Sunny Days | Oreki | Free Male Plotline


taromazaru oreki

guisukigwi • ayiev • 4


the basics.

name » タロマザル オレキ[Taromazaru Oreki]


» Oreki-chan : the usual Japanese nickname except its more to the cutesy side

» Oreki- san, Oreki-kun : what the Sunny Days members call him

» Weirdo : Oreki has a 4D personality, like he's just hilariously weird or weirdly hilarious

» Seonsyain syepeu : sunshine chef in Korean. Oreki's very good in cooking and baking, and he's like a ball of sunshine so yeah i mean look at him isn't he so kawaii

» AB dokku : AB dork in Japanese. AB is his blood type, and dork because he is a dork

» Mr Tuna Sandwich : tuna sandwich is his all time fave food so yeah

birthplace & birthday » Saitama, Japan 17th July 1995

hometown » Saitama, Japan [1995-2010] | Seoul, Korea [2011-present]

ethnicity » Japanese


» Japanese : fluent. its his native tongue
» Korean : basic. he still struggles in learning and speaking Korean and his Hangul is a little messy

face claim » Youngjae GOT7

backup face claim » Seungyoon Winner


appearance » standing at 158 cm and weighing 52 kg, Oreki is a little short and a teensy bit chubby. Oreki has thin slanted eyes, thick eyebrows, a slight big nose and thick lips. He originally has thick straight black hair. Oreki doesn't want to go on a diet and dislikes the gym (he's a lazy bum lel) so he's a teeny tiny bit overweight. But if he does go on a diet or gets sick, he turns pale and thins down. His fellow male Sunny Days members like to persuade (more like force xD) him to go to the gym, and he reluctantly agreed so he's a teeny bit muscly. Like a good mixture between thin & lanky and muscly. Though if he wears thick loose sweaters people think that he's more to the thin side. He originally doesn't have a piercing but for MV / comeback purposes, he pierces his ears (only on ears not anywhere else) 

style » Oreki doesn't really care on his appearance. He prioritize his comfiness. Oreki likes to wear t-shirts and dark sweaters, along with jeans and boots. He likes to wear caps. Besides that he also has a secret interest for anyhting leather.

" i'm trying to endure because this is all i can do "



" you can call me stupid, then i'll just crack a smile "


the boy next door.


plotline » Free Male Plotline [Main Vocal, Lead Dancer, Sub Rapper]


TRAINEE YEARS » 6 years. JYP [2011-2013] Starship [2014-present]


Being a foreigner was hard. Especially when Oreki's Korean wasn't that fluent. When Oreki was in JYP, he joined forces with the holy J-trinity a.k.a Mina Momo Sana. Oreki practiced and trained together with them. The four of them spoke and communicated in Japanese, and practiced Korean together, correcting each other's pronounciation. Oreki also helped Mina Momo and Sana in singing, and they in turn helped Oreki improve his dancing. Eventhough Oreki is a male, they get along very well. Oreki is more of their younger brother (eventhough he's older than them) that they love to tease. And to Oreki, the J-trinity are like his younger sisters, reminding him of his own sisters back in Japan. Oreki improved his singing skills and tried to make his dance moves more faster and more smoother. He suddenly took an interest in rapping, but his rapping was still plain. After 2 years Oreki quitted JYP, feeling too much pressure and thinking that he can't cope with the trainee life.

Oreki was at the point of leaving Korea, he's ready to go sayonara Korea and konnichiwa Japan. But there's a tugging in his heart, making him unable to leave Korea. So Oreki stayed in Korea, and like a newly blooming flower, Oreki started to be hopeful again, and decided to audition again. Out of the entertainments he auditioned, the only one he got accepted to was Starship. In Starship, Oreki pushed his limits, became more tougher than he was before, determined to improve his skills and becoming a better person.


- Participated in a Japanese singing & dancing contest in Japan (let's just pretend the contest is a small one and the number of audiences are not a lot) but lost

- Was part of ALIVE dance crew in Korea and also a backup dancer for Sungje Choshinsei

- Starship released a video of him covering Western songs (1 2)



personality »

Oreki is like your friendly neighbour, being a happy go lucky sunshine. He's like a fizzy soda, ready to burst any second. He's also a dork and a walking meme, unintentionally making meme faces (he's the member most likely to be used as a meme by Sunny Days' fans). He's pretty clumsy at times, hitting doors and walls and your heart. He's also kind, like  big mother hen, taking care of the members by small gestures, like fixing the blanket if it slipped off one of the members while they're sleeping, baking desserts and cooking hella delicious Japanese and Korean dishes, waiting for s whenever they're staying up late to compose a song or dance moves, etc. Oreki is a dynamic person, his passion shows as he pour his soul out while he sings. He's also the first person to break the ice with jokes whenever the situation's awkward even if his jokes are cringey. He's a patient and hardworking person, enduring his hardships eventhough at times he wanted to quit.

Yet behind that happy blissful smiles, Oreki is a pessimistic person. Looking down on himself, easy to give up. In the past, Oreki sometimes went days without eating many food just so that he can focus on practicing. This caused him to be weak, both physically and mentally. He wanted to be strong and break through his limits, but he doesn't have enough will. He's a lost star, needing a guidance. Oreki is also an easily frustrated person. Mostly he's frustrated in himself. Frustrated at knowing how sometimes he didn't improve like how he imagined he would be. Whenever Oreki concentrates too hard, he'll literally ignore his surroundings. Not intentionally, he just wants to focus on the thing he's concentrating at.


» Can cook and bake
» Used to have drum lessons back when he was in Japan. Until now, he still plays it. Right now, he's around advance level
» Is a fan of anime. Not an avid fan though, he doesn't collect anime things

» Likes to read comic books
» Real good in swimming, was part of his school's swim team and won a few championships back when he's in Japan
» Loves to compose his own songs. Currently, he's trying to improve his song writing and composing skills
» Eventhough he's Japanese, Oreki dislikes sushi
» Tuna sandwich is his bae, a.k.a all time fave food
» A thing he likes to do is making a drink by mixing soda with milk. It tastes weird but Oreki likes it

» He's either one of the hardest person to wake up or is the first person to wake up. No in between
» The king of dancing to girl group songs. Remembers every girl group choreos
» His fave subject in school is Math and Geography
» Prefers tea to coffee
» Instead of focusing on skincare and all that, he's more focused in taking care of his voice, routinely taking a small sip of olive oil
» Came and became an audience and a supporter to Sixteen Survival Show

» If a member pissed him off, he'll say "neo jasin-eul wihae yolihada!" (cook for yourself! in Korean) and leave that person to his/her impending doom
» Has pepper spray and a horn/whistle? (idk what its called, its basically a horn like thing used for signalling the start of a competition) in his bedside (no one knows the reason why, probably for safety reasons and to wake up lazy members)

» Can solve a Rubik's cube in 30 seconds

» Very good in Sudoku, chess and crosswords

» Oreki rarely collapses/faints. The most is probably suddenly experiencing dizziness and falling to his knees and not being able to stand if he overworked himself. Yes, his physical state might be weak, but it isn't as weak as he was back then

» Was a Hanlim Multi Art School student. Currently in university, majoring in music and minoring in geography


» Tuna sandwich
» Cereals
» Tea
» Making corny greasy weird cringey cheesy af jokes
» Clean organized spaces

» Museums
» Playing Just Dance on Wii (he's not that competitive since he's pessimistic, but when it comes to Just Dance, he'll put anything on the line just to win)
» Solving Rubik's Cube, puzzles and crosswords

» Playing chess and Sudoku


» People who doesn't appreciate his cooking and doesn't finish his food
» People who regard him as a weak person
» Whenever the mini market near Sunny Days' dorm is out of tuna sandwich (Oreki will literally feel lost, like he doesn't know what to do without his tuna sandwich)
» Sushi
» Bitter foods
» People scaring him (he'll literally jump a mile away)


» Drinking olive oil, pineapplu juice etc anything related to maintaning his voice's health (its for his voice so it'll stay in good shape)
» Jumping a mile away if he's surprised
» Poking a members' forehead and pushing it backwards and saying "atchi e itte kudasai" (please go away in Japanese) if the members try to wake up whenever he's sleeping or is in his lazy mode

» Overworking himself


» Cooking

» Composing & writing songs
» Baking
» Playing the drums
» Practicing girl group choreos



home is where your heart is.


background »

Born in Saitama, Japan. Oreki is a pretty hyperactive child since he was little, thus his parents signed him up for drum lessons, to tone down his hyperactiveness. Oreki is also a playful little boy, playing pranks on his sisters/oneechans. Oreki was also a child who gets sick easily, like a fragile vase. His parents and oneechans made sure that he eats and takes enough rests, reminding him daily to eat his vitamins. As years went by, Oreki grew up. His physical state became more stronger. Oreki also joined his school's swim team. Around this time, Oreki took interest in singing. His parents were delighted and supported him, enrolling him to a vocal/singing academy. Oreki also tried basketball, and joined his school's basketball team. But no matter how strong a wall can be, it can one day collapsed. Oreki collapsed when he was having one of his daily basketball practices (that was a pretty hectic time since it was the swimming championships, drum evaluation test and Oreki didn't take care of his body) so his parents thought that it puts Oreki in to too much pressure. They told Oreki to quit one lesson, since they don't want their son to get sick everyday. Oreki was upset, thinking he could handle it, but in the end he quitted his basketball team, wanting to focus on singing, drumming and dancing. Hikari and Tsukami were the ones who took care in him whenever his parents are absent due to work.


Oreki trained his physical state to become more stronger, so he started to go on daily morning runs. He always listens to music whenever he's running. One day, when Oreki was running, an unfamiliar music blasted in his ears. Its not the usual Japanese songs he listens whenever he's running. Oreki found out it was Kpop, and became interested in Kpop. He asked his oneechans if they knew anything about Kpop. And it turns out they do (they found out about Kpop earlier than Oreki did). They told him about what's it like being an idol in Korea. Oreki became fascinated. He's fascinated at how Kpop is able to enter and influence Japan when its not even from Japan. Oreki considered on auditioning. His sisters supported him, telling him to try for a Kpop online audition. Together, the three of them searched about Kpop entertainments and made a final list of the entertainments Oreki will audition at : Cube, JYP and Fantagio. Oreki sent a video to all three of them, but only made it to JYP. When Oreki told his parents, they were surprised. At first they didn't want their only son to leave Japan, but reluctantly agreed and even encouraged him. Oreki promised to his  parents that he'll still pursue education.


Oreki left Japan and moved to Korea in 2011. He started his trainee life in JYP. It was hard, having to adapt to the Korean lifestyle. Oreki cannot communicate well in Korean back then, so he was pretty much alone. He found his companions in the shape of 3 females called Mina, Momo, Sana. The four of them bonded and faced the hardships together. But alas, 2 years later, feeling like he can't endure any longer and that his skills weren't improving, Oreki quitted JYP. Oreki moved on to join a dance studio. He became a daily attendant at Alive Dance Studio. It was fun there. Oreki honed in his dance moves. Even so, Oreki felt that there's something missing, that he wasn't fully satisfied. He stopped going to the dance studio. Oreki was ready to leave Korea and go back to Japan. He lost his will. But everytime he was about to purchase a plane ticket back to Korea, he couldn't. He told his family back home in Japan about the hardships he's facing. His parents and oneechans supported him, telling him not to give up. Oreki realized that after all this time, the reason he felt something is missing, is his dream. Dream to become an idol. He's come a long way, it will be a total shame if he quitted now. Oreki tried once more, finally regaining his hope. He auditioned at the entertainments he has not auditioned before such as Jellyfish, Woollim and Starship. Finally, he was accepted to Starship. Oreki's determined not to give up now and gives his best efforts.


family »

Parents (50) | Taromazaru Yukashi & Ohaimada Minata

Oreki's warm supportive parents. At first they didn't want to send off Oreki to a foreign country all alone. They finally agreed, supporting and encouraging Oreki. They still constantly worry over him, nagging Oreki whenever he eats too much tuna sandwich all the way from Japan, 12345678  miles away. Oreki video calls his parents daily, telling how his days are and asking how his parents are. Despite being busy workparents, Oreki's parents still make sure to spend time with their children.


Sisters (oneechan) (22 & 28)| Taromazaru Hikari & Taromazaru Tsukami

Hikari and Tsukami are protective towards Oreki, and vice versa. To them, Oreki is like their precious baby chicken. Tsukami's already married whilst Hikari is still in college, enjoying her single life (Oreki loves to make fun of Hikari's single status nonstop). Just like their parents, Hikari and Tsukami were also worried when Oreki wanted to move to Korea. They even considered moving to Korea together with Oreki. Hikari and Tsukami are like Oreki's 2nd support system. Whenever their parents are busy working, he'd go to them for advice. If Oreki's sick, his sisters would take care of him.



» JYP Japanese trainees, now Twice members |Myoui Mina (19), Minatozaki Sana (20), Hirai Momo (20)

Oreki wan't to fluent in Korean back then, so he didn't have a lot of Korean trainee friends in JYP. He joined forces and bonded with holy J-trinity aka Mina Momo Sana. Together the four of them faced the hardships together, trying to adapt to the foreign Korean environment. They would communicate in both Korean and Japanese, fix each other's pronounciation etc. Mina and Momo would teach and help Oreki improve his dancing, and Oreki would help the girls in singing. The four of them would practice together, take small trips to the nearest minimarket and eat ramen there, etc. Eventhough now Mina Momo and Sana are now currently busy with Twice's schedules, the four of them would go and have a meet up (careful not to cause a scandal).


sorry girls, but tuna sandwich took my heart.

love interest » Lorem ipsum

backup love interest » Lorem ipsum


personality » Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


love story » Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.


last words.

comments/suggestions » wohoo done hope you enjoy this dork >u< this is my first time ever applying a boy character so I'm sorry for the mistakes

scene requests 

» Oreki collapsing while practicing and hours later he woke up in hospital

» Sunny Days being guests at a cooking show

» Oreki cooking for s

» Oreki entering a cooking showdown and his fellow members cheering him on

» Oreki having a reunion with his family whom he hasn't seen for 6 years

password » View


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