Unusual Ask (stolen from heclgehog)

  1. Spotify, Soundcloud, or Pandora? I hardly use any if these. So none?
  2. Is your room messy or clean? Messy. I don't the spirit to clean the room. Besides, I share it with another person who is messy af.
  3. What colors are your eyes? Dark brown
  4. Do you like your name? No. It's very common and has no relationship with who I am as a person.
  5. What us your relationshup status? Single. I plan to stay single until I finish school and get a secure job. 
  6. Describe your personality in three words or less. Defensive 
  7. What color hair do you have? Dark brown
  8. What kind of car do you drive? Color? None. Too young. Not even gonna think about it.
  9. Where do you shop? Wherever my parents go.
  10. How would you describe your style? Idk. I usually just wear a sweater, t-shirt and pant in public and at home, large t-shirt and sport shorts. 
  11. Favorite social media account? Instagram.
  12. What size bed do you have? Queen.
  13. Any siblings? Yes, I have an older sister, a twin sister, a younger sister, a younger brother and a month and half baby sister.
  14. If you can live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Uh... idk. Somewhere between nothing and everything? Anyone understand what I'm trying to say?
  16. Favorite makeup brands? I don't use makeup.
  17. How many times in a week do you shower? Every other day.
  18. Favorite TV show? I don't watch TV anymore. There's nothing to watch on there.
  19. Shoe size? 6.5 (US women)
  20. How tall are you? Idk. But I guess 5'2"? Like around 157cm?
  21. Sandals or sneakers? Sandals. LET MY FEET BREATH. Besides, it's faster and quicker.
  22. Do you go to the gym? Hahahaha. Funny question. N.O.
  23. Describe your dream date. My dream date is probby just hanging out and relaxing with one another. Chillax~
  24. How much money do you in your wallet? $115 but it's going away cause I keep spending it. I could cry.
  25. What color socks are you wearing? None. I like going barefoot.
  26. How many pillows do you sleep with? One.
  27. Do you have job? What do you do? No, I don't but j plan to get a part-time job soon.
  28. How many friends do you have? Around 5.
  29. What's the worst thing you ever done? Uh... idk... I'd rather not say.
  30. What is your favorite candle scent? idk.
  31. 3 favorite boy names? Darren and this other I forgot. The rest idk.
  32. 3 favorite girl names? Idk.
  33. Favorite actor? None.
  34. Favorite actress? Me. Jkjk. 
  35. Who is your celebrity crush? Who else? Byun Baekhyun <3
  36. Favorite movie? Land before time, spirit away, Inuyasha the second movie, transformer and the polar express.
  37. Do you read a lot? What's your favorite book? I do read a lot. My favorite book is probably Sarah's Key.
  38. Money or brains? Brain.
  39. Do you have a nickname? What is it? I don't have a nickname.
  40. How many times have you been to a hospital? I went there numerous times because I broke my arm and had to get it check yearly for a couple of years. Acne issues and mom's pregency. And once when my grandma was in the hospital.
  41. Top 10 favorite songs? Idk.
  42. Do you take any medication daily? No. I don't.
  43. What is your skin type. Face = oily Everything else = dry 
  44. What is your biggest fear? Uh..  idk.I have a lot of fears.
  45. How many kids do you want? Pregency is one of my fears. Around 2-3.
  46. What's your go to hairstyle? Low ponytail.
  47. What kind of house do you live in? Average size. There are two floors, six bedrooms, three bathrooms, two living rooms, a kitchen, a dinning room and an laudry room.
  48. Who is your role model? I don't believe role models. Everyone has negative and positive attibutes to them.
  49. What was the last text you sent? Classified information.
  50. How old were you when you found out Santa wasn't real? I never believed in him... I thought he was a movie character that everyone loved...
  51. What us your dream car? A car that doesn't hurt the Earth. 
  52. Opinion on smoking? It's dumb and stupid. You're technically just killing yourself. If you want to die, go ahead. Nothings stopping you. 
  53. Do you go to college? Not yet. Too young.
  54. What is your dream job? I honestly don't know.
  55. Would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburbs.
  56.  Do you take shampo-o and conditioner bottles from hotels? No. When I went to one last year for the first time I was too shock to even think of that.
  57. Do you have freckles? No.
  58. Do you smile for pictures? Yes. Or I make an ugly face.
  59. How many pictures do you have on your phone? 250+ most of them are screenshots from instagram.
  60. Have you ever peed in the woods? Yes.
  61. Do you prefer chicken nugget from Wendy's or McDonalds. I haven't tried any. 
  62. Favorite dipping sauce? Sweet and sour homemade sauce.
  63. What do you wear to bed? T-shirt and shorts.
  64. Have you ever won a spelling bee? Nope. I'm horrible at vocabulary.
  65. What are your hobbies? Graphic designing, singing, playing the guitar, sleeping, eating, and being lazy.
  66. Can you draw? Yes.
  67. Do you play an instrument? Yes. Tuba, guitar and piano.
  68. What was the last concert you saw? My school choir and band concert that I was in.
  69. Tea or coffe? I like both.
  70. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Never went to either.
  71. Do you want to get married? Sadly, yes I do. And we all know that isn't going to happen. 
  72. What is your crush first and last initials? Classified information.
  73. Are you going to change your last when you get married? Hell no! I'll stick with THOR. 
  74. What color looks best on you? Black.
  75. Do you miss anyone right now? No, I don't.
  76. Do you sleep with your door close or open? ALWAYS KEEP IT CLOSE AND LOCK!!!!!
  77. Do you believe in ghosts? Idk
  78. What is your biggest pet peeve? Idk.
  79. Last person you called. My friend.
  80. Favorite ice cream? I have yet to taste all the flavors so I won't choose.
  81. Regular oreos or golden oreos? I can't eat more than 5. After that I the taste just gets to me.
  82. Chocolate or rainbow sprinklers? Rainbow. More colorful.
  83. What shirt are you wearing? The same one from two days ago.
  84. What is your phone background? My PROUD AF poster.
  85. Are you outgoing or shy? Neither.
  86. Do you like it when people play wuth your hair? No, I don't. It's really annoying and distracting.
  87. Do you like your neighbors? I don't even talk to them.
  88. Do you wash your face? At night?  In the morning? I wash it when I wake up and shower.
  89. Have you ever been high? Do you mean on sugar? Yes.
  90. Have you ever been drunk? Nope.
  91. Last thing you ate? Idk. Forgot.
  92. Favorite lyrics right now?  Idk tbh.
  93. Summer or winter? Winter = Snow = <3. Summer has mosquitoes.
  94. Day or night. Night.
  95. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Dark.
  96. Favorite month? May. It's pretty usually and it's Baekhyun's birthday.
  97. What us your zodiac sign? Scorpio.
  98. Who was the last person you cried infront of? No one?


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Lol dearie never come to the Netherlands. Winter > no snow > got a musquito bite on my nose right at this moment