full name. Kim Yejin
other name/s. Yeye , little monster , volume ,  
date of birth. 05/08/1993 + 24 years old
birthplace. busan
hometown. busan
ethnicity. korean
nationality. korean
languages. fluent in korean , english conversational 
stage name. Yejin
position. drums
backup pos. manager
# experience. 9 years
resumé. She was in a couple of talent show , if that count . She also helped in the production of one or two song for Hoody and Jay Park . She replaced  the drum player when he was sick at Yoo Cheol Sketchbook . She did a couple of concerts as an underground rapper for money . 

JW: what made you decide to join ngsy? 
To be honest with you this is like my last chance , i know i'm not supposed to say something like that at such a young age , but for me this is really my last chance if this doesn't work out i may just go back to busan and try to get in college , so it really mean a lot to me , it givin me a chance to show who i really am to the world .
jw: hm, what do you think of your skills? what makes you better than the rest? what can you offer ngsy?
am i not the best ? |she laughed softly and shook her head| just kidding , i may be confident but not to that extent |she smiled softly | well i'm pretty good at drum i was the best at school , my songs also aren't that bad , and i may not have a sweet singer voice but i do have the skill to rap and write lyrics , i 'm pretty confident in my skills , i don't think that i'm better or worse than the other , i'm just me , and if you take me you won't regret it , i may be the right light adjuster  for your group , if that make sense to you .
jw: (sighs) as you know, we debuted three years ago. how has the journey been? what has happened so far? do you see it as a good or bad experience? 
Well like every journey it had it up and down , i think that i became a beter woman and learnt a lot of thing from all the members and you and the manager , i'm also thankful because you kind of helped make who i am today |she send him a flying kiss and a wink| So it was a good but bad experience. 
jw: alright, (frowns) well i didn't plan this question... but if today i gave you the choice to leave ngsy, would you take it? 
|bit my lips,look around then back at you| well , unplanned question are always the most interesting aren't they |she laughed softly| i wouldn't , i mean i hope none of the other member would say yes , i hope for it to continue for a long time i hope for us to raise to the top like group like big bang and such ... so leaving isn't really in my bucket list , unless something came and push me
jw: what do you wish for in the next year?
A surprise |laughs| i wish for something good and bad , because i'm a er for drama and i'm ready to live it ! like seriously i wish for my life to become more exciting especially my ual one ...
jw: interesting. last question, are you close to any of the members?
i'm pretty close the bassist maybe because our instrument go well together , but at the same time i kinda hate him/her , you know us we like an old couple |she laughs softly|
• you never know unless you try it : She is the kind of person who isn't afraid of a thing , from a really young age , she was always the one that jumped into the moment first , some may think that she is just too dumb and careless , but for her it's a proof of courage and fearlessness .
• there's none so blind as those who will not listen : She is really stubborn , if she have an idea she will fight for it and believe in it till the end even if it's a wrong or bad idea , she tend not to listen to the others and just do what she have on her mind , which got her in trouble with the elder and superior people . She is prefer to follow her intuition than logical stuffs .
• " i'm not lost , this is the right way " : This is a sentence that She tell her self a lot , as she is really bad with direction and orientation , people around her make sure not to leave her alone or to ask her to go somewhere she's never been before alone .
• Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see: Even if she look like an intimidating and hard to get girl , which is , She have a big heart , she would make the manager stop the car just to go help an elder cross the road , she is that kind of person . She also know how to comfort the other and is pretty good with words .
• Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don't like to lose, and if I'm told 'no,' then I find another way to get my 'yes.' But I'm a loyal person. : She was really REALLY bossy , she would boss everyone around and tell everyone what to do , she would get pretty angry when someone would say no to her , but she won't gave up and would make anything so the no change to a yes and most of the time that's what happen .
• I don't like to give up on people when they need someone not to give up on them : She is really loyal , she doesn't trust people easily but when she know that someone trust her she never betray them , the best quality in a human for her would loyalty .
• Having a dirty mind make normal conversation much more interesting: She is known for her dirty and erted mind , she is that friend who takes something you say and make it sound dirty , maybe that's one of the reason why she got a long with guys well .
• "what mine is mine " : she may be kind but she doesn't like to share much , she will get mad if you touch her clothes or her food without permission , she may even not talk to you for some times which the other girl find pretty childish.
Born and raised in Busan , to a family of three , Jinri was the youngest . They lived in a big house with two floors , under them was the family restaurant that her parent owned , her mom was the cook and manager to make it clear she was in charge of everything while her dad had another job of comptable in an company . They lived in a quiet rural side of the city , where you would find all the neighbors friend with each other , and old man would sit at the end of the street talking about the old days , little kid would play around and bother the ajummas who would be at the door of their houses cleaning or talking about the latest gossip . It was a place where everyone knew everyone , and Yejin liked that mood from a really young age she was also friend with everyone but there was one boy that she was really close to , it was her sister's best friend little brother , who was one year older than Yejin but the two were always together .
Yejin had a really loving and normal family they were fights and cries from time to time but it never lasted too long . When Yejin got in primary school she was kind of shy at first she wouldn't let go of her dad leg but just after the first day she came back home excited that she had made friend and looking forward to the next day . School was always the same for Yejin she was that kind of person friend with everyone that boys wouldn't mess with and girl would respect .
When she was ten years old Yejin got really interested into dancing and singing with her best friend they would spend the whole day listening to music , singing and trying to make choreography from such a young age but it didn't last long for Yejin on the other hand her best friend him fell in love with dancing . Yejin was always called weird by her best friend because when listenning to music , Yejin would notice the beat find it entertaining and didn't mind the lyrics at all , as long as the beat was good it was a good song for Yejin . Came the time at school were they would ask them to choose the instrument they want , she choose the drum because it was big , for such a simple reason , Yejin was known for loving big stuffs like big car , big amount of food , big hugs . When they start learning more about their instrument and how to play them Yejin start liking it for more than just one reason , she would find her self in peace when playing it , so that's how her love for drum begin . During middle school her dad got them a computer and the first thing she downloaded was a composing app , which lead her to start composing her own song , but it was hard to play them live being that she was only good at drum , and that she wasn't much of singer , so she thought of something different than singing and came across an old rap song on her big brother mp3 for the first time in her life Yejin really listened to the lyric and liked it , even if it became quite fast at a time she tried learning the song and turn out pretty good at it , so that's how , her love for rap started . During high school her best friend left their home town to the big city to realize his dream , she was quite sad at that time but it was a good inspiration for her songs . When she finally graduated from school she also left the house even if her parents weren't really for the idea as they wanted her to go to college and such , but they loved her too much to destroy her dream , thinking that she will go there loose hope and come back . When she first got to Seoul she only had her old lap top in a backpack with some clothes and the drum that she got for her 16 birthday on top of a cart , which got her quite the looks from the people around , but lucky her , her best friend with who she had stayed in contact let her stay in his apartment  , and helped her get a part time job at the agency he work with , she would only help with the cleaning and get them coffee and stuffs in exchange for a small amount of money which she use for food and new drum sticks . After two year of work and street performing , she got her self a camera and started a youtube channel , 6 months after posting a couple video she got a call from Junwi who proposed to her to join the group she was really sure at first , as she had tried with agency before and it never worked , she took it as a last chance and to show her parents that were nagging her to come back that someone had noticed her talent and that's how her adventure with ngsy began .
After three years with the group even if at first it wasn't really going that well , and it was pretty hard , first the members didn't get along really fine which always get the song to come pretty messed up , two people didn't really give us a chance to show ourself , being that we weren't under any agency it was hard to get spensor and money for MV and rent and for the studio and such , it was indeed a journey of up and downs , Yejin had become a more mature and indepedent woman , she made amazing memories with her group and can't thank enough junwin and the manager for helping them during this long and tiring journey , she doesn't regret anything , as even while working with the group she also did some stuffs on her own but most of them were not under the spotlight as she helped and produced a lot of songs for famous person , she even get the name of little hit maker , she also would help with lyrics writing and such . She now live in an apartement of her own , does a couple of variety show , and assiste to fashion show , she was involved in some scandal but nothing too bad .She is a proud member of ngsy , even if that name doesn't really suit them anymore .
faceclaim. chungha
backup fc. jennie
height. 161 cm
weight. 46 kg
appearance.  being quite short she kind of hate it but work with it . She have a fit body , an apple like and small but round s she like them like they are because like that she can not wear bra and it will be great . She tend to change her hair color often as well as her hair length . she have two tattoo one under her s and one matching with her best friend .
fashion. She love trendy clothes like she really does follow fashion and if it wasn't for her height she would have probably gone for model . She is quite daring and take her time to get changed , she isn't afraid to show skin or does she care about people eyes . She get dressed on her mood too like she doesn't have a defined style she could dress really girly or really boyish , she love both heels and sneakers . She love to not wear her bra .
- ( warm / hot weather ) casual outfit ;; 1 / 2 / 3  
- ( cold weather ) casual outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 
-  ( award , red carpet ) formal outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 
-  club outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 
- concert fashion ;; 1 / 2 / 3
- home / lazy day ;; 1 / 2 / 3 
▪ Kim Seung-hyun | Dad | she get a long with her dad well even if he is an old man , she can talk to him she love hear him talk about the old days and they always talk about which film or tv show they should watch next but they never watch it together for some reason .

▪ Oh Seo-hee| Mom | Shop owner | She does get a long with her mom but she isn't really open to her she doesn't tell her much they don't show each other much affection just a hug if they didn't see each other for months but they miss each other and love each other they are just not good with words and action .

▪ Kim SeokJin | Big Brother | Designer | she spent most of her childhood with him , they both have a big love for manga and animes and would play video games together , they talk and text a lot .

▪ Jung So Jin | Big Sister | Secretary | They are always fighting and nagging each other , they have their sweet moment but they also have does days where they wont even glance at each other , she do text and face time her a lot .

▪ Park Woo Sang | Best Friend | Professional Dancer | Best friend isn't enough to describe their relationship , they never hide anything from each other from the most embarrassing thing to the weirdest , they like and think the same , they even hate the same people , together you wouldn't stop them they can be loud and smiling like they can be cold to you  , they have many mood swing from time to time , you might find yourself out of place if you hang with them they have their own world and not anyone can get in it , people also thing there a couple to how close and touchy they can be , they even slept in the same bed back when Yejin just got to Seoul. He even have a crush on her .

▪ Jay Park | Close Friend | Singer.. | He was the Ceo of the company her best friend got her a job at  , they have worked with each other a lot , they do nag and laugh a lot at each other , but they still share same interest in quite a lot of stuffs , they go out to eat and for a beer from time to time . 

▪ Junwi | Love interest | person in charger | She grow feeling for him after they debuted , she would always go to him when she had trouble , maybe because he was the first person that saw her talent that she felt like he was someone special to her and those feeling slowly grow to love , to today it's just an unreiquired love , even if everyone but him know about her feelings . He trait her like a little sister maybe that's why she doesn't dare to tell him what she think , and try to keep it to how it is now . Even if she get really jealous sometime.


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