Studio 101 (사진관 101) ✖ On Style Contestant (Jung JinRi) ✖

Jung Jin Ri

jinminchan — aicha — 8/10

basic profile.

name — Jung Jinri

nickname(s) — 
✩ Riri - it's a little name that her best friend call her when she need something from jin ri as jinri really love the nicknmae riri being the same as rihanna's her idol .
✩ Main Chick  - it's a thing between her and her best friend they both got each other number saved under these names and would act like a couple in front of the others just for fun  .
✩ JIn Jin  -  Hoya call her like that to bother her and make fun of her which kind of get on her nerves. 

birthday & age — June 22, 1993, 23 years old.

birthplace & hometown — Busan, South Korea.

ethnicity — Korean.

language(s) — Fluent korean, basic english.

face claim & backupLee Sungkyung 

me, me, and me. 

style — Being a stylist and a lover of fashion herself , she take really good care of her style , she dress like she dress herself like she would dress any other celebrity , she love different style and type of clothes and you can't really put a name on what her fashion is like .
- ( warm / hot weather ) casual outfit ;; 1 / 2 / 3  
- ( cold weather ) casual outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 
-  ( award , red carpet ) formal outfits ;; 1 / 2 / 3 

Sample of Styling 01 02 03 04





• you never know unless you try it : She is the kind of person who isn't afraid of a thing , from a really young age , she was always the one that jumped into the moment first , some may think that she is just too dumb and careless , but for her it's a proof of courage and fearlessness .
• there's none so blind as those who will not listen : She is really stubborn , if she have an idea she will fight for it and believe in it till the end even if it's a wrong or bad idea , she tend not to listen to the others and just do what she have on her mind , which got her in trouble with the elder and superior people . She is prefer to follow her intuition than logical stuffs .
• " i'm not lost , this is the right way " : This is a sentence that She tell her self a lot , as she is really bad with direction and orientation , people around her make sure not to leave her alone or to ask her to go somewhere she's never been before alone .
• Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see: Even if she look like an intimidating and hard to get girl , which is , She have a big heart , she would make the manager stop the car just to go help an elder cross the road , she is that kind of person . She also know how to comfort the other and is pretty good with words .
• Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don't like to lose, and if I'm told 'no,' then I find another way to get my 'yes.' But I'm a loyal person. : She was really REALLY bossy , she would boss everyone around and tell everyone what to do , she would get pretty angry when someone would say no to her , but she won't gave up and would make anything so the no change to a yes and most of the time that's what happen .
• I don't like to give up on people when they need someone not to give up on them : She is really loyal , she doesn't trust people easily but when she know that someone trust her she never betray them , the best quality in a human for her would loyalty .
• Having a dirty mind make normal conversation much more interesting: She is known for her dirty and erted mind , she is that friend who takes something you say and make it sound dirty , maybe that's one of the reason why she got a long with guys well .
• "what mine is mine " : she may be kind but she doesn't like to share much , she will get mad if you touch her clothes or her food without permission , she may even not talk to you for some times which the other girl find pretty childish.




likes — 
- she like late night walk  : Once or twice a week , She would put on her shoes a jacket and walk around the empty street , she would meet some drunk man sometime but she would quickly get them back in their place when they try something with a kick in their balls . But most of the time she just walk so that she could empty her head and get some fresh air .
- the smell of the sea  : Once or twice a mouth she would get in a bus that go to sea and just sit down on the sand with a cup of hot coffee, watching the water until the sun come down .
- tattoo : she love tattoos she find them really interesting , she would love to get one but she is waiting for something to happen so that her tattoo will have a meaning .
- making friends : She love to meet up with new people and get to know more about them and their story .
- spicy food : she basically add hot sauce in everything , for her if it's not spicy it doesn't have a special taste .
- dogs  : she love them so much that she even adopted two , one by the name of Natsu like her favorite anime character and one by the name of harry because everyone that have the name of harry is hot .

dislikes — 
-she hate the smell of smoke : she may grab someone cigarette out of their mouth , throw it on the floor and step on it then say "if you want to kill your self do it alone don't kill us with you" even if that person is just a stranger .
- she hate waking up too early : even if she do wake up everyday really early she hate it , but she live with it .
- she hate fake people : she would prefer if you glare at he and talk about her in her face not fake a smile and go spreed some rumors behind her back .
- she hate being told no : she hate it when someone say does two letters "no" she may get really angry but she just try her best so that no will turn to a yes like she wanted .
- she hate being bored : she hate just sitting down and looking at the walls with nothing to do , she want to always be active in her life no matter the moment or the day .

funfacts — 
- she can't sleep without hugging something anything or anyone
- for her to focus on something she have to tear paper
- she tend to play with her hair when she is bored 
- she love kdrama , but never finish it till the end .
- she love asian bl movies 
- she is a addicted 
- she can't swim 
- she love to watch animes too , her favorite one is Fairy tails 
- she is a big fan of Kim woo bin
- her ideal type is someone like Lee Kwang Soo
- she have both snapchat and instagram .
- her favorite movie is twenty

home is where the heart is. 

background — 


Born and raised in Busan , to a family of three , Jinri was the youngest . They lived in a big house with two floors , under them was the family restaurant that her parent owned , her mom was the cook and manager to make it clear she was in charge of everything while her dad had another job of comptable in an company . They lived in a quiet rural side of the city , where you would find all the neighbors friend with each other , and old man would sit at the end of the street talking about the old days , little kid would play around and bother the ajummas who would be at the door of their houses cleaning or talking about the latest gossip . It was a place where everyone knew everyone , and Sul liked that mood from a really young age she was also friend with everyone but there was one girl that she was really close to , it was her sister's best friend little sister , who was one year older than Jinri but the two girl were always together .
Jinri had a really loving and normal family they were fights and cries from time to time but it never lasted too long . When Jinri got in primary school she was kind of shy at first she wouldn't let go of her dad leg but just after the first day she came back home excited that she had made friend and looking forward to the next day . School was always the same for Jinri she was that kind of person friend with everyone that boys wouldn't mess with and girl would respect .
When she was ten years old Jinri got really interested into dancing and singing with her best friend they would spend the whole day listening to music , singing and trying to make choreography from such a young age but it didn't last long for Jinri on the other hand her best friend her fell in love with dancing . Jinri her loved watching her mother sewing clothes , she would get super excited each time her dad would bring clothes to there house , her favorite place was the thrift shop where she would spend her free time when her best friend was busy . In middle school her best friend got into a dancing school and made friend with two oppas , that quickly became her best friend as well , as she would always join her best friend during practice and would just sit and watch she did participate from time to time but it wouldn't last long , she was too interested looking at the fashion magazine that her big sister would get her from time to time , even if she liked clothes and fashion she wasn't the girly type at all , in fact she was kind of boyish , would get into fight from time to time and always glaring at people that she just met even adults , which get her scolded a lot . During high school she was the trend starter , when she would wear something a week later she would find half the school with the same item , she liked she liked that people find her fashion that cool that they would follow it . During the first high school year all three of her best friends left Busan for Seoul to follow there dream of dance and performing , Jinri felt quite lonely during that time but dealt with it and made sure that when she graduate she will also go to Seoul to follow her dream , and that's what happened at the young age of 18 she left the house , with the support of all her family and went to school to look for a chance to make it big , she start working at shops at first , it was hard , some customers would be mean , rude but she would swallow her pride and be the one asking for forgiveness , it wasn't until Two years later that when her best friend start making it big that she got her a job as a stylist she couldn't thank her enough , her first job was to take care of Jay Park clothes during an MV , she got pretty friendly with him and all the staffs and they all liked her style and how well it suited him , so when needed she would get a call from him and from there on she start working for more of the AOMG people as well as some close friend of the crew .


family — 

Jung Seung-hyun | Dad | she get a long with her dad well even if he is an old man , she can talk to him she love hear him talk about the old days and they always talk about which film or tv show they should watch next but they never watch it together for some reason .

▪ Oh Seo-hee| Mom | She does get a long with her mom but she isn't really open to her she doesn't tell her much they don't show each other much affection just a hug if they didn't see each other for months but they miss each other and love each other they are just not good with words and action .

▪ Jung Jin-young | Big Brother | she spent most of her childhood with him , they both have a big love for manga and animes and would play video games together , they talk and text a lot .

▪ Jung Jin-hee | Big Sister | They are always fighting and nagging each other , they have their sweet moment but they also have does days where they wont even glance at each other , she do text and face time her a lot .

friends — 

▪ Choi HyoJin | Best Friend | Best friend isn't enough to describe their relationship , they never hide anything from each other from the most embarrassing thing to the weirdest , they like and think the same , they even hate the same people , together you wouldn't stop them they can be loud and smiling like they can be cold to you and would like calm , they have many mood swing from time to time , you might find yourself out of place if you hang with them they have their own world and not anyone can get in it .


▪ Hoya | Best Friend | they used to live in the same neighborhood with Feel Dog too , they are pretty close friend as they used to be in the same dance crew as HyoJin and had many memories together . They are cat and dog , they fight , nag each other but still love each other 


▪ FeelDog | Best Friend |  It was always FeelDog , Hoya and Jinri and Hyojin , they know each other since middle school and turn out Feel Dog was Nari classmate . He used to be the one to protect her from Hoya and was like another brother to her , people would mistake that they are going out with each other or something as they were really touchy and stuffs but it was just friendship.


▪ Jay Park | Close Friend | She know him for now about Three years and they have worked with each other a lot , they do nag and laugh a lot at each other , but they still share same interest in quite a lot of stuffs , they go out to eat and for a beer from time to time . 


the one and only.

love interest — Hoya

backup(s)  — Feeldog

personality — 

+ kind , caring , protective , confident
- playful , ert , flirty , from time to time ,cocky  

relationship  — They know each other since childhood they used to live in the same neighborhood with Feeldog and Hyojin and even went to the same dance studio as Hyojin back in busan . At first they hated each other but had the same best friend which was feeldog and Hyojin so they had to hang out with each other and grow to be closer with time . They are like cat and dog , they can't stop nagging each other . Hoya plus always bully Jinri from a really young age , so it's still the same now . They both aren't good at hiden their emotion , when they are jealous which is most of the time it kind of show which get the other around them to laugh at how obvious they like each other but none of them dare to say it out loud because of their too big pride .

last messages.

GoodBye speach — She smiled softly with teary eyes "well ... look like this is where i will have to say good bye" she laughed softly and bowed "thank you for all the amazing moment , amazing experience and good friends i got to make here , i'm gratefull , and i don't see this as a last chance or as the end of the road rather as a new start with the new me , a me that got to become more mature and more good along this emessions , thank you again "
Challenges ; Creat the perfect outfit that would go with Blood Sweat and Tears MV by BTS or EXO monster , or Twice TT (halloween costumes)

Workshops: Outfits for the MAMA 2016 red carpet / Seoul Fashion Show / MMA red Carpets

scene request —
Hoya or Hyojin perform there Close Dance on the show 

Jay Park as a guest 

password — Blanc & Eclare

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