
Hi! I know this may seem so random coz I haven't been in AFF for so long. I just want to share something that happened to me this 2016.

I call it 'MIRACLE'. Yup, you read it right. A miracle happened to me, and it's the most amazing thing that ever happened to me this year. I met her, the person who made me believe in FOREVER, again. I know this may be too cheesy and very cringeworthy, but c'mon, it's not everyday I'll be posting about my love affair ^_^v)

All it took was just a couple of days of flirting and a lot of 'what-ifs' before we indirectly confronted each other on a Q&A chat. I swear to God, that night when we're chatting, I'm ready to confess my feelings to her and just disappear completely. April 3, 2016, that was the day when we started our adventure together. I told her it won't be easy, and she said she's willing to try. Man, I was smiling like an idiot that time while attending to my drunk friend. It feels surreal, talking to her, hearing her laugh, feeling her smile over the phone. My heart was pounding so hard that I can't hear my own voice. Up until now, I would still tell her that I still can't believe that she's mine, and that we're exchanging 'i love you's every day, and that she's mine, and i'm hers. She accepts me as I am, and even helps me overcome my insecurities. She said I'm a keeper. I am, because she's for keeps, our love is for keeps. 

Wanna know what really fascinates me of our relationship? It is the fact that I fell for her weirdness and her wide-wild range of open-mindedness, plus she's my Ms. Independent. Most of the time I would feel so insecure and would start to question everything I do, and would even doubt my worth in our relationship. During these, she would assure me, she always assures me. For the past 8 months with her, she never made me feel unwanted and un-loved. She really is a miracle.

Oh, and FYI, we're in a long-distance relationship, but that doesn't stop us from continuing our adventure. We took risks and sacrificed some things, but it was worth it. We're a few kilometers closer, just a 7 hours bus-ride away from each other.

By the way, she's also a KPOP fan, a MooMoo to be specific XD

We actually met through a group chat which we're both members of. That was where our adventure took-off. that's why we were always grateful to everyone on our GC coz they made 'US' happen.

Blah blah, I've said too much, what i'm really trying to say is 



I found my significant other in our fandom, I'm sure you will too, if not, then that person might be in another fandom. You may never know, you might encounter him/her during a fanwar/fan-meeting/concert/group chat. Never lose hope, the KPOP world is huge, you might just be on the opposite end of the path where your significant other is.





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shroom8 #1
Congrats!! May your love continue to blossom :)