Xpression / Park Jihyeon / Queen Bee


MINT0193 • MINT • cheatsheet turn in






remplace with face claim 120*120





birthnamePark Jihyeon

other names

— here



— Queen of the group [she loves to be like a queen]

— Omma Ji [she always care too much for the member]

— Wild Ji [she look a bit wild as she loves to swear when she got angry]

— Cutie Ji [in her wild style, she also a cute, funny and lively girl] 


birthday 01st January 1994 [22 y/o]

birthplace Busan, South Korea

hometown Busan, South Korea

ethnicity Korean

languages spoken

— Korean [fluent but sometimes she speaks in satoori]

— English [fluent : she learnt it at school and always got a good grade for every test]

— Japanese [fluent : she learnt it by herself as she knows it would be useful one day]

— Chinese [unfuent : she learnt from her penpal in internet]

face claim Seo Sung Kyung

back up face claim Hong Yoo Kyung

height & weight 176 cm & 47kg

appearance & style/fashion

— She loves to wear style printed shirt [ex : 1 ll 2 ll 3] with tight jeans and her fav headphone. She also bring her backpack where ever she went.









personality traits caring, benevolent, adorable, humurous, courageous, earnest, loving, stubborn, a little wild, sensetive, loud 


— She is a kind of taking care about others as she will take care everything about the members. She always stay on the dorm to take care one of the member who got sick and gave the member medecine to eat [she would force them if they do not want to eat it]. She also a kind girl as she always pay for the members food and always helping the members whenever she could. She sometimes a cute and funny girl and this can be seen in the variety show as she always try to make funny things even sometimes it would just like a stupid jokes and it's end up she's the one who got flustered. She is a workhard girl as she thinks she don't good enough with her abilities even when everyone praised her. She even went back to dorm late as she practice over and over. She even fell sick due of her hardworking. She is a brave girl as she don't have any fears of and that is why she once having a fight with their manager.

— However, she easily teared when she was talking about her parents and once burst in tears in broadcast as they talked about parents. She is a type of stubborn girl as she will fight for what she tought. She once fight with the manager as she doesn't agree to he/she as he/she won't let them accept presents from the fans. She is a little wild as she would swear when got angry and secretly go for a drink with her friends most of every night [but the member and fans didn't know about this fact]. Despite that, she also showing her middle finger [but not infront of people and she will did it when she was alone]. She easily got mad when the members disturb her as she was resting after the practice. She is one of the loudest member as when she turn into funny mode and playful.



— She is from not so rich family as her father work as one of the staff in a company and her mother was a housewife. She will always helping her mother when she got free time and sometimes performing at the street to gain more money. She also work hard on study to make her parents proud as she don't know her ambition yet back in the time. But as she turn into 16 years old, she realizes that she wanted to a well known rapper and it would be a better thing for her. It is when one of the citizen who watch her performance record her performance and post it in youtube. She accidently watch it and as she read the comment who asked her to be an idol, she started to thought of it and finally decided to try an audition held by Big Hit Entertainment and she make it. Since then, she started to be a trainee under Big Hit. As she is really closed to her brother, they always meet and playing together when they got free time as Jimin also a trainee in the company but he joined a bit late than Jihyeon did. 



— Ice-cream [mint flavour]

— Purple

— Earphone

— Canimal

— Online games

— Drinking

— Cat


— liar

— Nail painting

— Vanilla

— Weird hairstyle

— Something shiny

— Pink


— lips

— bit lips when nervous

— Sleep talking 


— photgraphy

— Listening to music [that suit her soul]

— Drawing

— Playing games online


— She is older sister to Jimin BTS [one year gap]

— She always call Jimin as 'short guy' as she taller than him

— Jimin always call her Jijumma as she is older than him

— She is one of Yoonmin shipper ^_^

— She also called as mint queen as she loves green mint very much

— CL is her role model

— She is a fans of Suga BTS

— She really closed to BTS member as she trained in the same time like BTS did

— She has a cat named as JiJi [she named her JiJi because Jihyeon and Jimin found it in the drain and JiJi was really small that time]

— Since she really loves canimal, fans always gave her canimal doll and she also has one of her fav doll 

relationships (Family, friends, & rivals)

— father • Park Jiseok / 50 years old / staff of a company / kind, strict / really close

— mother • Park Seomin / 49 years old / housewife / talkative, kind / really close

She always talking to her parents and always helping them when in need

— younger brother • Park Jimin / 21 years old / singer [BTS] / funny, talkative / really close

She always got into a fight [not a serious fight] with Jimin and sometimes dissing on each other.

— friends • Kim Junghwan / 22 years old / street dancer and Big Hit's dancer / funny and talkative to one he close with / really close

She always visit him and sometimes when her crazy side is alive, she will and make a stupid jokes

— rival • Han Seoljun / 22 years old / college student / loud, talkative / not close

Seoljun will sometimes prank on her when she got a chance and they became a rival when Jihyeon came to the school and becoming a top student [before this, she used to be the top one] 









Stage Name Jihyeon



— Mint Queen



— Leader, lead rapper, vocalist


Years as a Trainee

— 5 years or more


Trainee Life

— She join the company as a trainee since she was 17 years old and the longest trainee in the company. She always got compliment from the trainer as she shows a good performance. First time she know the CE:O ask her to be leader of the company new girl group she refuses it and nearly got into a fight as she didn't agree to the CE:O as she already get closed to the member of the rapping trio and  originally to be debut as a trio but finally she agree to join the group as Jimin persuade [as the CE:O ask him too] her to join the group. 






love interest Nam Woohyun Infinite

back up love interest Nam Joo Hyuk



— Somehow a talkative, playful, cheesy and childish guy


love story & Interactions

— Jihyeon and Woohyun got to know each other as they be in a same group in Running Man and done most of the mission together. Their fans, member and Jimin also call them as WooJi cp.    

— At first, she fall for Woohyun's personality and didn't know either to tell him about her feeling or not and one day, in Guriella Date, Woohyun finally tell to everyone that he fall for Jihyeon and shyly ask her to date him in the broadcast. Jihyeon didn't know about it until one of the member tell her to watch the show and she quickly call him and accept him as her lover.  

ending : lover


remplace with love interest 120*120






last comment good luck author-nim and just let me know if there are any problem with my apply [sorry if her persona didn't fit at all]


scene requets

— Running Man

— Hello Counselor


passwordGFriend - Rough





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