The Most Adorable Dino In Der Welt

The reason why I'm INLOVE with Jonghyun...


Most k-pop idols do plastic surgeries to look beautiful, y and fitting for stage! But he's natural! Nothing on his face or body is plastic! Even if people think he's a cocky, ugly monkey or dino, he's still KIM ING JONGHYUN!!! and i love him the way he is.. i always liked men like him, and believe me, HE is my ideal type!! Sadly, I can never meet him... <3


and a small photospam for all Blingers..... 





and finally my favorite picture of this natural cuteness........ 


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;ALSDKJF. I also believe that all members of SHINee are 100% natural (except for the possible Taemin/Minho nose thing).
This is one reason I love them <333
novelle_freak #2
I have to agree with you Grace..HE'S HOT! *_*
and i'm not even a blinger ;"D
but a shawol. DEFINITELY *U*
the boy was born perfect.
gosh if you look at his predebut photos he LOOKS EXACTLY THE SAME AS NOW!!!!
i don't know any other kpop idol who looks the same redebut as they do now srsly! opkjmfhg;mn'gv

god, i totally envy this boy for looking so damn amazing always. wish i could be so perfect too *U*