Kim Jiyeon is The Best Friend while Min Yoongi is The Bestie


. Languages: max of 5 ; can't be fluent in all of them ; also add fluency

. Ethnicity: at least half-Asian

. Traits: at least 3 positive and 3 negative

. Personality: minimum of 2 paragraphs

. Background: minimum of 2 paragraphs

. You can choose if you want your character to be the first part of the plotline or second. (ex : CHEON JAEIN is THE BETTED while KIM TAEHYUNG is THE BETTER)



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birthnameKim Jiyeon


— Yeon [friends and family can her with this name]

— Jiji [only Yoongi call her this name]

age 17 years old 
birthplace Daegu, South Korea
hometown Daegu, South Korea
ethnicity Korean
nationality Korean
languages spoken

— Korean [Fluent]

— English [Half Fluent]

— Japanese [unfluent]

face claim Kei Lovelyz
back up face claim Seo Sungkyung [ulzzang]
height & weight 170 cm & 41 kg

— She has a mole on her nose







personality traits

cheerful, talkative, friendly, childish, easily mad, loud, stubborn


— She is the type that cheerful and she will spread the happiness to everyone around. She is also a talkative person as she can talking for an hour non-stop. She is the type that childish since she really loves cartoon and always bringing her fav pikachu doll and only her family and Yoongi knows that she has lot of dolls in her room. 

— However, she will easily get mad when someone prank on her or teasing her and she once having a fight with Yoongi as Yoongi teasing her in an over way. She is a really loud person as her voice are just like using a mic and her friends would always not to use mic when having a public speaking. She is a stubborn girl as she will fight over things that she felt it is right until she won it.


— She is from a rich family as her parents were running a famous company and sadly, sometimes they would leave her alone as she is the only daughter in her family. Though they are a rich family, they live in a so much simple life and they even live in a not so big house as they think that house probably good enough to them. In her age of 16 years old, her parents decided to have a adopted brother for her and named as Kim Jinhyeong.

— After she have an adopted younger brother, everytime her parents left her, she would not feel so lone and always playing with Jinhyeon and sometimes Yoongi would join them playing in the house.


— she loves to take a picture using her camera to make it as a memory

— she got two type of camera [  1 ll  2  ]

— She also good on playing piano


— Father • Kim Jimoon / 50 years old / CE:O of Sky Company / simple, friendly / close 

— Mother • Kim Raon / 49 years old / co CE:O of Sky Company / simple, kind / close

[INTERACTIONS WITH HER PARENTS] Since her parents were busy with their company, they would sometimes find times to with Jiyeon and Jinhyeong and having a trip once a year.

— adopted younger brother • Kim Jinhyeong / 3 years old / [-] / cute, playful / really close
She would play with Jinhyeong everytime she got from her school session and somtiems having some air at the park

— The Bestie • Min Yoongi / 19 years old / student / mature and sometimes funny / really close
She would play with Jinhyeong and Yoongi would join them and they sometimes would go out and strolling around together

— Bestfriend • Park Hera / 19 years old / student / talkative, playful / close
Hera would sometimes went to her house and ask her to accompany her shopping

— Bestfriend • Park Jimin / 17 years old / student / talkative, funny / close
Jimin actually is another best friend of Yoongi and they [Jiyeon and Jimin] know each other as sometimes Jimin would join Yoongi strolling around with Jiyeon.







love interest Min Yoongi

back up love interest Kim Seokjin

age 19 years old

year Year 4


— He is a mature and good looking guy. He also sometimes a funny and talkative guy.

love story

— They first met as he and Jiyeon was a neighbour and Jiyeon is the one who talked to him first and they got to be closed and a bestfriend since they 3 years old. In that time, they always talk to their parents that they want to getting married when they are adult soon. Even their parents once have them to take a picture of fake marriage when they turn 6 years old. As they turn into a high schooler, their friends always tease them as they are a couple and even ship them with name 'JiYoong'. Even in front of Jihyeon's parents their friends still teasing her and her family also love if they be a couple and date together. Sometimes, their parents would tease them with asking if they are having a walk or having a date. 


— dating







last comment this is my first time writing an AU apply... hope you like it ^_^

scene requets

— Jiyeon and Yoongi having a fight and Jiyeon didn't want to talk with Yoongi for a week

— here

password Year 3





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