'[];A little info about you?

AFFname: YippieM

Name/Age: Mariana / 17

Country: New Zealand

'[]; Alittle facts about her?

Character Full Name Hwang Mihye - an unique name. There is some meanings: Mi means 'beautiful' and Hye means 'intelligence or wisdom'. Therefore, her name means 'beautiful wisdom'.

Nicknames/other names: Mimi as her short name because she likes to be called and also it means 'beautiful', too.

Ethnical: Korean

Date of birth : 03 Sep 1994

Blood type : B

Height/Weight: 165cm / 50kg

Launguage: Korean in Busan accent (conversational), Korean in Seoul accent (fluent) and English (fluent) and Japanese (learning)

Talented: Singing, dance (pop, hiphop and dorky), imitations (Singing Tweenty Bird's song 'I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat' and Pikachu's 'Pika Pika' with her aegyos) and her sports abilities on soccer and running

Birth place/ raised at/ home town: Busan, South Korea

Education: Her education is okay and her grades are mostly B. She is smart though and is a good student who works very hard on studying at school. Her educations were in Busan, South Korea. Her most confident subjects she is good at which are English, Arts (mostly photography) and Geography. There is ONE subject Mihye is not very confident is Maths because she got confused by it but always get it right by her guesses and some of them were wrong. 

Twitter Account : mihye094

Role models: Park Shin Hye and Hyomin (T-ara)

Motto : "Live like you're at the bottom if you're at the top" and "Be proud of yourself and love your life!"

Fav. color : Red

Fav. Music/Movie/Books genre :

Favourite Music: Epik High, Infinite, Black Eyed Peas, Teen Top and SHINee

Favourite Movie: Do Re Mi Fa So La Si Do and Temptation of Wolves

Favourite Books: Harry Potter

'[]; What type is her?

Personality :

Mihye looks like an innocent lamb with lovable personality however she is not innocent in her true self. She is very shy towards people and acts pretty in front of them because she is cute and good looking. She is bit naughty when she jokes something for fun and to teases people. Sometimes she jokes if she says the real truth and looks innocent and serious which brought laughter to people. She is very funny and makes the atmosphere bright and comfortable. Moreover, she makes people love her by her charms; cute charms - speaking on purpose by saying in different accents (Busan and Seoul) which sounds weird to people who started to laugh. She is being cautious about her appearance by looking herself at the mirror or reflection. She is not in vain but she is bit greedy on something she wanted like she wanted to win something. She is very stubborn and doesn't listen to people sometimes. She never give up on something because she hates losing. She can be frustrated if someone got her troubled or something she got wrong, she would blow up her hair by using in her grumpy expression. She is very friendly and kind to many people and always shows her loves to them a lot. She often lies when she wanted to avoid something to embarrass herself or doesn't want to talk about the topic or situation.

She is very emotional and sensitive with feelings because she can feel herself and shows herself to people who can see her easily. If someone scolds her, she would be hurt and tries to hold her tears. If someone makes her angry, she would blow up her hair by using mouth and finding the way to relieve her anger. However, she tries her best to look herself best and strong to make people see her a happy and good person. She is pretty strong and confident in what she does and shows her coolest sweet side of her. She is pretty competitive in sports and games she likes to play, she shows her pride and never wanted to be a loser. She thinks of the positive and negative ways, mostly positive ways can lead her and people to do it in a good way. She is understanding and knows what things makes her bad or good, she would do something better than before, so she is pretty determined on improving. She hates to showing her weaknesses because she is afraid to hear the bad things from people however she acts her cool side of herself as a sweet, and strong girl.

School Behavior: She behaves okay and is a good student, not likely to be the female 'Choi Minho' because she is bit naughty to play with teachers. She jokes something which makes teachers laugh and teases back to her and also other classmates, too. She is friendly and kind and she did her education well because her grades are good.


01. When she gets mad, she blows up her hair by using with her grumpy expression.

02. When she gets nervous, she combs her hair by using her fingers and looks at the mirror to check herself if she looks good.

03. When she gets bored, she plays with her fingers while making blowfish faces.

04. When she gets sleepy or tired, she grabs a pillow or something soft and then she hugs it tightly.

05. She laughs while clapping her hands softly.

06. She speaks on purpose by speaking in different accents when she is in Seoul, she spoke Busan accidently. 

07. When she got dazing in her wonderland, she didn't listen to other people.


01. Listening to music.

02. Exercising in the gym.

03. Watching TV shows such as Running Man, Ojakgyo Brothers etc.

04. Spending on time on sending messages or reading it from the Twitter and her own minihompy.

05. Taking photos of me and other people.

06. Collecting and reading the letters from her family, her friends and even her fans and keep them in the box.


01. Chocolate frappuncino

02. Stars

03. Charms

04. Pikachu

05. Beaches

06. Rollercoasters

07. Panda


01. Ghosts

02. Scary stories

03. Snakes

04. Coffee

05. Horror Movies

06. Smoking

07. Opera Music

08. Smelly things


01. She is allergic to oranges,

02. She has a fear about birds (any various of birds such as seagull, swans) because she is scared of being bitten and touched. Since she was 7 years old, her finger is bitten by swan when she gave it a bread.


01. She is right handed.

02. She wears contact lens every day. However, if her eyes got stingy so she uses glasses.

03. She is short-sighted. She can see things close to her like reading books however she cannot see things very far.

04. She is an ulzzang from Busan. One day she went out to party with her friends (which is ulzzangs and non-ulzzangs) and one of her ulzzang friends took the photos of them and posted them online in her friend's minihompy. 2 days later, many neitzens caught the apple which is Mihye because of her face and her body so they began to search and stalk Mihye's personal minihompy and followed her. Mihye became an ulzzang and hangs out with her friends often and posted the photos a lot in Mihye's minihompy. About 1000-2000 neitzens visit her minihompy to visit and looking all the photos and left many comments for Mihye. Most of the comments are positive praises and they wished her to go to the 'Ulzzang Shidae' show.

05. She always bring her camera, Nikon every day because she loves taking photos. 

06. Her ideal type is someone who is cute, funny and kind.

07. Her first dream job is photographer.

08. She modelled in fashion store, where popular ulzzangs modelled - Pinkage.

09. She did not take plastic surgery. She is truly a natural beauty or fairy.

10. She is currently dating someone which is also an ulzzang, Park Jiho.

'[]; Her looks?

Apperance links:

Ryu Hye Ju






Backup Ulzzang? :

Hana Reum Song Lee





Her style:







'[]; Her background?

Family Members :

Hwang (Yoo) Jihye. 35 years old. Umma/Mother. A lovely mother and daughter.

Hwang Jin Ki. 38 years old. Appa/Father. An awkward-not-close relationship. They don't talk to each other but her father loves her quietly that Mihye didn't know.

Yoo Chaeyeon. 78 years old. Halemoni/Grandmother. Mother's mother. Lovely and teasing relationship.

Cousins? :


Childhood days :

She was raised up in her hometown or birthplace, Busan. She has her family living in the average apartment together. Her family status is average. Her parents are busy working earning money while Grandmother babysitted Mihye until high school. Grandmother is resting at home and sometimes she has time she would go to the farm to volunteer with her friends. Her mother is working as the head mistress maid of the hotel and received her income in every end of the week. Every day she woke up at 5am in the morning and goes to work, then finishes work at 7-8pm to go home. But before she goes home, she goes to shopping first to buy grocery for food and bring it to home every day. She always helps Grandmother to cook dinner and spends some time to chat with Grandmother and Mihye. Mihye also helps out too. Her father usually come late than her mom because he usually drinks alcohol after work, and before home. He is working as an employee of the building company and works very hard to earn money. Mihye and her father doesn't talk each other since she was 1 year old because her father was too busy doing on his work and not talking to Mihye always. However Mihye's father loves her as his daughter but Mihye didn't know yet. Since elementary to primary school, Mihye studied well and always walk to school with her Grandmother everyday and picked up by her as well. Mihye usually wrote diaries often when she was young however she doesn't write diaries anymore since high school. Mihye walked to school and from school, by her own or with her friends as well. 

Since she was very young, her grandmother usually looks after Mihye with lots of loves and teases her. Her grandmother lectures her to do home chores and helping her grandmother's friends to pick up vegetables and clean up and feeding animals at the farm. She also teaches Mihye to learn how to cook and Mihye's cooking tastes unique, not likely to be same tastes they made like kimchi because Mihye is not very good at cooking and sometimes mis-putting ingredients by measuring how much. However her cooking is unique and okay for people to eat. After high school, Grandmother is no longer to accompany Mihye to school because she is grown up. Moreover, Mihye always bring Grandmother's favourite food, "donut" to home to give it to Grandmother which makes her happy. 

'[]; Her friends?

Best Friend :

Park Sunyoung / Hyomin. 22 years old. Senior-junior relationship and ulzzang relationship. Hyomin treats Mihye as her junior and her daughter. She takes care of her recently and contacts with each other. Their relationship are very close and they jokes each other a lot.

Do Hwe Ji. 20 years old. Senior-junior ulzzang relationship. Do Hwe Ji is a senior to Mihye because she started first as an ulzzang. She gave advices and helps Mihye out and keep in touch with her.

How they met:

Mihye met Hyomin when they were in Busan, they met each other at the ulzzang party with other ulzzangs from Busan. Mihye met Do Hwe Ji at Pinkage, they were working as models for fashion.


Gwak Min Jun. 20 years old. He is an ulzzang so he met her at the ulzzang club. They are friendly and jokes with each other. They are like brother and sister.

Krystal. 18 years old. (1994) Mihye and Krystal are both friends and they are friendly and cuddles each other all the time. Sometimes Krystal got arrogant and gave Mihye cold jokes however Mihye was upset but Krystal loves her as her friends, likely to be sisters. 

Hyunseung. 22 years old. They are playful kids and they have same birthday. Hyunseung is pretty protective and loves her as her 'imaginary' girlfriend. 

Favorite Place for going out :

Busan Beach

Rival :

She doesn't have any rival because she doesn't like to have one.

'[]; During Training?

Training Years :

3 and a quarter years of training years. She started at 02 April 2008.

How did you get in:

She got in by audition, she found out there was an audition two days ago, when she was high school student hanging out with her friends. She was interested in joining and does her best in her singing and dancing. The judges praises the good points about her appearance, her singing and her dancing with expressions on. However there were bad points were lacking in some talents.

Prevois Company/Training Life:

Trainee Life:

Her life of being trainee was the hardest and painful path for Mihye to walk on. Mihye met her seniors and her new friends at the company. She practices her vocal singing and dancing every day and never gives up. She loses her weight and ate ramens everyday. She had been asking for more advice from her mentors and her seniors like Hyomin. Plus, she had another industry to do for her, which is model and acting. She keeps practicing on her expressions and acting and tones and feelings to express. Sometimes she got scolded by her coaches and mentors which made her feeling upset and cry a little. So she found the way to relieve her stress and her anger...she has to do exercising herself in the gym every day. She often contacts with her boyfriend when she has time and she also contact with her mother as well to make sure that Mihye is okay. 

Any Entertainment History?:


01. "My Man" by Davichi

Drama / Movie

01. Acting a minor - student,  Death Bell 2: Bloody Camp

Starring in MV

01. Love interest girl acting - "I Hope" by FT Island

'[]; Debuting Huh?

Stage Name :


Position :


Persona :

Innocent Lamb

Individual fanclub name/color :

Mi-Lambs ("Beautiful lambs"). The colour is creamy white.

Debuting song idea?:

01. Genie by SNSD

02. Gee by SNSD

03. Huh by 4Minute

04. Obsession by Kan Miyoung

05. Ma Boy by Sistar19

06. Breathe by Miss A

07. BANG! by After School

Sing/Dance Links:


01. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnmgRRIQDZQ

02. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e39mfdSanA&feature=related


01. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge4wZJEQ0Iw&feature=related

02. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQFQLqvKxyA

03. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Co5kGTLq9gM

Rapping Links


'[]; When she in love :3

Love interested :

 01. L.Joe from Teen Top. 19 years old. His birth year is 1993. He looks like a bad boy and is surely a mischievious boy, too. He is often quiet and listen to people well. He is very cute and shows his charms to melt girls; his smile, his eyes and his dorky side. He is very funny to try to hide his real personality in front of the audience while bullying young brothers (Niel, Changjo and Ricky). He is very sweet and caring towards girls, he is sometimes too shy and sometimes brave enough to face girls. He is likely to be a 'wolf jumping' because the way he does to act and being with the girl he is dating to skip the important steps, like kissing and skinships. 

02. Minho from SHINee. 21 years old. His birth year is 1991. He is like a hot prince who shows his charisma looks. He is a like-to-be- class president who pays respect and listen to them very well. He is very smart and can do anything he is good at. He is very confident and very competitive on things he likes such as sports and games. He is very stubborn because he doesn't like losing or giving up on something. He is very cautious on observing things so he will do something right. He has the cutest shy side of him, he is very shy towards girls and not confident to meet girls. However, he is much more caring and helping girls a lot, with his heart and his beautiful smile. He is pretty hard working on acting, music, rapping and dancing. There is nothing else he is good at...he is much more talented and shows his proud side. 

03. Junhyung from BEAST. 22 years old. His birth year is 1989. He is acting like a bad boy who shows his coolest side and his talents to spread out. He is bit brave to meet girls he likes and always be kind to girls, especially other people, too. He has childish side to prank and makes jokes with others. He is sometimes showing his serious look to be a respected 'leader' if he imagined. He is very creative and hardworking on writing and composing. He always nags a lot if he doesn't like doing something. 

04. Park Jiho. 22 years old. His birth year is 1989. He is a lovely ulzzang boy who has music talents. He is very dorky and makes fun with people a lot. He is too shy to meet girls and he is very romantic as he thinks of someone important than other girls. He is pretty competitive on games as he shows his pride because he is very strong enough to beat. He is very kind and friendly to many people. He is a flower boy, looks like L.Joe, G-dragon and Hongki. He is very cute when he does aegyos. 

How did they met? :

 01, 02 & 03. Mihye and her friends went to shopping and were about to go to the movies, her friends wanted to go to bathroom first so Mihye waited for them while walking and looking around. Mihye and a guy bumped into each other by hard as Mihye dropped her important charm and then they apologized to each other. Mihye went back to see her friends while he found the charm and keep it until he found her later – he bumped into her at the hospital again and met each other again. Moreover, he started to introduce himself and gave her charm to Mihye. Mihye fall in love with him because he is kind, good-looking and friendly. 

04. Mihye and Jiho met each other at the ulzzang club where only ulzzangs enter/hang out. Mihye was introduced to Jiho by her friend, Gwak Minjun. 

Scene Request? :

 Modelling fashion show for Mihye and her partner, at the end, they kissed each other on lips.

First Love Experience:

 Mihye fall in love with Park Jiho since they meet at the club. Mihye was too shy to face him and often stutters a lot. Her friend, Gwak Minjun is also Park Jiho's friend, too. He teases Mihye about Jiho and Mihye was trying to avoid him. However Jiho smiles and exchanged their numbers and keep contacting each other. Mihye and Jiho became a cutest couple and they hang out often in Busan. One day, Jiho planned the present for Mihye's birthday, so he called Mihye to come over his home and he surprised Mihye. Mihye was happy and kissed him for the first time and her first kiss with Jiho. So they keep seeing each other and Mihye heard that Jiho goes to filming his appearance in 'Ulzzang Shidae Season 2' and she is jealous of other girls who is prettier than her and worried about Jiho's changes. However Jiho didn't, he always mentioned Mihye's name in every episode as much as he loves her very much which makes Mihye happy but worried. Moreover, Mihye started to go to filming her appearance with Jiho in 'Ulzzang Shidae' which makes Jiho happier. Mihye loves Jiho as she can feel her butterflies flying around in her stomach.

Ex-boyfriend :

Why did you break up? :

Boyfriend? : Park Jiho



01. The company told Mihye to break the relationship with Park Jiho up however Mihye didn't so she broke the rule. The company kept telling her so as Hyomin her best friend, too however Mihye is stubborn and doesn't want to break up. So the company gave up and gave her conditions; work harder if she can otherwise, the relationship must force to be broken by the CEO. 


'[]; saying goodbye :3?


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