As you can see, all my fics, rather have a bland plot, or just confusing. Especially my first fic. That was written by my 12-year old self, please don't be too harsh on me. Really, english is not my first language and i was still in elementary school that time so my grammar and spelling were all over the places.

I'm not trying to make an excuse, yes i admit that it does sounds like an excuse and some kids that time with the same age of mine can really write well, but the thing is that, I was immatured that time and i'm not that good like other kids. 

Though i was blessed with a lot of creative ideas (i was a kid that time so) i just couldn't let it all out. I reread my fanfic and it was a mess, i think that you guys might be thinking of the same thing too. I cringed, looking at my poor immatured 12-year old self english skills, not that i am that pro now XD, but at least better.

So, instead of an update, I will rewrite the whole thing to clarify the stories' plotline and stuff, making it more interesting to read. 

I personally thought that i should just delete the whole story but the story had already gone far, it has 3 chapters so it would be a waste to just delete everything. I might just continue writing it, which may take some time though now that i had lost all of my drafts from the past so i might just alter the storyline a little bit.

Still need time to figure out what my 12-yr old self trying to tell huhu i'm sorry guys. i am just a mass. I would appreciate it if you would be patient and wait.

Really, I am so sorry. 


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