Sunny Days | Zhiduo | Free Female Plotline

zhou zhiduo

BIRTHNAME : 周 志多 [Zhou Zhiduo]

▸ Joo Jida — its her Chinese name in Korean

▸ Samag Yeou — its means desert fox in Korean. its because her face looks like a desert fox

▸ Noodle - Zhiduo loves noodles
▸ Huo Gongzhu — Fire Princess in Chinese. Whenever she raps, its always full of passion

▸ Gughwa / Juhua — Chrysanthemum in Korean/Chinese. Zhiduo's very fond of the flower, thus she got the nickname

DATE OF BIRTH : January 11th 1994
BIRTHPLACE : Xiamen, China [1994 - 2011] | Seoul, Korea [2012 - present]

▸Mandarin — fluent. its her native tongue

▸ Cantonese — fluent. she practices it at school, and Cantonese is not too different from Mandarin

▸Korean — basic. eventhough she has been living for some time in Korea, she's still not comfortable with the language and struggles to pronounce it right. her Chinese accent is still visible

FACE CLAIM : Subin Ex Berry Good
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Iera Ex Berry Good
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 160 cm and 49 kg

▸ Standing at 160 cm and weighing over 49 kg, Zhiduo pretty slim and around average height. Zhiduo originally has long dark brown hair, making many people to mistake her as a foreigner (because she has brown hair instead of black). She wide almond like eyes, a thin nose that slopes down and thin lips. She has a slightly pale complexion.

personality begins where comparison ends




pos : hardworking passionate quirky energetic funny caring calm considerate earnest insightful imaginative organized

neg : spacious slow-to-progress absentminded clumsy straightforward


Zhiduo is hardworking. She didn't leave China for no reason. She's passionate and earnest, always trying her best everytime they practice even if at times she feels like she's about to give up. Quirky. She's like that underrated 4D member. Energetic. Full of fire everytime she raps. Funny. Its like a subtle funny, making small jokes and witty remarks here and there. Caring. Zhiduo cares for her members very much. Calm. Despite having a hyperactive aura, Zhiduo's actually a calm person (that can be hyperactive at times).  Considerate. Zhiduo's thoughtful, thinking of other people, worrying about them just like a mother hen. Earnest, dedicated in the things she does. Insightful, a perceptive person. Imaginative. Zhiduo likes to make crazy brilliant ideas (that are either useful or useless) like suddenly making a strange rap about noodle that's lit af. Organized. You can expect her dorrm to be very clean and germ free.

Yet Zhiduo tends to zone out at times, spending too much time dreaming. Slow to progress. Zhiduo's able to do it, except she does it in a slow pace. She'll get there, though. Absentminded. Her mind can be blank at times. Clumsy. Zhiduo is like that passionate cutie faced rapper who's very clumsy, forgetting dance moves, doing the wrong dance moves, etc. Straightforward. Sometimes this can be bad. Zhiduo's honest in things and if she thinks you look bad today, or your rapping wasn't cutting edge, she'll say so.


Born in Xiamen, China, Zhiduo came from a normal family whose not that rich yet not that poor either. Her parents are both working parents, and Zhiduo's grandmother lives with her and her parents. Zhiduo had always loved music, her fave subject in school being art and music. Zhiduo was a pretty plain student, trying her hardest in school like any other student. Whenever her parents are busy working till late or sometimes working abroad for a few days, Zhiduo would find comfort in the company of her grandmother. Zhiduo loves her grandmother very much. Her grandmother is the one who's there for her whenever her parents are absent. Zhiduo's parents siged her up for piano lessons because they wanted her to spend her time doing nothing for piano instead (rather than being lazy at home all day if she finished hr school work). That increased Zhiduo's love for music. One day, Zhiduo and her grandmother was sitting in the couch watching TV, when an unfamiliar music in a foreign language was heard. Zhiduo and her grandmother were both watching a music show. Her grandmother didn't seem interested but Zhiduo's ears perked up. She wanted to know what kind of music it is. Zhiduo searched it up online and find out about Korean music. That was the first time Zhiduo had exposure about Korea music or Kpop.

Zhiduo became interested in Kpop, and learned more about the music. Not only that, Zhiduo also fall in love with Korea and everything about it. Zhiduo later told her parents of her ambitions and dreams to go to Korea. Her parents supported her and told her to study hard, telling her to try for a Korean university entrance exam. Her parents weren't so sure of her being a trainee to become an idol. They reluctantly agreed, telling her to stil pursue education and she must be able to graduate with good scores. Zhiduo applied and tried for the university exams, but was only accepted to one university. Zhiduo was happy and grateful to be accepted. So after graduating high school, Zhiduo packed her bags and moved to Korea, ready to start her university and trainee life. Zhiduo had 0 experience in dancing, singing and rapping. She was rejected by the entertainments she auditioned at. Finally she was accepted to Pledis (Pledis accepted her because they think that she's a useless visual that can boost up the popularity and image of her soon to be group. In short, Pledis used her as a popularity machine, not looking at her talents). Zhiduo had to start from scratch. She only knew basic Korean back then. But thank god she found that there are other Chinese trainees in Pledis. Zhiduo, together with the Chinese trainees both trained and learned Korean together. Alas, Zhiduo quitted Pledis 3 years later.

It was difficult in balancing her life being a trainee and a university student. There are many controversies and protests about idols going to top notch universities, while the students in the universities feel its unfair since the idols got the easy way in. Zhiduo's determined to try her hardest in university. She may be absent (if she were to be an idol) in university, but she's always trying her best and be a diligent student. After quitting Pledis, Zhiduo focused on her university life. She got scouted by Starship when she was on her way home after finising university. Zhiduo was reluctant to try again, but then she remembered the sacrifices her family made and decided to try again. She auditioned to Starship and got in. At Starship, Zhiduo took interest in rapping. Using past experiences from Pledis, Zhiduo trained harder in training. At first her progress was slow, but slowly Zhiduo started to improve. Unlike most foreign trainees who are extremely good dancers, Zhiduo was horrible in dancing but excellent in rapping & singing. Zhiduo worked to improve her dancing until it became somewhat okay. But her main focus was in singing and rapping. Her skills improved greatly. To think a person like Zhiduo who had 0 experience in singing dancing and rapping to be able to achieve it this far, is amazing, Some people are born talented, but Zhiduo had to work her off to be talented. Her talents may not be that great, but she's always improving, always trying.


- Zhiduo goes to Chung Ang University, majoring in Accounting and minoring in Performing Arts
- Zhiduo played the piano since the young age of 7. Up until now, she has been playing piano for over 15 years (she still continues to play piano until now)
- Favourite Korean dishes : bindaetteok, dakkochi, mul naengmyeon,seolleongtang. Her no 1 fave : gogigui
- Very fond of Chrysanthemum (a type of flower). Zhiduo almost chose Juhua as her stage name (it means Chrysanthemum in Chinese)
- Loves green tea
- If she can learn one more instrument to play, it would be the violin
- When she was in China, she worked as a waitress in a restaurant once. Not because her family was poor, but because she wanted to try and become independent and experience working. The money she earned was used for emergency situations when she's in Korea
- Also in Korea, she worked as a waitress too. Only lasted for 2 years before she quitted (her training + university schedule became hectic, and Zhiduo thought that she had earned enough)
- Lived her life efficiently in Korea. Zhiduo rarely eats (she wanted to save money and didn't want to bother her parents and ask for more money than the amount they send each month)(in reality, her parents wouldn't mind if she asked for more). This caused her to starve herself
- Zhiduo actually has  bad eyesight, and oftenly uses glasses (-0.5 left eye, +1 right eye)
- Drools in her sleep
- She sleeps sprawled out like an eagle
- She's the type of member who would wake up with extremely messy hair like a lion and still looks fab
- Doesn't really care about hidden cameras. She doesn't mind if the camera showed her bare face or filmed her asleep. You could say she's not an image preserving person (eventhough it could be bad for her image as an idol)
- Fave quote : The phrase of "you worked hard" after a tiring day will become a memory of now that will be remembered someday in the future
- Really good in painting or drawing. Knows and is able to draw/paint using techniques like pointillism and all that (like Seulgi Red Velvet)
- A compilation of Zhiduo playing the piano

▸ Noodles
▸ Chrysanthemum
▸ Green tea
▸ Soft fluffy blankets
▸ Donuts
▸ Nuggets
▸ Rubbing her face against other people's hair (its weird yet adorable af). Only does this to her female members
▸ With the male members, she likes to fist bump with them instead (its awkward though)
▸ Painting & drawing
▸ Clouds
▸ People who secretly mock her behind her back in Korean
▸ People telling her she's only used for her visuals
▸ Bees
▸ Mayonnaise
▸ Habits
▸Muttering "weisheme wo xihuan zhege" whenever she cannot keep up with the dance choreographies, falling behind in university, her rapping being messy, basically whenever she has a hard time (it means why am I like this in Chinese)
▸ Saying "neomu ppalla" whenever the dance choreography is too fast (it means too fast in Korean)
▸ Scrunching up her nose at random times
▸ Hobbies
▸ Creating rap lyrics both in Chinese and Korean (for Korean,she struggles to find the right word)
▸ Sleeping
▸ Practicing with her glasses on and her hair in a bun/ponytail

happiness is only real when shared


▸ Father, Mother, Grandmother — Zhou Chenhuo (42), Meng Yixia (42), Zhang Litong (64) / working parents, retired / wise funny strict  stern loving encouraging supportive kind gentle / 10/10
They're the ones whose there,  encouraging Zhiduo to keep going on.  Eventhough both of Zhiduo's parents are always working till late, they always make sure to check on Zhiduo and have some family quality time. Meanwhile, Zhiduo's grandmother, along with Zhiduo's parents, are her support system. If Zhiduo's grandmother never watched that music show Zhiduo would've never learned Kpop. Zhiduo's parents tries their best to encourage Zhiduo not to give up. They're loving, humorous parents whom Zhiduo can joke around and ask for advice. In overall, Zhiduo wouldn't have made it here if it weren't for her family

▸ Chinese Pledis trainees — Zhou Jieqiong (18)  Xu Minghao (19) Wen Junhui (20) / trainees now members of ioi and Seventeen / humorous reliable loyal caring kind hardworking / 6/10


Eventhough Zhiduo's interactions with them were brief since she stayed at Pledis only for 3 years, they stuck together through thick and thin. Being foreigners in a foreign country, it was definitely hard for them to try and adapt to new surroundings. They practiced together, learn Korean together, journeyed back and forth from Pledis to a ramen shop when they're on break, etc. Eventhough now Jieqiong, Minghao and Junhui have debuted in their respective groups, they still contact each other once in a while. To Jieqiong, Minghao and Junhui, Zhiduo was like the protective dorky jiejie and to Zhiduo, the three are her precious dongsaengs

▸ Chinese Starship trainees — Meng Meiqi (18)  Cheng Xiao (18) Wu Xuanyi (21) / trainees now members of WJSN / humorous reliable loyal caring kind hardworking / 6/10


When Zhiduo first arrived in Starship, she was surprised and overjoyed to know that there are Chinese trainees in Starship. Zhiduo met Meiqi, Cheng Xiao and Xuanyi. Just like when she was in Pledis, Zhiduo stuck with them. Out of the four, Meiqi's Korean was better so Meiqi helped Zhiduo in her Korean. And since Cheng Xiao and Meiqi are also good in dancing, they helped Zhiduo improve her dancing until she became average. Zhiduo adores Meiqi and Cheng Xiao, telling them to take enough rest and not overwork their bodies due to dancing. Xuanyi is closer in age to Zhiduo, so the two became more like friends instead of jiejie-dongsaeng relationship. Now Meiqi, Xuanyi and Cheng Xiao have debuted. At times, the four would go explore Korea together when their schedules cool down




PLOTLINE : Free Female Plotline [Main Rapper, Lead Vocal, Sub Dancer]


FANDOM NAME : Fire Petals (bul kkoch-ip)


 SINGING: Zhou Jieqiong "Pinky" ioi [Youngji Kara]

     RAP: Exy WJSN [Youngji Kara] 

     DANCE: Sejeong Gugudan [Sohye ioi]


5 years. Pledis [2012-2014] Starship [2015-present] 


It was definitely hard. Not only is Zhiduo a foreigner, but she has to learn and adapt to the Korean environment around her. Zhiduo also has to go to university every day and afterwards practice. People at her university thinks that she had the easy way in because she's an idol. But no, Zhiduo also equally tries hard and refuses to be treated special. Zhiduo earned her seat at Chung Ang purely through her own efforts.

In Pledis is where she got her basic training and learned Korean & improved her piano playing. Zhiduo, unlike usual most female foreign trainees who excel in dancing, her dancing was horrible. Zhiduo tried her hardest to keep up. And it turns out, Zhiduo's passion had always been rapping. In Pledis she also learned how to wrote and compose her own raps & songs. Zhiduo quitted Pledis due to feeling like she didn't improve

Zhiduo then got scouted by Starship. Zhiduo, deciding to still give it a shot, tried auditioning. And she got in. Now in Starship, Zhiduo tries her hardest and doesn't want to give up. She may be not that great yet, but someday she will. Her efforts will be payed off, all the sacrifices she made worth it








Hello. could you please introduce yourself?: 

▸ (her Korean isn't fluent that's why she's hesitating, scared that she might say the wrong word. deep down she really has a lot of things to say) my name is Zhou Zhiduo, please take care of me *bows 90 degrees*

how does it feel to finally be debuting? : 

▸Hen gaoxing! Ah I mianhae, what I mean is I'm so happy! I am very excited and I will try my very best to show you a good better side of me! Please anticipate it!

what is something you want SUNNY DAYS to try? Maybe a concept idea? : 

▸ Um...*thinks* *thinks* *thinks* I have no idea right now, mian haeyo

Thank you for your time. Would you like to say to your fans? : 

▸ Jeongmal gomabseubnida (thank you so much) if it weren't for you guys I would have never been able to make it. Zhiduo loves you *does dorky love poses* *her shyness starts to fade* *here comes her hyperactiveness* saranghae wo ai ni! Please continue to support Sunny Days! *bows again*

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : last name, first name
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : last name, first name


▸ start here


▸ start here


guisukigwi : ayiev

LAST WORDS : woohoo donee *throws popcorns and confettis* sorry for the long wait T^T

SCENE REQUESTS : (look below)

Mashups : BTS Blood Sweat and Tears x Blackpink Whistle

          EXO Lucky One x SNSD Mr Mr

          BTS Fire & BST X Blackpink Playing With Fire

          GOT7 If You Do x Twice TT

          BTS Save Me x Red Velvet Russian Roulette

          BTS Lost x Blackpink Stay

          BTS Fire x Blackpink Playing With Fire

          BAP Feel So Good x Mamamoo You're The Best

          EXO Lotto x Blackpink Playing With Fire

          BTS House of Cards x Red Velvet Automatic

          BTS Blood Sweat Tears x Red Velvet Automatic

          BTS Butterfly x Red Velvet One of These Nights

          EXO Baby Don't Cry Tonight x Red Velvet One of These Nights

Male Only    : BTS Blood Sweat Tears, GOT7 Hard Carry, EXO Lucky One

Female Only  : Apink Boom Pow Love, Blackpink Whistle, Red Velvet Russian Roulette 

▸ Zhiduo's family coming to support her all the way from China
▸ Zhiduo hanging out with chinese trainees from Pledis and/or Starship
▸ Zhiduo playing one of her self made songs called Stay Butterfly on piano (its basically a mashup of BTS Butterfly x Blackpink Stay) and showing it on Vlive or something
▸ Zhiduo going to university and genuinely tries her best to study (this is where the truth side of her comes out, which is that she really did study to earn her way and not just because she's an idol that she got in, also shows her diligentness)
▸ Zhiduo cleaning her dorm using a vacuum cleaner at 5am and Suuny Days members be like WTF Jida


turn in : story : example(WIP)


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