"Would you rather" quiz. (Stolen from: Pentastic)

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  1. Taemin(SHINee)
  2. Moonbin(ASTRO)
  3. Eunwoo(ASTRO)
  4. Onew(SHINee)
  5. Seungjun(KNK)
  6. Kevin(U-KISS)
  7. Suho(EXO)
  8. Heochan(Victon)
  9. Yixing(EXO)
  10. Wongeun(Actor)


Q1. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator with #8 or #9?

Yixing! I mean, can you imagine what we can do while waiting for someone to open the elevator? ;) Like, we can sing. 

Q2. Would you rather have a cute first date with #8 or a night party with #2?

NIGHT PARTY WITH MOONBIN!!!! He'd be fun to hang out with especially at a party like damnnn. I'd watch moonbin go crazy at a party anytime. 

Q3. Would you rather see #1 giving you a seducing smile or #5 in a pouty smile?

See Seungjun give me a pouty smile!! He's a total cutie oh my gosh. 

Q4. Would you rather have #7 as your boyfriend sharing a couple tee with you or #4 as your boyfriend sharing a couple necklace with you?

I don't do necklaces. So couple tee with Suho all the wayyyyyyy. 

Q6. Would you rather be cheek-kissed by #5 or back-hugged by #2?

Back-hugged by bin please T_T 

Q7. Would you rather have #3 piggyback riding you home at midnight or #4 driving you home at noon?

I aint letting Eunwoo suffer by giving me a piggyback ride cause I'm heavy af. Onew driving? Hells yessss. I'd like that. 

Q8. Would you rather have a duet with #6 or a dance with #8?

A dance with Heochan would be wonderful. I mean, dancing the waltz with him? Having him stand in front of me flashing his dimple? Sign me up! 

Q9. Would you rather receive an arm heart from #2 or aegyo & finger hearts from #1?

Arm heart from binnie <333 

Q10. Would you rather be wearing #2's hoodies or #5's pyjamas?

I keep on choosing moonbin no matter what LMAO. Of course I'd wear bin's hoody heh. 

Q11. Would you rather be proposed by #10 in a public place or by #5 in a private place? 

I don't like going public so being proposed by Seungjung at a private place it is. heh. 

Q12. Would you rather have #9 teaching you the choreographies of their main songs or #10 suddenly disturbing you while eating, saying "Stop! Please hug me first!"


Q13. Would you rather fall asleep on #2's shoulder in the aeroplane or on #7's lap in the car?

Sleep on bin's shoulder in the airplane and that plane better be from S.Korea to UK cause the damn flight is more than 8 hours and heck, I'd sleep in bin's arms even! 

Q14. Would you rather have a calm beach vacation with #1 or #3?

Calm beach vacation with Eunwoo please! And hear him say a poem about the beach to me lmao. 

Q15. Would you rather have #6 tying your hair or #8 removing your ponytail?

Have Kevin tie my hair. I hate it when my hair is untied. 

Q16. Would you rather be skydiving with #9 or be on the roller coaster with #10?

Roller coaster with Wongeun!!! 

Q17. Would you rather have a cute home-made breakfast suprise made by #4 or an outdoor lunch treat by #5?

Outdoor lunch treat from Seungjun would be lovely! 

Q18. Would you rather cook together in #3's house or play board games and watch TV with #6 in your house?

You bet my I'm cooking at Eunwoo's house and he better do the dishes after cause I ain't doing it. 

Q19. Would you rather ice-skate and holding hands with #7 or have a full-day rest in #1's house with him alone?

Ice-skate with Suho! Gaaahhh. I can already imagine him being the very protective and caring boyfriend ;~;

Q20. Would you rather have #5 reading to you the love letter he wrote for you or #7 singing a song he composed for you?

It'd be great if #7 was Yixing cause heck, I'd choose him all the way. But for this one, I'd choose to hear Seungjun read the love letter he wrote for me. heheh.


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