members of SEAing but they would ignore it and let him be. Woon is tall as and quite heavy too despite his unbreakable record height. He's the tallest in the group and stands out due to his height. The choreographer takes time to place his position on the whole choreography which sometimes made him feel a bit sad. He is average pale, and his lips is plump. He has the hairstyle that suits every concept. Sometimes the hair stylist skipped his part because they think his hair already made to the concept and somehow should be kept. His hair and soft and its black in colour. 

      Woon's favourite attire is the long designer's coat and a skinny khaki trousers. He prefers jeans as well too but not as much as the khaki trousers. His style are mostly dull colours such as grey, brown and so on. Since he has the tall figure, everything he does made him looked  like professional paid models although he has never been called for any modelings before. He usually sticks with his black sneakers wore them without socks. He wears no pierciengs and not even a single gold or silver decorated on him. He just- don't prefer those things since he like it simple and cozy. He has no tattoo since he knew his mother would chop him to pieces if he got one. Woon has a slight abs which he's still working on it. He first finds it unneeded but then the manager urge him to have one since he's a male idol and to have abs is one of ways to get into the spotlight. And so, he started working on it ever since. 

      At dorm or during practices, he would wear a sweatpants and sometimes a sweatshirt or just a plain t shirt. He would wear something comfy and enabling him to freely spread his wide arms and practicing to the choreography a bunch of times. 
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  "My dream is to see SEAing standing at the top of the world. Together. Holding hands."

    he is good that he is  gryffindor, amity, cheerful, the ray of sunlight, outspoken, friendly, positive, hardworking
  however, he is  choosey, picky, big mouthed, late, idiot, dork, lame, timid


          As much as we know DK from Seventeen, Woon is not any different from him. He is the ray of SEAing's sunlight as he cheers them most of them.  He has been alarmed with how busy idol life is, so, he made the decision to quit- ok no. He actually made the decision to keep on track with it. He knew he needs to make money for his mother so he accepted the fate and go on with the hardships as much as the others are doing. As he is gryffindor, you might be a bit curious about this, aye? Well, he's the kind of person to be brave and a bit aggressive at times. He is brave that he take so much risks especially in posting something on SNS. He is the spoiler child where he posts almost an enormous amount of spoilers which he sometimes has been called by the managers and even get warns a bunch of times before. He smiles a lot and had an amount of infinity laugh in one day. He is not good with jokes as he is a bit lame of a person. His jokes are mostly lame which sometimes the clownfish would make fun of it. However, he is the one who has a high sense of humor. He laughed at almost everything. Eventhough the clownfish made fun of his lame jokes, still he would laugh at his own lameness as he is already reddened throughout the situation. 

          He is very cheerful that you sometimes finds him cute. He's ethusiasm is very high that sometimes you just want to pinch his cheeks. He once has taken the divergent test an got an "amity". He was a bit relieved that he didn't get the ones that is known to be pathetic and homeless- which he didn't quite remember the name of it. He's very outspoken that he just speaks out his thought and then laugh at it. His laugh is a bit pointless sometimes that there's this one time where the group needs to delay their comeback, and the message should be a bit sad to everyone. And then there goes Kim Woon laughing at the situation. He is very very friendly that he is the first person that greet the whole members. He gets along with everyone easily and he is very very much honest that sometimes people didn't ask for an opinion but still, he would said his opinion. 

         On the other side, Kim Woon is also a big mouthed person. When he speaks too much, he hardly keep a person's secret. He can't keep secrets I repeat HE CAN'T. He is late and dork and lame. He sometimes didn't pick up their managers' orders that much. He forgot too much that he did the most mistakes during shows and performance. He really do a bit bad while practicing and he's the ones who is the most late person to pick up all the choreography. He worked hard to remember it that the leader of SEAing notices it and orders him to rest a bit before the next practice. He can't do choreography that much which makes him a bit hard to fit into the whole group. However, be thankful to his hardworking side that saves him from his idol life. He woke up late night to memorize the choreography and tries to cue into the song a bunch of times. He knew he can't be the trouble of the group throughout their idol life. Despite all that, he only keeps a person's secret hard which he swallowed it hard so he didn't blurted it out. It's the angelfish's secret about hating blobfish. It's not like as if he doesn't have any temper or what not- it's just, he thinks its not worth to burst it out. So whenever he suddenly got mad, he would be like "guys- I need to go somewhere." he said and leave the group as he went somewhere where no one will be there, which is the rooftop and cursed in all language under his breath. Slowly. And then he would go and drink water and then came back to the group looking as if he's okay. The members sometimes are curious if he really is a human or just an idiot crazy man who has nothing to be mad at.
          Like stated on the appearance section, he is very choosey. Too very much choosey that sometimes you want to knock on his head. He's not just choosey about his styles, clothes and so on, but he is choosey about food too at times. If he didn't like that one particular food, he would leave it and prefers not to eat at all. He is the kind to be all choosey about almost everything accept people. He's very open and be friend to everyone so yea. But usually he becomes very picky when it comes to clothes they're going to wear especially when going to airport. He cannot stand just a plain t shirt and all stuffs which makes his wardrobe has a bunch of clothes that sometimes the members of SEAing would borrow one or two. Woon is known as a spoiled in his own way which is how overly choosey he is. The managers have a hard time to persuade him to eat his meal though they know he would refuse if it doesnt match his taste. Sure, he has eat a lot at home, but that is because his mother has cooked something that suits his taste. But when he comes to a whole new world, he seems can't find the right taste he loved.

     He is timid too that he didn't dare to say no to the sunbae or s' orders. Chances of him getting bullied is quite high and he's not used to refused those orders, but still, of course he can refuse the orders from the managers for asking him to eat something he don't like, only that part. The other orders of course, he would obey it. otherwise, he might get kicked out of the group. That's just irresistable. But anyways, he's very tall but his heart is tiny that clownfish made fun of it the most and even laughed at him. He's the one who bought coffee for them, spending his money for them, even when he himself needs the money, he never talks back when he was being offended since the lack of talents he had, by the group members. He didn't want to create an unwanted atmosphere and really wants the team to be happy and have good vibes around them more than bad vibes. However, he's a human too, he gets hurt too.  It's not that he's not arrogant or whatever, its that, he realized and he knew well how other members are much more talented than he is. Because of that, he keep away the arrogant feels and wanted to work more. Even after he started composing songs too, he still is not that arrogant kind since he knew, without him too, the group still can do well. And that hurts him quite everytime, quite a lot.

"Woonie? Oh to me, Woonie is just a guy that warms your cold day since he doesn't seem to be creating drama much like the others did. Just- he never once told us about his parents. Whenever he got a phone call, probably from his mother, he would rush out from our sight and chit chat somewhere far not wanting us to hear him. He's maybe not that kind of person who wants their parents to involve in his career, right? But I know he has a sister. He told her about me once. Just- not that close tho. Woon has a background where no one knows about it. I wonder if  his family is actually from a mafia or whatever- haha okay I'm joking pardon me." - the clownfish. 

"Kim Woon- oh our Woonie. That kid trouble me once when I need to go and ask permission for his weird request! I'm shocked that he wanted to study in the middle of his trainee life- weird guy but whatever it is, he's very easy to take care just- I'm hating that moment he refuses to eat the company's food since it doesn't matches his taste! I hate that time and I feel like I can choke him to death!" "I heard that manager-nim." "Shut up, Woonie! where was I? oh, yeah and he's usually the last person to get ready to board the airport. I remember that one time we almost got left by the plane and I swear if we did, I'll- UGH!!" - SEAing manager, Ahn Yoomi 


    He was assign as the triple threat position where he does well in everything. Not literally "he does well" but he just "can" do. Which means, he excel in none of those but can do average well on it. He can dance freely well, but he can't pick up the choreography easily. He can sing, but his voice is not that special to even recognize it was his and his rapping skills are a bit rusty as well. He has a deep voice that allows him to sing and rap at the same time. He first got into Lemon Entertaiment throughout an audition as he was choosen for his almost-good-looks and his deep singing voice. They thought the group may be needing a base voice in the song so he fits in. In most of the songs, he would fill in the small rap parts which consist deep voices and chill vibe. 

    He first had the urge to audition is when he can't stand seeing his mother, the single mother, raising two kids. Himself and his little sister who is still in middle school. He realizes if he do well in idol life he can at least get money and helped her with the financial problems she is carrying. He lives in a small house in Yoseodo Island and her mother's occupation is just a plain woman who sells fish at the market. Woon is popular among the villagers since he was the first person in Yoseodo Island to be debuting in the Korean music industry. He went for audition without his mother's knowledge and got accepted throughout a phone call on the house's telephone. After his mother anknowledge his acceptance, she immediately reveals him the secret which she has kept eversince their father's death. Woon actually own an account money that almost reached 2 million in there thanks to his late father's hard work. With that money, he bought clothes and phone and a bunch of clothes. Woon's mother refused if Woon ever handed him the money from his account. Instead, Woon made another account of his own savings where he kept the monthly salary from his occupation. 

     He has a sister who is studying in a local high school. She is the one his mother is putting an effort on. Woon is very close to his sister that she knows almost everyting about him. She knows about him going on an audition and all and usually almost break the secret to her mother. That makes Woon a big mouthed too. It just runs in the family. However, Woon would protect his sister at every cost and worked hard for her, his mother and their situation. He brightens the family's moods all day that when he's absent, his mother and his sister would miss him and tries to call him. However, he usually fails to answer since his schedule is tight af. But eventhough it happens that way, he still manage to call back but only late on the night where they couldn't have a long chit chat since both parties are tired and needs some sleep. 

    He went on an audition duing his high school days. After he knew he got accepted, he had to transfer to Seoul to make it easier for him to keep up with the trainee days. He applied for School Of Performing Arts and the company helps his acceptance through the school by file-ing some cases on him as a special case to be easily transfered. He scored well on his previous school too, which made him accepted easily on SOPA. He first discovered his talent when he was in his old school. He sang a song for his teacher during the teacher's day celebration. That is when he got complimented by his friends saying he has the voice and suggested him to go for an audition thought maybe luck was on his side. After then, he kept watching kpop shows and even try to imitate their dance moves and starts trying to rap a little bit as he kept himself singing. 

    He got into the company and got accepted when he performed,
Kim Woobin's Don't You Know which is the original sound track for the famous drama Uncontrollably Fond, which his sister has been so into it. He thinks this song suits him a lot with his deep voice and so, he sang that song and captures the heart of the judges and got accepted into the company. Since he did well on the first song, he was asked to sing a second song, perhaps a brief of it, and that's when he sang, Kim Woobin's Picture In My Head which hits a high note. 

▷ clothes : he's just fond of them. 
▷ laughing : at almost everything honestly.
▷ tv shows : back on his unbusy high school days, he watched Running Man and Hello Councelor a lot.
▷ poetry : his classes taught him well. 
▷ music : mostly kpop musics since he haven't explore music on western side. 

▷ bands : FTIsland, CNblue, Day6 and LED APPLE. He's a total fanboy.
▷ Korean dramas : his sister is very fond of it that somehow he is attached to it little by little. 
▷ hot chocolate : he didn't drink coffee since he doesn't match with the taste.
▷ fireworks. 
▷ stars
▷ taking selca

▷ Wall-E - he watch the movie with his sister and is very very fond of it.

▷ coffee : "bitter!! too bitter!! i can't!!" 
▷ crying : "I can't show people my sad side, it's not fun." 
▷ horror movies : "I am honestly scared of ghosts"
▷ chess : "I don't do well on this. So I simply hate it." 
▷ spinach : "out of all vegetables, I am very very much hating this one. Don't ask why."  

▷ bright colours : "I know I have to deal with it once I debut, but still." 

▷ composing : this'll be explain later
▷ reading : korean poetry mostly. 
▷ shopping : new clothes!

▷ his lips - don't ask why. It just- runs in his blood. 
▷ blinking a few times whenever he can hardly understand a particular order.
​▷ kick legs when he didn't get it. 
▷ drink water if he's stressed out

​▷ tap his fingers on hard things and made sound like "click clock" 
▷ his lips instead of biting it.

▷ he is the eldest in his family 
▷ He is the tallest in the group
​▷ He updates his SNS most of the times.
▷ A member who has the most selfie

▷ updates his SNS and gave a caption about spoilers on comeback
​▷ Lowkey boyfriend material
▷ still have flappy bird in his phone

▷ Uses Samsung S7 Edge 
​▷ Reads Korean Poetry book before he went to sleep
▷ composes songs for the group. 

▷ Cry the least in the group
​▷ Stays up late night to work on his dance moves
▷ wears no skin products. Just drink lots of water

​▷ Happy most of the time. 
▷ he can't wink - clownfish made of it many times. If the group plays truth or dare, Woon usually gets a dare to wink. Cus he's just naturally CANNOT wink. 

​▷ Blink seductively - he practices this a lot. 
▷ his lips has been the iest habit of his that he never notices it, it was y
​▷ He has the dream of wanting to the whole team to team up and do a perfect teamwork. 

▷ He has no intentions to rise as a star alone. Instead, he wanted to be known as Woon, the SEAing member.
​▷ His ideal type were stated on a variety show he said he doesn't have any idol type. If that woman catches his heart then she's number one. /he laughed
▷ owns a lot of clothes, yes but owns only a pair of shoes. It just happens that way. 
▷ started composing when he borrowed the Lemon Entertaiment studio and started his very first song there.
▷ wanted to compose because he thinks he has no tallents compare to the others. 
▷ never throw a glare before, but usually gets them by the members. 
▷ secretly a fanboy of Harry Potter
▷ prefers apologizing than holding grudges. So whenever he got into an argument he would apologize first because he hates the bad vibes and the guilty feels even he didn't do anything wrong. 

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    he was not admired. Like- only tid bits of his cheerfulness are but not on his skills. His just a plain boy. Throughout his trainee life experience, he worked so hard and tried on vocal chores and rapping as well, too. He was not exactly admired until he started composing songs. He learned from the composer and started to compose songs little by little. And the upcoming groups, he's the one who composed the song which makes them debuting and comebacks with his self-composed songs. He got inspiration a lot from the other members. His whole trainee life experience was fun especially when he has a lot of people that has his back which means he gets supports from the members a lot especially while practicing a particular choreography moves. 


        He did well in his school. He's not that hottie in his school but he indeed was known since he excel in Korean Language a lot. He was never late for school since he knew he can't make bad records on high school. He remembered the manager's words. "Your records on high school are going to be drag into your idol life. So please behave your yourself." being a good kid he is, he obeyed. He never date any girl on school and keep a low profile. Most of the people in his school doesn't recognize his presence and usually be like "Kim Woon? Nugu?". He gets a lot of support from teachers and only befriend with his fellow classmates. 

       His life has been so busy eversince he transfered. He needs to keep up with his grades along with his idol trainee life. He still wanted ace well on acedemics which made him study hard during finals and all. He did practices a lot, but still steals some time to study to keep up with his grades. He didn't get enough sleep and spends most of his time with practices and studies. He asked the manager's permission to focus a bit harder on studies. They had a small fight since the manager can't simply consider to his favour. Instead, the manager fight for him. The managers, both of them went to the CEO and ask for permission. The CEO of Lemon Entertaiment was suprised to heard it since Woon is the first trainee to ask for that. However, he still gives the permission and Woon can easily focus on his studies for the finals. After finals, he came back into practicing harder as promised.



He is living like a normal person. Just a bit busy due to the schedules and practices that he needs to catch up. He still calls his mother and his sister, secretly sends money to his mother and his sister's account and continuously practice and practice. The members helped him with the choreography a lot. He still go out to the convenient store to buy foods for his keeping. Usually he's the one who bought foods for the dorm's sake. Sometimes one of the members helped him by accompanying him to the convenient store. He's not the kind to eat much junk food but ramyun is an exception. He's the ramyun expert. He cooks well for s and willing to buy them some. 

    Since he just started showing his interest in composing, he listens to a lot of musics and worked hard to try compose songs and produces it. He tries to persuade the CEO through the managers, of course to accepts his song as it was rejected a few times due to the tunes that aren't mixing up well. Not until one day, the members discovered his secret interest and they helped him along. They composed musics together and finally presented to the CEO, also through the managers and this time, it was accepted. He got stressed out a lot during composing, however, he never stops working since he knew he didn't play much role in the group that he wanted to help the group a lot. When he's stressed out, he drank some water a lot which made his skin became better and better. He handle his stress well but sometimes, if he can't hold it, he'll keep quiet and say a bunch of nothing.

He made a desicion to continue his career under the stage name of Woon since he's not capable of thinking any others. He had one in his mind to use a single letter stage name such as V or N or L or anything but then when he called his sister, suddenly his sister said something like "Don't you dare you weird single letter stage name! I don't want people to be calling you W later on!" and so, he goes with Woon. His fanclub name, Woon-E is because he loved Wall-E a lot since that movie gives him the inspiration of helping the world and he admired Wall-E for being an old worn out robot but ends up helping the world. To make it his fanclub, he made it sound "Woon-E" instead of going with Wall-E. His fanclub colour was chose by his favourite person's favourite colour which is his mother. His mother loved that colour so he decided to go on with that colour instead.

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▷ beloved mother — Kim Narae (54) | fishmonger/fishwife | caring, loving, strict, hardworking

"You know that your sister did bad on her recent math test?" "SHE DID WHAT??!?!" 
since she knew her son and daughter well, she has already expected that Woon will do something to help them financially. But, she never expected Woon to be helping her by signing his name for a korean pop artist. She didn't knew his son has a talents to sing and all. She just think her son is just very hardworking and all but never expected him to be singing. Well she do heard some of her friends at the fish market complimented her son's voice during the teacher's day performance he performed and it sures wow his mother a lot. She's very close to him that she knew almost everything about him. She wanted to give her best to provide the best for her children. Sometimes too much.

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▷ lovely little sister — Kim Eun (15) | student | childish, big mouthed, fangirl, bubbly

"Oppa.. I miss you." "Yah you did bad on your math test I heard!" "Eh??? Did eomma tell you??" 

Being close to a brother has been quite easy in life, right? The one who you grow up with and all sorts of things you share with him. It made no difference with Kim Eun and her brother Kim Woon. She is childish indeed and question most of the weird things that happened in her life, which her brother signing up for a kpop boy group. She's a big big fan of the korean pop industry and was totally supsrised to hear that her brother is signing up for those too. She kept this secret her whole life until one day her mother knew it. She thought her mother would want to object it but no. Thankfully she agreed to it. Kim Eun has no intentions to sign up for korean idols since she wanted to become a surgeon one day. She's very close to her brother and loved him her whole hearted that she keeps on promoting her brother to her friends. She's the one who texts her brother most of the time and always keep in touch with him. She attends to his fan meeting and continuously come to music shows and his concerts as well. Her brother would usually buy the ticket for her and usually bought the vip seat. 


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▷ teaching sunbae — Park Jaehyun (26) | leader of Royal Court | goofy, fun guy, happy, nice, helpful |

"No-no- you're supposed to use this formula." "oh.. okay okay"

since he's still studying as well, Jaehyun understands Woon's struggle as a student in his whole trainee life. He's the one who tutors him when he's studying during finals. Sometimes Woon even asked a question via message and Jaehyun would gladly help him with it. They're close due to the consequences where Woon needs to study and Jaehyun loved to help him. Woon sometimes felt bad for troubling him but Jaehyun didn't mind. Jaehyun sometimes bought him a chocolate drink while studying and sometimes tells Woon about his struggle of being a leader and even taught Woon to repect his upcoming leader so that it wouldn't trouble the whole group. He gave so many advices and become a very good "hyung" to Woon.

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▷ Pink friend — Gam Dohee (21) | Aurora's mimic | loud, humurous, entertaining, kind |

"Woonie!!" "Oh noona!" 

They first met when Woon is walking into the company. Woon just came back from the convinient store buying some foods for the members and then met Dohee. He bowed and Dohee immediately asked his name and say she should come stop by and meet the new trainees. That's when Dohee starts coming to their practice room and even play games with them if she had the time too. She was called pink friend because her bright persona actually impressed Woon a lot which Woon kinda admire how happy she is and hoped he is that kind of happy too so that he can be the best for s. 

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▷ Buddies till the end — SEAing members | a group | a group of children with full happiness and kindness. 

catfish + Woon is very fond of her as he respected her a lot. She does have that one big hatred towards guy however, it doesn't annoys Woon that much since he has used to have that kind of species around him (his sister). To him, she actually thinks too much about guys and that made her hate guys a lot. He has no intentions to change her way of thinking because that might help her become bolder to lead the group. 

"uh.. (catfish's name) how do we do the hand spinning thing on our choreo-"
"go ask someone else." 

swordfish + This guy is the only guy Woon respect a lot. Not to mention his leadership, but his looks is worth to be admired based on Woon's perception. He sees him as a good leader, better than the catfish. But somehow, he didn't really like the way he was too eager to look like he's the leader. Woon talked to him a lot about his problems during practices that he didn't catch up much for the practice. Luckily, swordfish who wanted to play his role as the leader, help him a lot, to make sure he didn't make a mistake during performance. 

"Woon you need to be more flexible to do this. I think you can- just, try practice a lot." "okay" 

blobfish + Woon has once heard her voice that she never shows to people which somehow, he felt impressed. Blobfish has no idea he knew it and he look up to her a lot. Woon knew she wasn't that visual looking, same goes to Woon. She's the nicest out of the whole group since she seemed to be very humble and all. However, Woon is curious about why hasn't blobfish sings out her different voice before since Woon thought she might help the whole group- but oh well. It's her business. 

"I think you did well earlier."
"You think? I don't think so. Since the members keep on telling me to try harder." 

pufferfish + Woon finds this guy very mysterious but he didn't dare to dig deeper. He seemed to be very quiet that sometimes Woon didn't dare to come close to him. He talked to him the least among the members and most of the time Woon would just carved a smile on his lips at him instead of bidding hello. It's not like Woon didn't like him or what not- it's just- he felt awkward around him most of the time. And he looks like he hold a grudge towards most of the members. Woon notices how his face would look like after he was teased harshly and Woon would prefer to keep it quiet.

"Woonie-ah, I think, I need a coffee as well too." "O-oh.. o-okay." 

angelfish + Woon liked being around her and he's the closest to her than anybody else. Well obviously everyone loves to be around her since she has that good looks and all. But Woon loved to be around her in a different way since she's very fond of him as well. Woon talked to her the most as she usually accompany him practices late night and usually the one that gives him hope and advices telling him he can do it. He loved being with her not to mention how she is friend and nice to everyone. Her talents are no joke too that Woon would clarify her as the true angel of SEAing. She knew Woon's little sister more than the other one that she even have her number. 

"Aren't you busy? Are you okay with accompanying me late night? You might be sleepy for tomorrow."
"It's okay. I want to look at you more." 

clownfish + Woon's ultimate favourite guy. He loved to hang out with clownfish the most since he's very good in making jokes out of everything. Woon felt the most comfortable around him beisdes angelfish and swordfish. Woon loved how he can easily mix with people. Woon sometimes shares a lot of his problems to him too as he can joke everything about it and made him feel happy despite being so worried about his problems. He knew most of the things about Woon.

"knock knock"
"the door is unlocked" "YAH YOU SUPPOSED TO ASK WHO'S THERE!!" "haha lame Woonie you're lame"

lionfish + Woon is not close to her. He wanted to say hi but she would usually just be like "oh." which Woon doesn't prefer that much. In Woon's eyes, he knew lionfish mustve had a pretty bad things around her that's currently happening but he didn't dare to question it. She kept on insisting how she should be the visual, not the angelfish. To Woon, he doesn't see her as a bad person. He just sees her as someone who can actually be a better person. 

"I think I should be the visual. What do you think, Woonie?" "Uhmm.. maybe (?)" 

goldfish + He's the easiest person to talk to. Despite his normal personality, he has his temper as well which Woon was afraid of it. He somehow agree how he will do well if he's the leader but he didn't want to hurt the swordfish's and the catfish's feelings so he kept quiet. He thought that goldfish can do better than everyone but he understand how goldfish refuses to stand out and prefers to be the background. To Woon, goldfish has the best looks out of all members. 

"Why don't we gave the part to goldfish?"
"N-no thanks." 

Since Woon isn't dare to talk bad to the members of the company, he has no rivals or enemies because he is too busy with his own career. Plus, he's not the kind to judge people easily as he is too tired with his own life to even be thinking about them. There are a few times where he was judge by the one of the members and it sure does made him sad. But he ignored those feelings and pushed it all away not wanting to feel pressured with it. 
▷ instagram : kimwoon_e (click on the pictures to see it clearer)

He just discovered this SNS account thinggy right when they debuted. He filled his phone with selcas and ended up deleting them. Since he's a bit shy to use to the official sns account, he made the decision to made one based on the company's permission as well. Eversince that, he updates his SNS account a lot and tends to get so many followers in just one day of creating it. He posts a lot about s and foods. He mostly loved to post pictures about this one member of SEAing, angelfish,  but usually puts a caption to cover the situation so it wont be too obvious to the fans. He sometimes replied to fans' comments which somehow made the fans think of him as a very netizen-like idol. His username is just something that came up on his mind rapidly after he made his mind to register an account. And there it is, the collab of his name and his fanclub, kimwoon_e

"Noona? Oh, she's very pretty- yes." he mutters slowly before he blinks a few times and slightly blushes. "She's the one who helped me out, well she did, accompany me when I was practicing a lot and.. somehow i loved her presence." Woon nods. She's heart warming to me and very mature but of course, I'm much cooler, I'm a guy though of course it'd be." Woon his lips before he continues and flashes a smile. "But she has that one side I think it's very cute." he chuckles before he continues. "is that.. when I discover she has this kind of.. well- jealous of that other girl. Well I personally thinks it's kinda normal to have those feelings, however, it's quite unhealthy to keep it much longer as a group, right? We need to bond together and build a tougher group, I assume. "She's also charming and very very much mature, i keep repeating this, oh my. Not to mention how she comfort me when I missed my family. Well- clownfish did too, but not as good as she did-" he immediately look around if clownfish is here. "Oh and, she's bright too, that people never knew her jealousy her quite and too protective over herself. My small noona- Ani I mean our small noona, needs at least a person to be with her. And I hope I'm that person-" he his lips before he took a quick glance at Hee from far and flashes a smile at her as she returns it gracefully.  


   Woon first met her at night on the Lemon Entertaiment building's rooftop. Hee was sitting on a bench and was staring at the nightsky alone. Rowoon, who just finished practicing hard, came on the rooftop to get some fresh air. He knew it's very much cold outside but he still thinks he needs to go at least get some fresh air since he's all drenched in sweats. He practices till late night that he expected no one in the company is still awake. He went to the rooftop as he pushed the door open and there, he saw a graceful figure sitting on a bench. At first he felt a bit scared when he saw it thinking that person might be a ghost or something or some crazy girl who didn't even feel cold. But then he looked closely and immediately recognize the person's face from the sideview. "Oh. It's one of the members." he thought. He just recognize her face since the announcement of her being the visual of the group has aired all over places and Woon hasnt met her yet. 

  Knowing she's not a ghost, he simply went towards her with his heart thumping like crazy ( since he never met her before, he's afraid if she might not like him and stomp away leaving him like the catfish did.) He bravely sits beside her on the bench and drinks his water which he purposely brought it. He has the habit to drink water if he's nervous so he drinks it simply and put it between Hee and him. Soon, Hee did a fake cough and Woon immediately realizes he's not even talking to her and the situation is awkward af. Woon let out a breath before he shut his eyes close and open it back as he turned to face Hee. "Hello! Kim Woon imnida." he said and flashes the sincerest smile. Hee was frowned at the moment Woon waved at her. She admired his beautiful looks before she snapped it out and lower her head slightly. "Moon Hee imnida." Woon immediately realizes that she's a noona. "Ah- you're a noona. Sorry I'm the one who need to bow, mian." he said before he bowed slightly which caused Hee to chuckle slightly. 
  Eversince that, Woon and Hee usually met at the rooftop alone just the two of them late at night, right after Woon finished with his practice. Hee usually went up there to release her stress since she thinks resting her mind of would be better than sleeping. She loved how the stars shine for the dark sky which reminds her of the group she's in. She knew she needs to shine for her group. Woon on the other side too have the same thoughts of going on the rooftop to have a rest after practices. Everynight, they end up going back to the dorms late at night after 2 hours chit chat together. Eversince that, they become closer than usual. 


   Woon knows about her having problem with the blobfish. Hee told him one day that made him completely went on silent. Since he has no problem with the blobfish, or even anyone in the group, he comforted her. Hee was just having a competition feels towards blobfish and Woon understands how it feels since he too, is just a plain member in the group. He comforted her a lot that he pulled her into a hug and patted her back telling her it's all okay. He didn't take on her side, nor the blobfish. He just told her that, "In this world, you can't compare youself to others. Because we all are created with different specialities and different weakness." he pulled off and hold her shoulders as he faced her before he ruffled her hair softly. "Our small noona is created to be special on her own ways. Believe in yourself, noona." he said something like "my small noona" which actually made Hee's cheeks reddened a lot. Hee smiled before he muttered, "thank you, ugly." Woon even said something like, "It would be very good if you and blobfish would be friends. Because you two might create an outstanding collaboration together. She might like you too, tho." After that incident, Woon become very very close to her that skinships are normal such as pinching cheeks, ruffling her hair, and sometimes holding her hand when crossing the road but immediately let it go when there's fan around. Woon secretly have special feelings for her but he didn't dare to talk about it since he's afraid if Hee would only think of him a friend and he didn't want to be friendzoned. They're relationship remained so-called-friend on the outside but on the inside, only both of them knows about it. The members didn't even notice their relationship as they usually say something like- "Our Hee noona and Woonie are quite close" on some shows but they have no idea, both of them are actually dating. 

   And when Hee finally tells him he likes him, Woon is extremely shocked af that he didn't even expect this scene where he would be seeing in dramas is actually happening to him. And so he immediately say something that immediately crosses on his mind "if noona can't reach my lips, i'll pick you up and let you do it." which actually suprised both of them a lot. Immediately they burst out a laughter and everything went well eversince then. 

Afterall, they're still humans, right? They fall in love too. 

RELATIONSHIP STATUS : Their relationship still remains the same after debuting "so-called-friend". Fans caught them being overly close too but they didn't assump much since they all know how Woon is very friendly and nice towards all members but they missed them being touchy touchy. They're friends and remain a group member without anyone notice how close they are with together.
ENDING : They might be dating while still promoting the group. They also might or probably not at all, announce their relationship. The possibility is quite low since they don't think they need to announce it since they can simply declares it as "friendship". However, soon when the group has reached a higher position, and the fans becoming more mature and understanding, and shipping them more and more, they finally announce it and it became the hottest news of the year since they both came from a same group. Their relationship which comes from bestfriends bond tighter that even when the group would disband one day, they would still be dating since Woon's sister, Eun has also met her and become close to her as well. 
COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS : You have so many applicants yet i still want to apply on this. And I feel kinda.. afraid tho cus- TOO MANY APPLICANTS /screams. And I made my own plot as the, well we call the papa of the group. Since my character is good and not much problems with all the members. And yes, he produces songs since I really want SEAing to be a different group than the others in Lemon Entertaiment that they might be the self produced group where choreographies are made by themselves too or wtv and now here's my character playing as the triple treat. Since he's just average good in rap, dance and sings, so he might probably want something that made him stands out, right? So he starts composing song since he's good in korean poetry too that most of his songs has a very deep meaning. I'LL PRAY FOR THE BEST AUTHOR-NIM!! AND MY LOVE INTEREST SECTION IS ACTUALLY AN APPLICANT- WHICH IS sikbbang? Well- i really hope this is allowed if its not, please just consider him not having any love interest at all. AND I HOPE THE SEAing members bond together as well. LETS CREATE A STRONG FRIENDSHIP TEAM!! Honestly, why i created Woon and go on a plot where i made it myself its because I think the group needs at least a person who hoped they team up and actually strengthened their team work. Plus, the team needs a big sunshine, right? So I guess why not hitting this "jellyfish" which sounded all cute and fluffy as the plotline. And here's Woon, trying to brightened the whole team as well as trying to strenghtened their bond. Since, most of the members has quite a bad background and attitude and manner problem, so Woon is the person who would brighten the mood. 

So Woon is basically a member, who is eager to see s to become and closer and is hoping to see the teamwork. He's the one who didn't want to shine alone, but wants to shine together as one team. That is Kim Woon's personal secretive dream he has always kept. 

▷ Woon sitting in the middle of the arguing circle of the group, keeping himself silent, not saying anything and suddenly blurted out a lame joke and laughed at his own and suddenly got scolded by the catfish
▷ scene of angelfish and blobfish become friends
they went to Hong Kong together as one team for attending MAMA and they even went around HongKong together

▷ They go to world tour and bonding more as they become closer and closer
▷ debuting or comebacks with Woon's produced songs.
▷ the team's teamwork was seen

▷ crying and loving with the whole team
▷ Woon giving advices to the whole group while they're sitting in a circle.
they become closer, like brothers and sisters 

PASSWORD : "Umm manager-nim? I think both is quite good and I- uhm, personally like Sejin hyung better? Well, it's not because he's a guy that made him my choice it's just- he doesn't persuade me to eat as much as Yoomi noona did." Yoomi eyed Woon from far. "I heard that." she said as Woon chuckled awkwardly and nodded as he smiled. "Plus, to me, Sejin is quite cute as he's the kind to be shy-aha- NO!! DONT GET ME WRONG I'M NOT GAY!! He's just- cute that he's shy and sometimes I am thankful that he is our manager." Yoomi eyeing from far again, "I-I mean, them. Yes, I am thankful them both are our manager. yes. Whoever gets the most vote is not important, okay!!" Woon smiled like an idiot. 


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